Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 136: relief

And Wang Zhong entered the secret space from the lake. Greg's entry point was in a mountain range. It was originally a secret operation, but it was completely penetrated by the enemy. His team encountered hundreds of octopus swords. The ambush of the sergeant, the comrades around him have been killed and wounded, leaving only him and a man and a woman two companions, being close to a narrow space in the mountain, and finally fell into the crack.

The instability of the dimensional crack is abnormal. Before the female companion has fallen into this secret, she has been swept away by the emptiness in the dimensional crack. Only one comrade-in-arm has fallen in with him, and then I feel this. The world’s crazy power of soul power.

The two have tried not to use any soul power, but the companion still can't hold on for too long, but after about twenty or thirty miles, he has fallen to the ground and lost consciousness, and then he was quickly taken into a Dry corpse.

At that time, Glei knew that this place would be his own place of burial.

Knowing this, his heart has a sense of relief.

Between the benefactor and his loved ones, he chose his loved ones, but he was forced to betray the benefactor. Grae could not forgive himself. He wanted to die, but he could not simply choose to commit suicide.

Everyone with pure bloodline ancestry has their own blood flowing in their bodies. It is regarded by the blood family as a continuation of the life of the ancestors. Therefore, from the moment you were born, living is not simply living for yourself. It is the ancestor carrying the blood family living in your body, hurting yourself is the ancestor of the blood family, it is disrespectful, taboo, the most serious, betrayal of the entire ethnic group! If you choose to commit suicide, even if you die, your soul will not be redeemed. In the underground, you will no longer face the ancestors and ethnic groups of the blood race.

This kind of obsession has already penetrated into the bone marrow of every blood group. Under no circumstances can it be against the body. It is a blood family. Unless it is dead, it will only die on the battlefield even if it is to die.

So he chose to come to the frontline base, and signed up for the stormtroopers, followed by a group of partners to rush into the most dangerous place in the frontline battlefield, every time he rushed to the front, but also because of this exotic Brave, every time he can make the octopus who is facing him fear, and then let him survive the wrong, even his assault team, the overall survival rate rises straight... Gly is also speechless. Those who want to try their best to die after a war, but they can't die for the second time, I am afraid that only those who have experienced it can feel the helplessness and sourness.

It’s good now, and you don’t even have to fight anymore. Grae’s knowledge is quite profound, and Wang’s life is different all over the world, thanks to Greg’s experience of being in the library in the Federation and the Holy Land. He also has a lot of knowledge about the debris world, which is not used in the soul period.

This allowed Glei to quickly confirm that he was in a world of debris that was on the verge of ruin. This place can only go in and out, relying on his own soul, not to think about regaining the so-called fragmented world will, nor There may be someone to save yourself, and here will be your own grave.

Although he is much stronger than that companion, but he is here, he is dead anyway. Grae does not care about the consumption of time, and even does not deliberately fight against the world’s acquisition of soul power, and bury the body of his companion before continuing. Forward.

He had no purpose. The direction of the move was just to follow the instinct of perception. He pursued a direction. What seemed strange in that direction, guiding him in consciousness, so that he really wanted to find out before he died. To solve the doubts in my heart.

So I persisted all the way, and the more I went there, the more the soul of the world seemed to be getting lighter and lighter, but the degree of mitigation was very limited. The continuous consumption quickly made him weak, the soul of the body. The force has already been taken away, but unlike ordinary humans, Gly's blood also has a different energy, which can further maintain this consumption.

This made him go further and further until he saw the castle buried in the bones.

The corpse in the mountains and plains also shocked Grae slightly, but then there was a smile. It turned out to be the case. No wonder that he wants to come over. God is not thin to himself. He is afraid that he will be alone after he died. He still has so many people left. Come with me, although they are all octopus people, everyone's language is not good, not as good as Wang Zhongsheng, but good is also a companion.

