Battle Frenzy

Vol 6 Chapter 96: The strongest remote!

It is almost impossible to judge with the line of sight, and there is no way to hear the sound. It is entirely based on the sixth sense. Glyn has already felt the fatal danger at the beginning of the game. EΩΔ┡小”Δ says Ww』W.ん1XIAOSHUO. COM

Continuous dodge, so that Glady's movements are also old, and the opponent's bullets hit again.

Purely out of consciousness, the little shield in the hand has reached the front and resisted the danger.


At the moment of the completion of the action, the huge impact has been uploaded from the small round shield. It feels like it is hitting a high-slung railroad car head. The whole arm is slightly hemp, enough to guard against heavy smashing. The attacking small-circle shield, even under the infusion and blessing of the Gry soul force, has a crack in an instant, and the huge thrust pushes the whole person back and forth seven or eight meters away!

Mog's gun is also a classic gun, built-in plaid array, with high-explosive and strong penetrating effect. In addition to the conventional attack, you can also use the power of the striated array to produce four hitting attacks. This is not a secret. In this respect, Elasi is more professional, and his soul has a strong penetration effect. It can be said that it is a perfect match with the Mog Gun.

The screaming female voice and the screaming noise of the scene almost stopped in an instant.

They have seen the battle between Grae and another long-range Gordon in the ink list, and even saw the power confrontation between Grae and the reloading of the ink list. This seemingly thin boy has strong defense and strength. It’s definitely enough to get everyone’s approval of the ink list, but I didn’t expect it, just a shot!

The little round shield was almost broken, and even the whole person was shot and flew out!

At this time, the gunshot sound of Mogren’s gun was passed to everyone’s ears, and the bullet trajectory was overtone!

What kind of power is this!

Hot weapons are often used as a representative of high efficiency and low killing. After all, they are mechanized, and the positioning is to make it easier for ordinary remote fighters to get started.

But the gun of Mogren is obviously an exception. A sacred soldier who passed down in the dark age has stabilized after various changes and became a murderous in the history of federal guns. There is no doubt that in the hands of Elasi, there is already The spirit of the gods.

Norah white mouth, he is not particularly cold on the remote warrior, has the ability to do the real gun, of course, for the maiden is not interested in this sissy, he just wants to single-handedly with Wang, to see who is more fierce So, it is only a sneak sneak out of the scene to see the scene, it is interesting to see it at a close distance. With the strength of Torres, Wang Zhong will definitely enlarge the move.

The audience at the scene did not wait for the audience to recover from the shock, and the second shot was followed by the first shot!

The plaque on the gun shimmered with a strange brilliance, showing a fascinating red color. The body of Elasi was also swayed. The people who used the Mog wheel knew that the recoil of the gun was very large, and the whole chF was only Ai. Laxi only used, most long-distance warriors gave up after trying the Mog wheel, it is difficult to control, the soul power is high, it is even harder to complete the precision, let alone the realm of Elasi, this is the soul of the soul The weapon of the warrior's leader will choose the weapon.

Grae has just been taken back by the mighty momentum of the first shot, and has already felt the threat from the second shot.

More powerful than the first shot, but also more penetrating and destructive!

The small round shield that has cracked is obviously not the best choice against such a bullet with a horrible penetrating power. To be frank, there is not much room for Grae to choose.

In the eyes of Gry's eyes, it was almost an instant, and the infinite soul force had already emerged from the body, filling the round shield, just like wrapping a thick white light on the small round shield!


Terrorist attack, terrible momentum!

The connection of the soul force allows Glei to feel the change of every force from the impulse.

The soul power covered on the round shield is not just a simple soul, but like a hundred stacks of strength, wrapped in layers, then compressed, pressed! One centimeter thick paper is easy to break, but if a thousand sheets of paper are pressed to a thickness of one centimeter, it is almost as hard as steel!

This kind of soul protection is almost impossible for ordinary hot weapons to hurt.

But it didn't work.

The spiral of the Mogren gun is like a meticulous killer. It is not a purely violent breakthrough. The layers of surging souls are pulled by the force of the spiral, and are layered by the speed to the extreme. Tear!

Almost instantaneously, it has been smashed and penetrated most of the time!

Gry's expression is dignified, and the soul of his body is pouring out!

The fastest degree in the world is not the mobility of the body, not the degree of response, but the degree of surging force!

The problem is that the simple emergence of the soul force is of no use. The warrior needs to make the soul force "point" through the mind, and then produce the desired effect, which is the most difficult.

Gloria's soul force is concentrated towards the shield. This kind of directional control makes it clear that Gry's use of soul power is already in full swing.


The shield burst, and Elasi's self-confidence is not white. The Mog's gun is used as long as it is the first remote killer in the soul-making period!

The five remotes, Gordon is a wretched stream, lies in the combination of power, Charmi is the output stream, the mid-range distance of the brainless bombing, Kakar is a melee remote, can be imagined as an archery assassin, Rennes Tuart is a non-mainstream remote, a complex, and Elazi is the real remote warrior, he will be the biggest kill under the maximum distance!

The bullets are not over!


It is a pattern sword! The symbolic sword full of souls has already been prepared for the position behind the shield. Although the protection can not be compared with the round shield, the power of the warhead has already been exhausted, and it has been blocked.

This is not a good time.

Numerous supporters of Tianjing and Lilai’s audience have already mentioned the eyes of the blind.

This kind of attack is too abnormal! The same is the ink list remotely. Compared with the previous Gordon, Elasi is not at the same level of attack power. The power of such bullets is almost enough to catch the cross of the king's brother!

Just two shots, the only Shield that can be used for defense has already been broken! There is only one slashed sword, and the body is still in the back of the plant, Grae, why not resist the third shot?

Not only the audience can see, the masters present are also looking solemn This Elasi is almost to the extreme of the long-range warriors, in this era when the remote warriors are constantly pulling closer, Elasi still Sticking to the essence of the distance, that is to open the distance, still maintain the strongest attack power, this is the true meaning of the remote!

When the remote warrior maintains precision, power and power, it is truly terrible. Gly's judgment is correct. If you use ghost steps to play virtual, you may have fallen.

It is a gun of Mogren, which is known as the hot weapon of the peak of the dark age. The power is really dazzling, but the Mog wheel also has a fatal flaw. That is, the bullet of this power is only four!

On the news, the people who were still optimistic about Gry were completely shaken by the shootings of Elasi. This is a gun god. Only some people know that there are only four methods for such bullets, and the energy storage time is too long. In the heads-up, this is undoubtedly fatal.

I'm not eager to attack, and I still have a leisurely lock on Gry. Gap is so motionless that there is no such thing as a sudden attack. The atmosphere is suddenly stagnation, but everyone feels it. A suffocating atmosphere.

(Partners, at the end of the month, I am looking for a monthly ticket, I am trying to overcome it, and I hope that my partners will support me a lot, thank you!)

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