Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 181: My world, called the master

There is no harm without comparison. If she doesn't keep up, she and Mario may really fall behind. Think about Lola and Scarlett. They have a family to be a patron and a good mentor. What does she have?

Glei and Napier have just confirmed the direction of Wang Zhong’s pursuit. The two are about to start. Suddenly, the sky in that direction suddenly becomes dim, and the yellow sand is thick and foggy. Rolling in, sandstorm!

Nothing is more terrible than this in the desert. Even the ant army, or the master of humanity, is still small in front of nature.

The gale blew a step earlier than the sandstorm. The violent wind whistling through the air. The tall sand dunes mourn and move under the violent wind.

In the distance, the people of the Kachiltan tribe have begun to retreat and hide. No one knows more about the power of sandstorms than them. This is not the courage to fight, only to avoid.

Grae's handsome face showed a struggling look, but the yellow sand that was rolling like a misty sea had swept through the wind and instantly drowned everyone's vision.

In the face of the great power of nature, mankind can only retreat.

"First, wait for the sandstorm to pass!"

Glyn can only turn around and greet everyone to retreat towards Kachiltan. Even if he insists on looking for Wang Zhong, this kind of extension can only see the environment of Huangsha. He would only get lost if he had a bad sense of direction.

Soon, everyone returned to the oasis, and the sand like a bullet bombarded the wall and made a squeaky sound.

But Gry's face has changed. Although he doesn't know what the sandstorm looks like, the power of this sandstorm is not right. The most important thing is that there is a breath of soul power inside.

And human warriors want to borrow the power of heaven and earth, they must enter the soul of the soul, ... Mouss has entered the soul of the soul.

Everyone in the room has changed his face. Gong Yi is even more remorseful. If he knows that there is a master of the soul period, he has already recognized it. This is over, and Wang Zhong is harmed. No matter what, no one can Defeat the soul of the soul.

"Wang Zhong, there will be nothing!" Shermi suddenly shouted, but the discerning eye can see that she is the most worried. In fact, even Gry is somewhat uncertain.

They are small opponents, and the holy land is a master. However, this does not mean that there is really a blank on the earth. On the contrary, some of the masters who are unwilling to be bound are hidden on the earth. The federation may be better. But in the three great empires, such a master is no longer a minority, and the Holy Land can be proud of the world, and they obviously do not deserve.

And now, it is Wang Zhong who faces this horrible monster!

There were sandstorms on all sides, and the squally winds rolled up the sand dunes. The yellow sands that were covered with the sky were spinning in the air. The sand became a sand-like fog, blowing toward all directions.

Wang Zhong stood on the edge of the sandstorm, very magical, surrounded by sandstorms, but like a stormy eye of a tornado, in the square, a quiet, he sensed the salad with the red sister Manda In the case of Elf King, they were trapped by sandstorms, and under the protection of Salamanda, they were safe for the time being.

Wang Zhong took a deep breath and turned around and looked at the square. At this time, the whole piece of sand was an endless sand soldier. Moyous disappeared, not only people, but his breath, his soul. The reaction of force also disappeared without a trace.


Hundreds of sand soldiers have been killed at the same time, and these sand soldiers have cooperated with each other. This is a team of soldiers who are well-trained and well-trained!

Wang Zhong’s hands constantly released the golden roulette, and the crossbow formed by the soul force constantly swept the rushing sand soldiers. The rows of sand soldiers fell, but more sand soldiers stood up, accompanied by the laughter of Moyous. He is not in a hurry. It is interesting to torture the prey, and it also prevents the other dog from jumping into the wall.

Any strong person who comes out of the Holy Land may have a two-handed killing. For the experienced Moous, patience is a must. It took him a month to kill the soul, which is more patient. !


The sand pikes in the sky are usually shot at the weight of the soul, and there is a feeling of wearing a heart.

