Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 3: Hunting

"It’s all friends. You see it outside. Lola hasn’t seen it for a long time. I miss it.” Karting showed a bright smile, so that everyone around him could be like a spring breeze, as if he had come to be like the warm current of the ice sheet. ,impressive.

His voice just fell, and the Philippine child next to the 'couple husband' immediately picked up and took his arm and turned to Lola: "We haven't seen you for a long time, "Kantin brother, why don't you miss it, so thick and thin, Lola sister, Let us not take care of him."

"King, brother, look at the eyes of Lola's sister, I am envious of it, hehe!" Helen is a sour supplement next to him.

This is really a moment is a play, Lola smiled, but the heart is a little lost, although I already want to understand, but also ready to accept the psychological preparation, but I do not know why it is still very difficult, especially in the king Heavy before.

Perhaps it is because I haven't really let go of it. Kardin has never been more rude to him. This is not something that Molden forced. It just said that he must give up Wang Zhong and he is still trying hard.

Karting Musk smiled a little, but he didn’t pick up the guys. He responded like a slap in the face of a gentleman’s nod. Some jokes must be there, but it’s fine, just grasp the measure and pass. It will be superfluous and offensive.

He turned his attention to Wang Zhong, who was next to him. Although he was only responsible for watching the whole game, he was actually the protagonist of today.

Karting smiled slightly: "This is Wang Zhongshi."

Karting certainly knows that Wang Zhong’s business has indeed been understood, but after understanding it, he is more and more fond of it. It’s just that he has a good impression on each other. He is in a friend’s state. What is so good, and when he arrives at the Holy Land, there is still no environment. Change has become a snobbery, this is where Karting values.

A girl will give up easily because of the conditions. This time, he will easily give up Wang Zhong, and he will give up easily next time. There is no difference.

In this case, Kart is extremely satisfied. It is also a matter of heart. To conquer a girl depends on his own charm. He does not feel that he is not as good as Wang. As for Martin's thoughts, he does not care. Of course, there is no need to refuse.

Like, I will fight for myself, but he will not take the initiative to step on the king, too low, this person's feeling is not annoying, talent is not too bad, may just be not very good luck.

If he doesn't come, Karting may have to spend some time competing, but when he comes, a person who eats soft rice can't be his competitor.

Karting smiled slightly: "I heard that you are in the miracle of chf. It is said to have asked Mo to ask for a Mawei. This kid is a genius who has been known as a Mohist for a hundred years, but the Mo family said that he wants to enter the Holy Land is also a man of the wind. Have you joined the brigade for you? I know the heads of several brigades. Would you like to recommend it to you?"

"No, I am in a wandering brigade." Wang Zhong said.

"Oscar's wandering brigade?" Kardin glimpsed, apparently knowing the brigade.

"People are still deputy heads." Helen smiled and added it next to her. She also worked hard. The saints said that this circle is not big. If we want to maintain our relationship, we must make some effort to invest in it. It is a very potential existence of this session.

Karting also laughed. In his capacity, he did not inquire about such gossip, but the first reaction after hearing was obviously similar to everyone: "I have a few faces with Oscar. Yuan, he was also a royal man before, a talented guy, but he was ruined by himself, too self-willed, can be his deputy, you seem to have a good relationship with him, but the relationship is related, you can not learn He, listening to the teachings of your Molden brother, will help you."

Molden smiled and waved his hand: "No, he has his own ideas, I can't teach him."

Next to Mayfair and Helen, they laughed. At the beginning, Wang pointed to Okuyama’s nose and said, 'You are not worthy'. The scene is still vivid. Don’t say that Mooreden has no good feelings for Wang Zhong, even if he really wants to teach, it’s true. Not necessarily taught.

Although I have expected that my brother may say something ugly today, I still didn’t expect it to be repeated one after another. Lola looked worried about Wang Zhong, but he saw that he was just a warm smile, neither refuted nor embarrassed. Do not care.

Fortunately, Karting immediately took the topic away, no longer concentrated on Wang Zhong's body, let Lola secretly sigh.

Wang Zhong also finally understood.

Frankly speaking, it is a bit unresponsive. In fact, from the first sentence of Molden when I met, normal people can realize what is going on, but Wang Zhong is not a 'normal person'. He definitely has no normal. As a weak person's consciousness, it is really thought that Lola wants him to help, and then he will know.

Until this cardinal appeared, the kind of admiration of Lola could be seen, and when several people were pushing around, Wang Zhongcai realized how this mission was going.

Want to let yourself know and die? .

