Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 197: Feast

() Thinking of this word, Wang Zhong is a bit distracted.

"Hey, talk to you, what **** to go." Blues did not breathe in his hand and swayed in front of his eyes.

"Listen to it." Wang Zhonghe smiled, just said the accident and Lan Xiaoer briefly talked about it, but did not involve the headless knight.

"The first experiment will be successful. You are very talented in summoning. Don't underestimate this point and feel simple, but in fact many people can't do it." Lan Yuer's reaction and wave to this matter The waveguide division and others are almost the same: "Although it is a hegemony, but since there is talent, I still suggest that you can look at some of the division's things, but it is best to find a professional tutor to guide, not just rely on their own groping, more Don't force yourself into the summoning field."

"There are a lot of bans in the field of summoning. This is a two-way process. It can't be seen from the perspective of human beings. We are the creatures of the world of dimensions, but in their view, we are also summoning beasts."

"Hey, if I am a big summoner, I will summon my sister!" Wang Zhong gave a thumbs up.

"The courage is not small!" Lan Xiaoer said with a smile: "I have a good sister who is just an enchantment master. The layout of my house here, including the layout of my private laboratory, is also from her handwriting. If the level is up in the future, I will introduce you to you."

"Call, this... let's talk about it." Wang Zhong seems to lack interest.

Lan Laner just smiled. The time to know Wang Zhong is not short. He is quite familiar with him. Don’t look at this guy’s usual modest and low-key look. It’s actually a boring style. Simply say the typical proud boy. .

It’s just that he probably doesn’t know exactly who his jiejie master’s sister is, and that the deputy rating and personal strength rating are completely different concepts. In the holy city, there are three levels at the top of the subordinate pyramid, masters, masters, and holy division.

Just look at the surface, there are two major areas of the title of the master, which seems to be not king-in-law, not top-notch, but frankly, the deputy practice is more difficult than personal strength, like she is a master foodie, but cooperative The subjects are big mentor and even some holy mentor.

My girlfriend’s girlfriend is actually very strong in the field of enchantment. It’s not really strong. Although it’s just a master... Of course, these don’t need to be explained slowly.

"Come on me and see." The blue-eyed child’s cold words made Wang Zhong’s heart move a little, but then the shackles were destroyed by the routine voice of Lan Lan’s. She grabbed Wang’s hand and looked at it. The condition of the soul force: "Yes, very stable, the lifting effect of the last Pallulu chicken has been completely absorbed by you, it seems that you can start a second course of treatment."

"The ... two courses of treatment?" Wang Zhong’s ear was instantly upright, and the longer it was swayed by the blue scorpion, the common sense of some foods was also known, and the ingredients that can enhance the soul power are actually quite rare, allowing The direct use of the soul of the soul is less common, and if the same ingredients have been taken, the effect of the second dose will be greatly reduced. In general, the soul of the soul wants to quickly increase the soul without side effects, the difficulty is quite large.

He did not think that he would let Lan Laner help to find some rare ingredients to quickly improve the soul, but after all, this is a bit difficult, and there has been no opening, but I did not expect...

"Of course, not only has a second, but also a third and fourth course of treatment," Lan Xiaoer said with a smile: "I said that you are re-raising on you, you will never think that my limit is to help you into a soul." Stage?"

"...黛儿姐, it’s very difficult for me to do this. You see that there is nothing valuable in me. It seems that only by the body can you report this kind of enlightenment!"

"Thinking of beauty, more and more daring, but you still have a good source of reincarnation, the cost is buckled inside." Lan Yuer laughed and played Wang Zhong's forehead, once again confirmed Wang Zhong's physical condition It is also a re-measurement: "The goal is the peak of the soul of 10,000 Grasso. With your physical talent, there are three more treatments. The soul can improve this thing. The help of foreign objects can only be a guiding effect. More importantly, look at yourself and try to absorb them. In addition, after each promotion, you have to meditate to stabilize the soul. If you pull back, it will be ruined."

As soon as Lan Laner said, the door had already been ringing, and the incoming Aila was a face.

