The Qin army, which had been paying close attention to the movements of the Tianbao Corps, soon got the news. In the Qin army camp, Jia Xu thought for a moment and thought of Chun Yu'an's idea. He said lightly: "Sure enough, it is not easy to become the leader of the army. Chun Yu'an is also on guard against the Tatars. I don't think he will take the initiative to fight with my Qin army unless he sees the Tatar army coming. I want to know how the Tatar commander should deal with it this time." Mudoda quickly received a response from the royal court, asking him to lead the army and keep it still, which was equivalent to directly acquiescing to give up the action of intercepting the Qin army. Tuoba Lingfeng was also very upset, but as the leader of a great dynasty, he was also a flexible person. Although the loud slap of the Qin army had hit the Tatar Dynasty in the face, it was a pipe dream to rely on 400,000 troops to keep the Qin army, so Tuoba Lingfeng had to swallow this bad breath.

When Mudada learned about the movements of the Tianbao Corps, he laughed and said, "I knew that Chun Yu'an, the old fox, would not fall into the trap so easily, but I have already made arrangements."

"Pass on my order and order the Zhang brothers who are hiding near the border to send troops to harass the Qin army troops protecting the people. In addition, send a message to Chun Yu'an that our army has detoured to the vicinity of Anxi Pass and is ready to ambush the Qin army. Let them send troops immediately to fight with the Qin army troops that have been cut off!"

Three hundred miles north of Anxi Pass, there is a mountain called Yinwu Mountain, which is overgrown with dense forests. At the beginning, the two Zhang brothers, as the internal response of the Tatar Dynasty, let the Tatar army enter the pass.

Under Tuoba Tianhong's order, they evacuated the pass and hid in Yinwu Mountain, waiting for his new orders.

Originally, Tuoba Tianhong planned to let the two brothers lead the army to cut off the Qin army's retreat after he defeated the Qin army. Unexpectedly, the Qin army swept all the way and directly captured Black Stone City, and sent Tuoba Tianhong to the underworld, causing the two brothers to stay in Yunwu Mountain and become impatient.

At the entrance of a huge cave at the foot of Yunwu Mountain, the sturdy Zhang Anman kicked the gravel in front of him and shouted impatiently: "Brother, how long do we have to stay here? There is not much food left. These days, we rely on brothers to go up the mountain to hunt to barely survive."

The two men have 20,000 men under their command, all of whom are Beiting Jianghu people hired at a high price. These people who work for money have no sense of belonging to the Tatar Dynasty at all. If it weren't for the promise of the Zhang brothers to reward them with a large amount of gold and silver in the future, these people would have quit long ago.

"What are you yelling about? You have no patience at all. How can you accomplish anything big? This time, we brothers have made great contributions to the capture of Anxi Pass. In the future, we will definitely be promoted to a higher position in Tatar. Wealth and honor are just around the corner."

Zhang Anman has been afraid of his brother since he was a child. Hearing this, he dared not say anything and could only complain in his heart.

Even Zhang Anding's brothers are like this, not to mention his subordinates.

In the cave, a warrior with the strength of a late martial artist was lying on the ground, holding a piece of weed in his mouth, and said to several small leaders around him: "Staying in this damn place is really killing me. I have no food, no water, and no women. If I were in Lizhou now, I would have gone to Chunfeng Tower to find women."

"Who said it wasn't? I was originally the king of Tiandu Mountain in Lizhou. For a little money, I took my brothers to follow the Zhang brothers. If I had known that I would be stuck in this deep mountain forest and feed mosquitoes every day, I might as well live happily in the mountains."

"Brothers, I saw a small tribe fifty miles away yesterday. The Tartar women there looked very exciting. Why don't we take people to rob this tribe tomorrow, get some food and drinks, and catch a few women to warm the bed."

This sentence instantly aroused the interest of several people, and they hurriedly gathered together to discuss the feasibility of the matter.

Only a middle-aged man with a simple face hesitated and said, "The Zhang brothers are Tatars. How can they agree to us doing this?"

Liang Tao, a martial artist in the late stage, spat impatiently and said, "If it weren't for the silver, I would have run away with my men long ago. Staying here is a face for the two brothers. If they dare to stop us again, we will just break up."

When everyone was discussing enthusiastically, the Zhang brothers suddenly walked into the cave. Zhang Anding stared at Liang Tao with a venomous look, which gave him goose bumps all over his body.

Although Liang Tao looked like he didn't care behind his back,

He looked like a scoundrel, making up stories about the two brothers at random. In fact, he was very afraid of the two brothers. Zhang Anding was as vicious as a snake and scorpion, and Zhang Anman was extremely powerful and killed people like flies.

There was once a leader of a mountain stronghold who relied on his own strength and refused to obey the management of the two brothers. He was torn to pieces by Zhang Anman.

Zhang Anding sighed secretly. These mountain bandits and gangsters were really a mob and could not achieve great things.

If they were not useful to him now, Zhang Anding would have wanted to kill them all.

Zhang Anding retracted his gaze, forced out a kind smile and said to everyone: "I know that everyone has been suffocated in the Hidden Mist Mountain these days. The Tatars have just issued a new order, asking us to lead our 20,000 troops to stop the other side from protecting the people and withdrawing to the interior of the country."

"As long as you complete this mission, the Tatars will reward each of you with 500,000 taels of gold, and you will be promoted to higher positions. By then, you will have a prominent position in Tatar, and you will have unlimited power and women to enjoy as you like."

Zhang Anding's tempting words immediately made these people's eyes light up. 500,000 taels of gold is equivalent to 5 million taels of silver. This is undoubtedly an astronomical figure for them. The news that they can be promoted to higher positions in Tatar in the future makes everyone excited.

The leaders said hurriedly: "In that case, let's gather our men and complete this mission. Damn it, I've been sick for a long time."

"This Yinwu Mountain is simply not a place for people to stay. After completing the mission and getting the gold, I will buy a house in a big city in Tatar and marry a few Tatar beauties. I feel comfortable just thinking about this life."

Only the middle-aged man with a simple face frowned and said: "With such a generous reward, I think this mission must be difficult. I think everyone present has heard of the elite of the Qin army. Be careful that you may earn money but not spend it."

The middle-aged man's name is Zou Rui. He was originally from Mozhou. Later, he moved to Lizhou and became a guard captain in Zhang Anding Trading Company. Unlike these bandit leaders, Zou Rui is meticulous and upright.

When the Zhang brothers were the insiders who opened the Anxi Pass, Zou Rui was very opposed to it. He was just working but not contributing, but he didn't dare to confront the Zhang brothers directly, otherwise the grass on his grave would be three feet high.

"Old Zou, if you don't dare to do it, just take a rest. When the time comes, you can divide your share of the gold with us."

"That's right, the Qin army is not superhuman, they are just ordinary people like us, what is there to be afraid of."

"It's better to die than to die in Yinwu Mountain!"

Zhang Anding nodded with satisfaction, and at the same time, he gave Zhang Anman a subtle wink.

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