Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 53: New head

When I first took the task of the energy mining area, it was only a b-level mission of eight thousand holy coins. Now it is upgraded to a level because of the Juggernaut. It is directly raised to 100,000 by the holy currency reward! A fine of five thousand, even a fraction of the people have not arrived yet! And the rewards are far more than that.

The military merits directly rewarded 50,000. In the war, the military merits are better than the holy coins. There are many special resources for wars that need military power points to redeem. If you have holy coins, you can’t buy them. Yes, this is to prevent some reselling and selling of the molecules, to destroy the market through the special price of wartime, to make war money, and there are many high-end sets of soul equipment in the military demand department, all from the masters, and they are dubbed by the saints. The Miso Budabi jihad suit is not only better than the ordinary high-end sacred weapon, but also a symbol of honor. It has not achieved enough record in the jihad and made enough contributions. More money can't buy these equipment.

If you have enough military skills and enough holy coins, you can even buy military airships, all of which are to be exchanged with holy coins and military points.

At the same time, Wang Zhong directly leapt to the predator in the personal rank of Dimensional Hostel. He jumped from the Dimensional Pioneer to the next level with only one task. This rocket speed is no one, and the points are still overflowing. At the same time, the rank of the brigade brigade has also been upgraded to the fourth level. The brigade of the brigade on the side of the holy city army is even more scary. This is related to the right to pick up the task. It can be said that the wandering brigade has been tasked from the original. If you can't get it, it will become a task as long as they want to intervene. Other competitors except the top ten brigades will have to stand by.

To make matters worse, the above has actually approved the recruitment of the Wandering Brigade. This is a special preferential treatment, probably considering that there are too few people in the Wandering Brigade. These days, many brigades have actually lost some of their missions. Although the extent of the loss will not be shaken to their roots, many of the tasks that could have been eaten alone are now due to lack of manpower and need to start looking for another. The brigade cooperates.

In this case, most of the brigades want to add to the strength of the brigade, and recruit people from the holy city, but it is not allowed. Although the transmission array is now open, most of them are used to transport materials and the source of the holy city. There is no redundant resource channel to replenish the brigades. But now the wandering brigade has obtained such qualifications. This priority is not It goes without saying.

The distribution of various rewards, plus their injuries have also raised a seven-eight-eighth eight, the wandering brigade is also a smog, radiant.

The whole group has added Scarlett, and now there are only eight people in total. Wang Zhong and Scarlett have no need for equipment. The task rewards are filled in the group fee, so everyone else is from beginning to end. The shotgun was changed.

The little eyes still love the 'Murphy's hand gun' that she used to use, but she didn't change it, but she gave herself a fast feather. It was a set of gray armor with boots, in addition to having a light weight and In addition to excellent protection, the above is the main set of complex chain speed character arrays, which can make the movement speed increase a lot. It is definitely a dream for a long-distance warrior who needs to keep distance from the enemy at all times.

The seal is also replaced by an elemental crystal ball of the enchantment. In addition to the better enchantment energy diversion, it also hides a blinking seal that can be used repeatedly by recharging, a wide range of instants. In the enchantment, the power may not be strong, but the trapped person is extremely difficult to break. In the match, the enchantment can be given enough time to arrange the enchantment.

The resources are mainly spent on these two most important offensive and defensive points. Of course, other people are also a variety of species. Even Napier has taken the long-awaited soul dagger, and Oscar has exchanged a lot of life-saving things. Pharmacy, crystal, etc., to ensure the maximum loss of personnel when the task is released, a variety of good things to choose from, this circle, more than 50,000 sacred coins plus 50,000 military The reward moment has already been spent with only a fraction of it.

Looking at everyone's excited, full of fighting spirit and hope, Oscar is also like a big stone landing.

The Wandering Brigade was established by him. He once gathered many like-minded friends. Everyone was happy, happy, and supportive. Without the intrigue of those big brigades, he thought that this is the ideal of all people, but they can walk all the way. Here, how many of the like-minded friends have left?

It is not the strength of the wandering brigade, but his commander is incompetent. Numerous decision-making mistakes have caused too many friends to ruin their lives and futures, including this time to participate in jihad. The wandering brigade has never made a difference under his leadership, and after returning from the swamp, faced with various pressures, various responsibilities, and even When the teammates were killed by others, the hazy air shrouded the whole group, but he was powerless.

On several occasions, I saw the desperate look of Shermi and the feeling of depression in the brigade. He was impulsive and wanted to find Haiao in his own name, but he also knew that even if he didn’t want to die. It is impossible to succeed at all. Don't say that the other person has more people, even if it is only Haiao, he may not be able to do it. And it will bring very bad consequences. Do you dare to imagine that when the wandering brigade is not in the situation after him?

Oscar is also helpless. At this moment, he really feels tired, not because the blow is bigger than when he lost those but because people are finally able to bear the limits.

Until Wang Zhong came back and saw that he was very resolute and easy to solve all the difficulties and troubles of the wandering brigade, Oscar felt that the burden on his shoulder suddenly disappeared. He smiled very happily these days, even sleeping. Good dreams.

"I have a proposal," Oscar held a glass of wine, and everyone was: "I chose Wang to be the head of our brigade."

Everyone is enjoying the fun. Recently, the good things are constantly going on. Just enjoying the new equipment is enough for the gang of people to celebrate for ten days and a half. At this time, the Oscar was quiet.

Wang Zhong was also slightly stunned, and then he smiled dumbly: "I didn't see you drink a few cups, is this big?"

"I am not kidding." Oscar sighed for a long time. The decision was not impulsive. He had considered it twice in the past two days, including the acceptance of the brigade. At this time, he said that he also had a kind of heart. Feeling relieved.

"The wandering brigade is what I created. But the original intention of my creation was just to let everyone escape the intrigue and power of the big brigade, but because of the incompetence of my leader, we walked a lot in the name of personality. Detours, I also lost a lot of friends. Many times I can't do anything about it. I can only watch the old friends leave us."

"I don't want to see those things happen again. The wandering brigade must need a stronger leader, and that person is you." Oscar said slowly: "Your ability, vision, judgment, choice, more important Yes, everyone trusts you, we are willing to put your life in your hands!"

Wang Zhong really stunned. I didn't expect Oscar to come true. He really didn't think about being a head of the team. (Tianjin Novel Network https://)

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