The next morning, a wooden altar about three feet high and more than ten square meters was built on the Daqu River embankment where Li Chunfeng carved the array pattern.

The people of Daqu County and the people of the villages and towns under its jurisdiction heard that the leader of the rebel army was going to pray for rain here, and they all came.

As soon as Chenshi arrived, the altar was surrounded by people.

Li Yichen brought Li Chunfeng and others here, and his soldiers maintained order to avoid trampling.

On the altar, the three sacrificial offerings were neatly placed, and the incense and candles were burning, giving people a very solemn and solemn feeling.

In the distance, people kept coming. People in ancient times were still very superstitious. When they heard that the righteous army was praying for rain, they came to see the excitement with a half-believing and half-doubting mentality.

In the crowd, a group of farmers wearing coarse cloth, led by a middle-aged Confucian scholar, quietly looked in the direction of the altar.

This middle-aged Confucian scholar was Liu Changqing. Liu Changqing didn't believe that Li Yichen could pray for rain successfully. In his eyes, the drought in Mozhou was destiny and could not be changed. Could Li Yichen change his fate against the will of heaven?

Li Yichen also noticed Liu Changqing in the crowd. Today is the day for you, Liu Changqing, to join the righteous army.

The people under the altar were talking about it.

"Do you think that Master Li can pray for rain successfully? What if he can't get rain after making such a big fuss?"

"You still call him Master Li, but now he is the leader of the Daqu County Volunteer Army, so you should call him Chief Li."

"Don't worry, Chief Li is a good man. He has eliminated many corrupt officials and gentry in Daqu County who oppressed the people, and he has also opened his warehouses to release grain to help the villagers. God will open his eyes and make it rain."

Liu Changqing in the crowd bowed to an aunt who was chattering beside him and said, "Sister, I wonder where this Chief Li is from."

The aunt looked at Liu Changqing with a little surprise: "Aren't you from Daqu County? Chief Li is the son of the Li Family Business in the county town, and his father, Li Dashan, is a famous living Bodhisattva in the surrounding area."

Liu Changqing's heart moved slightly: "My village is relatively remote, and I have never heard of this Li Dashan before."

In fact, Liu Changqing had occasionally heard of Li Dafu, but that day in Gujing Village, looking at Li Yichen's posture, he did not look like the son of an ordinary businessman, but rather like a family of officials.

The auntie was obviously a talkative person. She continued to speak excitedly: "What kind of life did the people of Daqu County live in the past? That bastard county magistrate Liu Yu oppressed the people and killed people at will. He also beat the great man Li to death."

"That's why Chief Li started an uprising and beheaded the bastard county magistrate in the street. He also cleared out the gentry and landlords in the county who were usually domineering. Now look at Daqu County. Who dares to oppress the people?"

Another old man next to him interrupted "Not only that, Chief Li also opened the warehouse to release grain, saving so many lives. My family was almost unable to make ends meet before, and we were able to survive only with the help of the righteous army. Chief Li is indeed the descendant of the great philanthropist Li. He is kind-hearted and does good deeds, which is really a continuation of the same lineage."

Liu Changqing remained silent. Yes, the court did not care, corrupt officials were rampant, and the people were living in dire straits. Perhaps it really took someone like Li Yichen to stand up so that the people could really live a good life.

Liu Changqing looked at the soldiers around him who were maintaining order, holding spears and standing straight like javelins, and he was a little curious. With his eyes, he could naturally see that these soldiers were elite.

Daqu County had thousands of garrison troops, no wonder he was able to successfully revolt. It turned out that he had such elite soldiers under his command. Thinking of the big man who protected Li Yichen that day, Liu Changqing was even more confused.

The Li family is just a merchant family. Where did these elite soldiers come from? It is impossible to get an elite army without years of accumulation and training. Did these soldiers fall from the sky?

It seems that there is still a lot that I don’t know about the leader of the rebel army, Li Yichen.

Seeing that the time is approaching, Li Chunfeng stepped forward: "My lord, the time has come. Please go to the altar to pray for rain. Just hold the rain-praying order and recite the formula I taught you before."

Li Yichen nodded and walked to the altar with the rain-praying order.

"Li Yichen, the leader of the rebel army in Daqu County, prays to God today to send down the rain and save the people of Daqu County from the water and fire! I am willing to sacrifice my own blood and blood, and ask God for mercy!"

Li Yichen's voice was as loud as a bell, sonorous and powerful, and then he took out a dagger and slashed

The palm was broken, and blood flowed down in an instant.

Li Yichen raised the rain-praying order in his hand and recited the formula taught by Li Chunfeng.

The sky, which was cloudless just now, was suddenly covered with dark clouds. A strong wind rose from the ground, blowing up dust all over the sky, and the people could not open their eyes for a while.

The blue dragon relief on the rain-praying order seemed to come alive at this time. A blue dragon phantom about five or six feet long rose into the sky in full view of the public, accompanied by the sound of dragon roars.

Thunder and lightning came as promised, and heavy rain poured down from the sky. Li Yichen was relieved. The drought in Daqu County was no longer a stubborn disease in his heart. Unfortunately, the rain-praying order was limited in scope, and only the area under the jurisdiction of Daqu County began to rain.

The people in the audience were already stunned.

It was not until the heavy rain fell that the people woke up from their dreams.

"Real dragon! Just now, a real dragon flew to the sky, and it brought rain! Could it be that Chief Li is the real dragon emperor!"

"Our Daqu County has a real dragon emperor! Rain from the sky, Daqu County is saved!"

The people knelt down and shouted to Li Yichen, "Real Dragon Emperor."

Liu Changqing was also shocked at this time. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would believe it?

Real dragon brought rain, could it be that Li Yichen is really the real dragon emperor, who can defy fate and forcibly tamper with the celestial phenomena?

At this time, the popularity of Li Yichen in the system soared. After this incident, his prestige in Daqu County reached its peak.

"Everyone, please stand up quickly. How can I, Li Yichen, receive such a great gift from my neighbors!"

"I know. Leader Li must be the real dragon emperor. He was born in Daqu County. He brought heavenly soldiers and generals to kill corrupt officials, save the people, and give us a bright and clear world..."

How could the people listen to Li Yichen? They knelt on the ground in the heavy rain and were unwilling to stand up for a long time.

Li Yichen had to shake his head helplessly. The matter of praying for rain had too much psychological impact on the people. I am afraid that at this time, they have already determined in their hearts that they are the real dragon emperor.

After Li Yichen's repeated persuasion, the people were willing to stand up, cheering and excited.

According to the system's description, this heavy rain will last for two days, and it will drive the spiritual energy of water. The water level of the dried-up ponds and deep wells under the jurisdiction of Daqu County has also risen at a visible speed.

So far, the drought in Daqu County has been completely resolved.

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