The two brothers Wu Long and Wu Hu were at a loss for a moment. They thought they were captured by the Daqu County government troops, but they didn't expect it was the rebel army.

Wu Long hesitated for a moment, then slowly said, "We are originally residents of Wujiazhuang at the foot of Yangshan. Liu Yu sent soldiers to Wujiazhuang to forcibly collect food. The village was almost out of food, so where would we get food for this dog official?"

"We two brothers killed the soldiers in a rage, took the people in the village, and went to Yangshan to become bandits."

Li Yichen nodded, "Come on, untie them."

The soldiers on the side untied the ropes on the two brothers, and Li Yichen said to Wu Long, "Now my Daqu County righteous army has risen up to resist the court and find a way out for the people of the world. I see that you two brothers are also passionate people, and you are brave. Are you willing to join my righteous army and achieve great things!"

The two brothers looked at each other, and Wu Long said in a deep voice. He said, "If there is no place to settle down, who would be willing to go to the mountains and become a bandit? My two brothers are willing to join the rebel army and serve the leader, but now my brothers' families are still in the mountain stronghold. I hope the leader will let us go back to Yangshan and bring our families and brothers to surrender."

"In that case, you two brothers should go quickly and come back quickly, and bring people to surrender."

Wu Long and Wu Hu left the county government office, and Wu Hu still looked incredulous: "Brother, this rebel leader really let us go. Let's go back to Yangshan and take our brothers to escape. I don't think this rebel army is a good person."

Wu Long walked on the street and saw that although the people were dressed in tattered clothes, they all had smiles on their faces and were full of vitality. He couldn't help but feel at ease.

"Where can we escape to now? The village is almost out of food. How can we feed more than a thousand people? I think Daqu County has changed a lot. Let's ask around and make a decision."

In the county government, a soldier came to report: "My lord, the two brothers did not leave the city to return to Yangshan, but wandered around the city and chatted with the people."

Li Yichen laughed dumbly: "Let them go."

Jia Xu said: "When I came back, I saw that the Daqu River was already surging, and the people were all full of energy. But has the lord solved the drought?"

Li Yichen nodded and said: "Now the drought in Daqu County has been solved, and the people under his rule are All of them have turned their hearts to the righteous army. Daqu County has become the most stable backyard of our righteous army. "

Jia Xu said thoughtfully: "With the support of the people, the well-trained soldiers and sufficient food, it is time for our righteous army to go out of Daqu and make achievements, but there is one thing to do before that."

"Wenhe, if you have something to say, you may as well speak frankly."

"As the ancient saying goes, people have their names and trees have their shadows. Now our righteous army has many soldiers and generals. All the rebels in the world can be called righteous armies. Our Daqu County righteous army should have its own number. Please give my army a name!"

Li Yichen pondered for a while. Before he traveled through time, he was a native of the Three Qin Provinces of China. He also had great respect for the first emperor who unified the Warring States.

Thinking of this, Li Yichen said: "From today on, our Daqu County Volunteer Army will be renamed the Daqin Army!"

Jia Xu nodded and said: "In this way, the great cause can be accomplished. The lord needs to divide the army into multiple units and assign commanders to each perform their duties."

In the Daqu County military camp, all the soldiers and generals under Li Yichen gathered in the parade ground.

Li Yichen looked at the tens of thousands of soldiers below, who were as straight as javelins, and looked at him with a stern look. A sense of pride and ambition arose in his chest.

"From today on, our Daqu County Volunteer Army will be renamed Qin Army. The original Daqu County garrison and Liangshan infantry and cavalry will be combined into one, called the Volunteer Army. The Volunteer Army commander is Lin Chong, and the deputy commander is Wu Song!"

Wu Song and Lin Chong both knelt on one knee, clasped their hands and shouted: "I obey your order!"

"General Li Siye will still lead the 1,000 Mo Dao Army, called the Mo Dao Army!"

"General Ju Yi will lead the 1,000 Xiandeng Death Soldiers, called the Xiandeng Army!"

"Two thousand Lian Nu soldiers will be temporarily managed by military advisor Jia Xu, called the Sheri Army!"

So far, Li Yichen's total of more than 10,000 soldiers and horses have been divided. The largest number of people is the Volunteer Army, 4,500 people, including cavalry and infantry. The Mo Dao Army, Xiandeng Army, and Sheri Army are all special forces.

In the meeting room of the military camp, Jia Xu unfolded a map of Anshan Prefecture and said to Li Yichen: "Mozhou is divided into three prefectures, Anshan Prefecture, Yihe Prefecture, and Yuquan Prefecture. Among them, Anshan Prefecture has the smallest population and governs Daqu, Linshan, and Datong.

Three counties."

"Although we have blocked the city gates, there are still some small caravans and traveling merchants who will come to Daqu to do business. Long-term blockade is not conducive to development. Secondly, after a long time, someone will find something unusual."

"The news of my Qin army's rebellion has not yet been spread. We should seize the time. Before the court reacts, we should first take Datong and Linshan counties, and then plan for Anshan City, the prefectural capital. Only by occupying a prefecture can we have a foundation. Our army cannot develop only by relying on the small land of Daqu County."

Li Yichen nodded in agreement: "Then according to Wenhe's opinion, what is our current goal?"

Jia Xu smiled slightly: "Don't worry, my lord, I have already sent people to inquire. Datong County is only a hundred miles away from Daqu. There are less than two thousand troops stationed in the city, all of whom are drunkards, which is similar to the situation in Daqu County before. ”

“Liu Jie, the lieutenant of the garrison, is of ordinary strength, and Zhu Yun, the county magistrate, is no less powerful than Liu Yu before Daqu County. He can make the vanguard army take Datong County directly at lightning speed, and then take a short rest and then take Linshan County 200 miles away.”

He has a top strategist under his command, who is different. Jia Xu plans before he acts, and has almost arranged the future development route of the Qin army.

“After taking the two counties, the Anshan Prefecture City in the south has become an isolated city, but the prefecture city has many soldiers and horses, and the city walls are tall and strong, so it is not easy to attack. We can plan carefully later.”

“Okay, my Qin army should also go out of Daqu County, capture cities and expand its power.”

“My lord, speed is the essence of war, and opportunities are fleeting. I think that the vanguard army should be prepared immediately, and set off early tomorrow morning to directly capture Datong County.”

“Where is Ju Yi! "

"Lord, I am here!"

"I order you to set out at five o'clock tomorrow morning, lead the vanguard army to take Datong County directly, and break the city within half a day!"

"Yes, Lord, if you cannot break through Datong County within two hours, Ju Yi will bring his head to see you."

Ju Yi signed a military order in front of Li Yichen.

At four o'clock in the morning, before dawn, when it was pitch black, in the Daqu County military camp, a thousand vanguard soldiers had gathered in the parade ground under the leadership of Ju Yi.

The thousand vanguard soldiers, wearing armor, holding shields in their left hands and knives in their right hands, and carrying short crossbows behind them, all had stern faces, and a murderous aura arose spontaneously.

Ju Yi stood in front of the queue, glanced at his soldiers, and said concisely: "The army will set out, and take Datong County before noon!"

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