Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 24: Strongest spear and shield

The broken cloud gun swept slightly, cut through the air, and infused with the soul.


The tip of the gun trembled, and Grae’s body shook a little and shot!

If you are rushing, you will be lightning fast!

On the opposite side of Gry, the soul of Mo Ling's body is also exploding almost at the same time. The restrained atmosphere is only brewed in the individual. The calmness of the mountains is calm, but the accumulation is the ultimate explosion.

Without warning, the first spirit appeared behind him, followed by the second, third and fourth!

Bear! leopard! eagle! turtle!

The appearance of the soul is only between the shackles, and even the influx of madness.


The breath of a wild beast emerged from the body of Mo Ling, and the soul power multiplied in an instant, and the body became bigger together.

Psychic four beasts!

When I dealt with Twilight's trick, I used it at the beginning of the game. Many people were stunned. The last battle between Mo Ling and Tweilan was so fresh that many people remembered it. It is obvious to all that Twilight, which is known as the Dragon's blood, has not been able to fight it. When it comes up, it is desperately trying to make a quick decision. Still paying attention to Gry is on top of Tielan?


There was almost no pause. At the same time as the body changed, the ink spirit had already picked the toes and kicked the nine-ring tin rods inserted in the ground.


Like a shell-like impact, the nine-ring tin cane mad, grabbed at the point of the Gry shot, while the giant force attacked, hehe!

The gun and the tin can be smashed, making a loud shock.

The momentum of the rifle was instantly disintegrated, and the power of horror shook Grye back and forth seven or eight steps, and the nine-ring tin rod was also shaken back at the same time, falling into the palm of Molling.


When Mo Ling’s wrist turned, the anti-shock force of the tin rod instantly dissipated, and then it was transmitted. The nine rings hanging from the top of the tin rod screamed under the shock of this shock force and made a slamming sound.

Dangdang Dangdang!

Although the sound is not big, but it is very rhythmic, even in the vagueness, even in the impact of the nine rings, there is a rhythm, bringing people rhythm, confusing mind, and many audiences on the sidelines are even subconscious. As the rhythm of the nine-ring tin cane slaps or steps.

咚, 咚, 咚, 咚, 咚...

Psychic four beasts, van Gogh sings! The slap of the ordinary audience that subconsciously coincides with the beat, but also invisibly expands the power of this rhythm rhythm!

Grae's expression does not fluctuate, so the degree of rhythm interference sounds may be effective for opponents with weaker will, but for himself, it is only noise.

Yes, his face still feels dangerous.

The other party was just holding the nine-ring tin cane, and the momentum was already there. The breath of the wild beast almost rushed out of him, which was the climax of the other party.

In the eyes of Mo Ling, the fierce light burst.


A terrible breath swayed, the soles of the feet slammed, and the ink spirits flew, and the next second appeared in front of Grae, who was being repulsed.

The nine-ring tin cane is lifted up, like a stick, and the wind pressure of the empty space almost forms the gravity visible to the naked eye, making people feel like the top of the mountain.

The unrelenting Grae forced to twist, the toes on the ground, the body half-turned slightly, the backward force has been transformed into the hands in the blink of an eye, while the soul force broke out, breaking the cloud gun hard top.


The tin cane and the long gun once again collided, and the force field was opened at the collision of the soldiers.

The terrible power was uploaded from the tin cane, and the fine-cut gun of the standard was in contact with the gun. The entire gun body was almost bent into ninety degrees!

Just for half a second, the power of the nine-ring tin cane was almost crushed.


Strong strength!

The force field burst, and Gry was once again blasted by the huge anti-shock.

The front of the ink can follow the shape, the speed of chasing is even faster than the speed of the Geely!

Second rod!


The endless Mount Tai in this moment seems to be turned into an ancient dragon, or to devour everything.

Faster! Stronger!

Even the air seemed to be shaken by the tin cane. At the moment of the cane, Glyn was almost instantly pressed into a vacuum zone within two or three meters of the week.


Absolute power cannot be easily resisted.

Glei was once again bombarded, followed by the third rod!

Chasing again! Inkling's eyes are already red.

Into the full-fire attack state, the outbreak of the ink spirit is too strong, whether it is strength or speed, the psychic four beasts obviously occupy the absolute upper hand.

