Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 35: Group out

It seems that it is the hope of the public, Wang Zhong frowned, did not refute, but turned around and Feng and Oscar discussed a few words.

"Okay," Kevin Rand saw that they didn't object any more. They also waved their hands and interrupted the slogans of others. Speaking of it, the people of the wandering brigade are also thinking about the safety of everyone. The intention is not bad. He still compares. Appreciating this cautious attitude is that the strength is too weak. When it comes to positive offense, there is no confidence. Everything will only be seen from the perspective of the weak. This is the sorrow of the weak.

He said faintly: "This is the case, and I will go back now."

"I still insist on my opinion." Wang Zhong opened his mouth at this time.

Kevin Rand frowned. If he had some cautiousness to appreciate Wang Zhong before, then such disagreement would be really annoying. If necessary, he would not mind giving the group a lesson. Let them know who is in charge of this group.

"What we mean, the two brigades are separated."

Not waiting for Kevin Rand's attack, Oscar has added: "Our wandering brigade wanders around the swamp and slams from the rear. If you want to stick to a frontal attack, you may be able to wait a few more days in the frontal zone. We will be better at the beginning and end of the attack."

The KD brigade was quiet in an instant, and Kevin Rand was stunned. After a long while, I couldn’t help but scream and laugh, and I waited for them for a few days. It’s really a loss they want to come up!

I want to ridicule two sentences, but I can change my mind. I didn’t expect the wandering brigade to help me in the battle. I just forced the big mentor’s 'face' to bring these tossing bottles. Now they have to take the initiative to leave the team, isn’t that just right? After they have worked hard to get around the back of the energy mine, they have already solved the battle on their own side. The mission report will be truthfully written. Where is the name of the wandering brigade on the credit book? All rewards, including those precious soul crystals in the energy mine, are all KD Brigade!

"Good!" Kevin Rand agreed to come down with a refreshing bite.

"We have one bomb for each of the two bombs. At that time, we will destroy it with a bomb at the rear. Listen to the signal and attack you from the front."

Although there is a task of blasting the mine hole, one is enough to use the power of ‘Ksuen’s stinky bomb.’ The munitions department issued two just to have a preparation.

Kevin Rand was confident, and of course it was no problem. He promised to divide the two stinky bullets and said: "War, you are burdened with wearing this swamp, but let us, but also Helping you reduce your losses. When the mines are completed and the confluence is completed, the loss of the two of them is nothing."

The wandering brigade lost two horses with small eyes and seals, and seven horses. It is really inconvenient to walk through the swamps. It is really inconvenient for the three women to never see themselves. The picture is gone.

So there is no problem on both sides. I used to have a look of urgency. I can talk about the distraction. It is an incomparable tacit understanding. Kevin Rand took the 'Ssu’s stinky bullet' from the space bracelet and handed it to Oscar to complete the preparation. The two teams immediately parted ways.

Until the people of the wandering brigade went far, Osha only rushed Kevin Rand to give a thumbs up. The face admired: "High, the head is really high. They have to walk through the marshes for at least six or seven days, we can grab the front. Directly complete the task, at that time, not only do not have to give the wandering brigade a little bit of credit, ha, together with the seven horses pulled back, we completed the task and went back directly to the handover, but there was no loss at all!"

Kevin Rand smiled a little while listening to the first half of the sentence. He heard him in the second half of the sentence: "The interest, let's face KD and pay for the money of these horses? Mo's little people!" As for not pre-emptive according to the agreement, huh, huh, we are so difficult to conceal, it is impossible to find the enemy by the enemy."


"Wang Zhong, I see that the deputy head of Osha is not a good person. Will he swallow our horses?"

"The horse is a small thing, even if they are swallowed, it is better than letting the horse fall into the swamp, and the head of Kevin is not like a small family." Feng said: "But I think they are unlikely to wait." With our synchronization, most of them will attack directly from the front.

"Ah? So, aren't we going around this big circle?" Shermi worried.

"It's not that easy. If you are doing things in the sky, you are still afraid of not having a chance to live?" Wang Zhong smiled. Actually, he did not think that the other party was wrong. It was just a judgment. The split action may be the best. He would rather hope in his heart. Your own judgment is wrong.

The even number of nods, next to Oscar and Fengdu laughed, and Gleed said with a smile: "The seniors are right. The chance is that in the war, the strength of our brigade, the first thing to consider is always safety."

"I really can't stand these guys, how can I help the enemy to talk, can I hope for myself?" The small eyes are quite disdainful of the love of these people, spit a sentence, suddenly wide-eyed: "No, Wait a minute! There are still seven horses! If the gang is robbing the merits and robbing them, what should we do? By relying on it, let’s run away, why don’t we have to pay the horse?”

"Haha, then you only have to pray for the head of Kevin." Wang Zhong haha ​​smiled, and several people sneaked a pass, but it made the somewhat repressed team re-energize.

There is no need to take the war horse to hurry, it is really a little easier, but it is only relatively speaking, the foot is still full of 'traps', although everyone has a soul protection body, even if stepping on the swamp mire is not like The Torreya war horse is so resistant, but the mud that is made is inevitable.

The suffocating air in the air is getting more and more intense, and it has almost reached the point where people can't breathe. Fortunately, in advance, considering the passage of the swamp, the antidote preparation is sufficient, that is, the taste is too bad, quite pungent, and then accompanied. The stench in the entire swamp, not to mention the three girls who love to love beauty, even Napier and even number are frowning all the way.

This kind of environmental condition is only a small appetizer. When you continue to the third day, it is already inserted into the central area of ​​the swamp. The surrounding poisonous insects and monsters are beginning to become more and more. It is getting more and more frequent.

