Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 168: Heads-up (2 in 1)

I saw the moment when the black crystal exploded, a huge black wall stood in front of the eyes, as if it was isolated from the heavens and the earth, all the energy between the whole world seemed to be absorbed by the black giant wall, and it was transformed into a Energy, so that this 'Giant Wall' instantly grows to a height of hundreds of meters, the length and width are extended to the extent that it can reach beyond, and the feeling is still extending.

The huge barrier instantly separates all the dangers. Through the black energy wall, you can see that countless faint cockroaches are spreading on the wall, but can't shake the wall.

"Funny black wall", the defensive array produced by Master Zhuo Lier, which is produced by the famous sect of the Holy Land. The place where it is strong is that it requires only a small amount of soul power to stimulate, especially for energy-type attacks. The defensive effect, 6900 holy coins, the attack below the soul period, as long as it is not a metamorphosis level, can support at least one minute, in a moment Oscar feels that the loss of the cockroaches must be mad, the whole task can not earn a fraction.

When the enchantment wall isolates the space, it also blocks the strong fire elemental force from the wall. However, it can be seen that the color of the wild pioneer has returned to normal and can be left at any time.

Oscar sighed and finally got it, but then it was deep egg pain.

"Go away immediately, can only support for a few tens of seconds!" Oscar immediately acted. If it is a general power, it may take a few minutes, but watching the rainstorm-like attack of the magma leader, it is a conscience work for one minute. .

Glyn and others are all agile. After all, they are from CHF. The actual combat experience is still there. With Oscar running all the way, the problem is far from the core area. After all, the magma leader is ferocious, but It is not a type of mobility and seems to depend on the surrounding environment.

(Two in one, partners, ask for a monthly ticket, thank you!)

"Hey, what about Wang?" Shermi said suddenly, surprised.

Glei turned his head and looked into the distance. He only saw the back of Wang Zhong. Wang Zhong waved his hand far away. At this time, the enchantment collapsed, and the place where everyone just happened was completely covered in flames.

Gly and others felt the scorpion fever. "Is this guy crazy?"

This must be a hero? ? ?

That is the leader of the magma of the British soul, or in a favorable environment, a first-class soul, how to single-handedly? Oscar knows that Wang Zhong is definitely strong, otherwise he may not be valued by the horrors of the two empires, but frankly, he and Feng discussed that they should be Wang Zhong’s special ability to be valued by them. Of course, for the team, such ability will be very horrible and very beneficial, but in terms of personal strength, Wang Zhong is still only a preliminary soul, and the more difficult to challenge the soul of the soul?

Such an idea is too bold, too risky, or too self-effacing.

The first reaction of Oscar is to stop, but how to stop it? If he is at the peak, there may be a hint of hope, but now he is only going to die.

Six people look at the small eyes, what should I do?

"We are also past?" Napier has been eager to try. Recently, under the influence of the wandering brigade, he has recovered a few points of life that once laughed and laughed.

"Is it dead in the past? Not everyone is a madman like Wang Zhong!" said Shermi. Apparently everyone knows that Wang Zhong is fighting for a fight. "This guy's image is a flame, maybe there is something." Method."

"There is no way, this is the peak of the British soul, and it is equivalent to the small lord, and we are not enough to tie it up." Mo Ling smiled, thinking that the Holy Land was mature, and now he is too naive. Wang Zhong is more crazy than when he was at CHF. The gap is really too great.

"Don't be impulsive." There was no tension in Greg's face, even with a little bit of indifference. If anyone in this group knows the most about Wang Zhong, it must be Gry.

Not all because of their familiarity with each other, even when Wang Chonggang went to the Holy City, Glyn could feel the mystery of Wang Sizhong. He didn’t know where the mystery came from, but he knew it existed. Like the saints who had squandered the king in the previous rumors, Gleed secretly went to the 'going' of the guy at night. Obviously, things didn't seem to be what the other person said. As for Wang Zhong's low-key him. I can understand that such a rumor can make him less trouble, why not?

