Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 33: Black Rock Energy Cave

The center of the North District General Command.

The positive crossfire at the time of the landing war was only a small matter for the Thunder sacred mentor, but tearing the world will of a three-level civilization, let the army have entered, the energy consumed can never be ignored, so After the end of the landing war, Lei Shengdao has already entered meditation, and can not easily disturb.

The various partial strategic deployments in the past two months have been completed by the division of the sixteen major instructors, and the major instructors have become the busiest people in this period.

In the brigade of the command center, Sofia is the minister of the brigade department. Most of the weighty brigade missions are published through her hands before they can be released. The workload during this time is also amazing. Scarlett has occasional Can go to the wandering brigade and Wang Zhong gather, other time is also accompanied by the instructor to handle some trivial work for her.

Only at this moment and height can you understand how good the tutor is to her. It is really necessary to have a contrast and know the cruelty of reality. Scarlett has become more and more aware of this and let her follow her task. The decision-makers look at the various issues, she can learn a lot, as a commander how to run this jihad.

The level of contact is different, the vision and thinking are completely different, and the mentor’s painstaking efforts for her are not only helping her to improve her personal strength.

The task of the Black Rock Energy Cave was that she looked at the mentor’s personal release, and the rewards were rich. She was considered a heavyweight in many tasks. At the time, she thought that this task might fall on the head of the top ten brigade. At the end of the day, I was only handed over to a four-level brigade, and there was an accidental brigade.

This is certainly not possible because the strength of the wandering brigade has stood out from many competitors. It has the ability and reason to help the wandering brigade to get this opportunity. There is only one person. This is the Oscar that has just rushed to send the news. Expressed.

"Thank you for your tutor."

Scarlett looked at the busy tutor, and couldn’t help but said it sincerely. Although there are only two men and women in this quiet command room, it’s still a bit awkward to suddenly come out. But she doesn't spit.

Sofia, who was thinking about how to approve a task file, was interrupted by her thoughts, but she did not blame it.

"You." Sophia laughed and simply put down the pen: "A little bit of care is not care, when can you jump out of the small circle?"

Although it is blaming, the tone is not heavy, but it makes people feel a little warm.

Scarlett smiled happily. She didn't have the big ambitions and desires of the instructor's expectations. If she wanted her to choose, she felt that it was quite good to stay in this small circle.

"The accounts of the five districts have always been inconsistent. You have to supervise the distribution of materials in the past few days." Sophia did not say much, but just waved her hand: "Put your mind in this area, and then There will be flaws in a sound system, find out these flaws, and don’t give people any holes."

"Yes." Scarlett immediately nodded neatly, and had to say that this jihad had completely changed her impression of the mentor for half a year, and even felt ashamed of her own little belly chicken. She would definitely be told by her mentor. It’s a pity that I’m going to finish it all, but this time I’m probably not able to follow the Wang Zhong to go to the task.

Scarlett had just left, and there was a soft squeaking sound outside the door.

"Come in."

The door was pushed open, and a man with a big sword walked in with respect and respect: "Master."

Bokang, the younger disciple of Sofia, is also the master of Scarlett, and the head of the sacred brigade, which ranks tenth in the Holy Land Brigade, is definitely a powerful figure.

"The recent mission is well done. This jihad is an opportunity for you and the brigade. It must be seized."

"Please rest assured that your disciples will not live up to your expectations. This jihad will definitely advance to the soul!"

Sophia nodded, her face was still meticulous, and the battle was smooth, but this kind of smoothness was a bit overdone. The Holy Land evaluated Misobudaby the world, not so weak.

"Master, is the Black Rock mission a bit problem?" Bokang respectfully stood aside: "There have been many variables in the missions of the first few mines. Misobuda should be alert to people. In fact, I can let my brigade shot. ""

"Those are just exploring the road." Sophia interrupted him directly and took a look at Kangbo. "Remember, this holy war will not end in a short time, so there are opportunities."

