Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 61: Demon blood

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Wang Zhong is very calm, budgeting for the reaction of the other party. The figure has already shaken in advance, drifting like a ghost, and even avoiding it on the left side. At the same time, the toes are on the ground, and the direction of the ambush of Gongyi and others is rapidly retreating.


The little devil's throat made a strange sound, with dark brown liquid in his mouth, violent screaming, bursting forward, and the speed increased again. It was obviously afraid of food running, and even more afraid of similar food.


A small round shield was in front of Wang Zhongzhong, and the little demon who was completely confused by food was completely unresponsive and was bounced out.

"Hands!" Gong Yi shouted at this time.

A silvery light shines from the bushes on the left side, like a silver snake hook lock, and instantly puts on the unguarded little devil's neck. The barb thorn on the silver whip instantly bounces and hooks up there. On the skin of the cockroach, the skin may seem fragile, but extremely tough. The silver whip barb that is filled with the spirit of the soul of the soul is extremely sharp, and it is easy to cut the iron, but it does not break the old skin, just put it Pulled up long.


The little devil screamed in horror, and the instinctive one pulled the silver whip and slammed it. The thin arm had an incredible power, and the red sister was dragged directly out of the bush.


The moment when the red sister was smashed, the other sides also started to work at the same time. From the bushes, the pace of Gongyi was quite different. The steps were not very big, the frequency of stepping was not high, and the moving speed was super fast. At the foot, there is a mystery like a shrinking earth. It is faster than a fast demon. It is almost the moment of the start, and it has already rushed to the front of it. A silver-colored dagger shines in his hand.


If the little demon is struck by lightning, the group of **** fires in the eyelids burst out, and the dagger will be able to withstand the death and death, and will not enter, but also emit the power of terror.

The strength of Gong Yi's whole body is in this hit. The whole person has already erected. All the souls are poured into the dagger. The silver light is shining, but the defense of Hellfire can still be broken, and there is a stalemate there.

It is also at this time.


A figure in the air descended from the sky, and the huge knives condensed in the air were more than three meters long, with an unparalleled momentum.

The little devil was entangled in the silver whip and the dagger, unable to move, and even the strength of his body was against the dagger and the silver whip. He could only watch the glory of the glory like Tianwei, but he could not resist, even Unable to defend.

It screamed in the scorpion.

‘Hey! ’


All the stalemates are finished in this moment, the knife is degraded, and the whole body of the little devil is divided into two!

There is no blood spilling. Living in such a place, the whole body's blood has already been drained by the environment. The thin limbs and body are the best proof. Only in the heart of the little devil has a little blood.

Gongyi's knife quickly twisted into the body where it was opened. The body that lost its life was not as tough as before. Without strength protection, the dry heart was easily cut by a knife, and the soul squeezed, and a drop of blood fell into the small In the bottle.

So how innocent they were at first, seeing such a big monster, a few small bottles are not full in an instant, but the facts are always so fragmented, so cruel, I want to collect a bottle of this monster alone. To be tens of thousands, the federal ghosts are forcing them to attack high-level creatures, that is risky...

At the moment of the completion of Gongyi, several people exchanged one look, and even the extra words did not say a word, turned and went to the peripheral area to withdraw.

Less than three or four seconds left, the little devil closest to here has arrived. The scream of the little devil just before his death attracted it, but when it came, he saw only the same kind of body. .

It roars, the sound is transmitted in the plains, more and more little demons gather quickly, and surrounded by this area, this is the fourth time that a small demon has been slaughtered, and the little devil's ethnic group is angry, though The lowest-ranking members of Diablo, but they are a member of the Demon Legion, consciously have a noble identity, at least in this peripheral plain, they should be the master, but now they are hunted by other species.

‘Hey! There are little demons in the coffin, countless bushes are shaking, and hundreds of little demons are coming from all over.

‘嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎’! !

There were countless responses in the plains, like the summer monks in the summer trees, making a harsh sound that spread throughout the Hellfire Plain.

At this time, in the far-reaching outer zone, the panting Gong Yi and the red sister and so on have long been sweating and hunting these small demons in the plains. This is really not something that ordinary people can do. The communication is too fast. The reinforcements are coming too fast. With the strength of everyone, in fact, if you really have to deal with it, the seven or eight are not too big a problem, but the key is time.

Before the first shot, the two little demons started at the same time. The result was not solved in the first time. It was only a short ten seconds. The other party summoned a large number of companions, and almost let Gong Yi and others fail to get out. Even if you just hunted a single one, there is a risk, and there are countless times for the three people to cooperate. After a tacit understanding, it can be as clean as it is today.

