Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 140: Double male

It is said that the speed of a group of seven people going up the mountain is not reduced at all, but the blink of an eye has already seen the outline of the huge phoenix temple.

The temple was built to be spectacular. In order to lay the foundation for it, the entire mountain of the Jiaozhi Mountain was almost flattened. The temple is wide, the length and width are several kilometers, and the height is hundreds of meters. It looks like it is giving A house in which a super giant lives.

"These octopus people live in the ruined small earth house, like a flower, and the temple is reluctant." The little dance is still vomiting, cold, and there has been a terrible pressure in the air.

Holy power!

The little dance, the Stark, and the Holmdi three people feel that they are heavy and they can hardly lift their feet. The strength of the three of them is strong, but it is only the peak of the soul of the soul. The pressure, even the move is difficult. Enoch, Milk, and Solomon are much better. The half-step of the soul of the soul, itself is already beginning to spy on the existence of the heavens, the pressure of the Holy Power is not great for them.

The embarrassment that stood next to Solomon was not shocked by the pressure of this holy power. Instead, it was the first to lightly look up into the air.

I saw a octopus man wearing a robes in midair. The tentacles on his head were crystal clear, and he still had a scroll of cyan ray in his hand. It seemed to be his implement, and it was full of brilliance. The elemental energy of the stock's coldness overflowed from the scroll, and it was like a frost in the air.

"Dare to swear to the temple, humble worms." The sacred mouth spoke: "Death!"

Its voice just fell, the left hand was far away, a crystal of energy from his fingertips pointed at Solomon's shot, Solomon had a heart to try, he had not dealt with Fashen, but a figure has been swept away from him. Over.


It was a palm, a fairly random wave in the air, and the chill of the glare was already broken by him.


It is not only one of the dandelions, but also the head of the dandelion. As long as Solomon entered the Holy Land, it was already a soul, and it was not an ordinary soul. As early as when he first advanced to the soul of the heavens, he had already defeated countless famous soul masters of the empire. Caesar first person! If it wasn't for the Papas Empire that there was an Aylos at the time, it would be a tie for the young and the Solomon, and I was afraid that Solomon had already unified several empire with the help of the power of 铠...

"I will deal with him," he said faintly.

There is a golden light in his body, and the breath of the strong soul of the heavens is displayed in an instant. In a moment, the pressure of the saints in the surrounding area is diluted and offset, so that the little dancers who have been struggling underneath feel that the body pressure is suddenly One minus.

Solomon smiled a little and didn't seem to worry at all. He was faced with a saint that claimed to be comparable to the three Juggernauts. He just nodded: "Come on as soon as possible."

He kept his feet, and the whole person had swiftly moved toward the temple, and the little dancers followed him.

In the air, the law of the Holy Fury, although it can feel that the human soul in front of the body has a strong strength, but these human beings have a soul of the soul, even dare to ignore its existence?

"The arrogant, bold!"

It screamed, palms fluttered, surrounded by countless elements rushing toward it, the cold swelled, the clouds in the air condensed instantly, brewing the storm, it was all in a trick to bury all these garbage!

The speed of Fascination can be described as extremely fast, but the human soul is faster, just a blink of an eye. It does not see the movement of the human soul. The high-pressure whip legs are already like the top of the mountain. Crazy down to the top of it.


The huge roar, the cloud that is condensing instantly dissipated, a huge protective cover with a radius of two meters, a few feet thick, and a flashing current appeared in the body of Fashen, although it resisted the attack of the cockroach, but that The horrible impulse, but it was blasted to the ground together with the eggshell-like protective cover, like a meteor falling to the ground, smashing a large section of the jade stone steps to form a large pit with a radius of several tens of meters!

"Your opponent is me." The voice of the cockroach came from the air at this moment.

"Looking for death!" The law is anger, and the shield that is opened in time allows it to avoid the damage of the terrible attack, but it also smashes the attack that it condenses, letting the humans drive straight into the temple.

It will suddenly show the scrolls in their hands, just like the blessing of power and self, the coldness around them suddenly swells, as if even the air is frozen by it, followed by a cold flash in the pit, wrapped in 'egg shells 'The Law of the Holy Land is like a white meteor rising from the sky, colliding with the shining light of the golden light in the sky...

