The next morning, the Qin army began its offensive, and thirty huge catapults were transported to the front line.

In the earthen fortress, the imperial generals in charge of guarding the defense line stared at the huge object in front of them in amazement, muttering to themselves: "What the hell is this? It looks like a catapult?"

"General, where is such a big catapult? It must be able to project thousands of kilograms of stones. How is it possible?"

"I think the Qin army is just bluffing. If it is really a catapult, I will punish myself with half a kilogram of strong liquor."

The imperial generals expressed disdain one after another. What a joke, a catapult more than ten meters high, how big a stone would it project? How could it be done with manpower alone?

Just when they were about to see the Qin army's joke, they saw the Qin soldiers using a special large transport vehicle to transport dozens of huge stones weighing thousands of pounds.

It was not until this time that Wu Cong, the general of the earthen fortress formation, felt something was wrong. The Qin soldiers quickly wrapped the thick iron chains around the boulders. As the catapults started, the stones weighing thousands of pounds flew into the sky and smashed towards the earthen fortress formation at a very fast speed.

Boom, boom, a loud noise came, smoke and dust rose in one corner of the earthen fortress formation, and dozens of earthen forts were crushed into powder under the crushing of the boulders. The crossbow carts and soldiers hidden in them turned into a pile of rags and meat paste, and screams and wails came.

Wu Cong panted in embarrassment. If he had not dodged quickly, he would have become a dead soul under the boulder. Such a huge stone fell from the sky with great momentum. The earthen fort that could not be pierced by the crossbow cart was like a piece of tender tofu, vulnerable to a single blow.

As dozens of earthen forts were destroyed, Liu Wuye, who heard the noise and rushed to the front line quickly, gritted his teeth and said, "Send out 20,000 cavalry. No matter what, we must destroy the opponent's catapults."

If the Qin army's catapults were allowed to continuously destroy the earthen forts, a smooth road would soon be opened, and the entire earthen fort formation would be useless. Liu Wuye's decision was undoubtedly the wisest.

Unfortunately, the one responsible for guarding near the catapults was one of the most elite heavy cavalry units of the Qin army, the Jingsai Iron Cavalry.

Today, the number of Jingsai Iron Cavalry has reached 12,000, under the premise that the main general Li Jilong has broken through the great realm. As the saying goes, if Jingsai is less than 10,000, it is invincible if it is full of 10,000.

The 20,000 imperial cavalry were destined to be moths to a flame. Seeing Liu Wuye leading 20,000 cavalry to attack, Li Jilong calmly ordered 8,000 Jingsai cavalry to fight, and the other 4,000 people, led by Xin Qiji, ambushed from the right wing to cut off their retreat.

Liu Wuye led 20,000 cavalry to fight desperately, but was soon submerged in the iron torrent of Jingsai cavalry. Liu Wuye led 2,000 remnants to retreat in a hurry, but just ran into Xin Qiji who was behind.

Now Xin Qiji is a top-level hero with the strength of the King of Martial Arts. He rode forward with a pear blossom spear in his hand and fought with Liu Wuye. After dozens of rounds, Liu Wuye, who saw that his soldiers were getting fewer and fewer, was extremely horrified and revealed a flaw. Xin Qiji shot through his left arm and almost fell off his horse.

Seeing that Liu Wuye was in imminent danger, Liu Wubing personally led 60,000 troops to desperately rescue him. After half an hour of fighting, Liu Wuye was finally rescued. After the continuous reduction of personnel in the past few days, the Disha Legion had lost more than 40%.

In the imperial army camp, Qian Zhen angrily slammed the table and shouted: "Is there nothing we can do about the Qin army's catapults? If this continues, it will take less than two days for the Qin army to tear a gap in the endless earthen forts. At that time, there will be no earthen fort formation to block it. What should my imperial army do?"

Liu Wubing said: "Lord Sikong, the giant catapults of the Qin army are extremely terrifying. Fortunately, there are not many of them. It takes two to three days to break through our earthen fort formation that stretches for several miles. Now we can't take this catapult. Helpless, the elite troops of the Qin army, with catapults as the center, advanced layer by layer and step by step. "

"Our imperial army has gone out of the defense range of the earthen fort formation and has no power to fight the Qin army. Now there is only one way, to notify the Kamikaze Corps to send troops, put pressure on the Qin army, and relieve our urgent needs."

The imperial generals present nodded in agreement. Although Liu Wubing's words were straightforward, they were also to the point. The gap between the imperial army and the Qin army was too huge. Fighting outside the earthen fort formation was undoubtedly a futile move.

Qian Zhen sighed helplessly and waved his hand irritably. After the generals withdrew, he hurriedly sent a message to the Kamikaze Corps.

Urgent report, requesting the Kamikaze Corps to send troops to advance and retreat together with the imperial army.

Liu Wubing went and came back, and said to Qian Zhen: "Lord Sikong, I have something to say, but I don't know whether I should say it or not."

"It's time, there's no need to pay attention to these empty formalities, just say it quickly."

Liu Wubing nodded: "Lord Sikong, we also need to make preparations now. I always feel that the Qin army is well prepared this time and aggressive. The Kamikaze Corps may not be able to protect us. We must be ready to evacuate at any time. If the situation is unfavorable, it is best to preserve the imperial army and give up the border."

Qian Zhen frowned and said: "Do you think the Kamikaze Corps can't withstand the Qin army's offensive this time?"

Liu Wubing said firmly: "Based on my understanding of Li Yichen, he never fights without a fight. A sure fight has already begun to show signs since the assassination attempt failed. Every move we make is in the opponent's calculation. Li Yichen is absolutely sure that the Kamikaze Corps will win, so he will attack us so straightforwardly. "

Qian Zhen sat decadently on the chair, his eyes dull. After a moment, he sighed and said, "You mean, while the Kamikaze Corps and the Qin Army are fighting, we will evacuate first under the cover of the earthen fort formation?"

Qian Zhen is also a smart man, who understands everything at once. It must be said that Liu Wubing's ability to analyze the overall situation is outstanding. At this time, the imperial army evacuated. Although the border land was lost, it was able to preserve its strength, which was better than being killed by the Qin Army.

"In this way, we have completely offended the Temple of War God."

Liu Wubing shook his head and said, "With Li Yichen's vengeful character, he will definitely not let Du Jingfeng go. If the entire Kamikaze Corps is buried here, how many people will know the details of this battle? We will have many excuses to shirk responsibility."

"Besides, if it weren't for the Xu family, how could such a high-ranking force like the Temple of War God have any intersection with our Beiting Dynasty."

Qian Zhen stood up, pondered for a moment and said, "In this case, we will retreat to Tianye Pass now, abandon the Xiazhou territory west of Tianye Pass, and use the characteristics of Tianye Pass that are easy to defend and difficult to attack to resist the Qin army."

Liu Wubing also had no objection. At present, only by defending the dangerous area can the Qin army's cavalry be stopped.

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