Battle Frenzy

Chapter 80: New tropical rainforest

Wang Zhong quickly got up and was dressed neatly in less than a minute and appeared on the playground.

Marcos and Marcus were all surprised. Although the tossing of yesterday was not big, I was afraid that I would have to drink a pot of coddled student soldiers. The reaction of this kid is almost like them.

The two brothers were a little surprised. Wang Zhong was not only fast, he was dressed neatly, and his mental state was very good. Even at night, his eyes were very sharp.

Neither of them has expressed too much, because...the performance of others is too bad!

"Rely, the dawn is still early, the hair is ah, this is..." Someone yawned, yesterday was too tossed, and then eat that disgusting thing, no nightmare to do, few really sleep well.

"What about Grace Master?"

“Is training started now?”

"Give me shut up, this group of waste!" Marcos burst into anger, the soul broke out, and the tyrannical power from the English soul period instantly passed.

"If you want to quit, roll it right away, otherwise start your first night training!" Marcos said indifferently. "Record their performance, except for Wang Zhong, everyone deducts three points!"

Marcus on the side is also mocking. "I don't think any of these wastes can be qualified, and it saves people from being thrown into the federation."

Marcos didn't answer, just looking at a group of stupid students. "I was supposed to arrange your physical strength at night. Now I should pay attention. I will wash your inertia and stupidity!"

Marcos dialed the news, not a few minutes, the base came out several soldiers still dragging the pipe.

It didn't take long for them to know what was going on, and the high-pressure faucet was a burst of madness against everyone.

"Stand up, don't go back!"

This is the night of the wilderness, minus ten degrees, the water gun is sprayed on the body, but the taste has never been experienced by everyone. Everyone has enough to resist the soul. This is not serious, but it is not eliminated and not eliminated. The little life will be accounted for here.

Marcos and Marcus did not stop them from using the soul. Although the two were harsh, they also knew the scale. This group of chickens, if you don’t have to use the soul, it will be dead, and Marcos is responsible for the lesson, while Marcus is responsible. Responsible for observation, including observing the physical condition of each student.

... there is actually one who does not use the soul force...

Something is wrong!

One is the first king to appear. This little guy doesn't look very strong, but he can resist it.

There is also a small white face, white and clean, some slim, but it seems that this situation is not too concerned.

Marcos and Marcus looked at each other and seemed to have hopes in each other's eyes. Perhaps these guys are also worthy of training.

Barron has been biting his teeth. The pressure of the water gun is nothing to him. It is just that the cold can't stand it, so you need to use the soul to resist, and subconsciously see the king.

Wang Zhong’s senior stood like a javelin, ... did not use the soul force...

After three seconds, Barron also put away the soul, this is training, if this is not enough, why should he stay here!

After a while, Reeves seems to have discovered this situation, but also helplessly put away the soul force. As the inevitable captain of the future, he can't be worse than anyone. These **** need to behave like this!

Unconsciously, the competition was born among a group of young people.

Hell special training, officially started!

In the far-flung South America, the beautiful continent once known for its tropical rain forests, the holy land that the explorers yearn for, is now more “beautiful.” The wild vitality of this plate is mobilized by dimensional forces, and humans can predict with scientific vision. The future of the future will always be limited. In the old days, South America was relatively scarce in resources. Most of the mainland was abandoned, but the survivors also received blessings and gained great power.

In the new South American continent, hundreds of large and small forces were born. The most powerful one is the Amazon Empire. At least the free federation chose the Amazon Empire as a contact. The development of the Amazon Empire is extremely fast, and complementary resources are always the way to development.

Among the four sections in which humans are reborn, this section is the most chaotic of the current forces. The wildness makes them unwilling to be bound, pursuing the release of freedom and the belief of natural forces. The concept of God is here interpreted.

The lush tropical jungle is full of vitality. The traces of great changes still exist in the past. It still seems to tell the greatness of natural forces. It is only in the depths of the jungle that Amazonians are not willing to go deep. Every region has changed. Not the same, such as Africa, the most terrible is not animals, but insects, but in South America, not only there are strange mutant beasts, the most terrible is the mutant plants, it is a kind of emotion called despair.

No one knows what is hidden under the dense foliage or calm water.

Perhaps it is a horrible shadow magic leopard, or a barbaric mad crocodile dragon, or a small but deadly hundred-section silver ring, even with this seemingly calm forest vegetation, there are many A terrible change has occurred in the Cataclysm, and it has become a horrible spore eater!

But at this time, a young man is sitting alone by the river in the jungle. He has a knife that looks rough in his hand, and he is concentrating on carving a piece of wood.

The eyes are very focused, the hand of the knife is fast and steady, the sound of '呲呲呲呲' is connected, and countless sawdust flutters, and the mysterious symbols appear on the wood~www.mtlnovel. Com~ let the original plain wood, it seems to have a more solemn atmosphere.

The youth's expression was quite serious. The damp and hot rain forest and the sun above the head did not affect him at all. He had a strong upper body, and the dark brown short hair was slightly rolled up. The bronze skin could not be seen even with a drop of sweat.

A full-backed crocodile with a length of six or seven meters was quietly lurking in the lower reaches of the water.

The ancient species of crocodile, which has a history of more than 200 million years, has survived all kinds of great changes. In this man-made cataclysm, they once again walked in the forefront of evolution. This time they completely left the water and changed. It became a more powerful land-changing beast. It seems that the dinosaur genes in the body were stimulated, the limbs became more powerful and thick, and the back was raised. Like a hill, the absolute jungle overlord was called the ironback crocodile by the locals. Earthworm,

This is its territory!

The young man looks very healthy, and the beautiful line of the muscles is the most delicious thing!

The dragon's mouth can't help but have already flowed out of saliva, and when they gain strength, the wisdom of these mutant beasts has also improved, especially the wisdom of hunting.

Twenty meters... The huge earth dragon slowly sneaked...

Young people are completely immersed in their own creations like artists, and the movements in his hands are still continuing, and his expressions are getting more and more excited.

The hand of the knife has become faster and almost turned into a shadow!

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