Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 166: Happiness Oasis

Strong as Oscar, the moment that I was so stunned, I couldn’t see the action of this vampire. I only felt that I waved my hand and I didn’t see any weapons in his hand.

The bones were muddy, and the entire head of the magma fell, as if it had been broken up. The red magma-like energy that originally connected the whole body was instantly dissipated, and the huge body was rolled into the ground with countless dark stones.

Opening the door, the battle is only a short ten seconds from the beginning to the end. It feels that Mario and Grae are still a little excited, and the light is too early, but for the newcomer, it is right. One.

"Firer?" Napier's mentor is very anxious.

"This side," Mario trotting past the golden rope that had been hooked to the sparkling stone before.

"Next!" Only heard a clear sound, a fist-sized red crystal spar was pulled out of the magma river, bringing a flaming red slurry to the king's side.

Wang Zhong’s storage space is already in its open state. The different space pockets are not afraid of the so-called high temperature. Wang Zhong did not handle it and directly used the storage space to collect it.

The fire spar was stolen, and the temperature around it seemed to be reduced by a point. The original magenta magma river also became slightly dim.

"This is a remarkable feature," Wang Zhong has fully invested in his work, and he has noticed changes around him: "You can find a place where the fire element is thicker and warmer, and the possibility of finding a spar should be larger." ”

"But it is also possible to encounter a large-scale ethnic group." Gly nodded.

“Try to measure the risk as much as possible. If you don’t, you can withdraw it.

Oscar didn't talk from beginning to end, just followed, but the heart was measured. Frankly speaking, the strength of the law is not easy to say now. Unless there are obvious traces of the law, it is necessary to look at the combat power after entering the peak, but these The basis of individual combat is definitely a lever, which is also the characteristics of the fighters out of CHF.

The mentality is also quite stable. For newcomers, strength is not the biggest problem. Oscar has seen too many newcomers who have just entered the secrets. If they dig into a task or kill a low-level enemy, they will be excited. In the first half of the day, I forgot to forget what I was doing here. There are too many new people who have died in the form of ecstasy.

Especially the Grae, the strange vampire method will not be said. Previously, it was possible to break the defense with a common long sword and break into the head of the soul-level magma. The ability of this close combat has not lost much. The old saints will be heavier to him and the king. These newcomers will definitely be treasured.

Wait a minute, there are forty-nine fire spar, there is always a time worthy of Wang Zhong’s real shot.

Oscar comfortably changed into a reclining position. In order to be a bystander, a sun lounger that was specially inserted in the storage space is now a big use. Oscar even changed into a short dress. Sleeve shirts and flower shorts, next to the magma river, the live sauna is open, you can't enjoy it.

"Our head is this intentional?" Shermi sweated, looking at Oscar with a sunglasses lying on the beach chair, a face to enjoy the chilled sour plum soup is a little depressed, this is absolutely Deliberately come to everyone's.

"You are practicing, I am rehabilitating, don't confuse," Oscar laughed. "When you are on mission, you have to resist all the outside interference and concentrate on your work!"

The process of finding a cryolite is simple and not simple. It can be said that it is far from difficult. There are quite a lot of fire spar in this magma mystery. Almost every two or three miles can find a piece, guarding the spar. The magma people were also different. The most time they met three, let Oscar appreciate the tacit cooperation between the two teams under Wang Zhong’s deployment.

It was the sparkling stone that they first discovered by Shermi. With the previous experience, the three-person team did not directly mine, but kept in a safe position. A heavy artillery-like image was summoned by Shermi. Come out to the tens of meters in advance, ready to seduce the enemy to solve it.

Frankly speaking, the law of weapons is actually very rare in the Holy City. After all, for the holy city that pursues the rules, what is more important is the rule, not the simple force. Even if it is placed in the understanding of the earth, the weapon image belongs to it. It is the best. As for the hot weapon-style image, it is even rarer. Oscar didn’t care much at first. It’s a big trick like that, it might be a powerful attack, but it’s a powerful attack. Only fixed-point positioning, no matter how powerful its power, the role in actual combat should be limited by the authorities, but he is obviously underestimated.

Shermi’s artillery image is not a direct attack. The presupposition is not because it is inconvenient, but to lock.

Oscar was surprised to find that her artillery had at least some similarities with the special skills of small eyes. No, it should be said to be stronger than the special skills of small eyes. It is also the target that is locked, but the enemy that is aligned with the Charm gun image is like a precise tracking navigation. No matter what angle, position and direction of Shermi itself, Even, no matter how the enemy evades and how many obstacles are in front, her shells can always bypass everything and then accurately target the locked target. The magma that she was aiming at was originally hidden behind the other two magma people, but the shells that she had smashed by her hand made a precise hit, and none of them failed! With Oscar's eyesight, it is natural to see that Shermi is not deliberately going to fight the arc gun. It is definitely the locking and tracking effect of the weird image.

Although this method seems to have only this effect at present, it is actually quite terrible. Oscar can already imagine how such a perfectly precise guided image would match the upper-order high-order Horcrux. The power, such as Murphy's hand gun? That powerful firepower can simply bypass everything and shred everything in minutes. Moreover, it can be seen that Shermi belongs to the huge type of soul sea. In the holy city, it has always been a saying that 'the woman’s chest is directly proportional to the soul of the sea'. Although most of the time it is just a joke, it is not a hole in the wind, and Just looking at the way that Shermi fired when he was not aware of the soul, he could already see some clues.

The vast soul sea is like an inexhaustible energy source. The precise navigation method is equal to the most terrifying positioning attack. Nothing is a better remote talent than this.

What is the most important thing for a team? In addition to excellent command, I am afraid it is a powerful firepower. It is not that other people's positions are not as good as firepower, but a powerful firepower hand can be played far beyond his own heads-up ability if it is integrated into the team. The role of terror.

