Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 14: challenge

The saint's ritual was presided over by a mentor. Although it was a passing event, it was an annual standard. The oath of oath was echoed in the soul of the battlefield by nearly 200 people. It is nothing more than saying Some words such as the oath of allegiance to the Holy City, the pace of following the Adaliya to the Holy Master, but with the solemn drum music, coupled with the sobs and excitement of the new saints from time to time, the stands The audience also cooperated, and the whole scene was quite solemn.

Frankly speaking, only after experiencing the assessment of the saints did you know how hard the identity of the saints was, and there was no shortage of luckmakers to crowd out some of their more powerful competitors. There is also no shortage of old apprentices who have been in the holy city for five or six years or more. They may have only had excitement when they walked in. But at the moment when the vows were read, these old apprentices were forbearing. I live in tears.

Become a member of the Holy City? Follow the pace of the Holy Master?

These old apprentices who have been dragging on for many years have always been the pride of the heavens. They have become the bottom of the world after coming to the Holy City. There is no novice protection period and no sainthood. In the inner city of the Holy City to continue to survive and learn, it is really not the price that ordinary people can imagine. tired? That is only the most basic. What is even more terrifying is that there is no dignity and no hope. It is not as good as a pet dog.

At this time, some of those swearing excitement can't stop crying with a whimper. The excitement may make many new people unable to understand. Even many newcomers in the stands still think that they are only slower than others. A shot, less resources, but they will understand this sadness sooner or later.

As for the subsequent challenge, in fact, the old apprentices did not care much, and did not pay much attention to it. The slave life of a few years had already consumed most of their fighting spirits, and they were used to hiding in the shadows. It may take a long time. Time can get rid of it, or you can't get rid of it all your life. They are more concerned about the identity of the saint, the things like the limelight, and they don't think about it.

What really is pondering this is the real newcomers of the three camps of the Empire, the Federation and the Dimensions.

Can be selected into the saints at the time of the resignation. These are undoubtedly the pride of the heavens. They may not be particularly concerned about the monthly supply of one or two hundred saints of apprentices, such as one or two. In fact, it is not bad for this income, they are more valued by the reputation that can be obtained through this battle.

Who doesn't want to attract the attention of the big mentor? Who doesn't want to be a blockbuster, get more optimistic and cultivated power? The opportunity is in sight, the Saints Challenge!

The saints after the oath did not spread, and the mentor on the stage was announcing some rules of the Saints Challenge. This is actually already known to everyone. The saints below are involuntarily divided. Several circles.

The power of the empire is definitely the most powerful of these circles. After all, it has been accumulated for so many years. Now, when it broke out, there were more than one hundred new empires who were brought to the Holy City by the mentor, far exceeding the newcomers of this year. Total amount. Nowadays, the assessment of the saints is also the most, full of fifty people, nearly one-third of the entire new saints, not only from Caesar, but also from the Amazon and even the Tutankhamun Empire, Solomon This trip to the Holy Land can be described as perfect. It is groundbreaking that he has said that his major mentor has won more than one hundred empire places.

At this time they all gathered behind Solomon. Although they belonged to different camps before, but after arriving in the Holy City, Solomon conquered them. Whether it was strength or being a man, Solomon obviously had his own unique set when he wanted to When people are in the heart, there are too many means.

At the side of Solomon, Enoch, who is now quite famous in the newcomer, is standing in the left-hand position forever. He said that the evil mountains and rivers are out of the public. The fierceness of the imperial people has long been rumored in the Federation. The elites of the empire are also fierce and sturdy, and they are definitely a stark contrast to the seemingly gentle and harmonious children. It can be seen from a temperament that this is actually one of the important reasons why the Holy City decided to open the imperial people this time. They need such real fresh blood to stimulate the holy city people who have already solidified. The integration of different cultures is always It can bring a lot of fresh things and keep people active. In addition to the power of the Solomon Solomon, I am afraid that it will be a dimension. This is a true talent group. The proportion of newcomers through the saints is also the highest, even higher than the elite of the empire. This year, a total of more than forty new talents in the new dimension will have nearly 30 advances.

