Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 40: Yong!


A series of rune handprints are entwined and gathered in the palm of Wang Zhong’s palms. Unlike the rune structures that have been gathered with the soul force, those that are supposed to be pale gold are inscribed with a dark purple color. The whole rune structure is reflected in the depths, Wang Zhong and Grae name CHF's sound warfare skills!

"Low ~~"


Just in the blink of an eye, the first syllable has been spit out from Wang Zhongzui. The exquisite rune pattern formed a three-dimensional figure between Wang Zhong’s hands. The deputy referee Joseph on the side of the field has quietly stood up to the protection of Wang Zhong’s opposite. Behind the cover.

These two people are too strong for the soul-making period. The subwoofer that the soul force uses to replace the soul force will definitely have a greater difference. Joseph has already done a protective cover and will be blasted. It is necessary to promptly prepare for the off-site audience to resist the shock of the sound wave.

Joseph's movements did not attract the attention of others, and everyone's attention was now concentrated on the movement of Wang Zhongzhong on the stage.

His rune construction is fast, and the purple three-dimensional rune structure is extraordinarily enchanting, almost the first moment of the sound, followed by the second syllable, as if it is completely coherent.

"Sound ~~"


The power of the purple flame is shaking, and the whole rune structure is shaking. The sound power of the sound has been swept to the ink, but the ink is still so motionless, waiting quietly for Wang to complete, to know the sound of the subwoofer. Rune combat skills can be weak and strong, super difficult to defend, but when the ink asked this way, no one thought he was arrogant, no one thought he was loading.

The diffused, funnel-shaped three-dimensional array of characters was suddenly stretched several times in the sway, and instantly activated, each rune structure was active to the limit, tremble and humming.

The ground sloshed, and the overflowing circle of sound waves quickly swayed from the active rune array, shaking the ground, making people feel that the sound wave will shake the entire arena!

With such violent shocks and power transmission, the attack has not yet blasted, and the Rune Shield has begun to show signs of decline and ‘fear, and the streamer of the surface of the shield has already shone in an instant.

The audience finally realized the danger. In Wang Zhong’s opposite stand, many viewers have stood up subconsciously, that is, it all happened too quickly, and people have no time to react. Otherwise, these audiences are already prepared to escape with horror. .

Ink asked a little frowning, but such a frown, but obviously not because Wang Zhong’s power is too strong, but... too weak!

He thought that Wang Zhong had any novel tricks. He did not expect that it was really a "normal" subwoofer. There was some improvement in the soul power. There was no use in this matchup.

Wang Zhong was not influenced by his opponents, and his power was absorbed. When the rune of the rune was completely formed, the momentum of the sound wave warfare also reached its peak.

The third syllable is detached.


Rumble rumbling ~~~~~~

The dark purple rune array instantly expands, and the uncontrollable force bursts from the center of the gathering, sinking into a thick sound beam, and rushing toward the ink!

At this time, the ink question also moved momentarily, and the soul force suddenly burned, and suddenly opened his mouth:


The snarling roar emanates from the ink question, like the roar of the king of beasts, unlike the bunching attack of the subwoofer, which is completely indiscriminately scanned, but with unparalleled serrations, layers Stacked, centered on the ink, and spread around the impact!

Mo School - Lions!

The speed of the sound waves is so fast that before the people hear the sound, the jagged lion sound waves have already collided with the beams of the subwoofer.

Probably only the great people on Longmeier and VIP seats can see that the highly concentrated subwoofer beam rushes past the first layer of the lion's outermost layer, which is followed by the second layer and the third layer...

The cascading diffuse sound waves are like never-ending, the jagged sound trajectory is like a handle saw axe, each layer of sound waves rushing through, the subwoofer's beam will be obviously dimly lit, and like It was a smashed balloon, and countless streamers vented with holes that were 'sawed'.

The whole process is just a flash of lightning. The shock wave of the subwoofer has been completely washed away. The huge energy is dissipated in the air, and countless residual spots are filled in the field. At the same time, it is the complete protective cover of the entire arena. collapse!

