Battle Frenzy

: 51 happy!

With the method situation, it becomes clear that Wade and Norah are in a much better state of mind. They are very worried about their companions. They are themselves hegemons. They are both prostitutes, and perhaps octopus people want them to do it for a while. Specimens, the wounds of the soul sea are not serious, and other aspects have been much better under the treatment of Muzi and Naipier. When Huaide and Norah are restored, Wang Zhong and Mu Zi are going to explore the road. The idea is one thing. It must be verified. If you don't enter the city, it is very difficult for the octopus to find them. Obviously, the octopus is more strict, and Wang Zhong also faintly hears human screams.

It seems that the rescue is not too late, even if the base wants to rescue, people may die.

Fortunately, the situation is similar to that of the king. After wearing the clown mask, Wang Zhong found the entrance to the sewer. This kind of building is similar to a certain period in the old age. The octopus is also very friendly to the water. The sewers must be able to enter the city, and even more fortunately, there are no strange monsters in the moat. Probably they have not come to humans to come here.

Three days passed, and the four waited patiently for the night. It was also a beautiful day. There was no moonlight tonight, and there was a cloud over the top of the head. It seemed that there would be a heavy rain. It would be better for the sneak action. God helped me, and Wade and Norah also felt a little bit of confidence.

Leave Napier guarding the cave and agree with him. If he does not return within three days, he must withdraw and go to the base to report the situation. Although Napier has argued for a while, he still has no choice but to accept the task of looking at the wind, just hope. Don't be reluctant to do so. If there is any strong person, it will be the first time to save. It is important to save people, but be sure to calm down.

The four talents just started, and there was a drizzle in the air. The flying lions who were responsible for patrolling around the castle were crouching. Obviously, even the well-trained flying creatures did not like to sail in the rainy night. There was no check in the air, and the sky was extraordinarily dark. The raindrops covered the heavens and the earth. This is because the life and death of Muzi can be saved. The four people are flying close to the moat, and the first one is the first one. One location, that is the middle section of the moat outside the South Gate, quietly sneak into the water.

I thought I needed to find it for a while, but I didn't expect to see the waterway of Nano in the water. I opened it in the direction of the castle. There was a huge, artificially carved water hole, and I found the right place. Everyone was secretly happy, and they sneaked in. They walked through the water hole for about twenty or thirty meters. They could feel the terrain of the water hole gradually rising, and finally came out from a hole in the cave.

This cave is like a five- or six-meter-deep vat. There are seven or eight circular waterways in the surrounding walls. There are sewage and various debris flowing from those waterways. There are also ladders built on the left and right sides of the cave wall. It should be reserved for those who clean the garbage. It seems that there has been no garbage cleaning for a while, and there is a stench and a variety of messy garbage. Stacking up like mountains, you can see some dirty sawtooths rushing in and out of the garbage. This scavenger is almost the same as the mouse on the earth. It is not aggressive, and the courage is very small. It is not dangerous. When I saw a few big people who suddenly came out of the waterhole, they were all shocked. The sound of screaming was scared, and they disappeared into the garbage.

Similar to the imagination, the sewer thing seems to be regardless of race. As long as civilization needs to eat and drink Lazarus, it is indispensable.

The ladders on both sides of the cave wall are connected by two small high-rises, which are closed by a huge circular iron gate. It is a normal import and export, and obviously you can't go there. Wang Zhong picked up a round-shaped waterway facing north and walked in with everyone.

Thanks to the slightly large size of the octopus, these waterways should take into account the height of the octopus when they enter the cleanup. Therefore, it is relatively large. Besides the ubiquitous stench, it is not difficult to walk, but it is extremely long. After going out for dozens of meters, you can still see the forked fork. From time to time above the top of the head, you can see some holes or covers. Wang Zhongyi Road is calculating the distance that has just traveled from the water hole, and the distance in the waterway can roughly distinguish his position. It is estimated that the four people have stopped near the big prison marked by Huaide. Wang Zhong and Mu Zi explored the outside of the manhole at the top of the head and could feel the octopus walking around. Wang shook his head and kept on visiting the nearby exit to find a quieter.


