Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 5: 1 hit the commandment

A group of people were dumbfounded, and Karting was stunned. Helen was almost scared to death. This guy even said with the strokes, the sound could not be worn, but the mouth guessing was also guessed.

what's the situation?

The only surprise is probably only Lola. She didn’t think about why Wang Zhong could see them. There was only one thought in her mind. She shouted in a hurry: “Wang Zhongrun runs! Go to a safe place with a pioneer order, there is Heart-breaking king!"

"He, he, he can't hear..." Helen shuddered, still holding a glimmer of hope.

The cardin is going crazy. I have checked the enchantment for the first time. I feel that the enchantment is good and complete, and there is no problem, and the moment when the enchantment was formed is obviously deceiving the perception of the king. He did not understand why Wang Zhong could perceive it.

Of course, Wang Zhong couldn’t see what was inside. He was just performing, and he was tempted by a stomach.

"Wang Zhong, your temper is too good, let me tell them what is a spray!" Simba had a sigh of relief.

Wang Zhong is just laughing, Helen they are going crazy, from her point of view, they can just see the opposite king, the big guy obviously has seen Wang Zhong, two big bell-like eyes shot brilliant It doesn't matter if you see the king, but the terrible thing is that it also exposes everyone's position. It takes a little time to use the pioneering order. Everyone is waiting for the king to leave, and then start the pioneering order. How do you go now? ?

Once exposed, can this enchantment be able to withstand it?

"This **** thing, can you go far to die?! He will expose all of us!" Helen snarled loudly, his face stunned, and what the goddess Fan Er had already thrown into the clouds.

Next to Robben is also swallowing, frankly, Wang Zhong is a naive and lovely look outside, falling in the eyes of everyone is like a terrible devil.

The only thing that worried about the king was Lola, but at this moment, Lola made another crazy thing, and she went out!

This is a one-way enchantment. No one thought that Lola would go out at this time. Molden did not catch God.

"Wang Zhong, run!" Lola pulled the king to run, but did not pull.

Wang Zhong smiled and slowly wiped away the tears from Lola's eyes. "What to run, a little monkey in the area."

The most difficult thing to dispel the beauty, Wang Zhong did not know what to do, he did not meet such a person like Lola, he did not feel that he had anything good, but today, he can not let Lola cry.

Lola also stunned, watching Wang Zhong’s smile, as if returning to the chf, this is the smile, and the heart-breaking king is arrogant but enemies, and does not immediately attack, the whole person stays cute I forgot where I was.

And the people inside the enchantment are dying, and Kardin grabs the Morden, who is ready to go out. This is not a buy one get one free. If Moorden died here, the Potter family thought it was Musk’s conspiracy. It.

"Morden, calm, it's not something we can deal with!"

The attack of the King of Hearts has arrived, a flame ignited, and the Flame Elf King Salamanda appeared. The chain in his hand has been entangled in the past. The speed of the King of Hearts is quite fast, not to mention the flexibility, but How to dodge, the chains are like the infinite length, like the sky and the net, the surrounding trees will be directly cut and burned into ashes as soon as they touch the chain, and the fast-moving king of the heart will eventually be wrapped by the chain.

The people in the enchantment are also stunned. Is this the inferior image of Wang Zhong?

It seems that it is not so inferior. This Nyima infinite length chain, this is a certain meaning, and belongs to the figurative image, even if the flame is ordinary, but it must not be said to be inferior.

The heart is madly struggling, jumping up and down, the entire island is booming, that is, this thing is based on the same kind of food, otherwise it is really a trouble to summon all the heart.

"Can this be trapped?"

No one wants to believe that such a monster can actually be trapped in a general chain. If it is, then it is too wasteful.

The heart-wrenching king screamed, and the violent force emerged on it. The waist-thickened arm instantly swelled again, and as the body swelled in a circle, the whole muscle collapsed, trying to break the flame chain.

