Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 155: Deputy Head (2 in 1)

"Wang Zhong, staying in the holy city is often a foreign population, except for those big families, most of them are alone, so even if they enter the Dimensional Brigade, they are even a family. Although there are few people in the Wandering Brigade, the framework can be Or the regular brigade framework, originally had two deputy heads," Oscar looked at him with a smile: "The seal is one, now there is a vacancy... I discussed it with everyone and decided to let you be the deputy of the brigade. Long, are you not interested?"

Regardless of whether Wang Zhong’s contribution to the brigade or the experience of everyone in the secret world today, all the wandering brigade’s emphasis on Wang Zhong is obviously the highest specification, and certainly will not let him be an ordinary member, in other The identity of most brigades and deputy heads means a lot of benefits. Even if it is usually divided into tasks, it is definitely more than ordinary members. The wandering brigade does not exist in this respect, but it is also important to give Wang a team position. The degree of performance.

Wang Zhong did not want to manage things. He suddenly pondered the need to open the situation here, especially the blockade of the original pattern. Perhaps it is necessary to make some changes. "Can the deputy head recruit new people? I want to bring some new people. Come in."

"Of course, no problem, our wandering brigade is a person who is not prosperous, the deputy head can be the master." Oscar said with a chest.

Feng also nodded. In fact, the normal situation must be dominated by the head of the regiment, but the wandering brigade is special, and the strength of Wang Zhong’s display also illustrates many problems. Oscar and others have not actually discussed it. CHF is the first person. After entering the holy city, it is quite low-key, and low-key is seen by many people. In fact, his strength and potential are absolutely amazing. If this is the case, everything that has been experienced in the secrets shows that the pattern of Wang Zhong is not in competition with some newcomers. What is short and long, this is the real strong!

It’s just a matter of his mood, and the wandering brigade is coming to an end today. This time it’s changing, and after experiencing the tempering of the mission, Oscar and others want to open, they won’t change. My own attitude towards life is not so closed.

In a few words and two words, Oscar was obviously in a good mood. He chatted with Wang Zhong about some messy anecdotes, and other people in the brigade also continued to return from the dance floor.

In addition to Oscar and Feng, even and Lance are of the type that has many words. Today, I am already familiar with the return journey. My small eyes have not come over and I am still in the monastery. These five people should be regarded as the main force of the current wandering brigade. In addition to the even number of younger ones, only the middle of the soul, the other is the level of the soul of the soul. The other four members, Odom, Dick, Lan Li and Tomson are all in the middle of the soul. The time to enter the holy city is not long, but it is already a saint for more than five years.

The biggest characteristic of this group of people is that there are no taboos. Except for some jokes, the jokes should be converged before the cover. If you drink it, you can say anything.

Everyone talked about laughing and looking for Wang Zhong’s turn to drink, and Lance next to him was quite excited: “Haha, Wang Zhong, you didn’t have to register with the secret missions in the past, even jump two levels, S-class comics, Even if the top ten brigade group had a hundred-member group, they wouldn’t dare to go, let alone finish it! You can shake the bandits of the Dimensional Hostel, and it’s really good under our wandering brigade. And went directly to the brigade list!"

“How much is it?” Wang Zhong is very interested in this.

The brigade list is a ranking of all the registered brigades of the whole dimension hostel. There are no less than three or four hundred brigades in the holy city. The strength of the brigade and the recognition of the hostel can be seen through the brigade list. Degrees, only the top 100 are eligible to board the brigade list, and can also be used to assess the strength of all brigades in the entire hostel.

"Seventy-seven, can give the Haiao guy a suffocating suffocation, the guy is careful, just pressed on the head of their sea beast brigade, squeezed him back." Lance mouth smiled, look Come and this guy named Haiao must have a festival: "Hey, think about the guy’s stunned look today, and I have even eaten a bowl at night!"

"I can't see you like this little man, a broken topic, say it eight times a night." Oscar smiled and raised his glass on the table and said: "Drink, drink, don't come, come to celebrate." The Wandering Brigade was promoted to the third-level brigade. In order to celebrate the addition of a new member, Wang Zhong, deputy head, everyone went one!"

