Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 22: Fighting the fairy tale

At this time, Muzi came to the news, the second expedition of the fairy tale secret began, and Ayros had already talked about the road. The result was of course a bit miserable. The three brothers decided to join forces again, and Wang Zhong’s retreat was closed. I am in need of such a place to give some inspiration. Once in danger, how can I have a big one of Aeolos.

Because of Wang Zhong’s victory, the financial situation of the wandering brigade is much better, and the pioneering order is also inconceivable. However, Oscar reminds Wang Zhong that it is best to stay in the holy city recently, because there has been a great rumor in recent days.

Some news, although the upper layer does not say, but some actions are still unnoticed. Oscar is definitely a channel for the elderly. The holy city is still good, but the federal base stations in the fifth dimension are frequently mobilizing the military. It represents a sign that the Holy Land is likely to launch a holy war.

"If there is a jihad, our wandering brigade still has a chance to fight for it." Even Oscar's eyes are full of yearnings. "I wanted to follow a jihad during the imperial court. I could never describe it in my own words. The power of the Holy Land."

The other people next to the wandering brigade apparently have heard of it from Oscar, and the small eyes are excited to come together: "That is a holy war, as long as it is enough to blow for half a lifetime."

Oscar smiled and said: "We are saints. It is not a normal person. The jihad can be a blockbuster or it may not come back, but the opportunity there is unimaginable. The question is, are we qualified to go, so we have to do the task recently. ""

These things are handed over to Oscar. Wang is so heavy that he doesn't think too much. If he can go, he can't go and there is no way. The jihad is completely the upper-level decision. To put it bluntly is to conquer!

In order to obtain resources, the Holy Land also needs resources, and the demand of the Holy Land is to conquer one dimension after another. The height of this decision is not something that a saint can ponder.

The farewell of the transfer station and the wandering brigade, directly transferred to the coordinates of the last desert pyramid, this is the exact location of the three-person contact, the long ham in the world, the ham is sitting on the ground and looking around, not to mention Said, this is the wood placed here to pick up the king.

"Wow, my No. 1 mount!" Simba can't wait to get out of the king's soul. Compared to the stupid white, Simba obviously has a special preference for the ham in the aftermath of the transformation. Go to the head of the ham.

In the face of this guy, the ham seems to be a fate, and struggles are too lazy to struggle, purely when it does not exist, just like the rushing king re-shake his tail.

"Take us in the past." Wang said with a smile.

The ham screamed and the body became bigger and bigger, like a rising dough, and Simba strolled down from its head like a slide.

"Go gone! Super delivery is on!" Simba shouted excitedly.

The ham is a big mouth, and it will swallow Wang Zhong and Simba directly.

Although I have already sat through this weird transmission, it is strange to be swallowed directly. It has become dark all around. Although it has not moved, it feels that the body is moving forward until there is a rectangle in front. The door is slightly transparent, then opened to send the ham, Wang Zhong and Simba together.

Ai Russia and Muzi are waiting beside the coffin. At this time, I feel the light shining through the coffin. Muzi and Ai Russian eyes are slightly bright: "Come."

At the entrance is a white city, the whole city has been covered by heavy snow, ice cream can be seen everywhere, and Simba is spit out from the ham with a warm mouth, and it is instantly shocked by the coldness of the surrounding area. A sneeze, reaching out to his own arm, keep jumping: "Rely, cold! Can't stand it!"

Not to mention Simba, even if Wang Zhong feels a chill intrusion, the temperature around this is probably at least minus five or sixty degrees. It needs to consume a considerable amount of soul to fight. Aeolos is the same, and the spirit is a hundred times. Naked on the upper body, showing the absolute proud figure, do not care about this cold.

"I haven't seen you for a long time." Aeolos smiled and reached out and Wang Qiang hugged and hugged: "The three brothers have come together again."

The old rules, the three brothers gathered first to eat, drink, and then do business, Muzi is the happiest, chewing Wang Zhong is the ham sausage and snacks brought by the big bag, three people outside the frosty city sort out.

Geographically, this is an old civilized city of some ages. Although the pattern is not small, there are no huge walls around it, and it is in a plain. Most of the houses are bungalows, and there is nothing to obscure sight. It can be seen that there is a unique building in the center of the town, which is looming in the snow of the sky.

"That is the central church of Frost City. It is nothing special, but it can be viewed as a pivotal coordinate for easy identification."

Aeolos is introducing the situation here: "This is a dead city, there are not many monsters, only a little girl with a matchstick, she should be the core of this Frost City or the rule of illusion, I touch Once, I asked if I wanted a match. I chose it at the time. But when the match burned, it burned my own soul and vitality, it was continuous, I couldn’t get rid of it, and it was very fast, until I I completely escaped from this mystery and eased it. Afterwards, I also recovered for a few days..."