Kangbo nodded, but it was the difficulty of the task. In fact, he wanted to make a fortune. It was too profitable to attack this mining area. In addition to completing the task, he could also fish a lot of soul crystals. Although this is not known, the use of this stuff is not known. The energy contained in it will definitely have a very high value after the war.

On the other hand, the news brought back by Oscar made the stray brigade that was about to get sick out to be an uplifting one.

Black Rock Energy Cave! After updating the detection location of this energy cave from the map of the previous day, this place has become the focus of many brigades in the entire brigade.

The task is affirmative, but the task of the energy mine area, the previous few earned brigades have seen everyone, the eyes are hot to the extreme, in the recent series of tasks, there is no task than the mine More earned!

Many brigades have been struggling in the dark for two days. They want to fight for it. The little eyes are still sneak peek at the night, but they never even dreamed that such fat will fall on the head of the wandering brigade. I didn’t expect it, this **** in the sky is really a thing that falls on my head.

Is it open to the sky? Is this? MDGB!

The small eyes snorted and the two flaming eyes made her feel that she simply couldn’t stand outside the Black Rock mine.

"This is the head of Kevin Rand, this is the deputy head of Osage," Oscar warmly introduced to everyone, the two brigades cooperate, it is inevitable that members will know each other first, but he did not expect that The deputy head of the side was actually coming over.

He introduced the members of the brigade to the two men. Kevin Rand's look was a bit arrogant. Listening to his name was just a faint nod.

Today, this special trip came over by Osage.

This bread has been smashed out, and I have to listen to it. It’s a pity that I didn’t see the legendary super newcomer Scarlett when I came over. Even listening to Oscar’s meaning, Scarlett did not seem to participate in this mission.

This made Kevin Rand quite uncomfortable. I originally thought that if I could make a little friendship with Scarlett, although it might not be of much help, it would be a consolation prize. This is also the focus of Osage’s proposal to come and say hello. .

I did not expect to actually see people, and people still do not participate in the task.

This **** directly let Kevin Rand have a feeling of throwing money to play, the **** end of what stinks the shelf, so it is also our KD brigade to take you chartered, take you to fly, not to go to the task However, I didn’t even say a few beautiful words, it was simply no one.

I originally looked down on the gang of gangsters, thinking so, the senses of these people are even worse. But in the end, it was the head of the big brigade. This style was maintained. Oscar, who was resistant to sex, introduced the entire group to nine people. Kevin Rand showed a faint expression: "This mission. You must have already known the content, I will not say more, and I don’t expect your wandering brigade to be at the forefront. I only have one request, don’t leave the team.”

The strength of the KD Brigade is not weak. Oscar is very clear. This mission, the KD Brigade is the absolute main force. The wandering brigade is not arguing for people to fight for work. The cake is very big. For the current wandering brigade, Digesting a small part is not bad.

Not allowing the wandering brigade to be at the forefront, although it will weaken the final distribution of credit, but it will also ensure the safety of other members of the brigade to the utmost extent. This is actually something that both parties are willing to see.

He nodded, and next to Wang Zhong asked: "Is there any plan for the head of Kevin on this mission?"

"Plan?" Kevin Rand stunned, and this thing hasn't really been thought of.

Isn't the other party a team of 100 people? Just assault on the mining area, the rushing into the smashing, the killing of the scorpion, the smashing of the cave and then rushing out of the cave, and then fishing equipment, fishing spoils and sneak away, the first few brigades are doing this, smooth Very, I want a **** plan.

Of course, this kind of words cannot be said directly, and it will appear very second.

"Do you have?" Kevin Rand squinted at him. A three-level brigade also learned to plan.

Wang Zhong smiled and opened a prepared map. When Oscar informed everyone, he had downloaded the map from the headquarters to the black rock energy cave from Tianxun. Before they came over, Oscar came over. Wang Zhong has already discussed a round with Fengshang. Both of these are definitely top-notch heads. The initial planning structure is already there.