The horror of the Fangyuan method is that the consumption of the soul is reduced to a minimum, and the consumption of the mind is also the lowest when the control is performed. Normal people cannot control such a large range and so many sand soldiers. This is equivalent to being separated, like Napier, can only control one avatar.

This is the gap between talents. Of course, Moyous must rely on the desert. This is his home. Once he changes to other places, his image will be greatly reduced, so he will not go, even away from the oasis. There are strange ways to escape from the opponent, but here, in the sky, only I am alone!


Wang Zhong’s fist is as fast as the speed of light, lightning-like attack, without any hard-resistance, violent attack, accompanied by a burst, the power of the subwoofer shatters all attacks.

Followed by the whole person into the sand soldiers, the soul force as a shield, violently blocking a circle of puncture, immediately, the body like lightning strikes into the formation of the sand soldiers, the palm is like a knife, the legs are like a whip, the elbow is like a hammer, They are the simplest and most direct killings. As long as they are hit, these seemingly horrible sand soldiers, like the wax people who encounter the fire, become a sand.

Only a moment later, these sand soldiers were swept away. It seemed to be powerful, but it was only awkward. Wang Zhong had considerable confidence in his soul and strength. When he reached a certain level, he would not rely on the quantity to win.

There is no Moyous among the sand soldiers.

For the method of Fangyuan, it is just a kind of name. Wang Zhong saw this record in the library of the Holy Land. This kind of person naturally exists in the Holy Land, and basically it will reach the level of engulfing. This is also the reason why Wang is important and low-key. Under normal circumstances, any law will have weaknesses. Although Wang Zhong does not know where his weaknesses are, he should be careful, and there are too few and too few materials for his opponents.

I just didn't think that there was such an enemy in Tutankhamun, and his square land was still a "golden desert" that resonated with the desert environment.

This is also a low-key place for Moyous. No one knows his true power, or that the person who knows is already in his golden desert. This is why Moyous has brought Wang to this place. One reason. After all, there are many people in Kachillan. Before he became a soul, he didn't want people to know this secret!

As long as he enters the soul period, there will be no more opponents, even if the opponent is stronger, even the gods, but as long as he stands in the desert, he can’t beat it, and he can easily walk thousands of miles. The desert is his Invincible invincible land, the earth has a desert, the dimension world also has a desert, this is the reliance of Moyous's ambition!

"Dying and dying, in front of the power of God, you only have a slap!"

Rumble, the voice of Moyous sounded from all sides of the golden desert, not only the air is spreading his voice, the sand is shaking, even the underground is rumbling and there is a heavy echo, like **** is honking.

Endless sand soldiers continue to embrace, like the high-pressure faucet that can not be turned off, Wang Zhong once again caught in the layers of the sand soldiers.

However, among the endless sand soldiers, a seemingly identical sand soldier was watching the Wang Zhong in the battlefield coldly. Wang Zhongzheng was ready to shoot and suddenly found that the body could not move.

At the same time, the sand was covered as quickly as he could, and countless quicksands began to wrap up.

Moyous's cold laughter sounded, this is childish, the sand soldiers are just the introduction, the power to control the sand has reached the extreme, his favorite is to make a living mummies!

The sand desperately wants the king's heavy seven-mile drill, although the soul force can be sealed, but it can't stop the countless sand from being pressed up.

Here he has countless ways to get rid of his opponents. I really don't know how courageous these sacred sacred goods can be. He can even die in the presence of the celestial spirit. He even dared to scream with him, killing this guy and going back. Kill all the oasis.

Moyous appeared in the desert, and Wang Zhong had been sunk to the bottom of the sand and made a mummified alive.

Mouss spit, "On this level, it also has the power to talk about, the Laozis you have seen have seen, and the Laozis you have never seen have mastered."

"Hey?" Mous suddenly found that the stupid figure was still there, protecting the unconscious red sister.

What's happening here?

Mous frowned, just as he was going to solve this legal creature, in his golden land, in his golden desert, his kingdom, his gods, there was a man he could not control. Gravel.