Aeolos said that he was an understatement, but both of them knew that his strength was secretly shocked. He knew that Aeolos was the kind of enchanting soul and vitality that could be almost endless, but when the rule of burning matches was judged, even him They can't stand the kind of burning consumption, they can only escape, and it takes several days to recover, which shows how terrible the judgment of burning soul and vitality is, and I am afraid that it will be burned in an instant. It is.

"The little girl should be the key to cracking this secret. Our purpose this time is to surrender her."

"Can't you directly knock down her?" Muzi asked.

Aeolos shook his head: "I tried it before I ran away. Although I didn't do my best, but the attack was invalid, I felt that it was something that was almost ruled. I couldn't break it. It was more abnormal than the old lady on the first floor. ”

Even Aeolos couldn't break it, and Wang Zhong and Muzi didn't even think about it. Muzi nodded.

"If we meet this time, we choose not to?" Wang asked.

“It feels not so simple...” Aeolos shook his head. “When the question started, I felt like I was being confused. The problem seemed to be reflected in the soul, making me seem to have no choice. Just refer to my heart's most direct answer. This time I will pay attention to the control of my soul consciousness, but I can't grasp what kind of answer I can make."

Both Wang Zhong and Muzi understood immediately. Aeolos did not understand the rules, and did not even test the direction of the little girl. This is why he was not sure when he sent messages to Wang Zhong and Muzi.

"That only everyone sees the opportunity to act."

Aeolos nodded: "This time the city has changed a bit with the last time. It is even bigger. We split up and you found out that you don't shoot, signal me to see if I can find her flaws."

After the last fight, it is clear that Aeolos is still a bit of a chip.

The three people chose a direction to start the action. The city seemed to be boundless. They had been eating for a long time. The strange little girl did not appear. It is obviously necessary for them to look for it. The low temperature of the city may be fatal to the average person. Be a big deal.

Simba has already voluntarily drilled back to the soul of Wang Zhong, and the singer of Simba is still afraid of cold. The reason why Wang returned, Ayros and Muzi feel that this place does not seem to rely on hard, and Wang Zhong It’s just a lucky star baby. It’s especially good when he is there, but this time, Aeolos is especially awkward, because Wang Zhong is not afraid of absorbing creatures, but the monsters here are not absorbed, but the ice system. Direct killing.

In this extremely cold situation, the range that Salamanda can explore is relatively small, the three are gradually drifting away, the city is not a cycle, it seems that the three people are deliberately guided to a farther place, the sky is still under The snow stopped, and the snow seemed to be getting bigger and bigger.

About twenty minutes later, Wang reloaded a building and sighed and slammed his hand. He was about to continue, but suddenly saw a lonely, thin and thin figure standing there in front of the street, she was wearing One kind of linen skirt, bare feet, a slightly messy hair, and her dirty face, like the unfortunate child who lived on the street, did not have any attack reaction, but Wang Zhong had a chill, because the other's gaze had locked him, and that moment he stood tall.

The next side of the king kicked to the house next to him. He wanted to create a big reminder to remind Aeolos and Muzi, but the foot that added the power circuit was like a steel plate. Wang Zhong’s foot was hurting, and the soul force All were absorbed, and the thin and thin little girl had crossed the distance of tens of meters in an instant and came to Wang Zhong’s body, like a ghost.

The two face to face, all of a sudden time and space seems to be still, only to hear each other's breathing, the little girl's breathing is a little weak and hasty, although a bit dirty, but it is very cute, just because of malnutrition Dry, the pair of pitiful big eyes looked at Wang Zhong, it seems that I can drop my tears at any time, Wang Zhong’s heart is tight, it must be a mental attack!

However, he found that the body could not react as if it had been frozen. Damn, it was still controlled. The little girl also looked at Wang Zhong. He raised his hand and a dry match appeared on her hand. Paid to Wang Zhong, Wang Zhongxin is awful, this match has problems!

When I heard the warning from Aeolos, I should run this time, but my legs were just like the lead. I couldn’t move it. Grandma’s, Ayros’s intelligence was wrong. He could run because he was the soul of the day. Is it a heroic period, take it for life?

The snow in the air stopped, densely suspended in the air, covered with the entire background, the little girl has been close to Wang Zhong, breathing still cold, completely like a living person, but her words to let Wang Zhong fall into the Jedi.

"Big brother, are you going to buy my match?"


At this time, it was not only Wang Zhong who faced this problem. When Wang Zhong met, Ai Luosi and Muzi met almost simultaneously.

Faced again, Ayros did not hesitate to hesitate. He was very fast. The little girl couldn’t stop him like stopping Wang Zhong. The horrible force smashed through the ground and shook the ground. A loud bang, a huge echoes directly penetrate the entire town!