The manhole cover on the ground was slowly removed, and a small bald head was detected from the inside, and then an ok gesture was turned down.

The manhole cover was removed. Under the cover of Muzi’s life and death, the four men jumped out together, and the feedback results were similar. The surrounding is a secluded street alley, and the wall of the castle can be seen through the low wall. Just about seven or eight hundred meters away from the east, there is a round tower on the side, which is very conspicuous in the low-rise houses around. It is the big prison in the memory of Huaide, only a thousand meters away from everyone.

The successful sneak, let both Wade and Norah white have some excitement on their faces, although the physical injury has not yet recovered, but they feel energy, the rain in the air has become more and more large, but it has lowered the horn. The danger of dogs being discovered. As long as you come in, you can do it well. Return the manhole cover and record the location. Muzi maintains a cover-up of life and death. The four men slowly explore the past in the position of the prison.

The Miso Budabi people do not seem to like nightlife. Most of the houses in the city are black light bonfires. They have apparently entered their dreams at this half of the night. Occasionally, they can see some patrol guards swaying in the streets, but they are not octopus people. They have a human figure, but they are more burly than the octopus. The head looks a bit like a bull's head with a gunpowder and a horn. It is called a Tauren on the base.

Misobu Dhabi is not only a wise man of the octopus, but its wisdom is quite rich. Their history is almost the same as that of human beings. It is also a constant war within the whole world. The various races are hegemony, and finally they are formed by the octopus. The Tauren is only one of the ethnic situations. The Holy City Army had already seen it on the day of the landing war. It was a coalition of at least a dozen intelligent communities.

At this time, I looked at the inside of the castle, and it felt completely different from the outside. There were a large number of guards stationed on the far wall. Can see some strange weapons, there are muzzles, probably similar to the human rune guns, but its strange shape is not in the form of guns, although I do not know the specific power of geometry, it is no wonder that the other side is fearless, I am afraid they are probably I did not expect that humans would drill the waterways.

Wang Zhong and others don't have time to look at it. Saving the talents is the focus. The soldiers here are quite energetic and have a lot of quantity. Of course, the most feared is the law, and they can only pray that the law is too old and needs more at night. go to bed.

The heavy rain in the air made the dog's nose lose its meaning, with the cover of Muzi's life and death, and a few people carefully stopped and stopped, and kept watching. This road was a surprise. The position of the prison was a bit deep and a little bit, and it passed through several blocks. The prison had not seen it yet, but it looked like the first thing that made everyone feel awkward.

It was a notice posted on the street wall, and a large string of fonts written in Misobudabi. Although you can’t read the words of Misobudabi, the portrait below the text. However, it is suddenly the king of the painting.

The four people, including Wang Zhong himself, couldn't help but stay in the picture when they saw the portrait. The portrait was extremely vivid, and even the arrogance of Wang Zhongmei could jump on the paper. I don't have to read the words. This obviously won't be a singer for him. According to Wang Zhong's previous experience of killing a Juggernaut, it is likely to be an all-night notice. Everyone is hostile to the two armies. This is everyone who has to die for me, but actually dedicated him to the king in the city to make Zhang Tong’s order. How much hate? Just because of the sword saint?

But it doesn't make sense. Wang Zhong feels a little unbelievable. Even if the octopus knows that the sword is worth smashing, what can he know is Wang Zhong? At the time of the black rock energy mine, the octopus people could not escape. Besides, even if the octopus knows that the person who killed An Lixi is Wang Zhong, but where did he get such a portrait? This is not only the skill of the painter, but also the ability to draw such a vividness. It must be a talented person who knows Wang Zhong quite well. In addition to the killed An Lixi, the octopus people have never seen Wang Zhong, this is really...