The duel between the masters may be prolonged, and it may be seen in seconds.

This is completely suppressed by the first break of the opening, but it is likely to be killed by a set!

In the eyes of Klegel, there was no fear of it. Instead, it was like being mobilized to express emotions and expecting.

His outbreak may not be as fast as the spirit of the four spirits of the spirit, but a hint of breath, as early as the first strike of the other party has already gathered in the body, savings!

The broken cloud gun is re-starting. This time it is not a hard-resistance. Instead, it draws a curved arc in the air, as if there are thousands of shadows in the air.

Hundreds of guns!

It is only the way of using power. Grae has already mastered its essence. Compared with the hundreds of stacks of palms, such warfare techniques are applied to weapons, especially weapons such as guns, and the power will be more strengthened.


The boring third sound, which shocked the world, was so huge that many viewers couldn't help but cover their ears.

The tip of the gun is on the awn.

Numerous electric awns wrap around the two handles like a dragon snake, wandering around, and the power is not divided.

The huge anti-shock force came, and the two men retreated at the same time.

At the same speed and the same strength, Glei's gun tip was picked up in the air, and the heavy anti-shock force was used for him. It changed the inertia of the earthquake, and the gun shadow was pulled again in the air. With a long stack of tails, the tip of the gun has turned around an arc in an instant, passing through the straight thorns.


Inkling wants to change the move is too late, turned back, a layer of green soul tortoise has already condensed on his back.


The broken cloud was swept over the tortoise shell, and the dark green tortoise shell that was hit was shocked and stunned.

Can be followed, bombardment, Mo Ling through the back of the impulse, both feet slamming the ground.

The ground was directly stepped out of the two large pits by the heavy force. The psychic four beasts completely ignored the earthquake on the ground, but only a slight knee, and the moment of landing, the whole body immediately rushed up, and the nine-ring tin cane raided.

The broken cloud gun and the nine-ring tin rod once again collided, and both of them had a high-spirited war.


I saw the long guns on the arena, the shadows of the sticks, the sound of the hard-boiled sounds from time to time, and the sound waves or waves that were visible to the naked eye kept swinging in the two hands.

Inkling's power is stronger and faster. The psychic four beasts do not say the characteristics of their spirits. The single finger refers to the growth of the body around the body is also comparable to many tyrannical blood.

Gle is more versatile, more skillful, and the hundred stacks are integrated into the gun method. The superposition of the hundred shadows is enough to smooth the difference between the two sides; the more terrible is the amazing base of the gun.

In addition to the use of a hundred shots, a long rifle is only the most basic guns in his hands, such as picking, point, stab, sweeping, etc., but it has the meaning of decaying into magic, returning to the true meaning. Every time a seemingly simple shot, but always on the defensive node that makes Mo Ling the most uncomfortable, so that the speed advantage of Mo Ling is always unable to open, counterattack offensive is also difficult to organize, is actually a full passive, against the ten At least seven strokes are full defensive postures.

Tiweilan in the stands can't keep his eyes open, his brows are tight, and he is the same as the gunman. You can see the kind of weightlifting in the Glä gunmanship. This is definitely the real master of the gunmanship. I even feel stronger than the daggers and runesaws he used before. This is not an exaggeration. Only Tiweilan, who has played with Mo Ling, knows how strong the foundation of the guy is. However, in the state of using the four spirits of the spirit, he was actually broken by a one-shot system. The guns are suppressed, and the guy’s shooting is amazing.


Just change your mind.

The gun slammed, and there was another shock, and the two figures were separated in midair.

Hey, both of them are landing at the same time.


Gry will smash the cloud to the ground, and the soul will be fully open. An invisible wave of air will suddenly spread from Glyn. The soul of the filling will rise like a blast on his body surface, and the clothes will be windless. From the drums. The ethereal black hair that was originally gathered, at this time, the roots are upside down, floating in the sky, flying, not angry!

It’s not just the catharsis of the soul. What’s more terrifying is that there is a sudden sharpness in the scabbard. At this time, Gry, the eyes are sharp and sharp, and the line of sight is filled with the stirring spirit, so that everyone feels like being in the body. In the battlefield where thousands of troops are rushing, the sounds of smoke and soldiers are everywhere!