Wang Zhong and Mu Zi will certainly be able to hear and come in the first time. The thoughts in Ayros’s mind have just finished, and the voice from the soul has already sounded.

"Sir, do you want to buy my match?" The thin figure lifted the dry match and looked at Ayros's eyes with a desire and urgency.

The problem goes deep into the soul. It is not under normal circumstances. After your conscious reaction and brain thinking, you can speak through your mouth, but talk directly to your soul, without thinking. Aeolos is very clear about this. As early as the moment he saw the little girl, he had already forced himself to be self-conscious. After all, the top soul of the soul, consciously aimed at precaution, the soul struggled slightly after he tried. I made a different answer than the last time.

"Do not buy!" Aeolos blurted out.

The charm of the soul is only a moment, the voice is exported, Aeolos is completely awake, but also secretly fortunate, there are only two different choices in total, as long as a comparison, there will be an accurate result.

I remember the last time I promised to buy a match, the match instantly built an inextricable bond with my soul, constantly pumping my vitality and soul to burn, but this time it was different.

The face of the little girl showed a disappointment and even a desperate look. No one bought her match. She remembered that she had not eaten for a day. The thin figure shivered in the cold wind. At the same time, the little girl was the center. The temperature within a few hundred meters began to plummet, and the world that just felt still was suddenly 'live' and began to 'expand'!

The snow-capped ice flower, which was originally only pea-sized, suddenly became as big as a goose feather, and each piece of snow shimmered brightly, revealing a fatal chill that was daunting, and the temperature was drastically reduced. Absolutely zero-freezing all the momentum of the second district, as strong as Aeolos is also feeling the extreme cold of this horror, but for a moment it has been felt that the body has become slightly stiff in this horrible low temperature, even the soul movement has changed slow. This is just to feel the low temperature around, if it is directly in contact with the extremely cold horror of the goose hair, even if Aeolos has no full grasp can be unaffected.

Fortunately, the scope of this snow cover does not seem too big, just stagnate in the radius of a few hundred meters, Aeolos directly pulled out and retired, want to get out of this area first, the straight line distance of several hundred meters in the area His speed is just a blink of an eye, but just as his figure has just started, the little girl has disappeared from its original position, and it has already appeared behind Aeolos’s retreat. Stop his way.

Aeolos raised his hand is the ultimate burst of a fist, the habit of fighting, the power of the heavens and the earth to gather in his body, but in this space covered with snow, Aeolos found himself The power of the heavens and the earth could not be grasped. This area seems to have become the unique field of the little girl, and she is completely in control.


The fist hit a shield wall that could not be seen, and the space that was shocked was trembled, but the little girl who had not hurt the invisible wall was divided.

Only this fallacy, a piece of goose snow has fallen on the shoulders of Ayros, unlike the so-called low temperature that can feel the temperature. When the snow touches the body, Aeolos feels a kind of Thorough 'death'.

Freezing, condensing everything, not only the external form, but also the inner soul, the body cells, and even the atomic molecules that make up the cells, everything!

This is beyond the definition of cold, absolutely zero!

Aeolos only feels that the whole body is completely stiff at this moment, and that the force that will freeze everything will directly follow his body torso into the vast sea of ​​souls, as if he wants to bring his soul to the sea in an instant. freeze to death!


This chill was just coming too fast. It almost didn't react. At this time, a force of rebellion suddenly broke out from the sea of ​​souls. It was like a thin crater, stirring and spurting against the pervasive cold, and forced it. Retired a point.

"It’s useless." The little girl’s voice has changed, not like the previous look, but as cold as the coldness around her, her face is filled with endless resentment and desolate despair, her cold The little hand gently pressed on the fist of Aeolos: "Without matches, we will all die..."

Ai Luo Luosi still has the time to listen to what she is talking about. The madness of the soul and the horrible chill in the body have already entered the white-hot stage in the blink of an eye, and they have been slashing against each other. For a time, no one can help.


The snow in the air has become like the size of a human hand, but in the blink of an eye, Ayros and the little girl have been completely swallowed up!

Muzi’s situation is no better than Wang Zhong and Ayros, and even worse. Aiolos’s two answers are different, but when the problem arises, what he feels is a kind of deep challenge, his The answer is actually more autonomous, tougher, just want to conquer each other, whether it is the use of force or something else, this kind of will full of vitality and hope of fighting, and the little girl is always out of place.

What Muzi feels is not a challenge. When the lonely scene of the snow fluttering appears, when the background standing in the snow is very thin, especially when the eyes are full of grief and even despair When he was, Muzi thought of his childhood and thought of his lonely destiny.

No matter how strong he becomes, no matter how much he experiences and faces, the feeling that he once remembered can't be dissipated.

What's more, life and death represent despair, and Muzi's life is more like a lonely star. This question is more like a law, which evokes the deepest source of your heart, and then continuously enlarges it.