The mosquitoes that are as big as a horse are just small dishes. In the morning, Shermi stepped on a worm with a bucket full of buckets, the body of the soft bullet, the furry green hair, and the slippery greasy mucus on the spot. Scary to Scarmi, but more uncontrollable or small eyes, like a tiger's tail to instantly fry.

Women have no resistance to this kind of mollusc. The fear is purely natural, completely unreasonable. The little eyes don’t even think about it. The subconscious is madly bombarded. As a result, the worm is blown up by her. However, because the sound of guns has attracted more than a dozen poisonous kisses in the vicinity, these things are extremely flexible. If the people of the wandering brigade are in a row, they will not be too fearful, but in this swamp It is very difficult to easily defeat the other party. In case of being dragged, the fighting sound attracts more monsters, and that is to find death.

A group of people were forced to sneak into the swamp mire for half an hour, so it was not enough to deceive the group of gods. When climbing out of the swamp mire, Shermi and Mario had already had countless red bubbles and edema.

Their strength is the weakest in the team. The toxicity of the mud in the quagmire swamp, despite the presence of the soul protector, is still unable to completely resist the penetration of toxicity, and the situation is worse than expected.

Both of them needed first aid, and a small tent was temporarily set up in the swamp. Evenly, some moss and hay were put on the tent to make a covert, small eyes and seals were placed inside to give detoxification and dressing, and Mario. It was a man who was not so particular about it. Napier and the even number worked together and directly smashed him out of the outside. Fortunately, he did not encounter any disgusting things. After more than an hour of tossing, the two injuries were bandaged everywhere.

No matter what the strength is, unless it has a physique that does not invade, the poison has always been the nightmare of all warriors, and the world's strange toxins are endless, and it is impossible to prevent them. Fortunately, the holy land has a long-term accumulation, and humans are also in this respect. Special attention, so that foodies can not afford to offend.

Shermi and Mario still have a sad color on their faces. The strength of the two is too weak. Only when they got here, they began to drag the team, but this reminded them.

"The green quagmire is poisonous, the gray kind of mud is fine, and it can also be applied to some of the body to cover up the atmosphere to reduce a lot of trouble, everyone is moving."

The loss is to eat the experience, the glamorous and wandering brigade instantly becomes a clay brigade, that is, the stench of the mud on the body is really unbearable, and when you carefully apply it to the body, you can often find the residue in the mud. With half of the teeth or bones that have been melted, these gray silts are afraid of the dead creatures that have died in this piece, and they are melted and melted by poisonous mud, and it is no wonder that it will be stinky.

So I walked through the whole day, and I had to watch the traps under my feet. At the same time, I had to avoid the swamps and creatures. With two injuries, the team’s speed was getting slower and slower, but the biggest The problem is the suffocation of this central area. Although there are special antidote to check and balance, it still leads to a rapid decline in physical strength.

This is not only the hard work of Shirmi and Mario, but even the people with seals and small eyes are getting more and more difficult. The only thing that seems to be no problem is Wang Zhong, Oscar and Grae.

Wang Zhong did not say it. From the first day that the wandering brigade knew him, he thought that this was a BUG-level existence. It seems that no matter what he did, he would not surprise the wandering brigade, and Oscar used to In the imperial court is also an elite level, this is the basic literacy, what really surprises everyone is Grae. In this environment, instead of being dragged down, he can even achieve a completely smooth breathing like Wang Zhong and Oscar. There is no reluctance to make everyone look at each other. This newcomer, who seems to have nothing but a long handsome, seems to be different.

At this time, it is estimated that the team has begun to approach the most central part of the swamp. The team has become more and more strenuous. However, the first heavy rain that has started for several days at this time is in response to the overnight rain. Everyone has some pains. Nothing, not afraid of fighting, this kind of environment is the most degrading morale.

When the cold rain touches the body, it is completely the feeling of cold water, and there are many soy-like ice bombs of the size of soy beans. It’s like a rainy day. Even if the soul warriors are all physically strong, they can be shackled in such a long-lasting hail, and they must be unable to stand up.

The team had to stop completely, collecting materials and rushing to get the tent to go in and avoid.

"What the **** weather, I would rather fight the real gun, and die." The little eyes couldn’t help but complain.

Shermi seems to want to vent a few words, but it is already no strength, Oscar shook his head helplessly, this is the truth of the holy war, is preparing to comfort a few words, suddenly saw the communication crystal in his hand shines Up The reason is divided into two legions, one side is also to establish the antenna signal, but the signal points are small, most of the signals will not be good, both teams have a signal source for the temporary Cooperation, of course, the distance can not be too far, in fact, from the time of separate action, both sides have a tacit understanding, no one should look for trouble, KD Brigade actually contacted.

"By the way, it will be really there, and the battle is over?" The first one of the small eyes smashed. "Well, this crime is a sin!"

The seal has been connected to the signal, only to hear the sound of 'Shashasha' in the news. The positions on both sides are now far apart. The signal is not very good and normal. I thought I would hear Kevin Rant proud or mocking. The sound, but did not expect to be mixed in the rustling of the sand, but it was a scream and an angry anger.

Withdraw, run fast, run one is one...


Hey la’s dead, it’s all dead!

help me……

Only the screams and helpless help were heard in the ears of the people. The voice did not last long. The last snoring seemed to be that someone directly smashed the news and broke the connection between the two sides.

The tent man who was still awkward was quiet all the time.

The 50 people of the KD Brigade are elite and dead. What kind of ambush is there?


Napier, who was standing next to him, sat down on the ground directly, not only him, but also Mario, Shermi, even and others who were next to him.

The KD brigade now seems to be a direct group, but it is a four-level brigade, full of 50 elites, although it is not pleasant to get along, but the overall strength is strong, these days are all in my heart. There are several.

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