The violent power swept the audience in an instant, and the rest was not enough. Even rushed to the stands that stood full of audiences. The four figures filled with huge breath appeared at the same time around the stands, Joseph and Zhou Mu... the four deputy referees There is a huge soul barrier in front of you, which can completely protect the stands around the arena. After all, it is a legendary warrior, which can make the legendary soldiers have to maintain, and no one really...

The stand can be too wide. Even the four deputy referees can only defend one side. The horrible sound waves change the direction of the impact before the unstoppable soul barrier, and rushing toward the air, although the top of the arena is The empty open-air domes can still have some buildings or beam-wall structures that are paid out of the way. They are shocked by sound waves, and large and large pieces are shattered and shattered.

Everyone was shocked, and I dare not imagine what kind of end would be if there were no protection from the four deputy referees.

On the ground, the already ruined arena is completely finished. Don't say that the problem of reorganizing the protective cover, together with the protective cover transmitter installed in the underground of the arena, has been shattered, together with the entire arena. The ground is like being scraped up. The original pit is completely plowed and flattened, leaving only a layer of diffused jagged ripples on the surface, like the trajectory of sound waves.

The ink that did not move in the same place, like God, could not resist standing there, Tianjing’s unique sound wave warfare was forced, and it was a crushing method, very brutal, no difference attack, that is, ink Asked that he was too lazy to prove that he was blasting his opponent.

And Wang Zhong... Wang Zhong?

People were scared to find that Wang Zhong disappeared? ! Was it the same end of the smashed buildings over the stadium, was it destroyed?

The ground that shook the foundation was swaying, and a **** hand stretched out from the inside, followed by a slight creep on the ground, broken open, revealing a half body, hands on the ground, Wang Zhong spent a full two or three The second climbed out of the buried pit.

He was covered in blood stains left by the sawtooth sound waves everywhere. The dark purple flame had disappeared and disappeared. It seemed to be completely defeated, and the soul response of the body surface was close to nothing!

An unusually calm line of sight was projected, with deep disappointment.

"If it's just such power, you, don't deserve to fight with me!" Mo Wen said, the voice reveals a kind of cold, he feels that Wang Zhongzhong has a strong potential, so he unlocks the seal, for a strong person. The most feared thing is disappointment.

More than a month of expectation, waiting for the strongest battle to enter the spirit of the soul, can let yourself lay a better foundation, cast the most perfect soul of the soul, the result brewed for so long, let him see this?

The tranquility of the scene, including the most popular Tianxun, did not have any barrage or any noise at this time.

Hundreds of thousands of live audiences, tens of millions of Tianxun audience, everyone watching him quietly.

No, this is not forcing.

Can push the strong king of the mouth into such a desperate situation, powers, combat techniques, runes and even the magical purple flame, these things that have made countless people marvel and let countless people crazy, there is no egg here.

Invincible in the world, who is who I am!

"Call..." Caroline has lost the strength of her emotions. She saw three ink questions.

The first one was the ink question when I played against myself. At that time, it only felt strong, but it was not invincible.

The second one is to solve the eyelashes before the eye mask, with the five elements and Wang Zhong attacked the ink, this time has already felt the insurmountable pressure and shadow.

And now it is the third, a question that makes arrogance like Caroline, no courage to go beyond!

The gaps felt at this time are not only the efforts and talents, but the distant distance has even produced the difference between God and mortal.

In his state, is it more simple and more orderly? Even in the real soul period, even the most fierce of the current federal soul period, may not be able to surrender to him! It may even be defeated.

There has never been such a person in history, even in the dark ages where the masters are the most, the environment is the worst, and the limits of the people are the most persecutable. Such people belong only to legends and delusions.

The incredible deified five elements, beyond the limit of the five elements of the Mohist era in the soul-making period.

The concept of deification here can be far more than just a matter of quantitative change, it is a qualitative change, and it is not a single change, but a golden wood, a fire and a soil, and a qualitative change!

