After a quick wash and breakfast, Li Yichen took Wu Song to the military camp. Early in the morning, 1,500 soldiers of the original garrison had gathered in the training ground under the leadership of Lin Chong and started training.

Li Yichen did not alarm anyone and watched these soldiers training with interest. The ancient method of training soldiers was different from that of modern times. The way these soldiers strengthened their physical strength was very monotonous, which was to lift stone locks and smash wooden stakes.

After completing the strength training, they began to practice the gun and stick style under the instruction of Lin Chong. They looked very hard, and they performed the chopping and stabbing movements in unison.

In Li Yichen's opinion, these training methods are all focused on strength rather than endurance, which is far inferior to the scientific training methods of modern armies. He has to take time to write a modern version of the training course.

However, although these local soldiers are also young and strong, they are pale and thin. As the saying goes, poor scholars are good at literature and rich warriors are good at martial arts. If you want to train these soldiers into an elite division.

Nutrition must be kept up, otherwise long-term training will not be good for food, which will make people useless. I have to find a way to get some meat for the barracks, so that these soldiers can at least have two meals of meat a day.

After staying in the barracks for two hours, Li Yichen took Wu Song to the county jail.

Liu Yu, the arrogant county magistrate before, was locked up in the cell, his body was covered with stains, and the wounds on his face caused by Li Yichen were clearly visible. The whole person sat on the ground with lifeless eyes.

Li Yichen turned to a soldier guarding the cell and asked, "Our county magistrate, was he still obedient last night?"

The soldier said respectfully, "My lord, this guy was yelling all night last night, and we whipped him hard a few times before he became obedient."

Li Yichen smiled faintly, asked the soldier to open the cell door, and walked in with Wu Song.

Liu Yu, who was slumped on the ground, finally reacted. After looking up at Li Yichen, he rushed over excitedly, hugged Li Yichen's thigh and wailed, "Mr. Li, I, Liu Yu, was blinded by lard before, so I wanted to go after the Li family. Please let me go, I will give you whatever you want."

As a county magistrate, Liu Yu had never suffered such hardships. He was locked up all night without food or water, and he shouted a few words, and was whipped more than a dozen times by the guards, and his body was covered with wounds.

Li Yichen kicked Liu Yu away: "Mr. County Magistrate, it's painful, right? Don't worry, I will send you off in a while, and you won't have to suffer anymore."

Liu Yu was stunned for a moment, then reacted, looking at Li Yichen in disbelief: "You... you dare to kill me?"

Li Yichen sneered: "I should have killed you yesterday, but considering that you are still useful as a dog official, I let you live one more night, you have done enough, come! Put prison clothes on him, take him to Caishikou, and behead him at noon!"

After Li Yichen finished speaking, he turned and left the cell. Several soldiers rushed into the cell, roughly pressed Liu Yu to the ground, put prison clothes on him and put on shackles.

Behind him came Liu Yu's heartbreaking scream: "I am an official appointed by the court, a seventh-rank county magistrate, you can't kill me!"

Near noon, Caishikou in Daqu County was surrounded by dense crowds of people.

"Didn't they say that the county magistrate would be beheaded at Caishikou at noon? Why is there no movement now?"

"There is no one in Caishikou now. I have said it before. How can the county magistrate be beheaded in the street?"

"That's right. The county magistrate is a seventh-rank official appointed by the court. How can he be killed at will?"

"Hey! Look, there is a team of soldiers coming over there. There is also a prisoner car behind. Isn't the county magistrate in the car?"

The people turned their heads and saw a team of soldiers holding spears walking along the street. There were about a hundred people. There was a prisoner car in the middle of the team. The county magistrate Liu Yu, who was wearing a white prison uniform, had disheveled hair and was covered with wounds. He was locked in the prison car with shackles and leg irons.

Beside the prison car, a handsome young man in white clothes and a burly man walked slowly towards Caishikou with the team. The young man was Li Yichen.

"Here they come. Yesterday I saw these soldiers going to the county government office with the young master of the Li family."