Frankly speaking, Ella really can't figure it out. When the afternoon tutor asked her to prepare something and sent it, she already guessed that it was Wang Zhong. After all, the tutor never hosted any other guest at home. I have already done enough to prepare myself, but when I really saw Wang Zhong, Ira couldn’t help but want to turn my eyes.

The last time the Pallulu chicken, the kid could not pay the bill, this time it is estimated to be white! As the assistant and financial manager of Lan Yuer, Ella’s heart is bleeding.

"HI, Mr. Ella." Wang Zhong said very politely.

"Wang, Wang Zhongshi's younger brother..." Ella's response was obviously quite reluctant. If she was not standing next to the mentor, she really wanted to put the lunch box on the head of the kid and let him pay the bill.

She has a rune lunch box in her hand, which is much larger than the last rune lunch box.

When I opened the lunch box, I saw that there was hot air coming out. Wang Zhong curiously looked around and thought that it was similar to the kind of ingredients that had strong fire properties like Palulu, but I didn’t expect it to come out. Directly an exquisite small copper pot, the strange thing is that there is no fire under the copper pot, but there is a constant buzzing sound of '汩汩汩汩', which seems to be a pot of soup, huge bubbles on the soup surface The heat in the lunch box is emitted from this inside.

There are also two large bowls, which are covered with two different colors of meat, one white and one red, about the size of the palm, and the bright color of the process.

Wang Zhong’s eyes are brighter than the last four small pieces. This time, the weight is quite sufficient, and the boiling soup in the pot is full of a strong fragrance, with a burning sensation. Mouth-watering: "Is this mutton? Hot pot? My favorite!"

Lamb? Fire, hot pot? !

Is it really difficult for Ella to hold the table? If the next time the tutor plans to do something like this, he will definitely not help her to deliver food! Even if the tutor does not come, it is just that listening to this kid can give people a half-death.

Don't understand, don't talk!

This is the phoenix pulp!

Just like swallows use spit to build nests, some flame creatures with more than eight orders have similar habits, and the explorers bring these treasures back to the foodies to extract them and become important food materials... ...this pot can be sold... Ella feels that she can't think about it.

In contrast, the two dishes of meat are ordinary, but of course, it is just 'comparative'. No matter which high-end restaurant in the Holy City, Palazzon and the Alvin eagle are absolutely not It will be the bottom commodity, on the value, it is only a little more than the Pallulu chicken, and if it is matched with the phoenix pulp, these two extremely cold meats can maximize the neutralization of the phoenix pulp. The fire poison is simply perfect.

Can such a combination of the best, is actually said by the guy to be mutton and hot pot?

"Mentor, I can beat him?" Ira can not help a bit.

"Is it really stupid? This kid is teasing you, who told you to come in with a face?" Blue is just a smile, Ira is not easy, I am too busy, let the accounts of the restaurant At first it was only a last resort, but slowly and more reassuringly, this Xiao Nizi managed better than herself. Sometimes it was too serious and too rigid, like a little housekeeper, to worry about himself.

Next to Wang Zhong’s face and refused to look over, Ella was standing on the spot, and there was a feeling that it was going to be broken by these two people.

"Feng 涎 pulp, the fire energy contained in it is higher than the Palulu chicken. Even if it is placed in the ice, it is in a boiling state... This is not something that the soul can handle, even if you are not, so It is necessary to use the two extremely cold meats of the Palatine and the Alvin eagle snake to neutralize the fire in the phoenix pulp. In fact, the two meats can be directly absorbed into the phoenix pulp directly, but If the time is too long, it will affect the taste. It is better to eat while eating. This can also grasp a quantity more accurately. If the body is able to hold it, it will burn less meat and drink two soups. Better, but if you can't stop it, you still have to rely on meat to neutralize it.” Lan Yuer gave a brief introduction: “So if you have to say it is a hot pot, you can eat it anyway. ”

The voice just fell, Wang Zhong has been eager to pick up the chopsticks, this day is really a bit hungry now, although this is a pot of supreme saliva, but has been made some adjustments by the blue dragonfly, retaining its medicinal At the same time, it has added a lot of seasonings, so that people can smell the food when they smell it: "Then I will be welcome!"