Inkling is also one of them. The level of the other soul's soul is still at the normal limit of the soul of the soul. But this terrible warfare is completely different from the delicate student of the federation, full of life and death. The decisiveness of the people is daunting. Such eyes have been seen by Mo Ling, but there is no one who is between the life and death. This kind of thing, even the people of the Mohist, does not. No, even though their training is cruel.

It is impossible to have such a war without experiencing the cruel war baptism and the experience of real life and death.

Young, who is this?

There is no time to give back to the battlefield.

At the moment when the momentum opened, there was no pause, and Gry's toes kicked, and the filled soul force would burst into the clouds.


The legs are mammoth, the ground burst, and the body of Gry is blasting in. After the first arrival, the hand reaches the end of the blasting gun, and the body that rushes in is like speeding up the gun again. Man, gun, instant unity , regardless of each other.

This moment, like the possession of the **** of war, is not light, not speed, nor is it a manifestation of power, but the kind of going forward and invincible, as if you have to pull out a hole in the sky!

This battle, Grae wants to win, the first time I feel this strong desire, he wants to win!

Life and death cycle - 燎原百击!


The terrible sound of breaking the air, the sound of piercing the air is so sharp that people are stunned. Grae and the broken cloud guns seem to have disappeared, leaving only the silver light that rushes to the ink spirit.

A truly streamlined attack, mixed with the overwhelming turmoil, is about to destroy everything!

This is also the Mohist, this is Mo Ling, for the individual, I am afraid that scared must be scared, but Mo Ling is not scared by this cruel gas field and attack, such a war he has not seen Although I am amazed, I am not afraid of panic, and I will not even feel surprised.

This is the final, the Moh family also expected that Gry may have hidden strength, and arranged for the ink spirit to match, it has already considered all possibilities. After all, when he came here, Tianjing never played cards according to common sense. In the ultimate assessment, It is also possible that there is only Grae in the cards, because from the front to the final, his desire to fight seems to be not enough. This is in stark contrast with other players. The reason is not known, but this means that there is still further The possibility of improvement.

Ink Ling appreciates such a real warrior, which is much more important than the face, but the Moh family has no choices!

In the face of such a real warrior, the best response is not attack, but guard, calm, calm, and never underestimate the opponent. The power of the Mohist lies in what you have seen, he has seen, you have not seen, He has also seen it, no matter how unexpected.


The golden ring on the nine-ring tin cane rang, the unique rhythm and ringing sounds slightly offset the impact of some Grie's war, perhaps not reachable, but the spirit of Mo Ling is rock-solid no For interference.

The golden light shines in an instant, and the psychic four beasts turn into a full defensive posture.


When the guns are broken, the guns are more powerful than the previous guns. The continuous attack is like a Mercury. The bigger difference is the determination and will. Although the former Gry is fast and elegant, but lacks the desire to win, and this time, everyone has seen the heart of Gry, he wants to win this battle!

The supporters of the audience all made a deafening cry. There is too much relationship in this battle. It is not only Glei, but also everything in Tianjin. No champions are ultimately nothing, and Tianjing’s students are also tight. Holding his fists tightly, his eyes are round and round, and they are proud of being a member of Tianjing!

Come on, Gloria!

Glyph seems to feel the support of countless wills, the gunwork is endless, the nine-ring tin cane is desperately blocking the attack of the broken cloud gun, the defensive difficulty is getting higher and higher, Gry completely enters the state, the speed force angle, Absolute use of gun masters, changes in the details of the gun tip, and the internal shock of the stacking force have caused great difficulty in defense. Even the defensive expert Mo Ling is gradually stretched, but the sturdy body of the psychic four beasts Can take the initiative to bear.

The dark green tortoiseshell is constantly making up for the loopholes in the defensive scent of the ink, not paying attention to the violent or hard resistance, the reasonable block of the block and the physical distribution, calm to the limit calculation of the whispering, let his Defence seems to be stable, if the movement will cause excessive flaws, Mo Ling will use the body to resist, he can accurately calculate the impact of the injury.

The real reloading is both physical and will, and it has to have a brain!

(Two in one, ask for a monthly ticket, thank you!)

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