But the chain is still tied up, let alone break free, and the king of the heart can't even make the chain a little bit loose. No matter how violently it expands, the part bound by the chain is stuck. Deep into its muscles, it seems that the body that is rapidly expanding appears to be incomparable.

There are different light runes on the black iron chain, and the flames shrouded the heart-wrenching king. A group of big fireballs struggled desperately. Lola looked surprised and happy, his mouth was wide open, and his brain was a bit blank.

However, the flames were exhausted, and the king of the heart was still licking his teeth, and looked at Wang Zhong with anger. The diamond-like fur did not change its color under the flame of the flame.

"Hey, try it with two knives." Wang Zhong said.

Over there, Sala Manda bent over, palms swelled, and a huge flame knife condensed out of the air, with the whistling wind, and slashed under the madness of the heart.


The flames are blasting... useless...

One knife and one knife rushed toward the head of the King of Hearts, and the soul was scattered, but the effect was not so good. It broke free from the chains and simply snarled and screamed.

The two sides were stagnant, and Salamanda could not break the defense of the king. But the king could not break the control of the chain. One flew in the sky, one on the ground, and the two sides pulled apart. The strength was quite equal. The black iron chain was stretched. Straight...

A group of people in the enchantment have all seen stupidity.

The single-choosing heart-breaking king can still stand in an invincible position. This, this, what is this ghost? !

Don't say other people, even if you are a cardin, you feel that your brain is not enough.

"Well, it seems to be dragged?" Helen looked stunned, not eager to escape with the pioneering order. What happened in front of him was too strange, so strange that she had forgotten that she was in danger.

"That chain is too strange, you can trap the dimensional creatures at this level!"

"Not necessarily lasting, we are ready to leave." Kardin said, this is experienced, the means of attack is useless, it is the cost of the king, this is why the soul of the soul to deal with, this stuff The power of the soul of the soul can not break its defense.

Molden also nodded. When he saw such a heavyweight, he was really surprised. Frankly, this moment, Molden had a little regret, not regretting his choice to help Lola, but regretting that it should not After the king came over, he couldn’t get used to Wang Zhong, but after all, the two had no deep hatred and hatred. They used to have a little appreciation. Seeing his talent, if he gave him more time, he could be alone in San. It’s a pity that the city is out of the sky...


The whole face in front of the heart has been flushed, the strength has already risen to the maximum, the violent force shook the surrounding hills, and there are countless gravels floating on the ground, as if they were stressed. The pull of the field!

And the chain that binds it to death, at this time is also forced to make a loose touch, as Morden and Cardin judged, this hand is very strong, but unfortunately no subsequent attacks can be effective, and so on. It’s really dangerous to come here, and at this time, the heart of the king is red, and you can definitely tear the king.

"Wang Zhong, do we want to go first?" Lola said with some concern.

Wang Zhong smiled. "If you encounter a problem that cannot be solved by law, then we will come again."

Screaming... The sound of the horse’s nose rang.

Followed by the horseshoe, a black shadow stepped out of nothingness!

Frankly speaking, this black shadow seems to be much weaker than Salamanda. In addition to its superb appearance, Kart and others can't even feel any powerful soul, and even the head None, have you been cut?

Yes, this is strange, weak and weak... What is this ghost? The second summoning method?

This kind of thing has not happened in the history of the Holy City. More French elephants are there, but that should not be a king! This is the king of the city in the Holy City, and he is the king of the dog. Why does he have the second image? Even if the law is just a useless mouse!

"Get rid of it." Wang Zhong has already made a snap, saying that he is as casual as saying "to eat."

Back to the silent roar, the headless rider Bol Sanchez!

A strange power that couldn't be said was instantly filled with the headless knight, making people feel disgusted and uncomfortable.

The next moment is murderous!

There is no violent soul power, no horrible sound, but there is an unprovoked killing of the air that pervades the whole world. It is not the murderousness of the pediatrics of the saints, but the feeling of riding the squad. The headless knight seems to be standing on a bone mountain made up of a million dead bones, all of which are its spoils!