The warnings of Aeolos and all the psychological preparation defenses in the past have vanished at this moment, just like there is no resistance at all. This is the weakness of human beings. Once the power is strong, the flaws in the dimension world are extremely dangerous, from beginning to end. Muzi’s desire to survive is not so strong.

"Good." Muzi said that he had been completely replaced. At this moment, he did not even know that he was called Muzi. No matter his mind or his soul, he was shrouded in a desire to be free.

The little girl’s face showed joy, which seemed to make Muzi more firm in her answer. She gently walked over and pulled up Muzi’s hand. When both hands touched, the souls met, the match in the hands of the little girl’噌'A moment is lit up.

Like the warm fire in the winter, it is like the shining light in the night.

This match is very unusual. When it ignited, a small cluster of ice crystals emerged from the top of the matchstick, but it was an active ice crystal.

It exudes the singular brilliance of blue and full, like an ice crystal flower petal growing up, blooming, blooming, the flower continually rolling outward to form a layer of petals, while the outside has bloomed the light of the petals is Rapid fading, being squeezed from the periphery, turned into nothingness.

The whole looks like a cluster of blue flames, accompanied by the crisp sound of the 噼 啪 ’ 冰 冰 冰 , , , , , , , , , , , , , ’ ’ 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

The whole world seems to have only this ice crystal fire, and everything has lost its meaning in front of this fire.

Muzi’s eyes stared at it like a fascination, and the little girl held the hand and hand together to appreciate its scent and beauty, as well as the loneliness and the end of its dying.

Life and soul are burning, Muzi can clearly feel this, and he is also very clear that he has the ability to stop this, just need to break free of the little girl's hand, even he can put the little girl into life and death棺It doesn't seem to be too hard to go in, but he just doesn't want to move, and he doesn't want to stop and destroy it.

He has long been used to despair and loneliness, but this feeling makes him feel familiar and friendly, so that he can habitually hide here to wipe his wounds.

dead? For Muzi, it has never been a very sensitive and taboo word. On the contrary, he suddenly feels that he seems to have been in the biological world for too long...

The two figures gradually faded in the snow, leaving only the gorgeous ice crystal fireworks burning in the snow, sparkling.


Darkness and loneliness, although not identical to the background of snowflakes, are the same melody and theme.

"Big brother, are you going to buy my match?"

Wang Zhong only felt that a kind of sorrowful and desperate emotion was ignited in an instant. The familiarity in the darkness, the feeling of hiding in a corner, was hidden at this time.

It’s too easy to sink, not being knocked down by the kind of desperate frontality, but dragging you into deep, quieter and desperate places to go out, but he is Wang Zhong.

Wang Zhong has experienced all this, and the time he experienced is not much shorter than that of Muzi. He has a rich experience of loneliness and despair. But unlike Muzi, Wang Zhong is not so miserable, Muzi suffers suddenly. It’s a blue sky, and Wang Zhong is a torment. What’s important is that there is Simba in the world of Wang Zhong.

The one that always shines with colorful colors, sprinkles a lot of phosphors from the dark sky, illuminates the clowns of the whole world, and becomes the beginning of the hope in the dark world of Wang Zhong.

Despair and hope, two completely opposite emotions, in the world of Wang Zhong, seem to be such harmony.

Just like the light in the darkness is the most dazzling Only the darkness in the light is the most annoying. Everything in this world needs to be opposed. If there is no darkness, In fact, the light has lost its meaning.

The same is true of despair and hope. There is a contradiction. When the two coexist, the real ultimate can be realized, and when the ultimate despair is truly passed, it will be discovered.

Wang Zhong’s heart is not confused or confused. It seems that the emotion that is enough to make people desperate to die is just taken for granted. The thin little girl in front of her eyes is like a different angle to see that she was curled up at the beginning. Self in the dark.

What he needs is not to be sad with him, nor to be a cold rejection, but a flash like Simba.

Wang Zhong did not ask questions and answers. His firm will and clear understanding allowed him to resist the temptation to make choices. People live not only with life and death, but also with black and white. There are often more choices, sometimes seemingly desperate. It is just the lack of courage to make an attempt. At this moment, Wang Zhong’s body has recovered consciousness.

Wang Zhong did not fear, nor did he escape. Instead, he greeted him, but he ignored the seemingly hopeful match, but took off his clothes and put it on the little girl, gently passing the little girl’s cold forehead. With his own temperature, "warm is not the only option."

This warmth with strong mental power has had a certain impact on the little girl. It is clear that she has never encountered such a situation in the long time of the birth of the mystery. The birth of any law power and mystery also follows the laws of the universe. Like black and white, cold and hot, just looking for the opportunity to have the same power.

(Partners, three in one, plus 400, I wish all partners a happy holiday, and ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket, thank you!!)!

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