A little bitter smile, what is the heart of the heart, what is the artifact of the saints, not the Lola needs, is Lola want to help himself?

The cynicism of these people, Wang Zhong does not feel anything, but this does not mean that he likes to listen. If you change other situations, you will go straight and go. The people in the province are awkward, but now... all say that it is the hardest to dissipate the beauty. Well, if you turn around and go away, you can't let these people shut up, but they will only make Lola embarrassed.

The chat there is over. The cardiner who got the all-you-can-dark sunshine card is also handed over a piece of pioneering order. It is not the same as the normal holy city pioneering order. Although the appearance is similar, the above is the Musk family's crest. Such a pioneering order can only be transmitted to the place designated by the family token, and is supervised by the family, and there is no need to pay additional royalties to the holy city.

"It's the same way as a normal pioneer." Karting smiled and said that at any time, this guy always maintains his usual elegance.

“Does Wang use the pioneering order?” Helen looked at him with a smile.

"Okay, after all, it is the deputy head. Don't say that people have never seen the world." Mooreden laughed: "Go!"

In the Holy Land, some old saints can establish their own brigade as head of the brigade, but there is no use for it.

Throughout the process, Scorpio Musk did not say anything. He and Wang Zhong were not all the way, but really, watching Wang on the chf in the world is a bit sad, strength is the last word, he came to the Holy Land. You can only be a person with a tail, what talents, potential are nonsense, but also the opportunity to grow.

As for Wang Zhong's thick face, he feels that it is a very clever decision. After all, such an opportunity is not always there.

The paradise island of Musk, this should be regarded as a private territory. There are ten families. Humans like to occupy the territory. Since ancient times, there are some relatively stable secret areas in the dimension world, especially those that can stably produce some resources or creatures. Will be divided up, most of the assets belonging to the Holy Land, of course, there are some places of the top ten family, such as this paradise island, this is called the territory.

The so-called territory is conquered by the strong, but it does not steal the core of the secret. It controls the core, preserves the existence of the secret, and colonizes it, so that it can continuously produce various resources for itself. This is the foundation of all the powerful forces of the Holy City, and often only the family or group forces can do it. Even the lone ranger can conquer the secret itself, and there is no energy and manpower to manage a secret, only to kill the chicken and take the egg directly. Going to the core of the secret to make a profit.

Of course, the territories that are discovered now belong to the assets of the Holy Land. However, some of the family territories that were retained in the early days have not been banned. Frankly speaking, the Holy Land is too strong, and it does not care about the goods of this horn, but for the ordinary saints. It is said that it is enough to force hard goods.

Paradise Island is one of the two private estates of the Musk family, and the unique product of it is 'heart-sucking'. Because of its strong cultivation to newcomers, it is very suitable for the soul of the soul, and its licensing control is quite strict. Although a hundred places will be awarded each year, most of them will be granted to family children. Other places will only be used to exchange equivalents, or they will give some forces that need to pull in. The cost is fundamental. Can't buy it.

When I came all the way, whether it was Molden or Helen, I always mentioned this aspect intentionally or unintentionally. It was both complimenting Karting and persuading Lola, frankly, to Karting. Conditions, the female saints who want to choose him as a soul mate in the holy city can circle around the monastery. If it is not a major breakthrough in the recent practice of Lola, it will be accepted as a formal member by the Phantom Brigade. Otherwise, others still think that she is worthy of her On the cardiner, the two really can afford to be the door to the door, Lang Cai female appearance, the side of Wang Zhong really is a small follow-up degree.

Molden also thinks so, and he firmly believes that he is good for his sister. There is no harm in this year.

From the stable transmission channel, Paradise Island has already appeared in front of everyone.

Like the name, this real dimension of the world's island, a rather beautiful island, everyone appears in the seaside position, the sea breeze behind it with a hint of salty wet, seagulls flying on the sea, issued 'European' The sound, spread to the far end, makes people feel relaxed and happy.

It is an island. In fact, the scope is very large. The whole island is about a thousand square kilometers in size. The mountain range in the center is covered with jungle and is covered with a huge plantain of tropical rain forest. At the point of transmission of everyone, There are guards of the Musk family, two of which are still the standard of the soul of the soul.

Wang Zhong can feel that there are a lot of fields around this area. It is said that there are seven or eight strong enchantments with three layers and three layers overlapping here. For the privately-owned Musk family, they will be more careful, and when everyone shows up, they will immediately guard. The soldiers walked up and checked, but they saw that they were karting. The soldiers were relaxed on their faces, and they shouted at the Lord. They apparently had an absolute identity and status even in the Musk family.

