Battle Frenzy

Vol 6 Chapter 44: Deputy captain’s responsibility

As for picking five, please, that is the Shenlong Academy, not the a-level team that Stuart and his own abuse, the existence of two major ink charts, one of which is still known as one of the top ten fighters standing at the peak of chf, one No one dares to say that there is absolute certainty to win, not to mention adding four teammates to him.

Moreover, is it really stupid to be a dragon school? Even if Wang Zhong really raised such an incredible request, Shenlong College could not agree. It is both the pride of a s-level seed team and a disdain. Why did they win such a rude request? This is indeed a bit whimsical.

Of course, if he does, Ghost will be very happy.

Regardless of whether Caroline accepts himself or herself, in the eyes of Ghost, it is a woman who has booked her own. No man will be willing to let his woman and other men pass out any lace news, and fake will not work!

If it is not because it is still in the game, if it is not because of the attention of many people during the time of Tianjing, Ghost Hao has used some means to come out of this bad smell, but he can only wait. Now, it seems that it doesn't have to wait too long. As long as Tianjing loses the game and falls to the altar today, when it is no longer so popular, he wants to clean up a civilian in the district, which is as easy as crushing an ant.

"What happened to that Glora? Is it poisonous?" Twilan frowned and sent a message to Caroline. Although there was no snoring there, Tevelan knew she was definitely watching the game. , Glyna's anomaly in an instant, Tveran really did not understand, to say that it was a physical reason, she did not believe in killing her, but the poisoning was a bit too much, once it was detected by the organizing committee, even if it was Zhao Jia can't afford it, Zhao Zimo should not be so stupid.

"pollen allergy."

Caroline quickly replied to the news.

"Ah?" Twilight obviously did not imagine this answer. It seems that other families are more arrogant in intelligence. If it is its own weakness, although it is not very glorious, it can indeed be targeted.

"The medical team has a report on the other side, and it is too simple to get the intelligence of Tianjing. He had previously had a hospitalization record for treating pollen allergy in the public medical institution in Tianjin, and there was no cover at all. Anyone can find it." Caroline shook his head: "If Tianjing is lucky, they may be able to create team history... a pity!"

Before he became famous, no one paid attention to Tianjing, but once he entered the vision of the big family, all the weaknesses of the players would be investigated. It’s really not just to use pollen, but to win before. It’s just because the big families never put them in their eyes, and this invisible and invisible target is the most terrible.

"It is time for Tianjing to make a choice. In the case of losing the first move, send someone to play!"

Everyone's eyes are now concentrated in Tianjing's preparation area. It seems that Tianjing has finalized the tactics, and there is no long-term entanglement. A woman has come out.

"There is their vice captain Scarlett!" said the mad scream: "There were no picks from many fans on Tianxun."

"That is for sure, Tianjing is not so arrogant, not to underestimate the IQ of the opponent." Ruozhi said with a smile: "The vice captain Scarlett, who had heard of a rumor before, said that she was originally a day. The captain appointed by the Beijing College, but later took the initiative to give the position of the captain to Wang Zhong, this decisive decision made Tian Jing have today's results."

"I heard that she and Wang are very embarrassed!" said the madman with a look of gossip.

"Unconfirmed lace news, Xiaofeng will not have to mention it here." If Zhizhi smiled and interrupted the mad ridicule, frankly, the guy who relies on Black Tianjing quickly blushes, if the wisdom is not too A lot of good feelings, red too fast, can only show that the lower the bottom line, no one is more clear than Ruzhi.

Now, even if he does not mention his neutral position, Ruo Zhi has a considerable favor for the Tianjing and Mouth strong kings who have risen from the civilians: "The vice captain of Scarlett still plays quite a role in the Tianjing team. The important role, the stable play of the qualifier is one of the heroes of Tianjing's promotion, especially in the last round of Beira Dean, her remote control is also the key to the success of Tianjing's differentiation and tactics. The situation is, if Tianjing chooses to give up the second game, it will definitely send a substitute to play, and keep Scarlett's power in the group battle. But now directly in the heads-up match, Tianjing's intention is quite obvious, this is true. I am going to fight!"