It is a pity that he has no strength to go to the castle again. The body has been sucked away with only skinny bones, his eyes are deep, and numerous blue-purple meridians have been prominently highlighted on the skin. Fortunately, I finally saw what I thought in my heart. Grae had already met, and the relaxation of consciousness made him fall directly into the corpse outside the city.

He thought of a boring cold joke that Ma Dong’s schoolmaster once said when he was in Tianjing. He blinked, and one night passed, and once he closed his eyes, he passed away in his life...

Gry's mouth was hung with a smile and closed his eyes.

A touch of already very weak consciousness was trapped in the darkness of nothingness. It felt very cold around. At any time, it was possible to completely freeze and completely dissipate his faint consciousness. He seemed to hear someone in a void. Calling his own name, but at this time he even wants to respond and is powerless.

The consciousness gradually dissipated in the darkness and coldness. Gradually, it seemed to produce light, and it produced temperature. It warmed the ruined consciousness, let him recover quickly, and even grow rapidly...

The self is getting more and more awake, and the surroundings are already bright as white, but they are always in nothingness.

Greg wants to get out of this piece of nothingness, but it hits the wall everywhere in the light, but at the same time, those lights are also nurturing him, pulling him, let him feel a kind of ridiculous power to recover in the body, even in nothingness. I saw some majestic portraits that once appeared only on the blood murals.

It was the ancestor of the blood family, exuding the radiance of the eternal light, sitting in front of him like a god, majestic and powerful, sacred and inviolable, so that he could not help but worship, but he could not worship, because slow Slow, he was very surprised to find that the blood ancestor sitting like a god, seems to be himself...

When I finally realized this, my heart seemed to have a hollow thought, and the surrounding barriers disappeared. Grae opened my eyes, and the slight confusion in my eyes quickly dissipated like a dream. A familiar face appeared in front of his eyes.

Wang Zhong!

"Learning..." Seeing Wang Zhong, Greg, who was still in the state of waking up in the big dream, the first reaction was a trip. When he left the Wandering Brigade, he just heard Wang Zhong’s octopus When the Imperial City is behind, and the northern theater is separated by thousands of miles, how can Wang Zhong’s seniors appear here?

Wang Zhong was one year older than him. The encounter at the beginning was only an accident. He chose to study at Tianjing College. It was because of the special nature of Tianjing. It belongs to the first-tier cities of the Federation, but there are not too many federal top ten families. The figure is more suitable for him to hide, without worrying about the embarrassment and inquisition of the big family because of his own excellence. It is even more accidental to choose the Qixi Society. One of the theoretical achievements in the college, the actual combat ability countdown, but it can also enter the high-gravity training room to quench the strange existence of the flesh, so that he feels a little curious And interest only.

But with the various exchanges between the two years and Wang Zhong, the mutual trust of each other, the experience of fighting side by side and interdependence, and the experience of the cruel training camp under Solomon’s men, feel the king. The enthusiasm and enthusiasm brought about too much positive things for Glyn, who was full of hatred at the time.

It can be said that he was greatly influenced by Wang Zhong, and others could not imagine that although the two did not match their brothers, they could be in Grae's subconscious. He felt that Wang Zhong was a bit like the brother who took him to the suburbs to hunt when he was very young. It is also a person who can be trusted and relied on, and as an orphan, this is what he lacks most.

Therefore, he subconsciously wants to call an acoustic long, but after hesitating, he can't call it. Because he immediately realized that Wang Zhong was definitely looking for himself. For a stag benevolent who was lurking around him, he did not care about his own danger. Even if he was a relative, how many people could do it? Gry is very embarrassed, such a person who regards himself as an important relative, but he is the undercover that others are placed next to him. Whether he has sold or sold the king, he feels that he does not deserve the sacred noun of his loved one. He does not even I dare to look at Wang Zhong’s eyes.

