Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 57: not much hope

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The parliament chose to take advantage of the Zhao family and the ghosts. It is a real thing. It can cultivate the elites who truly belong to them. Even so, it has eased the conflict between the recent family and the parliament to some extent. I found some kind of wonderful resonance and balance. This is too important for politicians who have been controlling the relationship.

Ever since, everyone has benefits. Everyone is actually very satisfied. Wang Zhong is only a victim.

Who makes him too good and not in control, and has no background? Just like the aliens in the early days of the darkness were expelled and destroyed, but the exile of the cursed land is not only a tribute to his life, but also a legendary name for him. This is already a treasure for Wang Zhong. The best result is always better than being inexplicably assassinated in a small black house.

As for Assassin, it is not all because of the relationship with Wang Zhong.

Recently, using Tianjing’s favorable policy, Assin’s footsteps have gone too fast. Want to enter the top ten family level?

Too naive, how can this pattern be allowed to be broken? If Assassin enters, does that mean that other families can also try it?

It is impossible for the top ten families to allow such challengers to appear one after another.

Ma Dong is only a small role, and arrest is only the beginning.

There have been some fairly clear agreements between the top five headed by Stuart, and it is much easier to deal with the disintegration of Assassin. This is a lot easier than dealing with the king.

Assassin’s interests in Tianjing and other places have also been divided. Of course, it’s not a dark age. Except for the magic of the figure, the other must use normal means. The tree is broken and the forces that should not be there are It should be thought of today.

Dimensional base station... Oh, in addition to the military and the top ten families, as well as some of the family families supported by the top ten families, anyone else who wants to cross this line is just looking for death!

She looked at the sky outside, the sun had fallen, and the action on the side of Tianjing was about to begin.

This session of chf has caused many people to have a lot of awe in the top ten families, but how can the people who do the superficial articles for civilians really understand the terrible family?

At the end of the farce, it is time to have dinner.


According to the estimation of the Earth time, it should be around 6 o'clock in the evening. Even though the huge sun in the sky of the cursed land is quite dazzling, the whole daytime is quite long. At this point in time, even the last contour of the sun has been The horizon was engulfed, leaving only a touch of faint redness that enveloped the horizon, and the land was so brightly red.

This desert zone belongs to the area affected by the cursed wall barrier in the interpretation of Gong Yi. I didn’t think it was at the beginning. I can stay here for a while and I can feel that the highly permeable radiation factor is almost Everywhere, this is why the military, regardless of whether the task is simple or not, has chosen the prisoners of the English soul period to perform the task. The fierce radiation of the cursed land, if it is just a normal soul-casting period, obviously can not resist, I am afraid that even the most peripheral desert zone is difficult to go out.

Fortunately, the scope of this desert is not very large. In order to run out of the area, one day is enough, and because of the intense radiation and fear of the cursed barrier, there are almost no dimensional organisms in the desert in this marginal zone. It is also safe in disguise.

On the way, in addition to Xiao Loli occasionally pleading with everyone to say a few words, others are quite silent, perhaps in order to save energy, or perhaps because of cursing the fate of their fucking, in this dark red day, The atmosphere is very depressed.

Wang Zhong did not say anything, but like other people's repression and to save energy, Wang's silence is mainly because at this moment, in his soul sea is really too busy.

"Look, I will say that those guys who are false and false can't believe it. This is just a good injury. When you turn back, you will be thrown at the place where the bird is not pulling." Sinba is very angry and the consequences are very serious: "This is definitely in the Provoking the great Simba adults, don't they know that you are my younger brother? They are exiled! The dog is still watching the owner, but he is ignored. I am!"

"Do you want to rebel? Believe it or not, I won't let you out and let the wind out!" Wang Zhong is also helpless, busy with chf for a long time did not take care of Simba, this guy is now like a small mushroom.

"Shunkou, smooth!" Simba hit a haha, quickly turned his attention to the side.

I saw it on the dark blue sea of ​​souls. A black and white roulette hangs up and stands there. The white side is diverging with light, and the half of the sea is reflected in a white day. The blue waves are warm and the sun is warm. On the other side of the black, it is completely dark.

This is different from ordinary black, but there is no trace of light at all. Even the light of 'black' color is not there. It seems that all matter cannot be manifested here, and it does not exist. The whole soul sea is like it. Half empty. But if you use God to explore, you can feel the dark energy factor that is rich in the darkness. These dark energy factors give people a feeling that they are not particularly arrogant, but they are stable and terrible. They are neat and horrible. If you separate a cubic meter from it, you can feel that the dark energy factors inside are neatly arranged. The rules of the law, any material that dares to break into it, will be attacked by the group, and then quickly assimilated.