What kind of combat power is Wang Zhong’s legal image? In fact, very early, Gry is looking forward to it. He never believes what is said by everyone.

"We haven't been able to help in the past. Instead, we have become a drag on the seniors. We just have to wait, maybe we can witness the miracle in a while." Gry calmly said, obviously Wang Zhong is still inside, they have no possibility of going, always Look at the situation.

Gry's calmness also infected everyone, because in the bones, these people are not convinced that Wang will become a waste, and since he left, he must have his way.

Oscar has fixed his mind. At this time, it is really too big to continue the task. In the past, the help was obviously not too much, but to say that he left, Oscar is really not at ease.

"Just stay here and wait for Wang Zhong." Oscar finally made a decision, even the newcomers are not afraid, what reason does he leave?


The division and the alchemist foodie also said that the three deputies of the Holy Land are justified. The alchemist is in the forging of the Horcrux, the foodie is in the potion, and the division is studying the runes, enchantments, levels, etc. The depth of the esoteric is higher.

If they have something in common, it is that one thing is more expensive than one. It is a very popular product in the Holy City, and the key moment can often save the entire team.

Of course, Oscar’s hand is definitely a good commodity. After all, it has been accumulated for so many years. This thing is not very useful in the tree demon forest, but there will be miraculous effects here. Wang Zhonglai has no time to feel the emotion, and the enchantment is scattered by the violent violence of the magma leader. .

It’s just the wave of the magma leader who didn’t care about the escape. It was awakened entirely because of the creature in front of him. There seems to be something in the body of this fragile creature that summons it. It is something that can make it detach from the bond, as long as By swallowing it, it can be freed, which is a source of demand.

Its line of sight instantly locked Wang Zhong, and the boundless greed filled the space.

Just at the moment when the magma leader locks the target, Wang Zhong can feel that the temperature around him rises again in an instant. For other fighters, this requires a huge amount of soul power to fight, but Wang Zhong does not need it. .

The high temperature and the flame did not use much damage to Wang Zhong, which ruled out the deterrent effect of the flame on the soul. After all, this is actually a very low grade, and the physical body is still much stronger than the average person.

This is a trial. The tempering method is like every soul warrior has to do. There may be a lot of relatively gentle ways, but Wang Zhong does not have so much free time. Compared with the actual tempering, he is Feel more comfortable and effective, directly summon the Flame Elf King.

"Respected King, Salamanda is at your service." The Flame Elf King squatted on one knee and saw that the flame on it was much stronger than the last call. The whole body was also bigger, and the flame was more textured. Deep down. Not all because of the small increase during this time, more because of the environment in the lava world, the high temperature around the flames makes the flame elf king have a feeling of returning home, all the elements here are incomparably familiar, let It feels intimate and makes it even stronger.

"Don't kill it." Wang Zhongli has no nonsense, the two masters and servants are all connected with each other. At the moment when the voice just fell, the Flame Elf King Salamanda has rushed toward the head of the magma as the arrow of the string.

Although the strength is inferior, Salamanda is still extremely proud. In the face of the powerful magma lord, the powerful fire elements around can absorb and replenish at any time, so that it feels that the body has endless power and suddenly bursts. The flame is like a ejector that is placed in the leg of the leg. It is launched like a rocket. The distance of just ten meters from the other side seems to be close at hand, just the moment of the start has already been killed.


The violent crash, the defensive barrier that had previously defended all of Schalmi's attacks, suddenly shone, forming a huge twist in front of the magma leader. Although it did not completely break the barrier, the barrier seemed to be the same as the magma leader. The huge impulse hit it and stepped back a few steps.

Probably I didn't expect this little thing that was not in my eyes to be able to smack myself. The angry roar broke out from the mouth of the magma leader, and the arm swayed, and the humanoid arm cast by the flame was actually swinging. Turned into a huge sickle, slashed to Salamanda, different from ordinary magma people, probably because the arm is not composed of cumbersome boulder, the leader's arm movements are extremely fast, flame sickle in the air Straight out a shining light.