"The players of Shenlong Academy have also come out, without any hesitation. It seems that they have already prepared for everyone in Tianjing before the game. Their main assassin, Zhao Wuying, is also the only team in the Shenlong team. Female contestant!” Ruozhi said with a little emotion: “This is an assassin on the remote. After having to say that Shenlong College has an advantage, it is indeed a chance that it will not be reserved for Tianjing. It’s already done, and it’s still doing. Career targeting!"

"The s-level assassin, for the long-term play in the qualifiers, only got the b-level evaluation of the remote, frankly, has not started the game, I think it is possible to announce the results in advance!" madly said with a smile: "squatting There is still a little time to start the game. Let's take a look at the comparison of the support rate between the two sides. The ratio of the audience that won the Shenlong Academy has risen sharply to 84%, and it is still rising! As for the assassin's long-range battle, Zhao Wuying's personal support rate is as high as 97%! Please ignore the 3 percent that is missing, and everyone on Tianxun, even if it is a fan of Tianjing. I am afraid that I can only choose to abandon this option. They have to be conscience and reason!"

The voice of the host station is still going on, and the noise of the scene is not overwhelming. The cheers of the Shenlong Academy have become the mainstream of the scene, opening the door, and still killing the other side of the king, which is almost Already the winner is in the grip. The movie area of ​​Tianjing is relatively low.

When Scarlett was on the scene, there were also many supporters of Tianjing who shouted the slogan of support, but how to listen to it was a bit lacking in the taste, and it was even more powerless in the cheers of Shenlong College.

Yes, these can't affect Scarlett's mood at this time.

Choosing to play is what she asked for. Tianjing wants to win, and frankly, it is already quite embarrassing. No matter what kind of confidence Wang personal has, there must be one of the remaining teammates to stand up and win. Tianjing has the possibility to continue. In the case of losing the first mover, it is impossible to do professional work for the other party.

Before Hayman also proposed that Wang Zhong first grab a victory, master the priority of the game first to fight for a career-oriented opportunity, but frankly, that makes no sense.

First of all, Wang Zhong must be at the end of the town, and only he can withstand tremendous pressure to guard Tianjing's final level, otherwise even if he wins one first, then he will win the game with the winner and the loser. The pressure is thrown to any other person in Tianjing. It is definitely not the place where other people can live. Not to mention the game, I am afraid that even the spirit will collapse directly.

Moreover, as far as the other three main forces of Shenlong College are concerned, no one, whether it is Barron or Emily or Scarlett, feels that they have the capital for one of them.

It seems that everyone who picks them is the same. Only when they die, they don’t have any luck and do their best to fight, so there is such a hope of victory.

Now, standing in front of himself is Zhao Wuying.

Remote assassin, this seems to be the worst choice, but Scarlett is glad. Because this is the third person of Shenlong Academy, both external evaluation and real strength seem to be on the other two main forces. Since she appears here, it means that Barron and Emily will have more opportunities.

Moreover, I am not up to admit defeat.

Scarlett’s mind has condensed. From the moment she stepped on the stage, she is no longer the vice captain of Tianjing, nor is it just the girl of the flower season who admires the strong king.

She is also a warrior, a warrior of Tianjing! Just as the Grace Masters taught everyone, the real warrior can always fight for the honor of Tianjing!

The wrist was turned over, and the two-grid griffon pistol had already appeared in her hand.

Quite clean and beautiful, especially when the person who uses such a movement is a beautiful girl in the flower season, it has a bit of extravagant and exquisite British spirit, but it has got the screams and applause of many fans of Tianjing.

Yes, but only a taunting look of their opponents.

The weak always like to play these flowers, Zhao Wuying does not care, but the other beautiful face makes her more interested.

