Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 150: Breakout

Even if she had left, the three people of Ayros had recovered from that stiff state after a full ten seconds.

It is stronger than the Queen, and it is not a star or a half. Wang Zhong and Mu Zi are extremely surprised. It is hard to imagine such a level.

"That's not what level." Aeolos is a bit of an uncontrollable excitement: "That is the order fragment itself!"

Before entering, he and Wang Zhong and Muzi said the so-called rule order of the secret world, which is the source of the formation of the secret, but in general, it is a powerful soul device, artifact, or a kind of illusory The power of dimension can be directly transformed into the rules of order of human form, even if it is the first time I saw it.

He was a bit fanatical about the transmission array in the cabin left by the Princess of Order. Obviously this secret is not over, and its level is beyond their expectations.

"It seems that it is a chain of secrets. If it is a secret of several or even more fairy tales, it would be terrible." Wang Zhong does not want to be able to do anything. Just every step is risking death, but all that is encountered is to kill first. After eating, or like to pick up the skin to eat, he will be finished, what will happen if he loses, Wang Zhong does not know, but he does not exist, what is the significance?

On the road to pursuing practice, Wang Zhong always feels that he must persist in the self, lose the self, be strong, and not be himself.

"Continue?" Muzi does not matter, just swallowed the Queen, Muzi's face is unusually rosy, life and death are constantly adding strength, as for some trauma is not a matter.

This is the first time that the core of the secret has slipped. Aeolos shook his head, even though he is the one who is most interested in this chain of secrets: "Forget it, I have to prepare again, this time thanks. Wang Zhong, otherwise he will finish."

He thought that he had unlimited soul power, even if the realm was a little worse, but at least he could hold back his opponent. It seems that he still has too little awareness of power.

The shape of Aeolos swayed, and the next moment there was a broken mirror in his hand. "Wang Zhong, you hold it, although it is broken, there are many ways in the Holy Land that may be fixed."

Wang Zhong is also welcome, put the Queen's mirror into the storage space, and can see that Aeolos does not care about foreign objects. He pursues the power itself, but for the current Wang Zhong, this is not the case. Tsundere, this kind of thing is more good.

"There is a lot of gains here." He was thinking about the picture of the princess who had just ordered, and he smiled casually with some rules. It was not felt by Wang Zhong and Mu Zi, but Aeolos can. Go back and digest it, I believe I can make myself deeper in the study of the law. And the power of the Queen is a bit more than Aeolos's estimate. The similar chain of secrets, the next one is always stronger than the previous one, so you must be embarrassed, but the next time you have to prepare more fully: "I I will explore the road first, how to arrange the news for you later!"

Simba and Muzi smiled. They didn't matter. There was Aeolos staring in front. Both of them were soy sauce. It seemed dangerous. In fact, every step of Aeolos was arranged and made the worst. The intention of Azeroth's infinite soul power is also a top talent, no wonder unscrupulous.

This singer is also beautiful, not only has a rich experience, but also has a magic mirror, perhaps it seems that it is of little use now, but one day when the king enters the peak of the soul of the soul, or the soul of heaven, this is the most precious wealth. .

When you look around, the cracks in the earth are slowly repairing. Although the order has already left, but because of the existence of the chain of secrets, it will not completely disappear, and you can clearly feel the diffuse dimension of the entire mysterious space. Weakened.

This is good news. The passage of the chain of secrets is in front of the log cabin. Since I decided to leave, the next time I come back, maybe this mystery has been restored, but the dimensional power of the entire mystery has weakened. Seven dwarfs It is sure to regenerate, but the Queen is not necessarily, even if there is the possibility of regeneration, it will certainly not be as strong as this time.

At this time, the ban on the secret has disappeared. Returning along the path when going up the mountain, the former tree demon forest reappeared in front of him, and the ham suddenly called up. Muzi stunned. "There is a group of people in the secret, seemingly in danger. ”

Somehow, Wang Zhong felt familiar, just in the midst of the war, the body still has the power of the stone of destiny, the foreboding of this moment must be pointed out, "Go and see."

Aeolos and Muzi smiled, no opinion, solved the Queen, and the law fragments also left. This secret is not threatening their existence at all. This is powerful.


The Oscars and other people in the forest had already fallen into despair as early as a few minutes ago. Their journey of secrets was full of twists and turns, and at first they suffered a blockade. But after World War I, the tree demon group was destroyed, and the trees behind it seemed to be ordinary. Let them be very smooth all the way, but after going deep into the hinterland of the tree demon forest, the whole forest has been completely alive at this time, not only the tree demon around, the whole land is cracked, there are countless vines and weird The plants were drilled out of the ground and the whole team was in a deadly battle.

The most terrifying thing is that the whole mystery is trapped in some kind of blockade. I can’t leave it with the pioneering order. The reason why I dare to come again is because I can leave at any time. Only the rare secrets will limit the pioneering order. The horror dimension of the creature sits in the town's S-class mystery.

They seem to be fooled, the only way to live is to die.

Everyone has already killed the red eye, the team's absolute main small hand gun has changed the owner ~ ~ in the hands of Lance, but this is not his easy thing, the firepower is not as good as Before, the original owner of the handgun was fainting on the back of the even number at the moment, even if it was a powerful soulcraft gun that was paid for a full five thousand holy coins, there is a limit.

The soul of the Holy Land is very powerful. There is no doubt about it, but it all comes at a price. Simply put, the power of the Horcrux is to absorb the soul of the ontology greatly. The proper use is twice the result with half the effort. Excessive use is a life-saving task.

Murphy's hand gun is a very crazy remote soul device. It has been used twice before the small eyes. It kills two waves of mad trees and delays enough time for the team. But this is just this. The capture of the two soul forces has already caused the small eyes with the largest soul reserves in the team to fall into a coma.

When it was already desperate, the tree demon did not know how to suddenly retreat, but when the danger ended, the tree demon came again, and this rhythm is the restraint of the secret forces by Wang Zhong and the Queen.

This repeated toss has already exhausted the entire brigade, and Oscar’s eyes are already red, feeling deep regret.

"Block, take everyone from the right side!"

Oscar shouted, but the right side is the most concentrated place of the tree demon, how to go?

The long flowing hair that had been sealed at that time had already been scattered at this time, and the mark on the forehead had become stunned and flickering. She was somewhat surprised by the command of the head.

But I saw that the strange bag that had been backed by Oscar on his back was shaken by him. It was a strange vest, a bit like a scroll, but it could not be opened. There was a red at the seal of the vest. The taro is printed.

(Partners, on the last day of October, the partners who have the remaining monthly tickets will support it. In the early morning, as usual, thank you!!!)

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