Behind them is the fierce confrontation between the two great souls. Solomon didn’t even look at it. He has his own things to do, and hey, he never let him down. They have progress, and the talents are here. The world is like a duck, and countless masters come to give him a trial, full of vitality, it can be said that this is a paradise, this is the wealth that the Caesar Empire gave him, his guardian.

To put it simply, the existence of such a presence as Ayros is a horrible thing if you are willing to be a person's bodyguard and you can sacrifice your life at any time.

The temple is already in sight, and it is clear that the side of the mountain has already heard the movement of the mountainside. In addition to the sacred sacred guard, the thousands of octopus warriors are gathered outside the hall. This is different from the rushing guards that were encountered in the Shanmen camp before. They are very strict and the lineup is rigorous. The first few rows are all the big swordsmen. In the back, there are hundreds of masters who are condensing various kinds of The strength of the elements, obviously fighting power, is firmly guarding the entrance to the main hall.

At this time, the face-to-face approaching on both sides can lead to the sudden attack, but it is the Solomon side with few people. It just rushed past the octopus people's mountain gate camp with a ruin and ruin. This group of people is in full swing.

The giant bow in the hands of Holmdi flashed, his fingers slammed like a gust of wind, and the time in the air was as if there were countless meteors diffusing.

The octopus guards over there obviously didn't care because the other people were few. It was obvious that these people could rush here. The Masters had already assembled a protective shield for the first time, but there were hundreds. The Grand Master worked together to cover almost the entire octopus army. The diffused arrow rain hit the Shield's bangs on those protective shields, but it was impossible to break.

At the same time, the four figures have also crossed Solomon and rushed into the lineup of the Octopus Swordsmen.

Short-handed, the defenders in these shrines are obviously above the ordinary octopus swordsmen. They are dressed in Jianzong costumes and are disciples of Jianzong. But the fighting power of these four people is higher than them. The speed of the small dance is light and flexible, interspersed in the octopus swordsman, and each time the blade is raised, it will inevitably take away one's life.

Stark is like a **** beast, slamming in the lineup of the defenders. Although the hard wolf can't completely resist the power of the sword in the hands of the great swordsman, it can at least offset most of the battle. His fighting style is extremely crazy. I don’t care about the wounds on my body, I changed my life with injuries, and the sharp claws in my hands were already covered with blood.

But even more powerful is Milk and Enoch, whether it is the speed of light like a mowing directly into the ranks of the Master of the octopus lineup, or the body that shines with black light, depending on everything, such as nothing, Milk, fundamentally It is not the existence of these disciples that Jian Zong can compete.

As for Solomon...

I finally shot, and until I saw him, those chilly swordsmen who had been killed by the five people finally realized what is desperate!

I saw a strange light shining on him, covering him about ten meters around the body, saying that it is light, but it is not bright, but you can see it, even the space is twisted, as if There is a time and space disorder.

There are dozens of great swordsmen who attacked him and waved his fierce sword.

But when the swordsman entered the strange space of his body, there were all kinds of weird changes, like being decomposed and being consumed, almost all of them disappeared in just one or two seconds.

This feeling is very different, and even people can't understand how it is done, but when this fierce battle, it is not allowed for those octopus warriors to think more. These people are approaching too fast, but they are already in the blink of an eye. Fighting with the octopus people, this makes the rear Masters completely set up, their attack tactics ignore the difference, can not be separated from the enemy, I can only give some warning spells to the soldiers in front or It is a protective shield.

At this time, Jianqi did not work for Solomon, and the Masters could not help, so close!

The outermost seven or eight octopus swordsmen swooped toward Solomon for the first time, but when they entered the space of Solomon, a horrible scene took place. I saw that their bodies have changed at a rapid speed, just like being taken away by flesh and blood by an invisible force, and like... in the rapid aging!

The crystal of the tentacles has only become dull in just three or two seconds. The strong muscles have dried up, and even the tight skin has become loose, and their faces are flying at the speed visible to the naked eye. The wrinkles are covered with wrinkles. The distance of the area is ten meters. But before they attack Solomon, they are already aging and will be on the ground. They will be soft on the ground and then quickly become a pile of bones!

The Law of Time and Space - 沧海桑田一念!

One is the case, ten are so, one hundred is still the case!