But Wang Zhong seems to be able to understand his inner heart. After discovering his short mistakes, he is deeply pleased and pleasantly surprised, as long as this guy is still alive! Wang Zhong also took a long breath, then quickly walked over and grinned: "How can you still not export? Once is the senior, and all the students are seniors!"

There is no blame and no pretense, and there is no superfluous words. It is just a simple word. It is as if the two people just greeted each other after a meal, and they are in a desperate situation.

Gly's eyelids were a little red, but after all, he slowly raised his head.

"I am sorry!"

"You guy, is it Greg, I know, what can't be discussed together, if you really want to return Solomon's human feelings, don't you have a circuit, let him, how big!" Wang Zhongxiao said When I saw Gry's awake, the heart that had been hanging was finally put back in the chest.

"First eat something." Wang Zhong did not mention more, obviously not yet.

Glei smiled. "I can't live my own. Solomon has not only saved me the life, but he also helped me through the most difficult times."

Wang looked at Gry and sighed. "I wanted to wait for you to recover and show it to you. Some things can't look at the surface."

When he said that he had handed the information to Gry, this guy was the real straight BOY, and he saved his life and he was still entangled.

"I dare not say that this plan must have been arranged by Solomon, but your family destruction is definitely a conspiracy of the Caesar Empire. It deliberately creates an orphan like you, has talent, and hates the Federation."

Wang Zhong did not say too much, and the impact of this on Gray is probably a bit big.

Glei knows more about his own ethnic group. At that time, everyone relied on animal blood for a living. Suddenly there was a case of malignant blood sucking. The family was quite shocked. Then the federal army came soon. Now think about the problem. Lai seriously looked at the contents of the materials, one by one to confirm his own ideas, because he is a dandelion, but also know a lot of dandelion life.

It turned out that everything was a nightmare.

"Schoolmaster, I am sorry!" For a long time, Glea, who recovered his body in both eyes, apologized again.

"It’s all my brothers. If you have something to do next time, don’t be alone. Then, the problem is coming. Come in and say, how do you go out?” Wang Zhong shrugged helplessly. He knew that Gry must save, but he didn’t have to go out. Method.

It was saved to Gry, even if it was deeply dangerous, it was not a matter for Wang Zhong, and Gle's happy knot was also a master who was not afraid of fear. The two were very calm about the situation at hand, and they could not see it. A dead end.

If you want to leave from a dimensional dimension, it is not too difficult for a practitioner who has lived in the fifth dimension for a long time, because if you can enter it, you will definitely be able to return. The original way is back, but the problem now is Where is the original road?

The two men talked about each other's experience of entering this dimension of the secret environment, and immediately found that everyone's landing point is exactly the same, which is on the edge of the lake, but the difference is that the two people enter the same way, also That is to say, the lake is connected to the channel nodes of the outside world, at least in the real world. In addition, Gleet does not come out of the lake, but falls from the sky, but according to He recalled that when he looked up at the sky, he did not feel the existence of any channel nodes and could not see any dimensional cracks.

At the same time, Wang Zhong also clearly remembers that it is right to emerge from the lake, but it is just a lake that is close to dry, at most only waist-deep. At a glance, the whole lake can be seen as a passage, and there is no lake at all. So-called cracks or channels exist.

It is very strange that there is no progress, and it is completely different from the ordinary dimensional secret channel rules. It must not be generalized. This strange world has a mystery everywhere. It seems that it can't be started at any time. There is no clue.

"Let's go around and search the castle to see if you can find some clues."

The more such things are not clueless, the more they can arouse the desire of the two to challenge.

Stepping through the mountainous mountain bones outside the city, when I arrived at the castle, I found that the corpses in the castle were still piled up like mountains. Every street, every passage and house is full of wreckage of octopus. These octopus people apparently did not die because of the demise of the debris world, but they experienced a desperate massacre. Most of them have been different. At the same time, it was cut off from the waist, and the broken limbs and skulls were everywhere. There were also many strong people with many holy levels, and the golden armor worn on them could be distinguished.

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