The five elements of the body are already very difficult. After awakening, they can achieve perfect perfection in the soul-making period. Even if the Mohist has too much research on the five elements, it is still an incredible thing. And completely deified, it is even more difficult to think, have not heard of! Some of the predecessors of the Mohist period may be able to do it, but frankly, the Tianshen period is already a completely different world. It’s completely meaningless to do it at that point, and there is no such thing as a soul. The masters who are full of food are still studying the basic variations.

So it's hard, it only exists in theory.

This is also the Mohist, this is the ink!

Birth is the talent of Superman, born in the Mohist School. It has the most record and practice experience about the strength of the Five Elements, plus huge resources, the best training, numerous levels of transcendence, and countless opportunity……

These kinds of kinds, together, can make an ink question.

I have heard that Mo Wen asked the soldiers of the mobile forces to give the soul of the soul period. Frankly speaking, most people are more bearish besides being novel.

It feels a bit blown, or rather, he just talks about some aspects of ink and skill. After all, this theoretical stuff has nothing to do with combat effectiveness. This is just a way for the Mohist to cultivate ink.

But now, looking back, the idea will change. The rumors are not exaggerated, or even too modest!

As for Wang Zhong, ... Caroline can feel that Mo has a high expectation, but Wang Zhong is only a grassroots. It is a miracle to go to this step, with more expectations.

Everyone was deeply shocked, unable to make a sound, and forgot to make a sound. It was just a little disappointing to look at the two people in the arena below. The face of Mo Wen was still calm, watching the injured Wang Zhong, tone. Although you are welcome, you still have expectations in your eyes. He can kill each other with a single blow, but what happens? The unwrapping of this seal is tantamount to nothing, knowing that this is the last chance to unlock the seal, which means that he lost the most precious opportunity before the promotion of the spirit.

Wang Zhong is the only person in CHF who can give him the opportunity. Mo asked to believe in his instincts!

He needs a person to help himself find the real answer, let him see, the deified five elements of the soul-making period, where is the limit? !


A wound, Wang Zhong turned his head and spit out a spit of blood. His injury may be heavier than he saw, but his eyes made everyone feel the tenacity and fighting spirit.

The strong king of the mouth has not given up, but this insistence has become even more desolate. Since the outbreak of the king, has he experienced such a disadvantage since the outbreak?

Wang Zhong’s body is also like a momentary restart, the soul force slowly burns up, the rolling silver soul force wraps the wound wounded, the blood stasis, the wound surface and even the nourishment of the soul Scarring at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His supporters couldn't help but cheer up, and the fighting power of the strong king did not seem to weaken.

Hey! Hey!

Wang Zhong’s hands stretched out, and the blue flame and the deified Hellfire instantly rose from his palm.

The audience immediately saw something different. It was different from the oysters when the two abilities were combined for the first time. This time, the fusion was extremely fast. The two flames almost changed qualitatively at the moment when Wang’s chest touched. , turned into the purple flame.

At the same time, the huge soul force and the purple flame atmosphere have already spread from Wang Zhong’s body in an instant, and the condensate, the polymer, and the virtual reality!

The purple flame, which radiated a quiet light, instantly condensed a new weapon in the hands of Wang Zhong.

It was a huge squadron, but its size was even larger than the normal Optimus axe. The axe blade formed by the purple flame burned, changing the quietness of the purple flame before it became wild. The overbearing, together with the surrounding air, was distorted and squeaked by the purple flame.

Mix again in Wang Zhong’s purple flames, which are all in full swing, so that he looks like the same demon king at this time!

Failure is from the moment of giving up, as long as it is still alive, as long as it is still fighting, there must be a chance!


The momentum of super-hegemony suddenly unfolded, and Wang Zhong volleyed!

Norah’s white eyes are round and round, not just him. Everyone understands that this is probably the last trick of Wang Zhong. This is a glory for Norah White. His combat skills may be only five points. One, but also proud enough, but even the reckless Nora White knows, difficult! too difficult!

(Two in one, partners, ask for a monthly ticket, thank you!)

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