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Li Yichen smiled and said, "As long as you decide to resist Tuoba Lingfeng, everything else is not a problem. Food and funds are available as much as you want."

Tuoba Qinghan shook his head and said, "The most important thing is manpower. Without a capable and skilled army, it would be a dead end to start a rebellion. "

"Unless your Qin army dispatches elite troops to help me succeed, it will be impossible."

Li Yichen did not speak, and Jia Xu on the side interrupted: " Princess Qinghan, the last time our Qin army entered the Tatar territory, we massacred the Tatar tribesmen. Now, the people of the entire Tatar tribe hate our Qin army to the core and are united in hatred of the enemy. If our Qin army enters the country, it will be a great disaster. It would be detrimental to the entire Tatars' rebellion. To the overall situation. "

Tuoba Qinghan pondered and said: "If there is no elite Qin army to help, it is simply a foolish dream to fight Tuoba Lingfeng in Tatar. "

Li Yichen said to Liu Huaiyuan: "I will use my Qin army in Tatar. "Tartar's plan, tell Princess Qinghan."

Liu Huaiyuan nodded in response, and then said to Tuoba Qinghan: "Princess Qinghan should know something about the Tongmenghui in the Tatar territory."

Tuoba Qinghan nodded, this Tongmenghui is a Tatar An anti-slavery organization in Tatar, with a complex personnel composition and extremely powerful power. Tatar was a slave dynasty with nearly 60 million low-caste slaves in the country. The existence of the League was to solve the demands of these slaves. , overthrowing slavery.

The Tatar Dynasty had sent people to wipe out the Tongmenghui many times and secretly investigated the leaders of the Tongmenghui. Under long-term attacks, a large number of backbone members of the Tongmenghui were arrested, but the real core members were hidden behind the scenes and their identities were very secretive.

"My Qin army has already contacted the Tongmenghui. With the support of my Qin army's large amount of supplies and equipment, the Tongmenghui will raise an army of 400,000, led by Princess Qinghan, to fight against Tuoba Lingfeng!"

"The Tongmenghui's army is just a large number of slaves. The fighting power is low, and compared with the Tatar regular army, it is simply a mob. Even if there are 400,000 troops, it is difficult to survive under the siege of the Tatar regular army of one million. "

Li Yichen said: "It depends on you Princess Qinghan's leadership ability is not lacking in money, food, and people. If Princess Qinghan can't deal with Tuoba Lingfeng, you will be too incompetent."

"Besides, I don't expect you to overthrow the Tatars in one fell swoop. What I want is to put an end to the civil war in the Tatar Dynasty. The war is going on and the internal friction is serious. When my Qin army clears the world in Beiting, we will join forces with you to attack Huanglong and support you to become the queen of Tatar. "

Tuoba Qinghan frowned and kept weighing the pros and cons in his mind. Even if he had 400,000 troops, he would still not be a match for Tuoba Lingfeng, but it would not be a problem to deal with him.

The most important thing is that, as Li Yichen said, if he does not take action, Tuoba Lingfeng will probably I did it myself.

Thinking of this, Tuoba Qinghan nodded and said: "You, Li Yichen, have arranged this matter so carefully. You have been coveting my Tatar for a long time."

Hearing Tuoba Qinghan's words, Li Yichen knew that this The matter is basically settled.

"Of course, Tuoba Lingfeng is ambitious and will attack Lizhou sooner or later. How can we allow others to sleep soundly beside our bed? Rather than watching the Tatars develop steadily, it is better to take the initiative."

Tuoba Qinghan knew that the Qin army So he was unwilling to send troops to participate, just to let the Tatars fight among themselves. Whether it was the Tongmenghui or Tuoba Lingfeng, including himself, they were all foreigners in the eyes of the Qin army.

Even if the war was raging and the smoke was everywhere, the suffering was always They are Tatar civilians, what does it have to do with the Qin army? Besides, by then, the Tatar royal family and the alliance will both suffer losses, which will be more conducive to the Qin army to take control of the overall situation.

Even if he knew Li Yichen's plan, Tuoba Qinghan had to accept it now. This was a show of force. Of course, Tuoba Qinghan was unwilling to be controlled by others and manipulated by the Qin army. She also had her own ambitions.

The final result depends on the game between the various parties.

But no matter what, the Qin army was invincible. Tuoba Qinghan caused pressure on the Tatar royal family and caused chaos in the Tatars. The Qin army was happy to see it happen. Even if Tuoba Qinghan was quickly wiped out by the Tatar royal family, the Qin army could still Staying out of it would only cost some money and supplies.

"Okay, in that case, let's reach an agreement today. I will return to Tatar soon and prepare to raise an army to confront Tuoba Lingfeng head-on."

Li Yichen smiled faintly:

"Princess Qinghan is indeed a heroine, decisive in her actions. The top leaders of the Tongmenghui are waiting for Princess Qinghan's arrival in Black Stone City. When Princess Qinghan appears in Black Stone City, someone will naturally contact you."

"Come here, tell Ban Chao to come see me!"

Soon, Ban Chao, with a refined look on his face and wearing a black short shirt, walked in.

"Ban Chao, from now on, I order you to go to Tatar to help Princess Qinghan, lead the army, and fight against the Tatar royal family."

Ban Chao said calmly: "I will obey the order of the lord. Chao is willing to die for the lord."

Beside Zhao Yun, Li Yichen looked at Zhao Yun meaningfully and said, "Princess Qinghan has few generals available now. Zilong has the courage of ten thousand men. Let's go to Tatar with Princess Qinghan to help."

Zhao Yun looked at Li Yichen in surprise, but Li Yichen smiled and said, "Why, Zilong is not satisfied with my arrangement? You can't bring any soldiers with you this time. If you encounter danger, you can evacuate with Ban Chao first."

Zhao Yun had no choice but to accept the order and said, "Yes, my lord!"

Tuoba Qinghan remained calm, but he had expected it in his heart. In name, Li Yichen sent these two people to help him, but in fact, he was to monitor his every move to prevent him from doing things that were not conducive to the Qin army behind his back.

Li Yichen had some considerations for sending Ban Chao and Zhao Yun to Tatar. Ban Chao came from a family of historians. He was brave and resourceful, meticulous, and good at diplomacy.

He also had an outstanding overall view and could deal with things decisively. Ban Chao was the one who could not get the tiger cub without entering the tiger's den.

Zhao Yun was not only outstanding in martial arts and brave, but also had some subtle feelings with Tuoba Qinghan.

Although the two said they didn't like each other, they actually had some slight affection for each other. As time went by, they might give Li Yichen a surprise.

Tuoba Qinghan said goodbye to Ban Chao and Zhao Yun and returned to his residence. The next day, he took a lot of food he bought and began to return to Tatar.

Before leaving, Li Yichen called Zhao Yun and Ban Chao and explained carefully: "You two are going to Tatar, which is extremely dangerous. On the one hand, you have to help Tuoba Qinghan stabilize the situation and fight against the Tatar royal family. On the other hand, you have to keep an eye on Tuoba Qinghan. This woman is not simple. Don't let my Qin army make wedding clothes for others in the end."

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