Hey... Lola, Robben, Mayfair and Musk’s two newcomers in the enchantment sat down on the ground at the same time, only Moore and Kart can stand, but they are already pale. This murder is so amazing that it is hard to imagine!

Still~ me~ head~~~

Once the killings are in the vertical and horizontal direction, the words of this old line will appear unchanged in an instant.

He has a pair of legs, a horse humming, and a long shot, a black meteor rushing through the lightning!


The whole world seems to have quieted in front of this gun and was frozen.

The wind stopped, the raging power disappeared, and the stones that swirled and danced in midair were still, and only the eternal dark streamer seemed to penetrate the whole world!

Except for Wang Zhong, almost no one can see the movement of Bolsanches, it has appeared in the position of a dozen meters behind the king of the heart.

The struggle of the King of Hearts stopped in an instant, and the whole body was as stiff.

The next second... The huge body collapsed, and a large hole in the forehead was lighted before and after, and the blow was killed!

"Just...just what happened?" Helen and other people in the enchantment are coming out of their eyes. Even if the well-informed Moore and Karting are feeling like a dog, how can they appear? Such a strange image!

"Is this a legal image or a soul beast?"

"It should be a legal image, a figurative image, and there is still a difference in the form of disappearance, and it has reached its peak." Kardin said, if he did not investigate himself, he would think that this is the intention of the Porter family. Set the Yin, the influence of the top ten families in the Holy Land is also the case, but there are many things to do with each other, and one less can not play.

"It seems that everyone has been deceived by him. This year's chf is so powerful. How can he be the most powerful, degenerate, with a figurative image of active offensive routines, the history of the Holy Land is rare, and there are two "Morden has some contemplation, the most important thing is that these two images can still be combined. One is a partial defense, which can trap such a tyrannical king, while the other one is a shot pierced with a steel apology. Not as good as the famous king, it is a bit amazing.

However, such a powerful image of the law may not last long in the soul of the soul of the soul, time is a problem, and where is the flaw?

This is the mentality of the strong. In a flash, all positions have changed. As for Helen and others, they are awesome. They don’t have the level of Moore and Karting. They just know one thing, Wang Zhong. It’s still easy to crush them, and this is an apprenticeship. What is the future?

All of the underwear was cool. The enchantment was lifted, and the karting and other people all showed up. Looking at the heart of the king, they are full of envy, this thing is strong for the soul of the soul. The person has a nourishing effect, and it is more helpful to the soul of the soul of the soul of the soul, especially if they are given to the foodies to match, maybe the soul sea can be further expanded.

After entering the peak of the heroic period, the soul output is stable. At this time, it is necessary to expand your soul sea. If you drink your own, you will not be able to enter the soul of the soul. It is also impossible to mobilize the power of the outside world. It can be said that the soul of the heavens uses its own power as a lever to incite the power of nature, but if the leverage is not strong?

The power of counter-attack is not a joke.

The soul of the soul is to deepen the expansion of the soul sea, this king is absolutely a good thing.

Frankly speaking, if this king is to kill with Moorden, it is certainly no problem to get rid of it. But the problem is that the killer is Wang Zhong, and Karting’s heart is struggling. Here is the territory of Musk. No one dares to say anything about his shot, but the question is, is there a chance?

This Wang Zhongqiang is a legal image, and he has just used a round. The more powerful the image is, the more he consumes the soul. The heavier the soul sea is, can he still use it once? Even if it is used once, in fact, with his characteristics of the law, you can also bypass the two methods and take the king's weight directly.

The face was calm, but the heart was choppy, but Wang Zhong still smiled. He looked at the karting in an understatement and did not speak, but Martin’s beating heart was dying. Even if the other person was loading, he would pinch his nose. I believe that this mentality, even if there are not many elites in the top ten brigades, as the successor of the big family, stability is the first.

Since you can't offend, you might as well sell a relationship.

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