Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 1: Soul core reached

This retreat is a full three days...

In the normal state, the soul force is in an external circulation state. If you do not practice for a long time and do not move the soul, it will slowly lose its cohesive force and then enter the dissipating state, that is, the soul force will slowly Regression, although not to say that it will fall back to the level of the soul-casting period, it is very easy to weaken the score.

This kind of dissipating characteristics, the ordinary English soul may not feel particularly obvious, but with Wang Zhizhong's careful control of the soul force, every thread of the soul flow is well-known, naturally knowing, but at this time, the soul of the The 'dissipation sense' gradually disappeared, and the cohesiveness of the soul sea was greatly enhanced. It seemed to be extremely stable and peaceful. The feeling for Wang Zhong was like repairing the house that had been leaking everywhere. The interior was in a state of being completely freely closed at any time. Incomparably warm and peaceful, Wang Zhong suddenly waking up from that deep meditation.

The rouge in the gourd has been completely consumed, and the steam in the small black house has been completely absorbed by itself.

An unprecedented feeling permeates the heart. He stretches his left hand and squeezes it. It just punches the fist out of thin air. It is faintly able to hear a little thunderstorm. Pure power can have a vision, no matter how slight, it is What Wang did not dare to imagine before.

The soul of the soul, no doubt!

Ten Thousand Grasso is actually only a theoretical limit of the soul of the soul. Everyone's "10,000 Thasso" is different. There are more than 9000 people, some are just 10,000, some people may be in the early 10,000, but the soul will appear thoroughly at this stage. The stability, in the full release of the soul force, there is a visible lightning flash in the soul force, this is a natural phenomenon of the accumulation of soul power, the peak of this soul force will not change, but the long-term accumulation of training, This kind of limp will have different changes, or more, or color changes, of course, this is not only the visual effect, but also related to the ability of the ontology, so it is also the peak of the soul of the soul, the gap is also a world of difference.

Some of the heroic figures of the soul of the soul can indeed follow the slogan of the soul.

Wang Zhong has already felt the change in the soul. He finally entered the peak of the English soul. This feeling is wonderful, not from the power of strength, but from a perfection, from the soul sea to the physical body, and even from the whole body. Adaptation, all of them are perfect, and they are all comfortable. This kind of power is more than one point, less than one point is too small, just good.

With such rich spiritual support, he can improve many and many things. Of course, not now, looking at the time display on Tianxun, it has been three days.

Wang Zhong pushed the small black house out and saw that Lan Laner was sitting at the table in the middle of the hall. There were various observations at the table. It seems that the blue babies have been mastering their absorption for a few days. It is probably really tired of her.

It is not the same as her usual strong woman. The blue-eyed child who is asleep seems quite quiet. Like a little girl, the gentle mouth is slightly open, and there is still something that illuminates the crystal.

Wang Zhong looked funny, and took out a message from Tianxun, ‘咔嚓’, the sound of the capture, Blue 黛 waking up directly: “Come out? What are you doing?”

"Wang Zhong! Well done!" Simba shines in the soul sea: "I have 10 million in this photo!"

She discovered Wang Zhong’s little movements, but she did not blame it. She just smiled and immediately noticed the perfection of Wang’s soul.

The real peak of the soul of the soul, when I entered the peak of the soul of the soul, I was so happy that I didn’t know what it was. This guy is really calm.

"It seems that your appetite is really good. I thought I was going to have a course of treatment. Hey, let me have a good look." Lan Yuer also smiled and nodded. "The peak of the soul is very clear, indicating that the foundation of the soul-making period is very Solid, congratulations, it seems that there is nothing wrong with the promotion of the saints."

"My sister, thank you." These two words are too pale compared to what Blue Laner has done for himself. Wang Zhong is not stupid. He knows that the most recent treatment requires not only the holy currency, but even the holy The currency, the blue dragonfly is too lazy to take care of it. She does not lack this. In the Holy Land, many times, the tutors are human and human, and the holy currency is only the most basic requirement.