But it's fast, and Salamanda is faster.

The general law is not wise, but Salamanda obviously is not the case. Many times, Wang Zhong thinks that he is like a projection of a world of dimensions, but he does not know why he is projected to him. His soul level is absolutely It limits his combat power and even wisdom.

Nowadays, Salamanda seems to be more responsive to Wang’s own fighting skills. I saw that Salamanda’s body has changed its direction while striking the barrier. At this time, it suddenly swayed by force, and the movement was elegant and dexterous. Wang Zhong’s very beautiful fighting style is exactly the same, while at the same time a flame chain has been quickly smashed out, and the neck of the magma leader is instantly smashed!

If there is anything exclusive, it is that Slamanda particularly likes to use the flame chain, and Wang Zhong did not find the matching dimension creature from the material of the Holy Land.

The flame chain suddenly shrinks, and the huge force even affects the balance of the space. It can be seen that there are countless electric lights bursting between the flame chains, just like there are many small space cracks that are affected by the force, pulled by the magma, magma The neck of the man's leader was also tightened for a small half circle, and the friction between the flame and the magma suddenly shot a sharp and harsh sound.

The body of the magma leader is a little sly, but it is just a shackle. It can feel that this seemingly weak flame creature is not under the control of the flame, but the weakness of the power is the fatal wound of the other party. The flame trowel that the magma leader had just slashed had already turned back into the form of the arm, and the flame chain was suddenly pulled.

Juli bursts from its arms, and Salad Manda feels only an irresistible force to pull over and throws its body toward the leader, followed by a flame knife!


The horrible flame knife is unstoppable, and it easily tears the body of Salamanda and divides it into two pieces. The attached power has a more violent turbulence effect, together with the body that has been divided into two sections. The students are scattered and turned into countless stars.

But in the blink of an eye, the shattered fires condensed like a **** help, re-agglomerating the body of Sala Manda, still slamming the flame chain and trying to break the neck of the magma leader.

Wang Zhongzhong is observing the whole battle process. He wants to know the bottom line of Shalamanda. Obviously his guard is quite special, retaining the characteristics of some French elephants. If it is a dimensional creature, the tear will not be too strong. Damage, but the energy of Salamanda is only weakened.


The magma leader was furious, and a horrible heat wave erupted from it, forming a horrible heat wave that rushed around. Wang Zhong, who was approaching the high speed there, felt that he was hit by a gust of wind and the foot was slipping. Almost was scraped, and quickly rushed to the soul, legs deep like a nail into the ground, to stabilize the figure. The salad manda, who was holding the flame chain over there, was directly swelled by the blast, and the flame chain in his hand had been straight.


The flame knife fell, the chain was cut off instantly, and Salad Manda was like a mosquito that was blown away, and the whole back was washed back...


Salamanda’s body was directly smashed and It seems to have an undead body, and the broken body is once again condensed in an instant! However, although the recovery, the fighting spirit is not reduced, it can still be seen that its body shape has been slightly smaller than just a little, and the soul force reaction has also shown signs of weakening.

The soul gap is still too direct...

The magma leader has clearly seen through the weaknesses of the two ants. The soul and the air are constantly released, sweeping the entire space, and the violent wind pressure directly blows Wang Zhong and Sala Manda to stand. After spending a lot of effort, I can't move freely. As a spark on the skull, it's a red light shining. A horrible energy gathers there and pulls the surrounding space, which is almost distorted!

What kind of horrible power, really want to catch up with this, Wang Zhong feels that he can go home directly to report.

"Ximba!" He didn't want to start to dominate the talent just after a little difficulty, not only to make Salamanda adapt to his fighting habits, but also for a long time without active bones, he also wanted to play well. Feeling that the magma leader is not completely unstoppable,

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