Put the thinly sliced ​​Palat's footlings into the phoenix pulp and wrap it in a round. The meat is immediately covered with a thick slurry, and the high temperature of the slurry is directly cooked.

Wang Zhong said freely, but this phoenix brilliance is to see that the boiling boiling knows that it is different, just like magma, even if your soul power can withstand, the internal organs may not be well received.

It can be said that it is also strange, it seems very hot slurry, the entrance is actually not hot feeling, is the role of the fast bird meat, can feel a trace of cool gas from the fleshy is forced out, Wrapped in the surface of the hot slurry, the diffusion of hot air is also prevented, the surface temperature is also lowered, and the inner abdomen is protected. At the entrance, only the outer ice is hot, smooth and smooth, and the fresh flavor in the slurry is added. It feels like a fairy.

Wang Zhong did not immediately enjoy the enjoyment. With the experience of the last turkey turkey, I also waited for the second piece of meat before I waited. I was afraid that the fleshy ice would be violently reacted after being consumed by the slurry. I only feel that the ice and the fire are completely offset in the lower abdomen, and only turned into a pure warm energy spread in the stomach, soothing to the extreme.

Next to Ella, I couldn’t help but blink my eyes. Is it careful to eat, like the phoenix pulp that enjoys one of the eight great foods of the Holy City? It’s awful!

The feeling in the stomach is very good, Wang Zhong has finally completely let go of his heart, perhaps because of his physical and spiritual improvement, or perhaps today, this phoenix syrup and the last Palu turkey have some effects. Different, it seems that there will be no more violent reaction anyway.

This time, the eyes are completely bright, and the tempting opportunity for improvement is in front of us. It is still the feast of the dead. Wang Zhong began to sprint, the chopsticks and the mouth did not stop, and the hula’s ate was clean. Even the copper pot gave it to the bottom.

"Converging the mind, concentrating on the gas." Next to the blue dragonfly has begun to quickly guide: "Accept the heat that is spread into the body, how much can be retained to keep it! The opportunity is only once, don't miss it!"

The king focused on nodding. At this time, it was not suitable for opening a small gap. Sitting directly on the sofa next to it, his eyes closed and his heart sank. In the blink of an eye, he was already settled into the meditation.

"The speed of meditation is quite fast..." Ella said, next to it.

Lan Laner waved his hand: "Go back when you take things away. He won't wake up for a while."

"Yes!" The commander of the instructor, Ella did not hesitate to hesitate to pack up the empty lunch box, but it seemed to be a bit of a stop when he left: "mentor,"


The age difference between Ella and Lanxie is actually not big, and it is only four or five years old. In the Holy Land, status is linked to strength, and there is no relationship with the age. I once also met in the food brigade, although now Both of them have defaulted to the relationship between mentor and assistant, and even mentoring, but frankly, to the blue scorpion's temper as long as they are not in front of outsiders, the two are also teachers and friends.

The last time I gave Wang Zhongpa Lulu chicken, it was not a problem. Thousands of holy coins were really nothing to the family of Lan Laner. But this time, it is definitely not a problem of thousands of holy coins, and according to this recipe, Ella feels that Lan Lan is probably planning to give Wang a full set of souls. Even the extremely wealthy mentor of the Holy City may not be so extravagant to the most beloved pro-disciples.

She actually wants to ask Lan Haoer that the value is not worthwhile, but the moment she turns back, just to see the eyes of the blue dragon when she looks at Wang Zhong, Ira seems to understand something. After all, I did not ask the sentence, but spit it out. Spit the tongue: "Nothing, the tutor is happy... This kid is so lucky!"

If Blues can get out of the shadows of the past is definitely a good thing, maybe it can go further in the career of foodies, Ella always thinks that love is the best condiment.

With Blue Dragon's understanding of Ella, even if the toe is hidden in the shoes, it will not look at her eyes. The strange expression of Guri can't be understood. He smiles without a good breath: Ghosts, less swearing!"

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