The enemy was in chaos.

"Yijun! You are a rebel!" Liu Changqing exclaimed.

These villagers and the head of the village didn't know what Yijun meant, but Liu Changqing, who had been an official for many years, was very clear. The so-called Yijun was the army that rose up in various places, and in the eyes of the court, they were regarded as rebels.

"Rebel... rebel?" Liu Kui was so frightened by Liu Changqing's sudden words that he lost his soul.

Rebels should be executed with all their clans!

Li Yichen nodded nonchalantly: "Yes, I am the traitor that Lord Liu mentioned. Am I right, Lord Liu Changqing?"

Liu Changqing's pupils shrank suddenly: "Do you know who I am? Are you coming for me?"

Li Yichen shook his head: "Not really, I explained my purpose at the beginning. I came to Gujing Village to deliver food for disaster relief. Now the convoy transporting food is at the entrance of the village. Why don't you follow me to take a look?"

Liu Changqing stared at Li Yichen and said word by word: "Even if you are here to deliver food, do you know what the consequences will be for these innocent villagers who accept the food sent by the traitors!"

"What consequences can there be? To be honest, Liu Yu, the dog county magistrate of Daqu County, has been beheaded in the street by me, and all the gentry and wealthy businessmen who oppressed the people have been dealt with by me. Now Daqu County is the world of the righteous army!"

"Did you kill Liu Yu?" Liu Changqing frowned slightly. He knew Liu Yu, the official who was a dog, well. However, the entire Beiting Dynasty was rotten to the core. He was demoted and could do nothing about it.

"Kill this official who oppresses the people. I have raised the banner of justice and am ready to overthrow this absurd Beiting where corrupt officials are rampant, and give the people a bright and clear world!" Li Yichen said confidently.

Liu Changqing shook his head secretly and said lightly: "Since you said it so high-soundingly, then the matter of sending food to the villagers must be true."

Liu Changqing turned to Liu Kui and said: "Li Zheng, go and notify the villagers to go to the village entrance to collect food. I believe that Mr. Li will not lie to us."

According to Liu Changqing's observation, Li Yichen was full of confidence, and he was calm and free when talking and laughing. He didn't seem to be lying. Anyway, the villagers have no way to survive now, and the village has been out of food for several days. It is better to get the food first.

At the entrance of Gujing Village, hundreds of villagers lined up in a long queue, waiting to receive food.

Soldiers stood in front of the donkey carts, handing out bags of food weighing ten kilograms each to the villagers one by one.

The villagers who received the food still felt like they were dreaming, and couldn't believe it.

"We really got the food, mother, pinch me, there will really be officials to send us food. Am I dreaming?"

"Ouch! You should be gentle." Liu Dashan glared at his wife with his teeth bared, and then reacted: "I'm not dreaming, there is really food, and my children finally don't have to starve with us!"

The man weighing more than a hundred kilograms was so excited that tears filled his eyes. Their lives were really too hard.

As more and more villagers in the village received food, the villagers were extremely excited, and at the same time they were grateful to Li Yichen and others. The soldiers who were usually feared like tigers now looked so kind.

"Oh my! This bag is full of fine flour. My God, when have we ever eaten such fine flour?"

A woman exclaimed. For a remote and poor village like Gujing Village, although there is no landlord exploitation, the court will also collect taxes, and each household does not have much land.

In addition, the Beiting Dynasty has to collect 40% taxes every year. The grain they get has to be exchanged for coarse grains in the town. The family can barely survive by tightening their belts and eating frugally.

Those who are dressed in silk and satin are not silkworm breeders. It is ironic that farmers who grow wheat cannot eat the grain they grow.

The people in the village were overjoyed, and many people cried with joy, and thanked Li Yichen one after another.

Only Liu Changqing watched coldly. Although he was happy for these villagers, he did not go forward to receive the grain.

Li Yichen's heart moved slightly, and he walked to Liu Changqing and said, "Does Lord Liu have surplus food at home? Why don't you go and get the food?"

Liu Changqing snorted coldly, but ignored Li Yichen.

