After learning that he could not improve his realm through practice, Li Yichen returned to his room without interest and fell asleep.

The next morning, Li Yichen brought Xing Daorong to the military camp.

Li Yichen had long wanted to change Lin Chong's training method to a more scientific modern training method.

Seeing the soldiers facing each other and fighting, Li Yichen immediately became interested.

Li Yichen walked in front of the soldiers who were training and shouted loudly: "Who wants to compete with me? If you can beat me, you will be rewarded with fifty taels of silver!"

The soldiers below were eager to try. Looking at Li Yichen's thin figure and delicate skin, they knew that he didn't have much kung fu. Fifty taels of silver would be a waste.

Lin Chong hurriedly stopped him and said: "My lord, these soldiers are so reckless. If they hurt you, it will be terrible."

Lin Chong knew that Li Yichen had never practiced martial arts.

Li Yichen waved his hand: "I know what I am doing, Master Lin, you don't have to stop me."

Among the soldiers below, a young man who was over 1.9 meters tall and as strong as an ox said in a muffled voice: "Do you really mean what the leader said? I, Niu Dali, am willing to spar with the leader."

Li Yichen took a look at the big man and knew at a glance that he was as strong as an ox. Niu Dali was originally a member of the original garrison in Daqu County. He was born with great strength and a strong body. He was an orphan without a father or a mother. It was just because he had a large appetite that one meal was equivalent to the rations of seven or eight people. He heard that he could eat well in the army, so he joined the army.

After the garrison surrendered, under the guidance of Lin Chong, the gifted Niu Dali made rapid progress. In just one month, he was already in the late stage of martial arts.

In addition, he was extremely strong, and ordinary martial artists in the early stage were no match for him.

"It's you. If you can beat me, I'll give you fifty taels of silver."

The soldiers made way for a space, and they were very curious. Seeing the thin and weak leader, could he really be a match for Niu Dali?

Niu Dali came forward and attacked Li Yichen's chest with a straight punch.

Although Niu Dali was honest and straightforward, he was not stupid. If he really hurt the leader, he would not be able to get away from it, so he only used four points of strength in this punch.

Li Yichen did not dodge, and punched with full momentum, directly hitting Niu Dali's fist as big as a casserole.

With a dull bang, Li Yichen stood still, but Niu Dali stepped back a few steps and almost fell to the ground.

Lin Chong was very nervous, and he did not dare to take his eyes off Li Yichen for a moment, for fear that Niu Dali would hurt his lord.

Unexpectedly, the two of them fought hard, and Niu Dali was completely at a disadvantage.

Niu Dali was also stunned for a moment, then he no longer held back and used all his strength, with a swinging punch with a terrifying sound of breaking through the air, directly hitting Li Yichen's side of the head. Li Yichen moved his feet and dodged the punch, and then a heavy punch that arrived later hit Niu Dali's chest directly.

Under the dumbfounded eyes of many soldiers, Niu Dali, who weighed more than 200 kilograms, was hit by this punch and flew two meters away. He covered his chest and couldn't speak for a long time. It seemed that he had a stitch in the side.

Fortunately, he wore armor during training, and this guy was strong and thick-skinned, so it was not a big deal.

After a long pause, Niu Dali finally got up from the ground and said to Li Yichen: "I admit defeat. It's really strange. The leader looks thin, how can he have such great strength?"

Li Yichen smiled slightly and patted Niu Dali on the chest: "You are not bad. You will definitely be a general on the battlefield in the future."

"Can you be as powerful as me?" Li Yichen shouted to many soldiers.

The soldiers responded one after another. The stronger the strength, the greater the chance of survival on the battlefield. Who doesn't want to be stronger?

"Then you have to train according to my method. I guarantee that your strength will be improved by more than one level."

For several days, Li Yichen stayed in the barracks and ate and slept with the soldiers.

What about running laps, carrying weights for five kilometers, standing at attention, marching in formation, Li Yichen used some training methods of the later military here, the soldiers were miserable, sometimes even in the middle of the night, Li Yichen would arrange people to beat gongs and drums to notify the soldiers to assemble urgently.

It was called training the soldiers' reaction and execution.

On the contrary, Li Siye and Lin Chong were impressed by Li Yichen's training method. In the long run, the soldiers under his command will surely obey orders and be able to do what they want.

Seeing that Jia Xu led the team to the state capital to buy grain

More than 20 days had passed, but they still hadn't come back. Li Yichen couldn't help but worry. Yuquan City was about 700 miles away from Daqu County. There was Yihe Prefecture in between after leaving Anshan Prefecture.

But Jia Xu and his companions had been away for a long time. Counting the days, they should be back to Daqu County in the next few days. It was unknown whether Jia Xu's trip would be smooth. Communication was really inconvenient in ancient times.

At this time, Jia Xu and his party were really in trouble. It was said that Jia Xu brought Wu Song and 150 soldiers to Yuquan City as a caravan.

After much inquiry and consideration, Jia Xu finally chose to make a deal with Guangyuan Commercial Bank, the largest commercial bank in Yuquan City. He first exchanged the jewelry, jade, antique calligraphy and paintings in his hands for 3 million taels of silver.

A total of 3 million taels of silver were used to buy 5 million jin of grain at Guangyuan Commercial Bank at a price of 50 wen per jin. Because of insufficient transportation capacity, he bought more than 300 donkey carts with the silver he brought, and then set off on the return journey with the grain.

The sudden purchase of so much food naturally attracted the attention of various forces. In order to prevent those who were interested from discovering his origins, Jia Xu chose to take a detour from Lizhou Shishicheng to Daqu County.

When he went there, he took the official road, and when he came back, he took some difficult paths. Fortunately, there were no accidents along the way.

Until today, when the caravan returned to the territory of Daqu County and came to Yangshan, which was only more than 50 miles away from Daqu County, it encountered an accident.

Yangshan also belongs to Daqu County. In the south of Daqu County, there was a village at the foot of the mountain called Wujiazhuang. Before, the county magistrate Liu Yu sent people to Wujiazhuang to collect food. The two brothers Wu Long and Wu Hu of Wujiazhuang were forced by the officials to kill the officials who came to forcibly collect food.

Then he simply went all out and called the young and strong men in the village, took their families and valuables, and went to Yangshan to become bandits, making a living by robbing houses, but he did not make things difficult for the people, and only robbed the passing caravans.

Jia Xu and his group were too conspicuous and were targeted by the people of Yangshan Village.

"Brother, I followed and saw from a distance. There were hundreds of donkey carts, all of which were filled with grain bags. I guess they were all grain. If we do this, we will never lack grain again."

Wu Long was not as simple-minded as his younger brother Wu Hu. Instead, he frowned and said, "How could a caravan of this size come to Daqu County? There is no such a large grain merchant in Daqu County."

"I have observed that the escorts are tall and straight, and they are soldiers. This is probably the government's grain transport team. Don't worry, brother, there are less than 200 of them."

"There are 500 young and strong men in our village. With the skills of the two of us, the captain Guo Jingyuan is not a match, not to mention that I didn't see Guo Jingyuan."

"Really only more than 100 people? Then do it, take people down the mountain immediately. Since it is the government's grain, rob it. That dog county magistrate Liu Yu forced us to go up the mountain and become bandits. There is no good person in the government. It's a good time to take revenge."

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