"The energy mining area is the resource of the Misobudabi people, and it is also the guarantee for them to fight for a protracted war. It is inevitable to pay attention to it. The success of the previous several mining areas can be said to be a surprise by the other party, but now the news spreads. It is impossible for the other party to have no response to this. It is very possible to increase the defense of the nearby mining area. I feel that we must not use the previous smoothness as the basis for success, and we must pay attention to it."

"If we directly break through, we are not easy to get passive and have no retreat, and it is very likely that the other party's ambush, I think we can circumvent." Wang Zhong pointed to the rear of the black rock energy cave on the map: "We can choose to attack from the rear This mountainous terrain close to the rear is a pretty good hidden point, and it is condescending to bring the team around here, not only can a better early investigation, but also the ability to attack and retreat."

"It is simple to say that both sides are steep cliffs. Misobuda is now a completely no-fly zone in the world. The high-altitude belt detects thunder beasts. The military will not give them airships, no airships. Do you think that you are a master of heaven and can fly up?" Deputy head of Osha disdain.

“You can circumvent from a farther place,” Wang Zhong pointed to the other side of the map: “Although I will walk for a few more days, I feel that from the perspective of team safety, this time is completely worthy of delay. The task itself is not limited to time."

The deputy head of Osha seems to want to say something, and Kevin Rand has interrupted him.

"Yes." Kevin Rand only looked down on the wandering brigade, but it did not mean that he was a completely brainless guy. On the contrary, he was definitely a competent head when considering this for the members. Every fool can become the head of the four-level brigade.

What Wang said is not necessarily unreasonable. It’s just a few days away. What are you afraid of? The correct opinion is to be accepted. It seems that the wandering brigade is not completely useless.

Everyone took a rest for the night, and the preparations were ready. If you choose to go around, it will be more than three hundred miles. Especially in the direction of the detour, there is a vast expanse of wetlands. It is estimated that the road is always four. In five days, everyone also brought a military tent that can be collected, especially the adequate food and fresh water. Anyway, there is a space bracelet. It is convenient to install these things.

Early the next morning, the KD Brigade first met at the Quartermaster. According to the conditions of the mission, the two brigades received six sets of Torreya war horses, two 'Ksuen's stinky bullets', and six sets of first aid kits.

The Torreya war horse is the main force of transportation in the current army. It is not the military department that is allowed to use the airship. During the establishment of the base, the command has detected the organism with great energy from the high altitude of Misobuda. strength is almost equal to the soul, individual individuals even surpass, and the number is large, the distribution is very wide, these flying creatures attach great importance to the site, any flying into the object will be fatally hit, the current combat power is still Can't be wasted on them.

Therefore, in the case of a ban, facing the various mountains and steep terrain, the Torreya war horse is the best choice for the road, the performance is far better than the clumsy mechanical transportation, the holy city army for this time The jihad is also prepared a lot. It is transported by the shipping fleet of the fleet. The horses are full of 50,000 horses. The world of Torreya is specially designed for the holy city to cultivate military-scale creatures. The world is extremely fertile, war horses and sieges. Giants, virtual beasts and other powerful captive-sized biological warfare forces are among the important strategic material bases of the Holy Land.

The two-meter-high horse body is strong and slender, and it is covered with a thin layer of grass-colored locks. It looks quite handsome. What is even more rare is that the horseshoes on the soles of the feet are extremely thick, like spring mats. The speed is fast, and almost silent, and these military Torreya war horses have obviously received special training, and will not easily make any humming, alert a little worse, I am afraid that this horse has not been rushed behind. find.

The wandering brigade group is the first time to get in touch with the high-end gadgets in these holy cities. Shermi, small eyes and other people are all excited. The KD brigade is still good, and frankly, they are also the first contact. Arrived in the real Torea war horse, but people can just hold their breath, turning over the horse that look very natural, just like all the days riding on the Torreya horses to go out to buy food, has long been used to look like. Nothing else, 咱 four-level brigade to face, just see something to scream, people think you are a country, this is the gap.

(Partners, happy weekend!)

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