Here has been separated from the site of the demon group, the Hellfire Plain is huge, although there are many small demons, but there are also geographical divisions between them. Different ethnic groups will not easily cross the border. These creatures are extremely killing, and the kind of cross-border will never give up. Everyone is now optimistic about the next hunting area before every attack, so that they can run at any time, but they don't know how they communicate. It is getting harder and harder to hunt these days.

At this point, I stopped and followed the mark along the way to find a low mound. Xiaoxin, who had been responsible for the road, came out from there and shouted and shouted: "Here!"

Everyone is close.

The red sister was already exhausted. At this time, what important items were still in charge, the backpack was thrown on the ground, and the **** was sitting on it, and the mouth was full of gasping.

Gong Yi looked at the distance and saw the distant horizon that has remained unchanged for the past month. At this time, there has finally been a change. From here, the distant ground is seen, and the light begins to darken. It is the free radiation factor in the air. More concentrated.

Miyagi said afterwards: "It seems that we are close to the edge of the second layer."

Knife face Renault, Wang Zhong, Xiao Xin, including the red sister who sat on the backpack and kept gasping, can't help but look into the distance at this time, the subtle changes may not be easy to capture so well, but look at the total It can be seen.

Everyone’s face showed a hint of joy, and couldn’t help but clench his fists and secretly cheered. They had completely desperate to kill the little devils in these days. They understood that only the road that Gong Yi said wanted to collect the demons. Blood is completely a thought. The blood of these little devils is to reach the first barrel of the empire. More importantly, it is to understand the characteristics of the creatures here. This is also proposed by Gong Yi. I didn’t want to get it, but the battle. I am afraid that it cannot be avoided. Gong Yi’s proposal is also a little help, so that more than 50 people have been hunted in more than ten days. Although Wang Zhong’s kid is a soul-making period, the foundation is really solid, and the means of blaming Quite good.

"I will leave immediately!" Renault's voice was short and powerful, and there was an urgent need. From the very beginning, he didn't care much about money. Hunting the little devil was just a request of Yue Gongyi. If you can, this guy will probably start from the beginning. Go straight to the fourth floor entrance instead of slowly drifting around the Hellfire Plain.

The red sister is also clamoring: "Walking away, the old mother's skin is sunburned, what is the second layer of his stuff, not so poisonous sun!"

"Don't we kill the little devil? Is this enough?" Xiaoxin's eyes are very big. She also got exercise these days. She has a body level of the soul, and Gong Yi taught her some moves. The mystery, coupled with the small gimmick itself is flexible, the level of 'triggers' is also good.

"Enough, we only need to knock on the door." Gong Yi said with a smile.

Wang Zhong looked closely at the side. In addition to arranging the little devils in accordance with everyone's arrangements, Wang Zhong is also full of great interest in the so-called demon blood. The more you understand these creatures, the closer you are to the essence of darkness.

The dark energy or the dark matter in the universe is very special. It can devour everything. Just like these little demons, the whole body's blood is almost absorbed by the thick dark matter. If it is replaced by normal creatures, it will already die. However, they can survive, can achieve a strange balance in the body, let the dark matter with phagocytic properties begin to feed back after reaching a limit, nourish their heart and become the source of strength.

Therefore, the demon blood is so precious, it is the essence of dark matter, not only for the dark attributes, but also a more important research role, for the understanding of the dimensional world, especially the projection meaning of the dimensional creatures is of vital importance.

"Finally filled a small bottle can change a lot of things, if you want to do a black market transaction, it is enough to do the door knocking, set off, let us see the difference between the second layer!"

Stepping into the so-called second floor area, huge pressure immediately enveloped, perhaps because the center of the land is closer to the center, the energy of the dark attribute is more intense, and the radiation of the dimensional force is also fierce. Many dimensional areas are unique. The effect is fundamentally beyond the power of the five elements.

When you catch it in the air, you will have a wet feeling, just like the humidity is very heavy, but in fact it is not moisture, but a lot of rich dark energy and dimension radiation, sticking to your skin. Mix in the air and desperately want to drill into the body.

This thing is like a so-called exogenous intrusion, but it is a cold infection, a poisonous fever, and a damage to the body cells and energy composition, and even the soul sea, and the gravity multiplier here is one point larger than the periphery, about eight times as large. Don't underestimate the increase in gravity in the area, stay in such an environment for a long time, even if only one gram of weight will make you more exhausted.

(Partners, the last day of August, trouble everyone to see if there are any remaining monthly tickets, expired, a lot of support, thank you, the morning is as usual, thank you!)

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