In this newcomer, Wilder Alexander is quite low-key. As the undisputed first master of the new hegemony, he is also known as the super genius of the dimension. It has become the benchmark of this group. Coupled with the old apprentices of some dimensions, there are about forty people gathered around him. It is not much smaller than the number of imperial forces. The existence of Dimensions in the Holy City has always been very small, never going. Taking the initiative to occupy the direction of public opinion is like a transparent group, but it must not be ignored. In fact, the talent of the dimension is quite strong, thanks to its excellent genes, the proportion of masters is also very high, and because it is the holy city, and each other is united by oppression, so their network and energy are actually in the holy city. quite big.

This ethnic group is an alternative to the holy city. On the one hand, it is one of the main forces in the holy city's external war. On the other hand, it seems that it can never enter the upper level of the holy city. No matter how much merit they made when they went abroad, the dimension people It seems that they have missed the award. The great credit will be taken away by the above people. There are rumors in the Holy City that the top is in the jealous dimension, and even the targeted ones are crowded out. The taboo is their talent and the internal unity... Of course, pass this People who use news often have no good results.

I think there are fewer people around Caroline than in the huge number of these two circles, but there are more than 30.

Although only a dozen of the newcomers in the federation passed the saints' promotion, there are many old apprentices who have stayed in the past ten families. Although these qualifications are older than Caroline, they are not comparable to the strength. The situation of the old apprentices Most people know that as long as they have been working in the Holy City for a few years, even if they have to advance to the saints by grinding time, such people can almost never climb above the pyramid. The rules of the late bloomer are not universal here. Perhaps there are so many breaking the law in the history of the holy city, but there are too few and too few people. Such a group of people, with Caroline Ma’s first vision is also expected, not to mention that they dare not want to steal the limelight, even if they think, there is no such ability.

This circle represents the federal family power, not only the top ten families, but almost all the federations will automatically go to this circle, the top ten families will also accept, after all, to come to the holy city has potential, this It is also the Federation that has so many attached to the top ten families, and the roots of other first-line families. Twilight, Ghost Heart, Bobo Torres, who have never appeared before, have gathered around Caroline and become the core of this circle. The strange thing is that Ghost has not stood with them.

He is also surrounded by ten people, just like he wants to provoke a big banner and fight against three other powerful newcomers. The number is a little less, but as the only new person in this saint who has publicly identified the strength of the peak of the soul, and is still a record of 12,000 Grasso, Ghost Hao alone to lead an army there does not appear to be Not self-reliant.

In addition to these four circles, the rest are scattered people, mainly federal people, are old apprentices of previous years, but after years of desperate years, they no longer have anything to their family. I hope that when I am the hardest and most difficult, the family has no or no power to lend a helping hand, and now it is no longer needed, and it will not hold the thighs of the top ten families. As the pride of the past, even if they have fallen, they still have their own bottom line.

There are also a lot of people in this circle. There are so many 20 or 30 people. This is the most unappreciated group in the past saints. If such a crowd is crowded together, it is estimated that no one will look at it. But this time it is different. There are three new people caught in this which are quite "obscured".

Wang Zhong, Glei, Napier.

These three are all today's lords, second-class apprentices, and this will be the focus of everyone, not to mention that Gry and Napier are recent hot new stars among the newcomers. Not only has there been news that several major instructors have come to see Glei, this time the Saints advanced, the two men also squeezed with 16 hours and 56 minutes, and 17 hours and 23 minutes respectively. Into the top five of the newcomers' promotion, the absolute strength of the faction, let any of the following new people who want to challenge their decent status have to be measured and surely eye-catching.

