Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 105: phantom

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On the way, he is observing the human being above, giving him the feeling that he is a very powerful human soul, even the strongest of the human souls that Pierrov has seen, and even the octopus swordsman. However, he still did not break through the boundaries of the soul of the heavens, and there is not much threat to himself. The front is a dead end for human beings, and everything is under control.

Pierov is not in a hurry, slowly, seemingly leisurely stroll, but not in a hurry, but this is a ladder, the more eager, the easier it is, even if it is Juggernaut, maybe he will wait for him. This human has fallen.

But the human being above surprised him again and again. At first he thought that it would definitely fall down very quickly. He only needed a slow and sly body, but he didn’t expect the other party to pass, but he still went. Soon, then he expected the other party not to pass the last hundred steps to make the heavenly soul discolored. The other party did indeed have all kinds of limits and exhaustion as he expected, but they all resisted the past and finally succeeded in reaching the top. .

Pierov felt that this was enough to surprise himself. In the history of octopus, there is still no such level of the weak to complete the trial of the soul of heaven, this man actually did. I didn't expect to surprise him even more. The guy didn't know how to pass the bloodline certification on the top of the hill in Pillowy, and opened the road!

At this time his face was full of shock and incredible.

The widow's space is a forbidden place that only the phoenix-recognized Misobudaby family is eligible to enter, and even among the Misobudha people, only the most loyal servants who have served the Pirloni phoenix **** A pulse, only qualified! That is to say, the royal family of Misobudabi, except for the blood, only used the secret method, but this secret method has great counter-effects even for the Juggernaut and the French holy level, although not completely downgraded, but basic It will drop to the point where the sword is holy.

What kind of ghost is this human being? !

At the foot of the mountain, some amazing sounds were heard at this time. Piero could feel that the Juggernaut and the Faith had set foot on this pilgrimage ladder. Apparently they all saw the Tongtian Road that the human being opened at the top of the mountain. It’s huge, it’s not the light of the mountain that can be blocked.

The golden light of Pierov’s body suddenly shone, the gesture of leisurely strolling disappeared, and the speed increased a lot. It is impossible to imagine what it would be like to let this man enter the forbidden place.

Wang Zhong in the Tongtian column has not seen the outside world. This channel is unusually strange. It does not feel that the body is rising. It seems to be just a change of space. There are fogs coming and going around. Your vision and perception make you feel like you don't know why, and so full for three or four minutes. When the fog dissipates, Wang Zhong finds himself in another foggy world.

It is said that this is a misty world, but in reality there is no fog, some are nothing but nothing, surrounded by a fire red, but can not see the flame, the space seems to have infinity, can not see the end, but it seems to be Only the little cones under your feet will make you dare not move your feet. It is like taking a step in any direction, you will fall out of the world and fall into the endless abyss. In this space, there is still a breath of incomparable majesty, as if there is a very powerful prehistoric creature, from the outside of this space through a glass cover, with that careless look in the observation of your experiment Little mouse.

Such a place makes people feel solemn and solemn, but it is also extremely repressive.

"Wonderful places," Wang Zhongyu is amazed. The fifth dimension of the world also has a lot of wonderful space. The powerful biological atmosphere has also seen a lot, but like this is so powerful to completely transcendental, even stay in space. Even my sense of distance was blurred, and it was the first encounter.

However, Wang Zhong does not care. He never believes in the gods. Although the strong breath in this space is still there, I already know that it is just a wreck. Since I know that the real Phoenix is ​​not there, it is just a little breath. Residue, it is totally indifferent, no taboo, and the ambiguous sense of distance can not stop Wang Zhong’s will, directly ignore the warning from the body, and take a step toward the ground that does not exist in the perception.

The stability of the station at the foot, there is no problem at all, it really only comes from the deception of perception. However, I can feel the ability of the body to be suppressed by this strange space, as if to maintain him not to exceed a limit, perhaps the remaining Phoenix will protect this space, not allowing any space to be destroyed. The power exists. At the same time, this will also form a second barrier, which is the blurring of the sense of distance in this space, and the surrounding world that covers the real background.

They are all phantoms.