Wang Zhong feels that if the energy elements such as the Five Elements and Brightness give people a feeling of being active and ever-changing; then the dark energy factor gives the impression that it is the most well-trained army, mechanical but powerful, once true There is no contradiction in launching.

Very terrible abilities, at least at this stage, in terms of pure energy efficiency, Wang Zhong feels that it can drive above other abilities.

In the soul of the sea, not only Wang Zhong and Simba, the most lively is that Dabai also appeared in the soul sea, where he swims, the black and white roulette image of the sea of ​​souls, Dabai is very interested, wants to go there Mind, but can't get close, can't see, can't touch, just like the sun, close to the sky, and let it be depressed: "Fly, fly, fly!"

This is very rare. It is said that it is because of the relationship into the dimensional world, which is not very accurate.

Before Wang Zhong also went to the fifth dimension of the world for a long time, but Dabai has never taken the initiative to appear in his knowledge of the sea, and watching its current performance seems to be attracted by the existence of the fate roulette image. Take it off the initiative from the contract.

“What are you talking about?” Wang Zhong is trying to communicate with Dabai.

"Fly! Fly! Fly!" Dabai was anxious to turn around, and his mouth could only make a simple syllable, or even a spiritual exchange.

Wang Zhong is a bit speechless. Is this really the dimension of the floating king who is caught in the s-class secrets?

I haven’t managed this guy until I’ve been summoned twice in the chf game. The two kings feel that it’s a bit too unreliable, like a child, cute and new, and the strength is far from Compared to when it is in the pyramid.

It is very likely that this kind of summoning is an accident brought by the stone of destiny. It is not his own ability. It just completely loses the domineering spirit of the dimension of the floating king. It becomes so stupid, is it really good?

"Fat, you are in my sight!" Simba's chassis is very heavy, and such a helpless guy makes him a headache.

Dabai did not understand, curiously watching Simba.

"Look what you see, you are fat!" Simba said with a sigh of relief, "Give you the opportunity to be the second mount of the coach!"

"Fat, fat, fat!" Dabai's eyes glimpsed, this time I understand, I am very satisfied with this new name, and it has the same effect as its original dice pronunciation, happy around Xinba , a simple syllable in the mouth.

Wang Zhong looks funny. As the master of the contract, he can actually feel some great will. Dimensional floating is a special kind of life. It belongs to the group of soul creatures. The whole group has a common spiritual connection. Therefore, the more ethnic groups Prosperous, their king is stronger.

However, when it was in the pyramid, the gold slate was stolen and the whole temple collapsed. Except for the floating Wang Dabai, which was inexplicably signed, its entire ethnic group had already died with the collapse of the temple. Although it was lucky to rely on the contract If you escape, you can lose the support of the ethnic group.

"The adults talk to the children, don't interrupt, and play with the mud!" Simba kicked it away, and he and Wang Zhong continued the previous topic. It has already learned the current situation and is actively planning to help Wang.

"I don't think we need to take the risk to find the channel. The glasses man doesn't look like a good person. It's a ghostly ghost. Besides, this is the projection world. It's been a few years ago. The ghost knows the space node. It’s still not there.” Simba thinks this is very unreliable, gambling is too big, and there is a deep bias against those with the guy named Dikapo: "We Take it around the desert, wait three months, and then go back to the transfer point. Isn't that a visitor to pick it up? Let's take one and kill one... No, no, no, no slaughter, let the fat on! Those ordinary soldiers The spiritual will should not be strong, fatness should be able to create a simple illusion for them, let them bring us back faintly. Hey, this is a genius idea! The great Simba, too smart!"

"Fat! Fat!" I heard someone calling it, and I flew over with joy, and then I was flying by Simba. This guy looked big, but the physical strength was too weak, like a cotton candy. .

"Even if it is successful, going back is also directly in the core of the Seventh Military Region. The guards there are too strict, the monitoring is everywhere, and there are many masters." Wang Zhong shook his head, and that night, with Will, driving through the military area, I saw some very on the road. The powerful English soul warrior, the individual strength is very strong, just two or three, it is difficult to cope with it, not to mention the strength of the entire military region, and there are countless terrorist weapons: "We want to succeed in the core area from the seventh The military region is simply dreaming."

Wang Zhong considers another problem. His dark physique is very suitable for this. The problem is, what is behind the incident, he must go back, but can't go back from here.

(Partners, happy weekend ^_^)

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