Wang Zhong will not even say that the experimental accident that occurred in the previous period, although the above has taken the matter down, but the impact is not so easy to eliminate, and the king is in the saint circle. The reputation in it is very stinky now, especially for the aliens. I thought it would be reasonable to get compensation. As a result, although they have arranged better accommodation for them, the other losses are not lost, and many foreigners are made. The saints can't wait to give the king a life. If you don't think that today's scene is still a solemn occasion, I am afraid someone can throw a stinky egg toward him.

"I heard that this product is the back door of the alchemy union. Even if the assessment is not attended, it will be directly promoted."

"What? Is it the way of the alchemy union? The person in charge of the alchemy union is no problem? This kind of absenteeism experiment can blow up the goods of the three buildings, and they dare to accept it?"

"Who is collecting him? Is the eye coming up?"

"It’s Master Murphy..."

"Call... cough, who, I think Solomon is handsome!"

The sound of the cymbals in the stands was endless, and Ji Mengxi couldn’t help but laugh out loud: "This guy is very interesting, Wang Zhong, I heard that some time ago, the experiment was enchanted, and the dormitory was fried. The courage is quite big.,"

She suddenly remembered the assistant of Lan Laner, who called Aila. It seems that there was a new doctor who was surnamed Wang. She said that she was taken care of by Lan Laner: "The doctor at your home will not be This guy?"

"Isn't that him?" Lan Xiaoer laughed. "How, is it not like the special food? It's thin and not sloppy, ha, but you really want to see his appetite, be sure to I am surprised."

"Call..." Ji Mengyu noticed the eyes of Lan Yuer, the kind of youthful flying feeling revealed in the invisible. Ji Mengyu has not seen it from Lan Haoer for many years.

Is there an article inside?

Ji Mengyu brought a little smile on his face, and he did not break it: "It is not bad to be able to advance to the saints by newcomers."

The two men chatted about this effort. The following instructors have completed the promotion ceremony and explained the rules of the challenge. They officially announced the beginning of the challenge. This is also the highlight of today. The grandstand is a mountain shouting, whether it is watching the fun. It’s still coming up to help your own people cheer up.

"Scarlett was excused from the challenge because she went out, so all other singers who called the name would like to stand on their own platform!" The voice of the mentor spread throughout the Contra.

At the time when Wang Zhong is about to face the test, Kaqiertan City is also faced with all kinds of wonders. A hunger-stricken caravan with various resources gathers from all directions, and at the same time, there are endless streams of sand. Pirates.

The human life in the desert is as worthless as the yellow sand. The pursuit of wealth by the sand thieves is the obsession inscribed in the bones. It is the curse of the desert and the poisoning of no solution.

In the early morning, Renault had just slept for an hour and was awakened again. "Instructor, come again!"

Reynolds red-eyed, grabbed his leather armor and ran out of the tent, and rushed out of the tent. At the wall of the building, a group of naked sand thieves were carrying the wood and stone materials stacked on the edge of the city gate. In the desert, wood and stone are precious resources second only to food.

When Renault just showed his face, there was a whistling in the distance. The robbed sand thieves all screamed and shouted with the things that had already been grabbed, and quickly retreated toward the depths of the desert.

Renault snorted and chased him up. Five sand thieves shouted and rushed toward him.


Renault will throw a sand thief, a leaky trip to the ground, watching the sand squad that has been riding a sand camel, he did not chase, but the five sand thieves that people will stay Tied into the prison, they will become the labor force to build Kachintan.

This is a simple conversion given by Gong Yi, and the “resource for labor” plan between the sand thieves, it is to spend money to buy, anyway, the construction of the city also requires a lot of manpower, here is Tutankhamun, there is no federal technology Content and modern equipment.

I still had a headache to recruit. Since the sand thieves came, I have really had a lot of labor. Of course, in order to let them obey, Gong Yi has prepared several sets of programs. Basically, there are not many sets of three sets. Compared with Renault's indignation, he thinks this is a very good deal.

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