Solomon didn't even have any extra movements at all. He just held his hand and marched straight ahead as he walked, and then left the body everywhere!

These Jianzong disciples soon collapsed. As a member of the guardian temple, they were all trained by the swordsmen from an early age. They are not afraid of death. If they can fight to protect the temple, they feel very incomparable. One thing of glory. However, this method of death feels that it is too worthless, too chilling, that is, the beliefs that once supported them did not escape, but the battle has already collapsed, and lost the belief that it must win, together with the fighting power. It is rapidly reduced.

In front of these six terrible human beings, these guardian corps, which are considered to be superior, are no different from those of ordinary ordinary swordsmen.

Just over a minute, the entire temple guardian army has been completely defeated. Except for a few timid escapes, other fighters have endured the inner fear and persisted to the end, but the result is that all become cold ice. The corpse, and even the white bones that can be played, are paved in the ground outside the spectacular temple.

The last few sporadic battles quickly calmed down, and Solomon’s week-long sigh of disgrace, Milk, Enoch, Little Dance, Holmdi, and Stark gathered from all sides, keeping up with him. Line him like a king.

There is worship in the eyes of the little dance, although the usual and less main flowers are not big or small, but in the eyes, she feels that the young master is the most handsome, even killing individuals are so elegant and individual, and this is their own It is not the same type of blood stasis on the edge of the knife.

To survive and even become stronger in such a chaotic world is very important to people.

The surprisingly quiet in the hall is different from the numerous guards in the imagination. After all, it is just a branch of the phoenix temple. While sharing the most power on the frontal battlefield, there is also a sacred sect. Thousands of temples are guarded by elites. In fact, it is beyond human imagination. The octopus people attach more importance to the Phoenix Temple than human imagination.

What is here? Is it really just because of the octopus's belief that they are so swearing to defend?

There is nothing in the temple, although the walls and huge columns are engraved with the traces of the phoenix, but the phoenix totem on the front wall is extraordinarily huge, but there is no standard sacrifice position. It seems that it is really just a huge house.

Solomon frowned slightly.

"Rely, their temples are so poor?" The little dance next to them is also stunned.

Everyone who is so active and rushed up, in addition to competing with other brigades for the first blow to destroy the temple, but also thinking that since it is the octopus's place, it will inevitably have many valuable treasures. In this war, I have actually made a lot of windfalls. Otherwise, even if the Caesar Empire is rich, it is only rich in the earth. It’s just that Milky’s black Yaojin is not an empire that has just set foot in the holy city. Can be obtained.

A phoenix temple that the octopus people pay great attention to, Solomon feels that he can at least arm another Milk! I did not expect that there is nothing here.

Do not!

Solomon saw a strange look. In the huge phoenix totem in the center of the temple, there was such an extremely fine crack that split the whole totem into two. It was like... a door!

Treasure land?

Solomon stepped forward and reached out and pushed it. The huge wall did not move. He could feel the texture of the palm when he touched the huge wall. It was not ordinary stone, but an exotic metal. The attributes of life are hard and incomparable, and they cannot be separated at all.

Is this whole wall a kind of life metal? That light is this wall, its value may not be estimated, but unfortunately this kind of thing can only be seen, the life metal is hard, there is no professional tool, even if it is difficult to directly cut the decomposition You can't take it if you see it. But one advantage is that as long as it is a living body, it will be governed by the law of time and space.

Solomon's hands on the wall did not move, and the distorted light on his body shone again, and it was even larger than the previous battle in the temple. The acceleration of the time course was faster!

I saw Solomon's feet and hands touched, and there were large pieces of moss that grew at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. It was like a group of green flowers, surrounded by huge walls. Subtle changes have also taken place in walls with metal life.

The life of metal life is long and eternal, and the metal life that forms this huge wall is even more prominent. The life expectancy is almost eternal. In this ultra-fast time flow, you can see that the huge wall appears. All kinds of subtle twists, but it seems that this metal life has turned over and took a nap, and there is no trace of normal oxidation.

Solomon's brows wrinkled more and more tightly, and the sweat on his forehead was also falling. After all, he had not yet reached the soul of the heavens. He could not rely on the help of the heavens and the earth. His ability to accelerate time and space was limited, and the acceleration speed was limited. There is a little helplessness about this metal wall.

