Battle Frenzy

Vol 7 Chapter 15: Secret

This rush to the limit is also suddenly to the extreme, simply avoiding the inevitable, Wang Zhong actually almost at the same time turned the arc, the body easily let.

The next moment, Bobo regained strength, and the Trident spurs two spurs!

Wang Zhong’s hands swayed again, and at the same time, he pulled the belt and both fists killed Bobo. If the attack was concentrated, Bobo’s body should also be explained.

At this time, the body of Bobo suddenly stunned, and the whole person turned backwards. Wang Zhongquan swept the air, and the wave-like trident like the phantom was on the ground. The whole person turned back and instantly opened the distance.

Dimensional combat skills - the world of upside down.

This is the first time that CHF's appearance has been used to escape.

At this time, the night of the latitude world carries a mysterious color that is difficult to say, and there are stars in the sky, but those are obviously not stars, but other things. Regarding "they", human research has been going on and has never stopped.

Some researchers say that those are the projections of the soul, and there are many related records in ancient legends. People are dead stars, human souls are the stars in the sky. These stars in the dimensional space are the projections of the soul, but they don’t know whether they are from Earth life or from other worlds...

At this time, under the stars of the sky, a team of elite players is carefully groping forward.

"Captain, find the target!"

A member of the team suddenly smiled, then pressed the door and whispered.

For a moment, all the players are surrounded by a pink crystal. The crystal is about the size of an adult male's thumb. It is not big, but it emits mysterious natural light. Inside, it looks like a hundred billion stars slowly. Turn.

In the beginning, a few people still have no feelings. In the high-dimensional world, no wonders are needed, no matter how strange, this crystal, or repeated above, must find the key things.

However, gazing at the crystal, for a moment, a few people's faces showed a shock, their eyes suddenly became hollow, and the stars were stretched into a long line of beautiful lines in their sights, and they came back, they have already Standing in a void, in the distance, is a sea of ​​suffocating light!

At first glance, it is the light emitted by the stars. However, when you look closely, you can see that the light is pulsating, like a river, like a river, like life is breathing, giving birth to strength and power.

"It should be it... our luck is..."

The captain trembled and his lips muttered.

However, the voice was only exported. The sea of ​​light and waves that had just slowed down was suddenly bursting out, as if the sea **** was in anger, and several lights rose into the sky, turning into the shape of a tornado. However, at this time, it was faintly visible. The strange existence is hidden in the sea of ​​light.

I couldn't think too much. The captain and several players felt that the heart was shocked. It was like being hit by a punch in the face of the nose. The painful sour bitterness all came up, and then blinked, Guanghai It has disappeared, they are still standing, only the cup of red crystal, still exudes a strange and heart-rending natural luster.

A few people glanced at each other, and they all felt awkward. They knew that this thing had absolutely a great background. The captain quickly wrapped the crystal with black leather cloth. "Go back."

Several players nodded, they were the elites of the investigation department. They knew what to do and what they should not do. At this time, they were silent and escorted the captain in the direction of the base.

All the way, the team also felt the pressure. In the past, in the dimensional space, the inspection day, it is not necessarily able to meet a different team. However, this time, only a few hours, I encountered several, and the configuration is strong, no matter Whether it is personnel or equipment, it is not an ordinary elite.

The eyes of the family power are red, these are not the federal, but the private guard of the family power!

The players are stunned and can become elites in high-dimensional space. No one is a fool, no guilty!

At this time, instead of speeding up, the captain was also unusually decisive. He did not return directly to the base, but all the members came to the territory of the Fox Bear Dimensional Beast. This was the place that had been inspected before.

The fox bear is a high-order beast that lives alone. It has a strong territory concept. It is almost immediately, and the raging fox bear rushes out. This is a fierce battle. Although the squad has the upper hand, it still pays a great price. The fox bear killed.

And the price is the cost that the team can safely return.

In the world of dimensions, the greatest danger, sometimes, is not a dimension beast, nor a dimensional natural disaster, but from human beings.

But even then, the team was still stopped on the return journey.

"Where did you come from?"

The elites of more than a dozen families were quiet and surrounded them.

Several players jumped in their hearts, but they could enter and stay in the world of dimensions. They have received a lot of training. This kind of scene is actually one of the training contents. The face is guarded and the task is defeated. The injured should have a gray-faced look.

Of course, it is not possible for the other party to let them go easily. If you can survive in a high-dimensional space, no one will be a fool.

The captain who was very injured was sneer and said: "Is this not your business?"

The other team leader coldly glanced at the eyes. Immediately, someone came over with a friendly smile. "Don't misunderstand, we are kind. See you when you are injured. Let me see, this wound, you are Going to the fox bear? Why are you so careless? The fox bear is generally only angry at the creatures that broke into the territory."

The captain’s heart is tight, and the other person can directly see that the wound is from the fox bear! This is well prepared! In the common sense, such an elite team, unless it is a mission, it is impossible to break into the fox bear territory. It can be said that this is a very low-level mistake.

"I also want to know why a fox bear who is not in the mating period will leave its territory." The captain said coldly, the tone of voice, the response should be just right.

A few people on the opposite side exchanged their eyes. "Oh? The fox bear left the territory? Where is the specific We are going to see it!"

Upon hearing this, the captain’s heart sighed and knew that nothing was going on, but he was more vigilant in his eyes. “I’m sorry, I didn’t tell you the obligation, please let the road open, we have to go back to the base.”

"Oh, don't worry, hurt so much, how can we sit idly by, small Europe, what to do, and quickly bandage the treatment."

The other party is very strong, there is no room for refusal at all, but their injuries are real, the process of dressing, basically the whole body has been searched by the other party in the old way.

However, the real lifting of the crisis was that another federal reconnaissance squad appeared on the road, and the other party gave up a deeper exploration with a little reluctance.

Until the end of the greedy wolf base, the team members still did not dare to relax, after the announcement of the repair, the captain was stunned to see the chief executive of the base, General Hugo, who was really relieved and then reached out to the throat. ......

A crystal that exudes no light, spit out from his mouth!

Hugo saw something like red crystal, and she jumped up in ecstasy. She didn’t care about the dirt on her. She was wearing a glove and grabbed it in her hand. It was like grabbing something precious, precious and heavy, taking a handkerchief. Wipe, as much as possible to suppress the excitement of the heart, because he knows that his fate will be changed because of this discovery.

The captain looked at the stunned chief, and did not know if he should leave.

Hugo also found his own gaffe, and took a deep breath, hiding the crystal in his pocket and sticking it to the meat. He only looked at the captain deeply. "Brothers, our chance to change our destiny is coming, go!"

(The two are sent, the partners are happy on the weekend, and another, double the last day, I hope everyone can support, thank you!)

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