Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 77: beggar

"It's really a dimension of floating," Gong Yi pushed the glasses on the bridge of the nose, and was very interested in the fat. He reached out and touched it. The fat didn't resist, and the face was selling, and Gong Yi couldn't help but sigh: "This It is the group that is best at spiritual energy. It is no wonder that you can defeat the succubus, but I heard that the individual emptiness of the ethnic group will soon die in solitude. I didn’t expect that Wang Zhong could actually use it as a summoning beast. It is really... ..."

"Thank you, little guy!" Red sister smiled and reached out to touch the fat head. The fat body is no longer comparable to the previous one. It is much smaller than the war Vladimir. Half a meter long, fat floating, two watery eyes squinting: "You saved us all!"

Fatty is quite enjoyable to the beauty of the stroking, with the head squatting in the arms of the red sister, tired of not doing. Dust?

Simba in the soul of the sea shouted: "This **** is unbearable, and you can let me out! The great Simba is your savior! You are going to thank an idiot who can't even understand." Little brother! Is there any reason? Is there Wang Fa?!"

As the master behind him, Simba undoubtedly believes that this behind-the-scenes command is the biggest hero, but he is now in the sea of ​​souls, and the idiots who step on the dog are very happy outside. Enjoy the gratitude and respect of everyone.

Wang Zhong’s decisive choice has been ignored. The existence of Simba is really not understandable to anyone.

"Xiao Xin, hello, poor little girl, his face is so pale."

"Thank you, Red sister, I am fine." Xiao Xin smiled.

The sky is a bit gloomy and dim.

Although it is around 12 noon, you can see that the day is not bad.

Next to it is a huge wall, or you can't see that it is the main body of the 'wall'. It is like a stretch of mountains that straddle the horizon. It rises straight into the clouds and there are no sides. The marginal extension makes people completely unable to see the end.

The wall of life, also known as the wall of sighs, stands here tirelessly, giving the protection and security of human life in the city, and letting the mutated beasts that once flooded the city look and sigh, outside the city of Tianjin, life The wall is not only a mutant beast and human being, but also a myriad of so-called refugees and citizens in the city, dividing them into two distinct worlds.

Although the so-called refugee camps are ringing around the city, not all of them are gathered together. The refugees also need resources to survive. For example, garbage dumps outside the city are one of the resources valued by these refugees. At least half of the refugee camps They are all spontaneously composed of a group of refugees gathered next to the garbage dump.

One of them is far from the city. The number of garbage trucks is not too frequent. There is no other resource available nearby. A small refugee camp with about 17 or eight tents is not far from the garbage dump. It exudes a stench that ordinary people can't tolerate. There are about thirty or forty refugees living in it. Most of them are grotesque, and they are long-term 'care' by severe outside radiation. It is actually quite good to maintain a rough human form. It is.

A tramp that was fluffy and covered in dust was curling up next to the rubbish, and it turned out that it was a new wanderer, perhaps doing something in the city and being deprived of citizenship. Expulsion, this kind of thing happens every day, everywhere in the Federation is very common, compared to entering the city, more out of the city, he has no tents to live in, curled up in a nest made of messy garbage, motionless It is like being dead.

In the camp, there was a child with a sore on his head who threw a stone and threw it over to the man’s foot. The adult of his family scared and dragged the child to hide, like a frightened rabbit, and then from the tent. There was a half-eye in the middle, and there was a bit of hatred and fear in the eyes of the guy.

The tramp did not pay attention to them, still curled up and fell there, just shrinking his legs, holding his chest tightly, he obviously has not been used to the low temperature outside the city, although this is summer, can stay in the radiation Outside the city, it still feels very cold, the radiation factor will isolate most of the sunlight and ultraviolet light, and even the temperature is difficult to save and pass.

The former refugee was relieved and the camp was restored to calmness, as if it were a dead silence.

This is the normal state of the refugee camp. In order to survive, in order to save more body consumption, as long as they can fall asleep, the refugees will never sit, can sit and never stand, can walk and never run.

It’s this kind of environment that is deadly, but what about it? Lazy? Not energetic? Don't talk nonsense, for them, life has only one goal, and that is to live.

The tramp slowly closed his eyes and tightened his neckline. He felt that the wind had poured into his neck, and he could not help but shudder. The camp was dead, as if there was no life at all.


Very abrupt, a heavy mechanical road breaking broke the silence of the camp. In the seventeen dead refugee tents, dozens of heads were suddenly found. The original numb eyes burst into the light of the beast. Full of hunger and greed.

The tramp opened his eyes and barely propped up, and at first glance he saw the huge garbage truck that was coming from a distance.

There was a little brilliance in his eyes, not only him, but the heads that came out of the tent, all of them, or the muddy, or strange eyes, both transmitting the expectation and fierce light, staring tightly. The trajectory of the garbage truck action.

They walked out of the tent and crept, even the youngest, only three or four years old, with green eyes in their eyes!

Everyone is waiting, even a lot of limbs have been crouched to the ground, as if they are ready to charge ~ 哗 la la la la...

The garbage truck was already in place, the huge back box slowly rose, and at least a few tons of debris and garbage were dumped from the back compartment, raising countless dust.

Everyone’s eyes are green, but they don’t dare to move. The mutant refugees living in the dark are deworming and cancer in the eyes of the federal people. Their courage is too small, too inferior, too humble, most They don't even dare to appear in front of the 'people', especially during the day, this gap will become extraordinarily obvious.

They are waiting, there is madness in their eyes, as if a storm is brewing violently.

The garbage truck shook his buttocks. The driver naturally saw the beasts like the beasts below. He also shook his head with a smirk and said something to the person holding the rune gun. The other side seemed to be new. The driver did not say anything, the giant garbage truck left.


When the taillights of the garbage truck disappeared, dozens of people immediately rushed up like a dog, and rushed to the pile of garbage that had just been dumped.

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