Wang Zhong looked around, Tatam was kneeling on the ground, seven legs were completely crouching on the ground, and each leg was constantly shaking. For it, the strong breath in this space is real. It’s too horrible. If it doesn’t think it’s “just and sincere” and won’t be hurt by the phoenix god, I’m afraid it won’t last for a second.

“Ximba.” Wang shouted, and first solved the psychedelic troubles around him: “Mask.”

Simba also knew that things were pressing and immediately came out of the soul, and there was no nonsense.

With the clown mask, the perception of the surroundings immediately becomes clearer. To be honest, the faster the strength of his own, the more he feels the magic of Simba, like this clown mask, not because of his own strength. Raise and touch the upper limit of its increase. When you are still in a very weak soul-casting period, the clown mask can expand your perception of the surroundings by three or four times. But now it is infinitely close to the level of the soul of the heavens. The clown mask still has a greater ascension, and the perceptual power is constantly expanding. Although it still cannot see through the flaws or illusions in this space, it feels that there is a space in the space. A call from the soul.

It is very strange that this space seems to recognize itself, including the space channel created by the previous blood, and the legends mentioned here are also the memory of Wang Zhong who can’t help but think of the flames that once had a side in the fifth dimension. Maybe it is possible. However, I always feel that the two are not the same kind of existence. The nine-turning flame supreme is indeed an amazing existence. However, if it is close to "God", Wang Zhong feels that it is not so terrible, and in front of this, it is the corpse that can produce the "world". What is this concept?

Wang Zhong’s instinct tells him that there may be some kind of connection in it, including nine turns to the supreme, the stone of destiny...and even who he is!

After perceiving the recognition of this space, the powerful pressure and insight that has been pervasive around has slowly disappeared, and the background of the empty fires has gradually subsided, revealing the true face of the world.

I saw a wide, white land around me, and there were white mountains in the distance that stretched out at the end of the heavens and the earth, and I couldn’t see it in the clouds. In this white land, there are also a lot of red and green lights that are faintly lit.

Is this something like spar, or is it the relic of the phoenix god? Fully integrated on the ground, Wang Zhong can feel the enormous energy inside. This sense of cohesiveness reminds him of the power contained in his deified cells. It is only here that this power is leaked. Wang Zhong is unwelcome. It is a sword, but all the power is dissipated in an instant, and it has no effect. It seems that the idea of ​​knocking a few pieces is impossible.

Wang Zhong decisively gave up, but what is most important now is not a treasure, but how to find an escape road before the octopus chasing him, looking up, about three or four hundred meters in front of it, with a magnificent huge palace '.

It is not so much a palace, but rather a door, and the door is too embarrassing. I saw two huge red pillars lined up neatly, straight into the sky, like a welcome threshold.

The two pillars are covered with countless dense, small, mosquito-like rune engravings. These engravings are both simple and sacred, revealing a majesty and seemingly beautiful. For Wang Zhong, a person who is very familiar with the inscriptions, this huge red column is really glamorous, tens of millions, and he did not see anything at all when he watched it. A similar rune engraving each one is unique, which makes him look a bit reluctant to look at it.

You must know that in the case of Wang Zhong’s contact, the human control of the runes, from the dark ages to the present, all the runes add up, I am afraid that there will be less than 100,000, which is the sum of the runes of the various departments. . But these engravings here are all related to the flames, and there is no repetition. The flame rune alone can reach millions, and it is only the most conservative estimate, because this giant pillar simply looks at it. If you can't reach the top, you can only see that the half-column has been inserted into the clouds. The ghost knows how many new flame runes are engraved!

The human being is really just a frog at the bottom of the well. If this kind of thing is heard by Old Potter, it is estimated that he can't sleep for three days and three nights.

Simple and simple, solemn and atmospheric, but this is not the ability of the octopus people to achieve, is this true Phoenix God left to the octopus people? Rune? Black hole? Humans, holy places, octopus people? The fifth dimension?

It is like a big net covering all the intelligent creatures.

Wang shook his head and he thought a little farther. He now has to think about how to leave from here. He can only say that he was too ignorant before. It is no wonder that so many heroes are unwilling to meet the earth, and the soul of the soul is the fifth. Dimensions and boundlessness drive human beings to constantly explore the secrets of this. This curiosity and desire are beyond everything. This is also the root of humanity and the root of constant evolution.

(Partners, happy weekend!)

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