In fact, there was no surplus food in his family. Although Liu Changqing had been an official for many years, he was as clean as water and had never been corrupt or accepted bribes. When he returned to Gujing Village, he was alone. Even if he had some floating wealth, he had already used it to buy food and distributed it to the villagers.

Now his family has been out of food for a few days, just like those villagers, relying on

The wild vegetables were filling the soup.

Li Yichen laughed dumbly, but he didn't care. He said slowly: "I wonder if you can trouble Lord Liu to take me to the fields."

Liu Changqing was stunned for a moment, but he didn't say anything. He just turned around silently and walked towards the fields in the village.

Li Yichen followed closely behind him, and Li Siye, who was not far away and paying attention to Li Yichen's movements at any time, hung behind the two of them.

"You know that your method of opening the warehouse to release grain can solve the emergency for the time being, but it is ultimately a drop in the bucket. If the drought is not resolved, how much grain can you distribute to the people of Daqu County? Can you keep feeding them like this?"

Li Yichen said lightly: "How can I not know what Lord Liu said, and how can you know that I can't solve the drought."

While the two were talking, they had already walked to the wheat fields in the village.

Looking around, the wheat seedlings that should have been green were short, withered and yellow, and the roots and stems were slender.

The wheat ears were not fully differentiated, and the ear shape was very small. The whole field was cracked, revealing cracks like a big mouth. The soil was so dry that if you picked up a piece of soil and pinched it, it would turn into ash.

Liu Changqing said solemnly: "The sky is dry and there has been no rain for a long time. This is the cause of the drought. I have searched ancient books and have never found a solution. Do you have a way to change the sky?"

Li Yichen smiled slightly: "Master Liu guessed right. I do have a way to change the sky, but I haven't prepared it yet."

Liu Changqing showed a mocking look in his eyes: "Are you a god? Unless you are a god in heaven, who dares to talk about changing the sky?"

Li Yichen was not angry, since Gu Zi said: "Since Lord Liu has doubts in his heart, why don't we make a bet? If I can change the celestial phenomena and solve the drought in Daqu County, Lord Liu will follow me and work for me. I admire Lord Liu's ability. To be honest, you are a good official."

Liu Changqing said indignantly: "I have been well-read since I was a child. I know the principles of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism. How could I associate with a traitor like you!"

Li Yichen rolled his eyes. The scholars in the ancient feudal dynasty were really pedantic.

"I, Li Yichen, understand the principle of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism, but now the emperor is incompetent, treacherous officials are in power, officials in various places wantonly oppress the people, people are living in poverty everywhere, and people are poorly clothed. What do you think is worth staying in such a court?"

"How dare you speak so wildly, it's a treason!"

"Hehe, Lord Liu, you are loyal to the emperor and patriotic, but is there a place for you in this court now? You are full of passion but have no way to serve the country, and you are self-righteous when treacherous officials are in power. There are more than tens of thousands of people starving in Mozhou in the past two years? Where is the court? What has the emperor you are loyal to done for the people?"

Liu Changqing wanted to refute, but he couldn't speak.

Yes, he was full of passion and just wanted to do something practical for the country and the people, but in the end he was demoted to a commoner and never hired. How sad it is.

Li Yichen changed the subject: "Why, Lord Liu doesn't dare to make this bet with me?"

Liu Changqing seemed to be angry: "Okay, I'll make this bet with you, I want to see how you can change the celestial phenomena!"

Li Yichen patted Liu Changqing's shoulder confidently: "I'll give you a word, Lord Liu, that is, man can conquer nature! I will definitely win this bet!"

As Li Yichen said this, he took out a white cloth bag like a magic trick, put it next to Liu Changqing, and then turned and left.

Liu Changqing opened it and saw that the cloth bag was full of white rice, more than 20 kilograms.

Li Yichen's hearty voice came: "A man's words are spoken, and it is difficult to take them back. Lord Liu will serve under me in the future. You can't starve yourself. This is my gift to you."

This bag of rice was drawn by Li Yichen in the last lottery. It has been stored in the system space and has not been claimed. This time he just took it out, making himself look pretty.

Liu Changqing held the cloth bag tightly and looked at Li Yichen's departing back, feeling very complicated.

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