Very ordinary, very inconspicuous gravel.

However, it caused the eyes of Moyous to be shocked. In the desert of his golden country, how could he have sand that he could not control? Every sand here is actually a part of his image, a special state of control between the virtual and the real.

"My world, called the ruler."

Wang Zhong’s voice is very light, but it is clear that it sounds in the entire square.

Like the heart, the words are followed! The rule of the ruler unfolds, and the grid of the heaven and earth chessboard extends in all directions. This soft voice becomes the thunder of the sky, and it is getting bigger and bigger!


The golden desert has changed color, as if the sky has been pressed down, and the sky and the earth are as close as possible. In the air, the dense electric light tears a crack.

The black and white colors are covering the desert itself, and while occupying this space, new rules are spreading in the erosion.

A dune changed and rose, Wang Zhong appeared again, not far away, Salamanda has been kneeling on one knee, this is the power and prestige of the source.

This is the power that truly belongs to God.

Mouss trembled all over the body. The last second, he was still a **** on the top, standing in the center of his godland, manipulating everything, the next second, starting from a small sand, he fell.

Because at this moment, he can clearly feel that his world of the world is covered by Wang Zhong’s world, eroded, swallowed, and then stripped away from eating and eating! His desert rules were smashed by the other's unfolding world rules, like an egg hitting a stone.

Weak meat and strong food, the survival of the fittest, when the square method is like the upper round image, it is definitely the most brutal competition in the hunting industry.

The first is the confrontation of the ranks. If the high-quality products are on the low-end, directly crushed, and even the chances of the contest are not. If the grades can be counterbalanced, it is the confrontation at other levels.

Obviously, Mous was crushed, as humble as sand.

"This is impossible! How can you have such a world, your image?"

Mous pointed to Wang Zhong. For the first time, he felt a panic!

Because of his pride, his self-confidence, his ambitions, the reason why he is the king of the scorpion, the root of everything lies in the world of the law of his square.

However, now, his biggest root, in front of others, is crushed!

"No, you are..."

Suddenly, Moyous’ eyes were huge, and the color of anger was covered by shock. In the confrontation of the world, he was defeated and completely defeated. Therefore, he can “see” the essence of the world that Wang reopened. !

The essence of the square is to create a small world through special legal images and through the integration with different environments!

However, Wang Zhong is not shaped.

He is the master!

If Moeus feels that he is a **** in his golden kingdom, then Wang Zhong is in the dominating world that is unfolding. He is God.

No need to rely at all, Wang Zhong is where the king is!

"It seems that you really don't know anything about power." Wang Zhong said, his voice is still very light, but it is heard in the ear of Moyous, but it is a thunderous sound, as if it is a subwoofer. Hit him on his head.

"No! This world, there can be no such image, there should be no such image, how can Heaven tolerate you?"

Wang Zhong smiled. "Maybe Heaven is dozing off."

Wang Zhong did not shoot, nor did he need to shoot. His image was depriving the other's legal image. This is the most original confrontation. This kind of experience and taste is very beautiful, perhaps the biggest nourishment for his own image~www.mtlnovel. Com~Mouss madly rushed toward the king, all the souls of the whole body condensed into a group to desperately, but his territory has become smaller and smaller, until all disappeared.

When the rushing half of Moyous was shocked, the whole person was fixed there. The last rule of the golden desert was just stripped off by the ruler. The power always took the price. The stronger, when When it fails, the counter-attack will be bigger.


A gust of wind rushed from all directions to Moyous, and countless sands rushed into the body of Moyous, and with the screams of Moyous, they became part of the desert.

Born in the desert, buried in the desert, and his ambitions.

Wang looked at it and then took a long breath. It seemed to be easy. It was only the parties who knew the resistance to it. This is a valuable experience.

This kind of square-like confrontation, and the same type, is very dangerous. Whoever first recruits who is not aware of the opponent will be passive.

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