Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 186: Life and death, Huangquan Road

() The two took a break outside the pyramid and enjoyed the food before the war. As a 'birthday feast', the cola and the ham are indispensable, and of course, the singer and the other ham. The appearance of the ham intestines is still so cute, but Simba is a little depressed when he sees the bracelet of Muzi. Wang Zhong, this kid, has never given a birthday to Simba!

The people of Simba are very embarrassed and the consequences are very serious!

Must remind this little unconscience guy! But then, what day is your birthday? When thinking about this problem, the original resentful Simba suddenly made a mistake. Frankly, it is really unknown. There is no such thing as a slight impression. Even the name of Simba is still a flash in the mind. Out of it, there is no testability at all.

In the end, Simba can only smash the lame, mother, people who have no birthday are suffering!

When the rest was stopped, the group of four immediately set off. Muzi had already set up detailed coordinates at the so-called boundary between life and death, and opened the life and death shackles. It was just a matter of bending.

For all kinds of magical functions of life and death, even if I have seen it many times, Wang Zhong still can't help but sigh. In the legend of the Holy City, there are actually some magical Horcruxes like life and death, with all kinds of incredible thoughts. Some of the functions are not even under the guise of life and death, but most of them are only known by their names. They belong to the legend and live in front of their eyes. They can be seen and touched. In addition to their own gold slate and destiny stone, Wang Zhong really did not see it. More magical things than life and death.

From the life and death sputum, the entrance is a gray sky, unlike most of the secrets that Wang Zhong has seen. It is quite vast and vast, and although the sky is full of gloom, it seems quite calm. The transmission coordinates of life and death can only reach here, and there is still a long way to go.

"The boundary between life and death is just the name I gave it to, and it is also the world I often traveled." While the two were on the road, Muzi was also giving Wang Zhongke a message about the so-called boundary between life and death: "It is not the same as the secret, here. It’s part of the fifth dimension and it’s not a mystery.”

The world of the fifth dimension is divided into two types, one is stable, just like the life and death boundary at the moment, or the vast world outside the gate of the last dimension of the blessed land, which itself belongs to the fifth dimension world. The other is unstable, it will change because of human influence, that is, the secret world, most of which belongs to the projection of other worlds, or the world in which the extension of thinking is born.

"There are many boundaries between life and death in the fifth dimension. It is very strange. There is no special way to enter. Life and death can bring me freely. Yes, the ham is also found in a life-and-death boundary."

"There is life and death connected here, half of the world is living, and half of the world is dead, but there is no obvious boundary. It is possible to change at any time. Don't look calm now, but this moment, the next world is likely to change. It has become a dead world. The dead and the living can coexist, it is a very special place, and there are many passages to the wonderful world." When you come here, it seems to be coming to Muzi’s home. He is very familiar with it and very Relaxation.

“It feels nothing special!” Simba today is like a gunpowder on Muzi, but he must take a look at every opportunity.

Muzi smiled and said: "We are born, as for the dead, you will see it soon."

I can see that Muzi is very familiar with this place. It seems to be exactly the same terrain. He can feel deep in the way he bends around. His pace is quite strange. He has no sound at all. It's like being wandering or teleporting. It's not a trick. He is avoiding some sensitive areas. There are too many unreasonable things in life and death. It is very likely that some areas will wake up and sleep. The dead.

Wang Zhong followed his rhythm closely, stepping on the pace of life and death, and the strange rhythm seemed to carry some kind of embarrassing feeling.

The sky in front of it gradually became darker, and the excessive tranquility made this space seem extremely suppressed until Simba saw the first so-called dead.

It is a peculiar dimension creature with more than a dozen legs. It is not an arthropod, but a soft body. It looks like a shellless cockroach, numbly facing a small hill in front of it. Slowly crawling, directly ignore Wang Zhong and others. Seeing that its body has been riddled with holes, it seems to have been eaten by some carnivorous creatures, and even the head is only half left. There is still rotten carrion in the wound, but no blood flows out, just like blood. Already drained.

Simba is the most feared of ghosts, but this kind of stupid and slow-moving is not the type of fear. It ran on the hill in the ham, and wanted to be careful, but suddenly stayed There, it is like seeing something incredible.

Wang Zhong quickly followed, and saw that there was a huge world behind the hill. There was a huge vortex cloud in the air that was slowly rotating, and below the vortex cloud, it was a huge kilometer in diameter. Bottomless, the horizontal bar is between the two circles. From this side, there are all kinds of strange creatures that converge toward the bottomless pit. Some of them are like the soft body, and there are still flesh and some completely soul forms, floating in the air.

This is the army of the undead! They lined up in a quiet, neat way from all sides, until they walked into the huge bottomless pit, and then fell like a dumpling, but they were not afraid of death.

“Is this Huangquan Road?” Wang Zhong’s stunned once recorded in some ancient books, I thought it was just human imagination.

"Huang Quan Road? Very interesting name," Muzi said: "I call it the boundary between life and death."

"The soul of human death will also be here?" Wang looked up and saw the humanoid creatures of the humanoid occasionally from countless creatures, but if you look closely, you will find it.

Legend has it that Huang Quan is the ultimate destination of the human soul. The former servant fell into Huang Quan and re-entered the six reincarnations, but these are just legends.

Speaking of this, there is a trace of sadness in Muzi’s eyes: “I used to think so, but not. The truth of the fifth dimension is relative. What we see is not necessarily true. Real and illusory are not here. significance."

"We are not going to go inside the hole?" Simba has a creepy feeling. Its sixth sense has always been accurate. The bottomless abyss, even if it is a look, makes it feel strong uneasiness.

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