Lan Yuer’s hand waved, and this time I checked the body and saved my body. It’s too sleepy. I yawned in succession: “Well, don’t be sour with me. When you’re done, go back and go. You can go back and make up a beauty sensation, staying here for a few days, the skin is rough!"

Wang Zhong also knows that it is more hypocritical than to say goodbye to the blue dragonfly. When he stepped out of the experiment, he smiled and smiled. He was full of joy. When he returned to the warehouse, Wang Zhong felt that his feet were light and the sun was exceptionally bright and the air was exceptional. Beautiful.

The peak of the English soul finally arrived. I thought it would take a long time. I didn’t expect it to be so easy. I practiced all the way. Resources are indispensable. Of course, Wang Zhong is not obsessed with this "shortcut", but it is also a This way, especially at this stage is actually suitable, it is hard to toss a little bit, it is called guilty.

He kept feeling the perfection in his body, and it is only now that he can understand what it means to be the first to reach the peak of the English soul.

If the body is likened to a water tank, and the soul power is compared to the water in the water tank, then its own soul, vision, and thinking are like frogs trapped in the water. When the water tank has only half a tank of water, no matter how hard you try, you can only see a round water tank. Your world is limited to this. When the tank is full, you can swim to the top of the tank and even pull out the small tank that traps you and see the world outside.

Not only is the improvement of the soul power, Wang Zhong feels that he can even feel some power of the heavens and the earth, although it is still very vague, but it has indeed been observed that this is the transition before reaching the soul of the heavens. Observing the world, observing itself and even examining practice, the feelings and ways of thinking are completely different. In the past, some problems that plagued my own practice, at this time, do not need anyone to answer, just a little thought, naturally can accurately grasp the key to the problem, and even directly find the correct answer.

At the same time, the internal perfection of the soul sea has also made earth-shaking changes in its endurance, stability, and even the overall quality.

It is time to learn more about cell cosmology and the bastion of the soul nucleus.

Wang Zhong’s confidence is full, but what surprised him is that the difficulty has reappeared.

At the beginning, I only tried a little, and the end point was already close to my eyes, but the distance that was close at hand was incomparably distant in the process of continuous meticulousness. This is not the case with the micro-meditation of cell cosmology, and the establishment of the soul core is also subject to similar problems.

Wang Zhong can be sure that the soul of the soul is absolutely sufficient. After all, relying on the nourishment of the stone of destiny, the extent of the limit can even be said to be ranked in the history of the entire holy city, but if you can not even practice cell cosmology Or is it that the soul is not up to standard? If it is not enough, is it really like everyone said that cell cosmology is a bottomless hole filled with dissatisfaction, a pit of pure theoretical tragedy?

Or is this not something that should be touched by the soul?

Wang Zhong really does not believe in this evil. Deep inside, he is very convinced of this set, and he is very willing to try. Basically, successful people are also stubborn. Once you believe it, you will definitely not hit the South Wall and will not look back. Sometimes you will hit it. I have to hit it several times.

Wang Zhong feels that he has not carried out thoroughly enough. It seems that he has tried his best. However, he is still worried that the transition of the soul force will lead him to completely fall into the unconscious realm and never come back. It is equivalent to the real soul flying, and the Holy Master can't save you. Such fears made him unable to really do his best, and he still had reservations. Such reservations may be the key to his failure.

He decided to indulge once.

What is needed for spiritual practice is great perseverance. If you want to be truly big, you have to give everything. Of course, this is good to say. If you say it is not good, it is a problem with your brain.

Simba is happy with the headless knights. They have no time to take care of Wang Zhong. Now Xiao Wang has grown up. He decided to stock up.... Anyway, Wang Zhong does not listen to himself.

If you don't succeed, you will be married!

Wang Zhong also completely made a fuss, no longer in the subconscious to control the convergence of the soul, but completely spread.

Diffusion, diffusion, and redistribution!

The ultimate indulgence brings confusion of consciousness and is increasingly uncontrollable...