"Oh, a beautiful face." Zhao Wuying is like a hacker who is talking about a product. It is obviously a woman, but she looks at each other with a different kind of vision. The long scar from the corner of her eye to the mouth is even more It was a little horrible as her smile wrinkled together: "I want to make a few knives on it."

Scarlett smiled and did not respond, but the other party obviously did not intend to give up.

The silver-colored hooks illuminate, and Zhao Wu-Ying sticks out his tongue and smashes it as if it has been contaminated with Scarlett's blood. The horrible smile makes many viewers see the scalp numb: "I like you." This serious expression, huh, huh, don’t admit defeat for a while, I will love you very much, little beauty!”

Scarlett is still smiling.

I have already seen Zhao Wuying’s fighting style. The other party is not a slap in the face, nor is it a mental advantage to use words to speak. There is no need at all. This is a woman who is really mentally deformed. She is cruel, perverted, and blood-sucking. Scarlett has already had enough psychological preparations. No matter what she is waiting for, she will try her best!

"The players on both sides are already in place, the ringtone is ringing, the game is starting!"


Almost at the moment when the bell rang, Scarlett’s gunshots sounded at the same time, and the expression was quite focused.

The Graham series pistol, recognized as the king of pistols, in addition to its power and continuous shooting speed, its trajectory is also the most outstanding of numerous pistols. It is as stable as some ordinary sniper rifles, and is shot with the Graham series pistols. The various matrix effects are called art in the eyes of those who truly understand pistols, and have a beauty that cannot be described by words.

And Scarlett's shots can be regarded as the best of the advantages of the Graham series. The frost marks in the muzzle of the ice crystal rifle flash, the ice **** shot, and the fierce combo is completed in an instant.

The white trajectory visible to the naked eye formed sixteen interlaced lines in the air, like a perfect giant net, directly covering the opposite Zhao Wuying.

Remote to the assassin, distance war is the main tone, control-type remote can be easier to control the distance between melee.

Under such circumstances, any assassin will choose to approach the opponent as soon as possible, but Zhao Wuying is obviously not an ordinary assassin.

Across the distance of several tens of meters, Zhao Wuying, who is in the barrage, did not choose to make rapid advances, not her speed. The strange body method made her twist the incredible arc in the field. It is obviously a point-controlled attack, but she can always find the gap in the attack. Even if there is occasional no gap, it is only a direct blockade with the shiny silver hook.

Her pace didn't look fast, and the speed of moving was not fast, but it was a little faster than Scarlett's movement, slowly and step by step shortening the distance between the two.

It is like the feeling of slowly approaching and stepping through in a leisurely walk.

A terrible smile always hangs on her face, as if a casual fight is like a cat-and-mouse mouse!

Familiar formula, expecting rhythm, this is the real bully!

Crazy has already hugged the thigh: "Scarlett is a little embarrassed, facing her long-range attack, as the assassin's Zhao Wuying actually chose to slow down the 'go' past... This is completely without Scarlett's The attack is in the eyes! But she obviously has such capital! This elegant identity is like a ghost, a bit of a strong king, and it is obviously not the patent of Wang Zhong captain! Li’s attack was obviously several times, and it was impossible to force an assassin to get up. This is a shame as a long-distance warrior!”

"Scarlett is very serious," if she couldn't listen to it: "Her attack is still quite eye-catching. Regardless of the composition of the ballistics or the blockade of the walking position, the frost can be said to match the ice energy matrix. It is quite normal, quite a bit of a general, and her expression is very calm, not intimidated by a powerful opponent, as long as she does not give up, there is a chance at any time."

Sixty meters, fifty meters, forty meters...

Zhao Wuying is neither fast nor slow, until it is 30 meters fast.

Scarlett’s nephew was slightly bright. After another matrix barrage was ignored by the opponent, it was followed by a hurricane rain! Attack density has suddenly increased! It is not messy, or a matrix barrage, or a double-gun attack, or a control of a ballistic node, or even an interlacing block that blocks the opponent's position after accurate calculation!

(Two in one, ask for a monthly ticket, thank you!)

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