This is really a dog. Although Wang Zhong is not afraid of being famous, it is not a good thing to be so famous here. But it is obviously not the time to consider this. The round tower has appeared in front of everyone. It is the dungeon. Entrance.

There were four Tauren guards guarding the front of the tower, but they were slouching and yawning. One even held a long shot in their arms, leaning against the rifle and screaming at the rifle. It’s a dream of something good...

It seems that the strict defense on the wall is also to let the defenders in the city slack off their hearts. It is not too late. Muzi’s breath masking effect is very good. The Tauren is still better deceived. Although powerful, the insight is weak. And still quite lazy, belonging to the ruling class. The four people slowly approached, and they were getting closer and closer to the door. The hearts of everyone were getting higher and higher. This sneak sneaked in too smoothly. Although they did not notice any abnormalities, the next step was so smooth. The more you succeed, the more you worry about change.

A horrible death is quietly approaching the four Taurens. Muzi estimated the strength of the four Taurens. It is also intended to kill at the same time in an instant, but they have not waited for death, and suddenly they have a sharp side. call.

grumble! !

The sound is extremely sharp, and the decibel is definitely bigger and brighter than the alarm sound of any human instrument. The tranquility of Shadowmoon Fort is like being torn by an instant, and the four Tauren suddenly wake up. At the same time, one The dark claws have been caught by the arms of Muzi, and at the end of the dark claws, they are a pair of red eyes.

Red eyeballs, dark body, can also crack the stealth of Muzi, ghost!

This is not the kind of ghost in the human sense. It is also a kind of intelligent race in the world of Misobuda. It is only a half-energy body. It can not only be invisible, but also can solve all invisible or illusions of the same level. The ethnic minorities of Sobdabi are dependent on the octopus to survive because of their special abilities.

In the relevant information on the base, I just know that Misobuda has something like a 'ghost' than the world, but there are no specific parameters and data. Obviously, this thing is rare in the world of Misobuda. I didn't expect to happen to myself.

The ghost's movements are extremely fast, and Muzi was just preparing to kill the four Tauren guards with full force. He was unprepared, and he was stunned by the ghost.

The reddish eyeball on the ghost's face instantly became redder. It was like excitement. It feeds on the soul and energy. The power from the darkness and the dead world is stopped by the arm. Want to run, it wants to **** this human bald head!

In the next second, the excitement in the eyes of the ghosts has turned into fear. It finds that instead of absorbing the energy and soul of the other party, even when the hand touches the wrist of the other person, the ghost is actually chilling. It’s like grabbing the tiger’s **** and scaring it to shrink.

"Run!" The contact between the ghost and Muzi was only a second or two. Wang Zhong was also decisive and immediately retreated. Norah Bai and Wade apparently reluctantly looked at the cell, and they were close at hand, and countless brothers waiting for rescue. And I am leaving with a door, but I have to leave?

The two were just hesitant. The four Tauren guards who were shocked across the horror rushed over. They were all red and screaming, and they were actually bullied by the weak and stupid human beings. It is a shame for the great Tauren to be aware of!

The cow magic collided! They roared and lowered their heads. The corners of the head and the body slammed. Every step under the feet caused the ground to vibrate slightly. The speed of the sprint was like four rounds of shells. The start of the complete subconscious reaction was also extremely rapid. a humble intruder.

Wang Zhong and Mu Zi’s body is only a slight let, and Nora White and Wilder are trying to hide from the wolf. These Taurens are too strong and too fast.

Rumble ~~

The four rushing figures lost their targets, and like the sand-sand piles, they collapsed most of the houses in front of them, and when they returned, there were traces of enemies.

beep! beep! beep! beep! beep!

In the city, a sharp alarm sounded, and a large number of Griffin Legion whistling in the air. The streets were filled with various embarrassing steps, and the Tauren Guards listed the squares everywhere.

(Thank you for another year of companionship, the new year, I wish all the brothers and sisters fighting, happy new year, good luck, good health, and my heart will come true!!!)

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