Through the heavy check, enter the interior of the island, here is a large piece of banana forest, Karting stood fixed.

"Morden, are you coming?" Karting smiled happily.

"Don't be polite with me, you are the owner of your site, I will work today." Moore's apparently will not grab the limelight today.

"Then I will be welcome." Cardinton paused: "The paradise creatures of Paradise Island originally had many kinds of species. Now some of the most threatening ones have been cleaned up, seven out of eight, mainly because of the heart The growth protection of cockroaches leaves only some that are suitable for their rapid growth."

"The heart of the heart is mainly in three grades. The weakest is the female, and the shape can be distinguished. The size of the female is relatively small, the fur is silver, and the combat power is about three thousand glasos in the middle of the soul. Only the ability to have physical attacks is relatively easy to deal with. The difficulty is that the number is relatively large, and a small group often has more than a dozen females, and many can even reach hundreds." Karting can see everyone Envy, how powerful it is to have such a handwriting, as a member of the family is naturally a glory to add.

"Secondly, it is a public servant, twice as many as a female, and the fur is golden yellow. It is quite well resolved. The main form of combat is a physical attack, but it is also supplemented by some energy manipulation, especially the wooden binding. It is a public servant. The best thing you can do is to control a certain range of trees and even all rooted plants. Although it is not very aggressive, it limits your actions or gives you a scorpion. It is often fatal in battle. Be careful, and what we say is only public money, and the stronger the better, otherwise it will not work. In addition, there is no limit to hunting in Paradise Island, but try not to kill more, just take our own Just need it."

After all, it is the industry of his own family. Cardin is obviously not stupid. It is well explained in advance, and those ordinary public funds will have an effect when they grow to a certain year.

"King, brother, isn't there a three grades? What else is there besides the male and female, isn't it a small monkey?" Helen asked.

"The heart of the king, it is said that there is a diamond-like shiny fur, the combat power is very strong, it can be said that the soul of the soul is invincible, not what we can deal with." Kading laughed: "But don't worry, it will take a long time to be born." One, and every time it is discovered, there will soon be a family of predecessors coming over and clearing it, but it will not be left there, so we are unlikely to run into it."

The team of ten people, the division of labor is quite clear, the role of long-range melee and even free people are full. Moorden only sneaked in the side, and the battle was basically completed by two newcomers brought by Scorpio Musk, Lola, Robben, Mayfair Helen and Karting. In addition to helping Lola, Karting also had experienced newcomers. The composition of the two newcomers in the Musk family is quite good, the standard English soul in the middle, the soul is in the three thousand.

And Scorpio Musk is even stronger, and there is no obvious dew in the newcomers. However, Wang Zhong’s observation of his soul response has reached 5,000 or so. It seems that he has also done a lot of work, but resources. The distribution is not very ideal, not everyone has the opportunity to run into the blue scorpion, this luxury way of promotion, the Musk family is not so big face, not to mention the qualifications of Scorpio is not worthy, this time also has a heart One of his, the promotion of the saints is the first priority.

As the main exercise target of this mysterious journey, the three men have been fighting in the first row under the command of Karting. Robben, Mayfair and Helen are assisting the attack in the distance, providing some vitality. Auxiliary support, Lola is on the side of the three people, after her storm law is formed, this is also the first time to use the actual combat, the effect is quite good, in addition to increasing the endurance of the front three people, but also On several occasions, the enemy of the attack was pushed in time to prevent the three from suffering damage.

As the name implies, the heart is also very fond of the internal organs of the dimensional creature. It is an extremely crazy creature, and the general situation is that the mother is hunting. The people mainly open the passage. Karting said, try not to hurt the mother, which is related to The population of paradise, the barrier to open the mother-in-law will continue to meet the public.

As for Wang Zhong, he is already in a completely forgotten corner. Kardin obviously has no intention of letting him fight. Lola is mentioning it.

"Wang Zhong is responsible for cleaning up the battlefield. He will pile up the dead bodies and the family will be cleaned up regularly." Karting smiled and looked at Wang Zhong: "Is this little thing okay?"

"There is something wrong with this. If you have to do such a task every time, happiness is too late." Helen laughed.

Wang focused on nodding. In fact, he also knows about the level of these people. Kart and Molden have a certain level. They are regarded as the elite of the saints, but they have nothing to do with the top. As for Helen and others... What is the strength of the outer block?

Since Wang Zhong has no objection, Lola is not good enough to force what is required. She is arranged in front of her. This is a complete and hanging in the back of the team, Wang Zhong opened the space.