There is only one firepower brigade in the past, that is, small eyes. This aspect has always been scarce. In fact, it is also a common problem of many brigades in the Holy City. It pays attention to too many personal practices, and it is actually less specialized in powerful long-range firepower. Every time there is a real remote master, it is definitely a hot item. Can this be a treasure?

Oscar has a small surprise. If you refer to the word real remote master, Shermi may be a little younger, but her talent in this area is absolutely lacking. This discovery is probably the biggest surprise of this, but unfortunately the current wandering brigade is so poor that the last time the whole group has been together for half a year to help a small eye to get a hand of Murphy’s hand, to help again. Shermi got a handle? Think about it, at least in a short period of time, don't take it seriously.

As for Napier and Mo Ling, the two have similar strength to Grae, and the Fa is quite interesting. Napier’s clown method has a self-destructive function, powerful and powerful, with a strong soul penetration, but unfortunately The magma people are a little restrained. The magma people who have no soul and no flesh are not afraid of this kind of soul-like soul blasting. For them, it is probably similar to the feeling of throwing pepper.

The image of Mo Ling is quite suitable for group warfare. The body of the beastmaster is very suitable for the hegemonic family. The method of merging the flesh is not unusual, but the calmness of the ink spirit can make up for the lack of talent.

At the moment when the three magma people appeared, the firepower of Shirmi immediately blocked one. Although it could not be hit hard, it beat the magma people to keep screaming backwards, and they couldn’t hide. The other one was pretending to steal the fire crystal. Neipel of the stone went to the attention, using the flexibility and the circle of it, and the ink spirit will hold the rest.

Being restrained in the dimension world is too common, so it is necessary to cooperate with the brigade, the team is very important in the exploration of the dimensional world. Oscar has found an interesting place. These newcomers have heard that they are from different cities and teams. Several first time meetings were still on CHF.

Oscar has been sacred for so many years, the vision is there, and the cooperation is good, but some connections are unfamiliar. These are all made up by time. The problem is that they seem to have very high trust in each other, often handing over the back. To the comrades, it seems to have great trust in each other.

In the Holy Land, this situation is really unacceptable, because betrayal is almost the norm.

Oscar was a little emotional. He couldn't stand this and he organized his own wandering brigade. Many newcomers learned the "reality" in the initial hardship, but these few people have not changed.

With the shaking of the earth, Oscar couldn't help but frown, not right, this fluctuation, is it...

"Let's go!" Oscar shouted, but it was too late.

Kachiltan is no longer a small, insignificant village.

In a short period of time, under the formation of Gong Yi and Hong Jie, this oasis, the influence of Kachitan is rapidly expanding in the desert. In Tutankhamun, the power of money is more prominent, especially the federal The routine is especially useful on the empire, and it is simply a gold mine.

A month ago, it was officially registered as a "town" in the Tutankhamun Empire, still using the old name of Kachitan, called the town of Kachiltan.

As night fell, the prosperity of Kachiltan was just beginning. The villagers of Kachintan used dinner, then carefully sanded the body, cleaned the body, put on carefully prepared clothes, and left the house. The once sand road became a solid stone road, cleaned up, and the wind was big, and there was no wind and stone.

This is the street, the real street, they walk on the road, the feelings inside the heart is like a pilgrimage.

For those who have just been promoted from the villagers to the residents of Kachiltan, their life is like a dream, the tattered, only a few wells, a Hu Yanglin and a small piece of water in the lake of Kaqiertan It is a memory that can't go back. They are the ones who cherish this moment most.

The place is still the place, the scenery is still the scenery, but after the decoration and transformation, it has a completely different charm. In the past, it was a poor mountain, even a precious oasis, still can not get rid of.

But now, who can say that it is poor and evil here? Guaranteed to be looked at by the locals!

The sand dunes that change every day are called Jinsha Mountain. The waters that come out of the small underground river are the Moon Lake. The Populus euphratica is even more unacceptable. It is regarded as a **** forest... One dream-like name attracts everyone. Imagination, and then blame yourself how stupid in the past, such a good place, but never felt better.

Some teenagers rushed into a neat team, running across the street in a uniform manner, and their steps were extremely light. If they were not seen, it would be difficult for blind people to hear the running sounds that were integrated into the wind.

Looking at the teams of these teenagers, most of the residents showed an envious and excited look, envy, they also want to get such training opportunities, excited that these teenagers, mostly their descendants, township folks.

Renault ran at the end of the team, the face of the iceberg, full of hurting people, almost no one dared to look at him, the title of the devil Renault, has become famous in Kaqiertan, everyone is subconsciously stopped Step down and say hello to Renault.

Renault kept the shape of the iceberg, but with the juvenile team running farther into the darkness of the night.

The pedestrians on the street quickly merged into a different house. These houses are newly built. Now, they are all kinds of shops. The residents of Kachitan no longer leave the oasis. Hunting, because with the expansion of the influence of the oasis, more and more outsiders came to Kachitan, they brought prosperity and brought consumption.

The Oasis of Happiness is the most beautiful place in the light here, and it is also the center of the night under Kachiltan.

The aristocrats of Tutankhamun, who usually have a rare sight, are here. The sound of the wine glasses is ringing in one room after another. The leaders of the tribes who have not seen each other for several years are here, happy. Enjoy the luxury that the nobility should have.

At the gate, the red sister smiled and accepted the arrival of one nobleman after another.

The aristocrats are coveted by the red sister, but the identity of the federal people makes them dare not do the more things, and the mercenary group of an employed Amazon is protecting Kachiltan, the last one is happy. The aristocrats of Oasis Hulai were interrupted by the Amazons.

(Two in one, ask for a monthly ticket, thank you!)

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