Everyone picked up the glass, and Lance directly smashed two bottles of spirits, one bottle of his own, and then put a bottle to Wang Zhong: "There are two big things like this, which one is enough? Blowing the bottle!"

There are a lot of people around, and the wandering brigade has an unwritten rule, but any newcomer who joins the new one will not go home once on the wine table. I used to take a few rounds before, and watched Wang Zhong actually have nothing to look at, but I realized that this small young man who looks very tender is a huge amount. I really want to have a cup of coffee slowly. I might drink it tomorrow morning. .

Wang Zhong is not coming, he is about to get rid of it. He suddenly heard a greasy voice ringing beside him: "Hey, little handsome guy, can you drink? No, I can help you."

Wang Zhong looked back and saw that it was a woman with a cat's ear, but wearing a bunny costume, she was quite well-behaved, the child's **** were quite hot, and the low V-neck was almost impossible to fill her rich. Wai, eager to come out, she smiled and walked over, and quickly reached the shoulder of Wang Zhong, the plump body posted a post, looking at Lance's eyes full of provocation, it seems that the gang is very familiar with the gang.

The other people next to it saw that she was happy. Lance said with a wink: "The Queen of the Bar actually took the initiative. It seems that our deputy head will have other arrangements this evening."

"This is your deputy head?" The cat girl seems to have some accidents. It was just to watch him look good and show off, and he was so hot with the gang of the wandering brigade that he came over to pick up, but I really didn't expect... the wandering brigade in the Queen's Bar. But there is quite a reputation.

No one wants to climb to the heights, especially in the holy city, and the circle of contact with the saints is obviously the best way for ordinary people to climb up. Don’t see that she is the bar queen here, sought after by thousands of people, but in the saints. In front of me, except for a few points, she didn’t count anything. She wanted to seduce Oscar a long time ago, but she could be scared away by the eyes of the seal. As for the rest of the brigade, they are five big and three thick, like Lance. Kind is not her dish at all.

But now I have come to the deputy head of the eyebrows, or a chick that looks very tender. The cat girl’s eyes are already a bit hotter than before.

“It’s no wonder that I’m so obedient,” her voice was full of teasing and her body was tighter: “We can have a close conversation.”

Wang Zhong is crying and laughing. "My girlfriend will kill us."

The opposite seal was slightly disgusting. He could hear Wang Zhong’s response and couldn’t help but laugh.

The cat girl is also a slight glimpse. She knows that some saints have dual mate, and they are all sly characters. If the saints may fight, but she is definitely a direct killer, no matter how bad it is for this group of people. They are absolutely not afraid to offend, so they have to leave a resentful expression and leave.

"Ah, Wang Zhong, you already have a double partner?" Feng asked curiously.

Wang Zhong shrugged helplessly. "No, just don't want to bother."

"This is absolutely not normal, our deputy head will not be a chick?" Lance laughed.

The seal was a heavy lifting of the wine glass, and blinked: "Don't ignore the estrus animals, I have seen you become more and more pleasing, I believe that the small eyes are also, the deputy head of the adults, you have already got the entire wandering trip The support of all women in the group!"

"Haha, flattered!"

After a good night, Wang Zhong is massive, and the people of the wandering brigade are not bad. Even the most 'weak' seal, the amount of alcohol is definitely much stronger than that of the Grenaites. When Wang Zhong returns home, It’s already a bit top-heavy. The amount of alcohol in others is drinking and drinking. Wang Zhong relies on the body’s natural immunity to alcohol. When it’s so big, it’s rarely when you drink it, but nothing else is happy. Drinking sometimes finds the right person.

A little alcohol can't make a soul hunter hangover. Super body resilience can never be compared with ordinary people. After getting up early, I sent a message to Lola, Gly, Shermi and others. I earned 5,000 oceans, Wang Zhong wants to invite everyone to eat well, and by the way is also gathering, come to the holy city for so long, in addition to occasional Tianxun, a word is usually too busy, No chance to talk. Of course, there are more important things. Grae, Shermi and Mario have not joined the Dimensional Hostel. They are not like Lola. One is demanding, the other is no background. There is no brigade in the Holy City. Standing on the ground will be very difficult, Wang Zhong feels that the wandering brigade is actually quite suitable for everyone.

