The death of Cui Xiu, a two-generation old minister of Beiting and a prominent family, died in the Golden Palace. Unfortunately, even if he tried to awaken the corruption from top to bottom in Beiting with his own life, it was useless. Emperor Chen Li said angrily: "Drag this old man down to grind his bones and scatter his ashes. The prison guards, take people to kill all the members of the Cui family immediately. I want to kill all nine of his clans!" Soon, the prison guards came to Cui's mansion, but now Cui's mansion has long been deserted. As early as when Cui Xiu received Zhang Yuyang's letter, he arranged for his family to leave Tingjing City in batches, and at this time they were already close to the border of Mozhou. Outside Anxi Pass, Li Yichen had led two armies out of the pass and marched more than 400 miles into the territory of the Tatar Dynasty.

In the afternoon, the army came to a plain of moderate size. Looking around, countless cattle and sheep were leisurely strolling around and grazing.

Not far away were wooden houses, gathered together, about hundreds of wooden houses.

Jia Xu said to Li Yichen: "My lord, according to the map, this should be a small tribe of the Tatar Dynasty."

Li Yichen nodded. The Tatar Dynasty was different from Beiting. They did not have the habit of living in cities. Most Tatars formed tribes of varying sizes, and the tribal chiefs were held by nobles.

These tribes of the Tatar Dynasty had thousands of people in small ones and even hundreds of thousands in large ones, and they all had their own cavalry units to protect the safety of the tribesmen.

At this time, Li Yichen was in front of a small tribe with only two thousand people, the Moorish tribe.

The chieftain was the current head of the Moorish family, Moor Ke.

The class division in the Tatar Dynasty was particularly serious. As a noble family, the Moor family had the same status as the emperor in this tribe, and they controlled the life and death of everyone.

Suddenly, two ragged, wounded, and shackled men appeared in Li Yichen's eyes. From their appearance, it was clear that they were not from the Western Regions, but most likely from the people of Beiting.

The two men held a lot of dry firewood in their hands, staggering and limping towards the tribe. The two fierce Tatar men behind them kept making noises. If the two men in front were a little lazy, they would be kicked.

Li Yichen's eyes flashed coldly, and he ordered: "Hua Xiong! Kill all the Tatars in this tribe for me!"

"Yes! My lord!"

With a crazy and bloodthirsty light in Hua Xiong's eyes, he gave an order, and 5,000 Xiliang cavalry drove their horses and rushed towards the Moor tribe in front of them. Hua Xiong took the lead, with a cold and shining long sword in his hand.

It was not until this time that the people in the tribe heard the dense sound of horse hooves and looked in the direction of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry.

The tribal cavalry captain Morsi reacted very quickly. Judging from the equipment and horses of the thousands of cavalrymen in front of him, this must not be the Tatar army, and the enemy is coming fiercely.

Morsi was shocked and said: "Warriors in the tribe, follow me to meet the enemy!"

In a hurry, less than 200 cavalrymen gathered, holding long swords, and rushed towards the Xiliang Iron Cavalry.

It must be said that the wildness and ferocity engraved in the bones of the Tatars are indeed not comparable to Beiting. Facing the charge of thousands of cavalrymen, Morsi took the lead, holding a giant butcher knife that was one foot wide, and killed them first.

Hua Xiong sneered, and the long sword in his hand drew a gorgeous blade light. Just one blow caused Morsi, who was in the early stage of martial arts, to break the tiger's mouth, and the weapon in his hand flew several feet away.

Then there was another horizontal slash, and Morsi's head was cut off by Hua Xiong.

More than one hundred Moorish cavalrymen were overwhelmed by the Xiliang cavalry in less than half an hour.

Hua Xiong did not delay at all, and rushed into the tribe with five thousand cavalrymen, killing anyone he saw.

Swish! A flash of knife light passed by, and a fifty-year-old Moorish old man had just raised his bow and arrow when he was cut into two by Hua Xiong.

The sound of fighting in the whole tribe was one after another, the crying of children, the screaming of women, and the roar of Tatar strong men turned into a symphony of blood and flesh flying.

After half an hour, there was no one alive in the entire Moorish tribe except the Beiting slaves bought by the Moorish family.

Li Yichen rode into the tribe, and more than a dozen Beiting people with shackles knelt on the ground, trembling all over, with horror in their eyes.

Li Yichen got off his horse, helped the people up, smiled kindly, and said, "Are you the people of Lizhou?"

Hearing Li Yichen's pure and fluent Beiting dialect, the slaves looked at each other.

A thin man with a sallow complexion spoke up with courage: "We are from Hunshan Prefecture, Lizhou. I wonder if you are from the court?"

Li Yichen shook his head and said: "We are not from the court army, but from the Qin army of Mozhou. Now Lizhou is also under the jurisdiction of our Qin army. Our Qin army went out this time to save the people captured by the Tatar army."

Hearing Li Yichen's words, one of the young men burst into tears: "These damn Tatars, my wife was insulted and killed directly by them, my poor child was only seven months old, these beasts roasted him like livestock and brought us here to work, life is worse than death."

Infected by the emotion, a group of young men in Beiting burst into tears, and they hated the Tatars in their hearts.

After they vented their emotions, Li Yichen slowly said: "I will arrange for someone to send you back to Lizhou. Now Zhang Yuyang is helping you rebuild your home in Hunshan Prefecture. As long as you live strong, life will always get better."

The young man Hu Dashan, who had just cried loudly, suddenly knelt on the ground, his eyes red, and kowtowed like pounding garlic, saying: "Sir, I won't go back. My family was killed by the Tatar beasts. I want to avenge them. Please accept me and let me be a soldier of the Qin Army and kill a few Tatar beasts with my own hands!"

Other men also spoke up, hoping to follow the Qin Army to kill the Tatars.

After a moment of silence, Li Yichen said: "You are now covered with wounds and weak. Not only can you not kill the enemy on the battlefield, but you may also drag down your comrades. Listen to me, return to Lizhou first, and it will not be too late to seek revenge after you recover from your injuries."

Li Yichen's tone was unquestionable, and everyone dared not speak again, so they could only nod.

Li Yichen arranged for Pei Xingjian to dispatch 500 cavalrymen to drive the cattle and sheep of the Moshi tribe to Lizhou, and to send the people of Lizhou to Anxi City on the way, and then return quickly.

After arranging everything, he burned the Moshi tribe with a fire, and Li Yichen continued to march towards the direction of Black Stone City.

Along the way, he encountered the two major tribes of Ase and Doer. Among them, the Doer tribe was a large tribe with a population of 50,000 and 8,000 well-equipped cavalry, but under the impact of the Qin cavalry, it was as vulnerable as a chicken and a dog.

Li Yichen had no mercy at all and issued an iron order. Except for the Beiting people, all the Tatars he met were treated equally and killed without mercy!

If you Tatars dare to massacre the city in Lizhou, my Qin army will kill you one Tatar at a time, and return a tooth for a tooth, or even return it several times. The truth is only on the edge of the sword. Only when the Tatars are frightened and feel fear from the heart will they give up their covetousness for Lizhou.

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