The enemy was in a hurry.

In front of them were 20,000 elite Kamikaze cavalrymen, and countless shouts of killing came from both sides and the rear. The Kamikaze cavalrymen and spearmen also formed a square formation and surrounded them from all directions.

Gao Aocao was not afraid at all. He roared and led his cavalry troops to fight with the Kamikaze cavalrymen.

The horse spears flew up and down, bringing up waves of broken limbs and arms, bloody winds and rains. In just one encounter, Gao Aocao killed more than a dozen Kamikaze cavalrymen.

Looking back, Gao Aocao's heart sank. The cavalry of the Kamikaze Corps were all in the late stage of martial arts, just like the Tiger Guards under his lord. They were well-mannered and fought in a very methodical way. His 5,000 Northern Wei cavalry were actually at a disadvantage and suppressed by the enemy in the moment of the battle.

It often takes five or six people to fight with one cavalryman of the enemy. Even so, the 5,000 cavalrymen did not show any fear. Even if they were surrounded, they still used all their energy to fight desperately with the enemy.

"Qin army thieves, don't be arrogant, watch me, Wang Teng, kill you!"

A big man who was seven feet tall, with bronze muscles shining in the sun and blue veins bulging, holding a double-edged axe more than two meters long, rushed straight to Gao Aocao.

"Come on!"

Gao Aocao was the first to arrive, stabbing the opponent's throat with a spear, and the tip of the spear brushed the opponent's cheek as the cold light flashed.

The big man raised his axe high, and with one powerful blow, he aimed at Gao Aocao's head on horseback.

Gao Aocao quickly retracted his horse lance, held it horizontally to block, and easily blocked the opponent's axe. Then he swung his lance like a dragon and hit the big man's temple, instantly causing his brain to burst and he fell to the ground and died.

Behind the Kamikaze Corps cavalry, a middle-aged man wearing golden lion armor couldn't help but exclaimed: "Wang Teng, who is in the late stage of the Martial King, is not even a match for the other party. This man is really brave."

"Marshal Du, this man is Gao Aocao, a general of the Beichen Corps under the Qin Army. He has a violent personality and is extremely brave. He has made great contributions to the Qin Army."

"Whoever captures him will be credited with the first merit!"

Yu She, the deputy corps commander beside Du Jingfeng, said bluntly: "This man is only in the middle stage of the Martial King, but he can burst out the combat power of the peak of the Martial King realm. Even ordinary Martial King peak strongmen are not his opponents. Let me take action and capture him."

Yu She rode on a different species of monster, the Whirlwind Leopard, and rushed towards Gao Aocao quickly. His weapon was an extremely heavy broadsword with a silver-flashing blade and was extremely sharp.

Yu She rushed forward, slashing with his broadsword, cutting dozens of Northern Wei cavalrymen in half. Gao Aocao, with red eyes, rode forward and swept Yu She's face with a spear.

Yu She sneered, and easily blocked Gao Aocao's horse spear with his broadsword. He turned the blade and slashed at Gao Aocao.

The black whirlwind leopard under his seat also opened its bloody mouth, revealing its ferocious fangs, and bit Gao Aocao's horse leg.

Gao Aocao dodged to the side, avoiding Yu She's powerful sword, and stabbed the whirlwind leopard's left eye with his horse spear. He pulled out the spear tip, bringing out a splash of blood.

The whirlwind leopard felt pain and twisted its body madly. Yu She fell to the ground with a gloomy face. This whirlwind leopard had the strength of an early martial king. It was a species of the Great Wilderness and was extremely difficult to tame. It had followed him in battles and had never been injured. Unexpectedly, it was severely injured by Gao Aocao today.

Yu She's sword was faster than the other, and with the surging true energy, he launched an unparalleled attack on Gao Aocao like a storm.

Gao Aocao, with the strength of the peak martial king, did not give in. He fought hard with Yu She to the end, opening and closing, and the sound of metal clashing continued. Yu She was shocked. He was a dignified martial emperor, and he fought for dozens of rounds, but he couldn't take down a martial king. The generals under the command of the Qin army were really shocking.

Seeing that the cavalry around him were getting fewer and fewer, and the enemies were getting more and more, Gao Aocao began to fight desperately with injuries for injuries. After more than ten rounds, the two separated.

Yu She had a wound on his shoulder from a horse lance, blood gushing out, and Gao Aocao was covered in wounds, with four or five deep bone-piercing knife wounds, bleeding non-stop, but Gao Aocao's figure remained upright, with a mad fighting spirit in his eyes, without the slightest fear.

"You lunatic, you are simply throwing your life away!"

Yu She was also a little frightened at this time. With Gao Aocao's fighting style at this time, even if he could take him down, he would almost become a cripple. If he hadn't dodged in time,

Gao Aocao's spear had already pierced his heart.

"Come on! You are a martial emperor, you are not afraid, are you? Today, we must fight to the death!"

Yu She gritted his teeth, used his true qi to close his blood vessels and stop bleeding, and then rushed up again, and a real life-and-death contest began between the two.

As time went on, the number of Northern Wei cavalrymen around Gao Aocao became fewer and fewer, and 70% of them had died in this battle. The remaining cavalrymen were all injured and exhausted, but no one dismounted to surrender.

Even if they suffered a fatal blow from the opponent, they would use all their strength to press the opponent under them before they died, creating a good opportunity for their comrades to kill.

Even Du Jingfeng of the Kamikaze Corps looked at the iron-blooded army in front of him with awe.

For ordinary armies, if the casualties exceeded 15%, they would collapse. Even the extremely elite imperial troops would collapse after the casualties exceeded 30%.

But the cavalry of 5,000 soldiers in front of him had no fear of death in their eyes, only perseverance, passion and unyielding will.

At this time, Gao Aocao was already covered in blood. In addition to facing Yu She, who was stronger than him, the surrounding Kamikaze Corps soldiers also kept surrounding him and besieged Gao Aocao.

Suddenly, Gao Aocao's eyes widened with anger, and his aura suddenly rose. His wounds began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the life-and-death battle, Gao Aocao stimulated his potential at the most critical moment and successfully broke through the realm.

Gao Aocao, who was in the middle stage of the Martial King, had the combat power of the Martial Emperor Realm with the blessing of special talents.

The horse lance in his hand once again burst out with cold light, killing the hundreds of Kamikaze Corps sword and shield soldiers who were surrounding him.

Boom! With a loud noise, the shield formation formed by the sword and shield soldiers was forcibly smashed open by Gao Aocao. The soldiers showed horror and began to retreat involuntarily.

Gao Aocao stared at Yu She, his horse had already died in battle, holding a lance, and marched towards Yu She.

Yu She was already dumbfounded at this time, the opponent had actually broken through the realm at this time, and he was originally in a 50-50 situation with Gao Aocao, so now he had no strength to fight back.

Yu She didn't care about his face as a martial emperor, and turned around to escape. The blinded whirlwind leopard loyally protected its master, flew over and bit Gao Aocao's calf, trying to delay time.

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