If meditation is like a dream, then further micro-meditation is a dream in a dream, and going deeper is a dream in a dream... This is an infinite loop, the consciousness goes in the body. The deeper you are, the deeper the dream you fall into.

In the past, the soul was not enough, and at most, it expanded three or four levels. Now, with the constant deepening of consciousness, he has already fallen into more cycles, just like losing his way in his own body and dreams, or Said to walk into the maze of dreams.

The deeper the dream, the deeper the maze, and even your consciousness begins to become blurred. Like the water pressure, the deeper the place, the more pressure from the psychedelic, and the soul that has spread. I can't bear this pressure at all.

Wang Zhong’s consciousness slowly loses the function that consciousness should have, just like sleeping, not opening his eyes, and then slowly swallowed by this world.

Everything has lost its meaning to him. Except for the endless nothingness, he can no longer feel the world, and he can no longer use the human perspective to carry out his thinking.

Just feeling dizzy, feeling nothing, feeling falling into the infinite deep space. Gradually, even this feeling is no longer there, but he can't stop, he has no control over the soul.

Diffusion, in-depth, nothingness...

Just as Wang Zhong’s consciousness is about to dissipate completely in this emptiness, a very elastic force is suddenly drawn. That is the body memory that he has left many times to try to establish the soul nucleus. Open, but the memory of this body is still maintained, like a rubber band, finally pulled to the extreme, hit the door of the maze that has been closed after the collision, suddenly bounced back.

The long-lost consciousness returned to a point in an instant, and the familiar feeling returned to the body, as if suddenly awakened from a deep nightmare.

Wang Zhong's body was cold and sweaty, squatting on the ground and breathing heavily. The heart was so violent that the muscles of the body were sore, and the muscles were so painful that it was like a fight with the ink, followed by a sharp pain in his head, lying over On the ground, there are only gasping parts.

He can realize the sinister moment of the moment, but his mouth is a little smile, half successful!

Although it did not reach the first step of the internal view of cell cosmology, but successfully established the soul core, grandma's legs, now think about it really scared, of course, Wang Zhong is not without brain and reckless, and I feel a certain heart. The limit, if you dare not take risks, will never succeed.

This risk is too big, so that Wang Zhongxin has a lot of trouble, but then he is happy again.

How much has been paid, how much has been harvested, and he was surprised to find that in the process of dying in the past, his own soul nucleus has been established unconsciously, perhaps by his own body in the process of losing consciousness. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will not be able to save myself only by my physical memory.

At this time, even if you do not enter meditation Wang Zhong can clearly feel that there is a luminous point in the soul sea, just as clear as a brand, this is his brand!

It lurks in the brain, has a role that makes Wang Zhongxin calm and flat, and at the same time emits light, like a guide, or a stable coordinate of consciousness. It is not the soul of the body, but the soul. This is the home of the soul. Wang Zhong has a feeling that no matter when and where, no matter what happens, this soul core will guide his soul and let it find the right direction. This is the real soul core. Things like a nightmare or a fantasy can no longer have any effect on yourself, because no matter how lost, you can find yourself.

Wang Zhong once saw a saying that most biological deaths will be annihilated, no matter the soul or the soul, because the soul does not depend on it, only the life body engraved with the mark can obtain eternal, do not know that their soul accounting is not eternal. Fur.

Of course, this is just a flash of thought. What you actually get is that he can fully devote his consciousness to another substance or level without worrying that he can't go back. This role may not be related to the battle, but it can do a lot of unimaginable things, such as using the soul and the gods to explore, no matter how far and dangerous the place can dare to go. At the same time, the microcosm of cell cosmology, you can completely and confidently carry out the impact of the limit again and again.

After recovering for more than six hours, Wang Zhong couldn't wait to make a second attempt. Sure enough, when consciousness once again fell into the brink of collapse, the Soul Core reintegrated its consciousness back. Of course, the physical condition is not much better than the first time. This time, Wang Zhong completely squatted, and he slept a lot, and the body needs to recover slowly after entering a period of intense fatigue.

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