"The county magistrate, this dog official, was really locked up in a prison car. God is really watching over us!"

The team quickly arrived at Caishikou. Li Yichen walked out first and bowed to the people: "Neighbors, please make way. I will behead this dog county magistrate at Caishikou today. Please observe the order and don't disturb the execution ground."

Li Yichen looked at the crowd of people who came to Caishikou to watch.

There were no fewer than thousands of people.

The people made way to the sides of the road, and the prison cart was slowly pushed into the open space of Caishikou. Hundreds of soldiers surrounded it with spears in their hands.

Two soldiers took the county magistrate Liu Yu off the prison cart and knelt on the guillotine at Caishikou.

Li Yichen stood on the guillotine and bowed to the people who were talking about it below, saying: "Dear neighbors, listen to me."

The people below quieted down after hearing this and looked up at Li Yichen.

Li Yichen pointed at Liu Yu and said, "This dog county magistrate has been full of evil since he took office. He has bullied the people at will and even allowed his brother-in-law Yu Heng to do evil. He took people's lives lightly and robbed women. I don't know how many neighbors have been ruined by this disaster. Today, I, Li Yichen, will enforce justice on behalf of heaven. In addition to this dog county magistrate, please be a witness!"

In the crowd below, an old woman in coarse cloth knelt down with a plop, crying out with tears: "God has eyes! My granddaughter, who was only 28 years old, was forcibly abducted to be a concubine by this dog official's brother-in-law. Our family went to the county government office, and my wife was ordered by this dog official to be beaten to death by the yamen runners at the gate of the county government office."

"This unscrupulous man Dog official! Today, the blood debt has finally been paid with blood. Old man, if you are still alive, please open your eyes and watch. Today, the young master of the Li family has avenged our family!"

As soon as the old woman finished speaking, another middle-aged woman came out, tears welling up in her eyes, trembling all over, pointing at Liu Yu and saying, "This damn Liu Yu took a fancy to my cloth shop and forced my shopkeeper to transfer the cloth shop to him. My shopkeeper refused, so he forced him to confess to the crime of colluding with bandits, tortured him into confessing, and beat him to death in the cell, and robbed my family's property!"

As the two people told Liu Yu's crimes, more and more people stood up and listed Liu Yu's evil deeds, and the crowd was excited for a while.

Li Yichen spoke passionately: "Fellow villagers, my father was kind and generous, helping the neighbors, but he was beaten to death in the street by this dog county magistrate who instigated his wife's brother-in-law. If I hadn't been lucky, our Li family would have been extinct. The evil deeds of this dog official are too numerous to list! Do you think such a dog official should be killed!"

"Kill him!"

"Kill this dog official!"

The people waved their hands and shouted to kill Liu Yu. At this time, Liu Yu was trembling with fear, and a pool of unknown yellow liquid flowed from under his body.

"My fellow villagers, Liu Yu is an official appointed by the court. Killing him is like treason. The court is now so corrupt that even a wicked person like Liu Yu can be an official. There is a severe drought in Mozhou, and the people are living in dire straits, but the court has turned a blind eye. How many people have starved to death in Daqu County in the past two years, but the court has turned a deaf ear and even forgotten us. From today on, I, Li Yichen, will raise the banner of justice, overthrow this absurd court, and give the people a bright and clear world!"

Li Yichen's voice was sonorous and powerful: "I, Li Yichen, swear here to let the people of Daqu County and even the entire Beiting live a life of plenty! Today I will... Use this dog official as a sacrifice for our righteous army!"

"Mr. Li is right. This court never cares about us. It also appoints such dog officials to harm our neighbors. We don't want such a court!"

"Yes, since the court doesn't care about us, we don't want such a court. Such officials ride on our heads and bully us!"

"Rebellion! From today, we Daqu County rebelled, so what!"

Seeing that the people's emotions were mobilized, Li Yichen turned to Wu Song and ordered: "Kill!"

Wu Song raised his knife and Liu Yu's head flew more than two feet high, and hot blood spurted out of his cavity.

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