It seems that only empty-handed return, although a little regrettable, but the reward for blowing up the temple itself is not low.

But when Solomon had already wanted to give up, a strange breath suddenly came out of the gap of the huge wall, followed by a humming sound, the giant wall split into two, actually Automatically slowly open from that slit.


A terrible to unparalleled pressure of breath was transmitted from the darkness, and Milk and others behind him felt that there was an invisible giant hand descending from the sky, and they were squatting on the ground, and they were thrown into the ground, and they could not move at half!

The boundless pressure, the horror to be unimaginable, even when the people in Misobuda saw the thunder of the sacred mentor outside the world, it was not comparable to this time! Let everyone's heart be shocked.

what? !

Solomon’s heart is also sinking. This is not the feeling of hiding the treasure house. It is almost at the same time that he feels the pressure. At the same time, a horrible suction has already caught him, and he has to pull him into the door. In the dark!


In the world of debris at this time.

It was a room on the east side of the broken castle. The room was dirty, but it was clean and refreshing. Even the body on the street outside the street was directed by Wang Zhong for a few days. The Cavaliers have all gone, not to mention the exquisiteness, the practice of paying attention to this is a state of mind, if you go out all day to see the body of the land, it is estimated that the mood is gone.

At this time, Wang Zhongzheng sat on the floor with his knees.

Breaking through the soul of the heavens, the basic requirements are two aspects.

One is the accumulation during the soul of the soul, the strength and realm must reach perfection, even beyond the limits of their own individual. On the other hand, it is the coincidence of the coincidence. It is an opportunity to break through the soul of the heavens. It may be an accidental understanding of strength, so that your combat power can be greatly improved to prove. It may also be just a change of state of mind, very happy or extremely sad, that is a chance. Only when these unexpected events occur can you break the barrier of your soul, trigger and incite the fire and demons in your body, and complete the small robbery.

Accumulation is only preparation, and the opportunity is the key to the achievement of the soul.

Wang Zhong’s thinking is very clear. He is not lacking in accumulation. The emergence of deified cells is already a cross-border thing. He has already broken through the limits of the soul of the soul. Now the difference is only the opportunity. The emotional change is It’s hard to ask, it’s not that you say that you are extremely happy, even if you are very happy, even if your family knows what you are doing, and your own mind is determined, it’s hard to see what is emotionally hurt in this world. Break through the soul of the sky.

Then you can only pursue the understanding of power to prove.

To tell the truth, even if there is no such thing, Wang Zhong actually feels the weakness of his battle in the English soul. He can see from the battle of the wolf king Yali Sandra, whether he is physically or mentally aware of the realm. It is above Ali Sandra, and the nine-lined Xuanzang is stronger and stronger than the deified cells. Even so, with the strongest triple strength of his melee, it can't completely break the defense of the other side. The tactics of British killing or phoenix wings for nine days, the abuse of vegetables is easy to use, and in the face of super personal strength, it is often reflected in the weak side.

Others may feel that their strength is very strong ~ ~ but that is only the eyes of the weak. Only Wang Zhongcai knows that he is a typical realm with high combat power. He does not exert the greatest power of deified cells. This is the biggest difference between himself and the master of the true holy power. No way, thanks to the special effects of cell cosmology, this road has come and gone, the body and the realm have risen too fast, but passively follow this kind of ascension in various emergencies, unlike the holy In the city, there is plenty of time to develop your own tricks and roads...

It’s time to calm down and step into this space that I can’t walk out, maybe it’s my chance.

At this time, Wang Zhong’s heart was very quiet, and there was no such thing as anxiousness in the Jedi. He put his hands on his knees and held the nebula with a delicate insight.

Ever since he got this sword, Wang Zhong has already learned many times. Whether it is the observation of the external structure of the blade, the weight, the length and so on, all the fine and micro data, or the inner knowledge of the gods, to feel That illusory starry sky.

To be honest, in addition to being able to feel the existence of a rule of the universe, the former Wang Zhong did not realize more things, but now it may be because of the need to break through in death, or because of the deification of Shadowmoon Fort. After the evolution of the cell, his soul has made great progress. At this time, after further understanding of the Nebula Excalibur, I feel that it seems to be somewhat different.

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