Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 128: Cell cosmology

To practice the nature, it is necessary to practice the best. Wang Zhong started to turn over the good things. It is really interesting to see a few books. The introduction is also a quenching method. You can look at the price, the least. It must be 1300 holy cents... This is just the introduction of the quenching body, it is simply a giant pit.

Wang Zhong looked stunned. He had always felt that the two hundred holy coins in his pocket were a good starting point. This Nima is not enough.

Think of ways to? No way, the quenching method is not like the smelting system, which is used by everyone. Everyone knows that the books about the smelting method in the library are often fifty holy coins. At the beginning, the Nyma quenching method, because of the requirements of the practitioners' own talent, even if the exercises are placed in the library, they are often unique inheritance. No less.

But Wang Zhong still really does not believe this evil. If the quenching method is done in this way, then the hegemonic quenching system will not exist. Nima has to give it to newcomers!

Continue to turn! The soul-hardening zone is nothing more than 30,000 books. At the beginning, Wang Zhong took a page-by-page look at the contents of the copy book, and then only directly scanned the price.

One thousand five hundred holy coins, two thousand nine hundred holy coins, one thousand two hundred holy coins... eyes are looking at flowers, hey, free?

When they lost their confidence, Wang Zhong suddenly had two eyes, which was turned in the leftmost corner of the quenching area. A seemingly thick method of quenching was actually the legendary free? ! what's the situation? This is a gift, and it is so thick!

Wang Zhong is a little excited and can understand it very quickly.

Thick because it's a true copy, not a copy of the content, because it's free, and you don't need a copy at all. Second, the book is very old, but not because it is old, but because it has been smashed! Just flip a few pages to see the folds on the paper that are pulled out by the fingers. Some places are damaged, and there are watermarks.... The cows don’t know, but this is the most powerful in the library. There is no book of dignity. It is no wonder that Nima is free. There must be countless newcomers who have been lucky enough to pick it up and feel that the pie has fallen in the sky.

Wang Zhongqiang endured the curse in his heart and confirmed the title again.

"Cell cosmology."

The name of a good book, but the author of this name is a funny ratio.

To put it simply, even the librarian does not know how the book is mixed into the library of the hegemony. The title of the book is "the illusion of the reality of the gods", the pen name is not shameful than the title, but the focus is... …free!

If human beings find that the soul can be in the fifth dimension, let humanity finally get rid of the shackles of the body and truly touch the ambiguity of the universe. This is the most advanced progress since the dark age, and this book is from the first word in the opening. Teach humanity how to go backwards. Because the author of this book believes that the human body also contains the mystery of the universe, deeper, beyond the soul, and even each cell that makes up the human body is a universe!

It uses inexplicable terminology to explain the concept, what atoms, nucleus, even molecules, electrons, and claims to enter the microscopic world to elaborate the universe, but the book does not explain the so-called atoms and molecules in detail. What are the ghosts of Nima? Atom, you still have buns!

Frankly speaking, the average person can't understand. The glory of earth science and technology is before the advent of the dimensional world. Since entering the dark age, human beings' science and technology and some academics have been basically lost. Under the pressure of survival, human beings are fighting mutant animals. Or a powerful life in the fifth dimension. On the micro level, it is mainly medical, but it also stops at the level of cells, and more microscopic has given up.

Neither the federal nor the empire, or the holy places, there will be no one who pays too much attention to these. These professional terms are too much for ordinary students, and it seems that they are undoubtedly the same thing as the heavenly book, but Wang Zhongzhi understands.

When he was a child, Wang Zhong had discussed a lot with Simba. He also studied a lot. He was completely in a state of being popular. At that time, even Wang Zhong felt that these things were useless, but with the growth, Wang Zhong felt that the old times The understanding of civilization cannot be said to be completely wrong. It is just that technology has gone awry and will prosper. It is farther and farther away from the universe. The black hole plan seems to solve the problem of resources, but it actually breaks and makes humans interrupt. The wrong direction is in contact with the fastest way to understand the universe, but some understandings of civilization are correct, at least some methodologies are correct.

When you look at it with a critical attitude, you can read a few more pages. Wang Zhong’s eyes can’t be moved.

Any kind of method can be regarded as a kind of knowledge, a kind of cognition. If you want to practice it, you must first attract it to you. Many ideas in this book can Under the circumstances of understanding, it has already attracted Wang Zhong. The book believes that the real quenching body is not widely tempered at the level similar to the human body, but from the microscopic world, the human body itself contains infinite treasures, each of which has a nucleus in its atomic nucleus. There is an unimaginable power of the universe, which can be called 'nuclear power'. Mastering and using such 'nuclear power' is truly powerful.

And when you master the nuclear power, and then complete the combination of soul and nuclear power, human beings can become gods, and the universe can do everything!

Many people in the smelting system of the hegemony give up the human body and replace the human body part with liquid metal, alchemical products, etc. Such a practice seems to be a benevolent and foolish person in the author of this book. He feels the human body. In fact, it is the most powerful in this universe. The energy of the atomic bionucleus is not the same as any other kind of energy in the universe. This kind of concept is completely thorough for the now extremely prosperous smelting system. Negative, it is no wonder that such a person who can publish a book is obscured in the history of the family of the hegemony, and no one will like him. Not to mention the hegemony, such a concept will not be seen even if it is placed in a monastery or a martial arts hall.

Human beings’ impression of their own weakness is long-standing and ingrained. From the dark age against the mutant beast to the fifth dimension of the battle, in the face of all challenges, human beings rely on soul or soul, compared to humans. The body is really weak and worth mentioning!

An ordinary knife can cut the skin, you tell me that it is the strongest substance in the universe, but it has not been developed? Really want to be the strongest, even if it is not developed, there is a foundation of one or two percent, and it is not weak. This **** theory is only a ghost.

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