Soon, the troops of the wealthy families present were completely eliminated by the Qin army.

Li Yichen left Jia Xu and others to clean up the battlefield, occupy the state capital, appease the people, and do the aftermath.

He took Dian Wei and 500 Tiger Guards and went to Guangyuan Commercial Bank.

Today, there were fights everywhere in Yuquan City, so all the major shops and restaurants in the city were not open, and the people were hiding at home and dared not go out.

The entire Yuquan City Street seemed empty.

Li Yichen brought people to the door of Guangyuan Commercial Bank, and the door of Guangyuan Commercial Bank was closed at this time.

At Li Yichen's command, Dian Wei kicked open the door, and 500 Tiger Soldiers rushed into the business in an orderly manner, searching everywhere to see if there was anyone else.

In less than a moment, the Tiger Soldiers brought out dozens of shop assistants from the business, as well as a small shopkeeper who usually dispatched people and took care of miscellaneous matters.

Everyone knelt trembling on the street in front of Guangyuan Business.

Li Yichen said to the small shopkeeper Shi Jian: "Where are the others? Where are the three big shopkeepers of your company?"

Shi Jian said tremblingly: "Master... spare my life. Several big shopkeepers took the caravan away a few days ago, saying that they were going to other states and provinces to deliver goods. Now I am the only one in charge here."

After a moment of hesitation, Li Yichen ordered Dian Wei: "Take the goods here and kill everyone!"

It's not that Li Yichen killed innocent people indiscriminately. Ming Yuexi is too scheming. There may be spies from Guangyuan Company among these ordinary guys. It is the most correct choice to kill the wrong ones rather than let them go.

The soldiers of the Hu Ben Army carried out Li Yichen's orders without any discount, and killed all the guys and Shi Jian on the spot. There was a little episode in the middle. It seemed that the Qin army was about to kill people.

Sure enough, a few guys with fierce eyes appeared among these guys, and they took out their weapons to resist, but they were quickly killed.

After counting the goods left by Guangyuan Commercial Bank, Li Yichen couldn't help but sigh in his heart that Mingyuexi was really watertight.

The most precious elixirs, medicinal materials, etc. in the entire Guangyuan Commercial Bank, including the warehouse, were moved away in advance, and the remaining were a large number of food, weapons and other things.

But it was better than nothing, plus the quantity was not small, and it was conservatively estimated to be worth hundreds of millions of taels of silver.

In the state government, Li Yichen sat high in the position that originally belonged to Governor Xiao Siming, and Jia Xu and others stood below him.

"My lord, there is only less than 10 million taels of silver in the treasury of this prefecture, but there are a lot of food and weapons."

"I have sent people to confiscate the property of the wealthy and powerful families we killed, and there should be quite a few."

Li Yichen nodded and said, "These wealthy and powerful families are not a big deal. The most important thing now is to appease the people and win their hearts."

Li Yichen looked at Wang Meng and said, "Mr. Wang has made great contributions to the capture of the city this time. I heard that the old fox Wen Muye poisoned you. Don't worry, I have sent people to Daqu County to pick up Li The doctor is here. Doctor Li is a skilled doctor and will definitely help Mr. Wang detoxify. "

Wang Meng saluted calmly and said, "I dare not take credit for serving my lord. I will definitely sacrifice my life for his hegemony."

"And Wenhe, this time we were able to take Yuquan so easily, Wenhe's ingenious plan should be the first credit. When Mozhou is unified and the sea is peaceful and the river is calm, I will definitely reward him according to his merits."

For several days, Jia Xu, Wang Meng and others were busy with the governance and aftermath of Yuquan City. Li Yichen was free instead and directly designated Xiao Siming's former governor's house as his own private residence.

Soon, news came from Yihe Prefecture that Yihe City had been broken under the attack of Li Siye, Ju Yi and others, and Liu Changqing had rushed to deal with the appeasement and aftermath of the city.

Li Yichen only felt that the number of civil officials under his command was stretched to the limit at this time. Domestic affairs and people's livelihood all needed civil officials to handle. As the Qin army occupied more and more territory, Wang Meng and Liu Changqing, although they were all capable ministers, were also unable to handle everything.

Just as Li Yichen was considering summoning a group of heroes, the voice of the system sounded again in his mind.

[Ding! It was detected that the host had occupied the entire territory of Mozhou, achieved special achievements, and had a solid foundation. The reward was the authority to summon a peerless hero*1. 】

Li Yichen couldn't believe his ears. The system currently did not open the authority to summon a peerless hero. He thought that he would have to wait until the day of overthrowing Beiting before he could get the authority to summon a peerless hero as a reward for the main task.

Unexpectedly, just taking over Mozhou, the system's achievement award

The reward is so generous.

With an excited mood, Li Yichen silently said in his mind: "I want to use the summoning authority of the peerless hero."

[Congratulations to the host, successfully summoned the peerless hero, the famous minister of Cao Wei in the Three Kingdoms, the talent of the king's assistant, Xun Yu. 】

Li Yichen was overjoyed, it turned out to be Xun Yu.

Xun Yu (xún yù), courtesy name Wenruo. A native of Yingyin County, Yingchuan County. A politician and strategist in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao Cao's chief counselor and meritorious official in unifying the north.

In his early years, Xun Yu was known as "the talent of the king's assistant". He was born as a filial and honest person and served as the palace guard. After Dong Zhuo came to power, he resigned and returned to his hometown, led his clan to take refuge in Jizhou, and was treated as a distinguished guest by Yuan Shao.

Later, he defected to Cao Cao, served as the minister of the court, the minister of the Shangshu, and was named the Wansui Tinghou. He held a heavy position for more than ten years, handled military and national affairs, and was respectfully called "Xun Lingjun".

Throughout the Three Kingdoms era, when famous generals and capable ministers emerged in large numbers, Xun Yu was also a leading politician and strategist, a true prime minister, especially Xun Yu was very good at internal affairs.

Xun Yu managed the affairs of the huge Cao Wei Group in an orderly manner, and he could be said to be Cao Cao's most capable right-hand man.

"System, I want to deploy Xun Yu immediately."

As Li Yichen's words fell, a dazzling light flashed in the room. Li Yichen felt a stinging pain in his eyes and closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, a graceful young scholar in a Confucian robe appeared in front of him.

This scholar had bright eyes and a sense of elegance and ease in his gestures. It was Xun Yu.

After seeing Li Yichen, Xun Yu hurriedly saluted and said, "Xun Yu greets the lord. I am willing to follow the lord and serve him until my death."

Li Yichen hurriedly helped Xun Yu up, his eyebrows and eyes full of joy.

"System, I want to check Xun Yu's information."

[The information of Xun Yu under the host is as follows]

[Name]: Xun Yu, courtesy name Wenruo

[Intelligence]: 98

[Special Talent]: The country is peaceful and the people are safe. Xun Yu, the prime minister of internal affairs, can make the host's people live and work in peace and contentment, and the rule is stable.

As expected, he is a famous minister of internal affairs with great talent. This special talent is simply born for managing internal affairs.

Li Yichen brought Xun Yu to the prefecture and told Jia Xu: "Notify everyone that all the generals and ministers under the Qin army will gather in Yuquan City in seven days. I have important things to announce."

Now that the Qin army has occupied the entire Mozhou, it can be said that it has taken a solid first step. It is time to plan the forces and troops under its command.

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