The miners were busy, but the situation was not good.

Several people quickly split up and passed the message to other Jinyiwei hidden among the miners.

Seeing that Ruth and others had left, Yang Xin said to the hundreds of miners under his supervision: "Stop digging. Do you want to go back to Lizhou?"

The mining team that Yang Xin was in charge of was basically composed of young and strong people who were abducted from Lizhou by the Tatar army this time. They had become numb after working for many days. They were all yellow-faced and muscular. The Tatars raised them like pigs, giving them a bowl of water and two half-palm-sized cakes made of wild vegetables and grains every day.

These miners could not even get enough food to eat in a day, and they were barely surviving. Those who were too weak to hold on were taken away and buried at random.

When the miners heard Yang Xin's voice, they just looked back for a moment, then turned around numbly and continued to dig ore.

Yang Xin shouted anxiously: "Actually, I am from the Qin army. Lizhou has now been under the control of the Qin army. My Qin army leader Li Yichen personally led the army to venture into the Tatar territory to rescue the captured Lizhou people."

A middle-aged man in his forties put down his mattock and walked over, saying to Yang Xin: "But the Qin army that occupied Mozhou? I used to be a merchant in Lizhou. I went to Mozhou to do business and heard about the Qin army uprising."

Yang Xin nodded and said: "I am a member of the Qin army in Mozhou. The situation is critical now. These Tatars are evacuating. I am afraid they want to bury us in Our Qin army is coming to this mine. We must unite as one, fight our way out, and wait for the rescue of the Qin army.

A young man not far away threw the hoe in his hand aside and stared at Yang Xin and said, "Don't believe him, this bastard is a lackey of the Tatars. He works for Rut every day and oppresses our people. How could he be a member of the Qin army?"

Hearing the words of this young man, the miners looked at Yang Xin with suspicion. Since coming to Yanshan Gold Mine, Yang Xin has been flattering Tru. He doesn't look like a good person.

A sturdy young man thought for a moment and said to Yang Xin: "You said you are from the Qin army. Do you have something to prove your identity?"

This young man's name is Liu Dong. He was originally a bodyguard of a bodyguard agency in Lizhou. He has the strength of a martial artist and was also captured by the Tatars. He is different from these ordinary people who don't have much experience. The sudden withdrawal of the Tatar guards made him feel something was wrong, but he felt that he couldn't believe Yang Xin's words.

Yang Xin took out a dagger from his body. In addition to the embroidered spring swords, the Jinyiwei also had this cold iron dagger for self-defense, which was usually kept close to him.

Liu Dong looked at the dagger in Yang Xin's hand. It looked very heavy and flashed with cold light. It was not a weapon that could be made by an ordinary small force.

Liu Dong nodded and said, "I believe in your identity. I also think these Tatars are a little abnormal. It's better to follow you and fight. It's better than dying in this mine."

"How many people do you have in the mine? It's impossible to fight out by relying on these ordinary people who have never been to the battlefield. Fortunately, many of the people they captured are warriors."

Yang Xin pondered and said, "We only have 60 people in the mine, all of whom are warriors. It's not difficult to contact some warriors to fight out together. Although the other miners are ordinary people, they have a lot of numbers. I have observed that there are no more than 10,000 garrisons in the Yanshan Gold Mine. Our Qin army is on the way."

The conversation between the two people also ignited hope for the surrounding miners. Compared with living in this dark mine, it is better to fight. If the Qin army really comes, there is hope to return home.

Soon, the Jinyiwei scattered in various places in the mine gathered together. With everyone's efforts to persuade, hundreds of thousands of Lizhou people who were captured as miners decided to give it a try.

As for other slaves from other countries, they were also wary of Beiting people because of language barriers and did not participate.

Yang Xin took the lead, leading a vanguard of more than 200 Lizhou warriors and Jinyiwei, and rushed towards the exit of the mine.

Other people also gritted their teeth, holding mattocks as weapons, and followed closely.

At the exit of the mine, there were thousands of Tatar soldiers fully armed and guarding here, and the logistics troops kept transporting gravel and soil to bury the exit of the mine.

After half an hour, Yang Xin led everyone to climb to the vicinity of the exit of the mine, and saw

A ray of light shone in from a short distance.

Yang Xin shouted in a low voice: "Kill it out, and we will be free!"

The soldiers guarding the exit were unprepared, and Yang Xin rushed out first, slashing a Tatar soldier's throat with the dagger in his hand like lightning.

The sudden scene made all the Tatar soldiers stunned in place. Liu Dong looked at the large amount of soil and stones piled up not far away, and gritted his teeth and said: "These Tatar bastards are really going to bury us in the mine! Kill!"

More than 200 Jinyiwei and warriors began to fight with the Tatar soldiers in close combat. Tatar soldiers kept falling to the ground, but soon the nearby Tatar troops found that something was wrong, and thousands of support came to surround them.

The common people's eyes turned red as they watched the warriors of Lizhou falling down. A young man raised his hoe and shouted, "We are all brave men in Lizhou. We can't watch our people being killed by these beasts. Go!"

As the young man spoke, countless common people raised their hoes and rushed forward. Although they were pale and thin and physically exhausted, they were numerous. If the hoes in their hands hit them hard, they could send the Tatar soldiers to hell in one go.

The scene was full of blood and the common people fought desperately with the Tatar soldiers. Relying on the advantage in numbers, more than a dozen people fought one, and soon these Tatar soldiers were beaten dizzy.

But after all, they were all ordinary people, and the gap between them and professional armies was too big. Soon, the common people began to suffer heavy casualties. With the appearance of the Tatar crossbow troops, the situation became even more precarious.

At this moment, a burst of rapid horse hoof sounds was heard, and Hua Xiong led the way with 5,000 Xiliang cavalrymen. The Tatar soldiers fell down like harvested wheat.

Yang Xin was covered in blood, and he could no longer tell whether it was his own or the enemy's. When he saw Hua Xiong appear, he shouted loudly: "The Qin army is coming, kill! Kill all these damn Tatar beasts!"

Originally, there was only one winding mountain road leading to the Yanshan gold mine, which was easy to defend and difficult to attack. However, after the riot, under the command of the garrison commander, the soldiers guarding the important roads also rushed to the exit of the mine to participate in the suppression.

Hua Xiong did not encounter any obstacles and directly led 5,000 cavalrymen to kill.

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