Battle Frenzy

Chapter 47: Solomon Rothschild

Solomon smiled and didn't have much grievance: "What do they want from us this time?"

"One kilogram of dimensional spar, but what can be given is a broken rune weapon, and fifty tons of meat, and the technique of the rifle we crave is directly rejected!"

"They want to give them." Solomon smiled. "The plan for personnel exchange, what do they say?"

"His Royal Highness, in their eyes, we are just some abandoned barbarians, they..."

Solomon waved his hand. "I know that they will ask for it, promise them, and proceed according to the original plan. Let's go out a few, and stay inside."

What is left is what looks the youngest, "Enoch, you want to go to the Federation to see."

"His Highness, I still like us here, eat everywhere." Enoch smiled and ate his "snacks", like a finger of something...

Solomon smiled and the family’s choice of the year was indeed an opportunity. From the present, in the 19th century, the family once reached the pinnacle of the world, ruled half of the earth, but made a huge mistake in World War II and never recovered. However, the retired family finally waited for another opportunity. As the family with the highest wisdom in the human world, when everyone chooses to flee from North America, they choose to stay, when others are desperately collecting so-called things that once represented civilization and brilliance. They sold all their properties in exchange for weapons and supplies and built anti-nuclear castles, all for a dream.

This is the dream that every generation of the family pays for life, a dream that re-stands on the top of the earth.

He is Solomon Rothschild.

There is no such thing as the most handsome Simba 叽叽喳喳 in the dream. Although I can often sleep until dawn, I always feel that Wang Zhong feels that something is missing in life.

Stupidly, I felt that my nose was a little itchy, and then I saw a pair of thieves’ bright eyes in a blink of an eye, and they all posted on their faces: “Call!”

"Wang Zhongge, your sleep is so cute!" Emily's eyes are taking the stars: "still drooling!"

Wang Zhong is also drunk, early in the morning, this is the boy's bedroom: "How did you come in?"

"Of course, the light is coming in. The password I am coming from from Ma Dong, I am here to ask you to get up and train, but Wang Zhong’s brother’s sleep is too cute.” Emily laughed naughtyly. The most exciting thing about the battle with St. ruling is Emily.

Yesterday, Ma Dong’s fighting spirit said that he would like to train, cultivate the will and destroy the holy ruling.

Over there, Ma Dong was sleeping in a five-body camp, and his voice was thunderous. He was dreaming of a beautiful dream: "Hey, Mimi, you are too active, I will be embarrassed, hehe..."

Then Wang Zhong saw Emily carefully attached to Ma Dong’s ear.

This is too dark...

Wang Zhong couldn't help but sympathize with Ma Dong, and he quickly hugged his ears.

"Get up! Bed! Now!"

More than a dozen-story male dormitory is a group of chickens flying eggs, as for Ma Dong is even worse, rolling his eyes on the bed, foaming in his mouth, limbs are twitching: "meters, meters, meters..."

When he was dragged into the gravity training room, Ma Dong was still rubbing his ears. This guy did not directly deaf, Wang Zhong admire.

"Wang Zhong brother, began to start!" Emily is quite excited, the most positive for the group morning exercise is her.

Wang Zhong also feels that such exercises actually help to unite the team atmosphere.

Ma Dong engages in community play, but Wang Zhong is different. Since this association has been engaged, it always has some meaning, and this time, with the San ruling, Wang Zhong still has some ideas that the whole team needs to work together.

Regarding the quota of CHF, Wang Zhong did not intend to lose.

Look around, but there is still a Grame.

This guy is a ghost every day. When he sent him a good news yesterday, he actually said that he was going to visit the grass. It was a place of interest in the suburbs of Tianjing. It didn’t come back for two or three days.

For this guy, not only the king, but even the college is a little drunk. Less than a month after the start of school, I took a half-month special enrollment for the class. This is definitely the first one of the Tianjing Spirit Society, and it’s just a test of the name!

Obviously, in order to dig up the Grae, the school should promise various unequal treaties.

"That line, first report the number." Emily is definitely the most active, a little loli who has a strong desire to fight.

"One!" Emily first shouted.

"Two!" The sound is like Hong Lei, the youth is passionate, and the enthusiasm of Barron is almost equal to that of Little Loli.

"Three!" Wang said with a smile, in fact, Emily is really very busy, this girl is not quite like the Assassin family trained.

"As for it?" Only Ma Dong yawned with his ears sullen, his face complained: "The good little days, however, suddenly engage in community training... also report, stupid not stupid."

"Ma Dongdong!" Emily's little eyes: "Now is the key moment in preparation for the game, we must go all out!"

This cousin is really enough. Ma Dong is patient with his temper: "My little ancestor, are you still preparing for it? You don't really think that we can kill the San ruling?"

"Of course!" Emily Blair picked up her brow: "Ma Dongdong, when Wang Zhongge said that he would fight with the St. ruling that night, count the best of you, now why are you so embarrassed!"

"Hey! What is yelling, it’s so ugly, you don't understand it!" Ma Dong said lazily: "You don't want to think about how big the ruling is? From the beginning of the family to the present, it is also a black rose. I dare to call them a board, but now we have more we are wonderful!"

"This From the moment the promised promise, we have already made a big profit! Famous! Famous! This is the most important thing for the development of the community! Go and see the college now. How many people are singing the names of our wonderful clubs?” Ma Dong’s face is full of calculations and triumphs: “As for winning or losing, don’t be so brain-thinking, when you just play around, you’ll be defeated. ……Ouch!"


Ma Dong’s words have not been finished yet, and the buttocks have already smashed a heavy foot. By the way, they burned a hole and flew out of the eight-foot distance. The tears fell out: “The gentleman does not move!”

"I am a girl!" Amy Lily inserted in her waist, and there was still a flame in her hand. It was quite domineering: "This time we have a battle with the Holy Judgment, we must fight our momentum. If you dare to drag the miracle Hind legs, see me not screaming to tell you black!"

Ma Dongtian is not afraid of fear. The most fearful thing is that he is embarrassed. He will be embarrassed when he hears it. He is bitterly faced: "Can you scare the old man out of his head? Brother has a heart attack."

Emily shouted: "Wang Zhongge brother, you are our head coach, punish him!"

"It is the punishment." Wang stressed: "Then double the gravity zone to do a hundred push-ups."

"Double gravity zone?!" Ma Dong's ears were vertical, and the eyes suddenly rounded up and screamed: "The brother-in-law is as light as a swallow, and the romantic swordsman is ruthless. Do you actually let me go to the double gravity zone?!"

"Then I will supervise it!" Emily was very interested in this matter, and she looked forward to it.

"What are you doing? I am the president!!"

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