The arrangement for Wang Zhong was only a small episode. The team went deep into the woods. Karding only hoped that the king would recognize the moment.

Due to the management of the Musk family on the island of paradise, the original ecology has already been destroyed. It is not so much a secret. It is better to say that it is a 'grazing land' that is captive, and all kinds of natural enemies disappear, together with everything originally on Paradise Island. Other dimensions of the creatures that can compete with the heart palpitations have been wiped out, which has led to the proliferation of cockroaches on the island.

Cardin is obviously familiar with the road here. The level of everyone is not weak. The promotion of the whole team is quite rapid, and all the way is long and straightforward.

Until they hit the goal of the first trip, the heart-throated, golden fur, close to four meters in height, looks like a huge King Kong, full of strength.

This guy suddenly rushed out of the bush when the team was on the road. It was followed by more than a dozen females. There were several noses and swollen faces. It was the fish that had been leaked in the past three encounters, and came with revenge.

The three-person squad that rushed to the front only finally got into trouble. The smelting giant was slapped by the strong public slap, and Scorpio Musk tried to trap him with crystal enchantment, but apparently failed. The violent power of the other party directly forcibly broke through the blockade of the enchantment, and forced the tenth meeting. For most newcomers, the crushing of power is absolutely enough to make them helpless, if not the image of the goddess of the storm of Lola. The magical instant repels the force, blocking the male donkey and several nearby females in time, and there may be casualties.

Molden and Robben and others will know that they are responsible for the defense. They intend to let Kart behave in Lola. I saw Kart waving a hand, a golden shadow pulled out from him, and lightning flashed to the roaring public. .

The golden light shines, like the phantom, just in the blink of an eye, the golden shadow has passed over the public servant, appearing behind it seven or eight meters, the golden phantom holding a long sword in the hand, as if it is solid Turned around, and behind him, all of them were dumbfounded, and the huge King Kong Gong was only screaming at this time, and his left arm was suddenly cut off in the previous attack. Heavy rain fell to the ground, and the blood that spurted out was like a dam that flooded the flood.


King Kong’s cockroaches screamed and violently screamed, no matter how chopped the arm was, madly turned and rushed toward the golden phantom, but it was a flash of gold, with a **** rain and a strong **** smell. Jinguang phantom is directly worn out from the body of the public, and then flashed into the body of the card.

This speed is too fast, the roar of the public has not stopped, and the battle has ended.

Kart’s hand had a bright red heart, about the size of the palm, exuding a strong **** smell, and beating in the squatting, he turned it over, and a container that had already been prepared had already appeared in his hand. In the moment, the heart of the public money will be earned in an instant. Of course, this thing is not directly eaten, but it is going back to deal with it. Of course, it is really necessary to eat it directly.

Until then, the opposite voice came to the public to slam the sound of the land ~ ~ the ground has been flown by the blood of the public to the river, the other females stayed for a while, was scared It disappeared and disappeared into the woods in the blink of an eye. It can be seen that these heart lice have been raised for too long and have not been mad at the early days of the secret.

"Kartin, this killing is like a thousand!" Molden laughed, and the expert knows if there is any shot. The soul-making period relies on external combat skills. The soul of the soul is controlled by the soul. Simply put, one It is external work and the other is internal work.

The main blade of the cardinal is the sword, and this sword is really a feeling of invincibility.

"There has been a bit of a snack on the sword. In fact, there is nothing. It is the details of the soul sea." Karting said with a slight smile, a blow has won respect, even if the soul is almost the same, the combat power is also very different.

Adding the soul force and releasing the sword spirit on the sword are two concepts. At the level of Karting, I dare to say that I will use the sword.

"Brothers, too modest is also proud, it is difficult to be in the details of the soul sea, Lola, the soul of all the peaks of the soul of the soul is actually almost the same intensity, but the power is completely different, it is the control of the soul sea, this is your future To understand, just this time, Karting probably used five thousand Grasso, but the effect you see, the control of the soul sea is also the key to the soul of the soul." Mooreden smiled and commented.

Lola and others are all meditation, Moore is telling them the direction of practice, and a powerful method, Wang Zhongli is more clear, the simple compression of the soul of the sea to form a sword, is a relatively primitive approach Well, the golden avatar is a bit interesting. I don't know if it is a law or a power. It can be called the captain of the imperial court. The strength is definitely a bit.

(Big chapter, ask for a monthly pass, thank you, about Scarlett, Caroline, Lola, and Blue Dragon will give you a reasonable progress, in fact, who is really entangled...). )

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