There were a few people who were naturally full of mouths and agreed to the time and place where they met at night. Although they were a bit "fallen", Captain Wang was still the same in these people's minds, and then Wang Zhong went back to the library. .

Now that money is available, some practical aspects of cell cosmology can begin. The first step is to make the so-called 'micromirror', the full name is the quantum soul microscopic mirror, the price of the finished product is about 10,000 holy coins, the instant king I have a feeling of twisting, but I still want to make a way.

Last time I just looked at a rough manufacturing method. When I actually studied it in detail, I found out that it was a complicated matter to make a 'micromirror'.

Wang Zhong made a detailed manufacturing record this time. It took a long time to make a record. There are more than 300 kinds of raw materials involved. Micromirrors are not just high-magnification magnifiers. Specific observation of the atomic structure, as well as the operation of internal nuclear energy, soul energy hedging, etc., those are physical energy that does not exist in the entity, so it is necessary to use some special display instruments, as well as rune matrices, involving the field Extensive, not only alchemy, but also runes, so that Wang Zhong could not help but sigh the creator's thinking and knowledge.

The next step is to find materials, which is a kind of strength... Although most of the auxiliary materials are various, they are still easy to find, and the buying and selling price is not too expensive, but a few main materials are more troublesome, especially the mirror-made Crystal glaze, it is a very high-end alchemy product, the application is very wide, although there are many alchemists who will produce in the Holy City, but the production cycle will be longer, once sold out are mad, often no spot, need to be in alchemy Shops are queued for a long time to book.

After running four or five alchemy shops in succession, they were told to queue up for the first half of the year. What kind of thing, Wang Zhong also counted on the recent three or two days to get this thing out, can only continue to ask a family, can be in vain It took an afternoon until I heard no good news in the evening.

I think of their date with Gloria, and only temporarily put it down, and continue tomorrow, so many alchemy shops in the Holy City, Wang Zhong does not believe that there is still a ready-made Xuanjing glass, and will not be able to increase the price tomorrow, in order to cultivate, not bad Money.

The place they agreed with Grae was the Lancang Food Club. Compared to the Queen's Bar last night, this is a high-end place. It is also the most extravagant place for saints to consume. The boss is the former gourmet tour group. The blue 黛 导 导 , 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替 替Say, every time the province is just asking if your stomach hurts.

It’s a pity that I didn’t know that the chef’s is not a blue sergeant’s tutor. Her students are here. Only special characters and special festivals can receive the hospitality of the blue sergeant. Wang’s first reaction is profiteers. But nothing!

When I came over, I saw that Shermi and Mario had just arrived, and they were a little bit stunned in front of the lavish gate. It seemed that they were wondering if they had misunderstood the place. It is said that they are all consumed by the holy currency~www Buying with holy coins, Shermi would not even think about it.

Once on the earth, it was considered to be the infinite king of the ball. When it came to the holy city, it really lost all sense of superiority. The Apollo family was basically no foundation in the holy city. The predecessors of several families were mixed here. It’s not so good. It makes the start of the ball quite difficult. Without family support, the holy currency can only be earned by itself. There is no way to join the Dimensional Brigade. Before that, there is a sea beast brigade that will accept her. Come, the result is because the head of the brigade, Haiao, stares at the eyes of Shirmi, and makes Mario red-eyed.

It is very difficult for newcomers to join the Dimensional Brigade. They either have an identity background or have great potential, or they will be obedient and obedient, and even make some unspeakable sacrifices. This has already become the norm in the Holy City. Men are better. After all, the things they can sacrifice at most are labor. But women, especially beautiful women, often have to pay the price that new people can't bear.

I am not afraid that you will not join. The near-cold-blooded competition in the Holy City will let these new people recognize the reality sooner or later. If you are really anxious or really who you are, you can make them advance in advance with a little bit of action. Some brigade leaders We all have absolute experience in this.

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