The situation in Lizhou was reported to the court, which caused a great uproar.

However, Emperor Chen Li did not immediately dispatch troops to support, but discussed the matter with civil and military officials during the morning court.

"Your Majesty, I think that Lizhou is in danger now, and the Disha Corps, which is closest to Lizhou, should be dispatched immediately to Lizhou to quell the rebellion, and the Tatar cavalry should be driven out of Lizhou in the shortest possible time, and Anxiguan should be taken over again."

The speaker was Cui Xiu, the Taiwei of the court. Cui Xiu had been a veteran of two dynasties in Beiting. He worked diligently as an official to relieve Beiting's worries, never formed a clique for personal gain, but promoted many poor children with both virtue and talent.

The Lizhou governor Zhang Yuyang was recommended by Cui Xiu.

Grandmaster Cai Yong snorted coldly and said, "It's easy for Grandmaster Cui to say that. Now the Disha Corps is confronting the Qin army at the border of Xiazhou. How can it be mobilized at will to prevent the Qin army from attacking Xiazhou? Besides, to support Lizhou, we have to pass through Mozhou. Mozhou is now the territory of the Qin army. How can the imperial army pass through it?"

Sikong Qian Zhen also agreed, "Grandmaster is right. Now supporting Lizhou is as difficult as ascending to heaven. The Tatars have more than 100,000 elite cavalry. At least 100,000 elite troops are needed to fight them."

Cui Xiu's face flushed and he trembled all over, saying, "There are millions of people in Lizhou, and they are all my Beiting people. Now Lizhou is full of corpses and the people are bullied and ravaged by the Tatars. How can the imperial court ignore it? !”

Emperor Chen Li said at this time: "What the three ministers said is reasonable. I know that Captain Cui loves the people. I am also worried about the situation in Lizhou. However, as the Grand Tutor Sikong said, under the current situation, it is impossible for the imperial army to pass through Mozhou. Now the Qin army and the imperial court are like fire and water. "

Cui Xiu hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, the imperial court can pay some price and reach an agreement with the Qin army to pass through Mozhou to help Lizhou. In any case, the people of Lizhou cannot be abandoned. "

Cai Yong sneered: "Let's not talk about how much it costs to let the Qin army pass through. Even if the Qin army agrees, the closest to Lizhou is the Disha Corps. Once the Disha Corps leaves, if the Qin army goes straight to Xiazhou, what will happen? How about it? "

Qian Zhen pondered for a moment and said: "Your Majesty, in my opinion, the invasion of Lizhou by the Tatar army is not a bad thing. Now the separatist Qin army has become a major concern for our court. The court only needs to keep its troops in place. After the Tatar army ravages Lizhou, the next target will be Mozhou. The Tatar army and the Qin army will inevitably have a war. The court can wait and see and reap the benefits. "

Cui Xiu retorted: "What about the people of Lizhou? The court's behavior will probably chill the hearts of the people of Lizhou."

Qian Zhen said indifferently: "No matter how brutal the Tatar army is, it is impossible to massacre all the millions of people in Lizhou."

"Besides, when the Qin army and the Tatar army clash, both sides will suffer losses. At that time, the court can immediately mobilize the army, without any effort, to recover the two states in a row and put an end to the disaster. "

Cui Xiu wanted to speak again, but Cai Yong interrupted him and said: "Captain Cui, don't be soft-hearted anymore. Lord Sikong is right. In the current situation, it is best to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight."

After weighing the pros and cons in his mind, Chen Li on the dragon throne said in an unquestionable tone: "Just follow what the Grand Master and Lord Sikong said, the court will keep its troops on hold and keep an eye on the movements of the Lizhou Tatar army. After it clashes with the Qin army, the court army will wait for an opportunity to move and eliminate these two jackals in one fell swoop. "

Seeing Chen Li open his mouth, Cui Xiu felt cold all over. He knew that there was no room for turning back.

Chen Li looked at Cui Xiu with a slightly warning look and said, "I know that Zhang Yuyang, the governor of Lizhou, is the favorite student of the Taiwei. The Taiwei can send a message to him and withdraw his troops from Lizhou when necessary to preserve his strength. I will not pursue it."

With Chen Li's final word, the matter was basically settled.

When Zhang Yuyang received the reply from the court, Hunjiang City was finally successfully broken by the Tatar cavalry.

Countless Tatar cavalry poured into the city, robbing and killing people at will.

Hubitu came to the state government in person, and his personal soldiers also escorted a beautiful woman in a silk skirt, who looked like a lady from a noble family.

After sending his men away, Hubitu directly dragged the woman into the backyard room and tried to force her to have sex with him. The woman would rather die than obey, and she bit Hubitu's hand.

Hubitu suddenly became extremely tyrannical. He beheaded the woman with a knife and called his generals to order: "Our army has captured enough slaves.

After transporting away the property of Hunjiang City, notify the army that this general is going to massacre the city and turn Hunjiang City into a hell on earth! "

The Tatar cavalry first used the heads of the defenders to build a huge Jingguan at the city gate.

Then they gathered the people in the city in batches in an open space. The women were raped and brutally killed. The children also became tools for the Tatar army to amuse themselves. They first took the children to the open space, then untied the ropes and let them escape.

The Tatar soldiers drew their bows and shot arrows behind these children, and pierced their bodies with sharp arrows without panic, making crazy laughter.

Even some children who were not even one year old were treated like two-legged sheep by the Tatar army generals. They were roasted with a raging fire and swallowed as delicacies.

An old man was so angry that he looked at the Tatar general who had just beheaded a strong man in front of him and cursed: "You beasts will be punished. Oh, God, open your eyes and save the people of our Lizhou. "

This general was none other than Kubitu's trusted general, Geertai.

Geertai had a tattoo of a ferocious tiger on his face, his eyes were fierce, and his face was full of flesh.

He strode up to the old man and said viciously in a half-familiar Beiting accent: "You damned old thing, you dare to scold us, I will chop you into several pieces and feed you to the horses. "

With a shrill scream, the old man was cut into two pieces by Geertai. Geertai had a ferocious smile on his face. He kept swinging his sword and chopped the old man into several pieces. The blood splashed on Geertai's face, which looked particularly hideous and terrifying.

Geertai ordered his soldiers to mix the old man's body with grass and feed the horses.

The Tatars believed that only war horses that had eaten human flesh would be wild and ferocious on the battlefield.

In less than three days, 300,000 people in Hunjiang City were slaughtered by the Tatar cavalry. The originally prosperous Hunjiang City instantly turned into a deserted hell on earth.

The Tatar army did not stop their attack. Soon, the Tatar army went to Yugu Prefecture again. The entire Lizhou was wrapped in visible blood-colored clouds, and the people were extremely desperate.

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