The old man was very angry, but the old man was very angry.

Li Yichen walked into the county government office and saw a middle-aged fat man with a fat head and big ears, kneeling in the court tremblingly, his face as white as paper, and his expression was very terrified.

Li Yichen sat in the main seat, sneered at the fat man and said: "Are you the county magistrate Zhu Yun?"

Zhu Yun's body was shaking like a sieve: "I... I am the county magistrate Zhu Yun. I wonder which mountain stronghold you are from? But if you come to Datong County to borrow grain, the money and grain can be negotiated. I am an official appointed by the court. If the king kills me, I am afraid the court will be furious."

Li Yichen shook his head: "I am not the king of any mountain stronghold. I am the leader of the Daqu County righteous army, Li Yichen!"

Zhu Yun was shocked and blurted out: "You are a rebel!"

If it was a mountain bandit, he would retreat after giving some money and food, but if it was a rebellious righteous army, I am afraid that I will be in danger today.

Li Yichen no longer paid attention to Zhu Yun and ordered the soldiers to take him away.

Two hours later, under the half-persuasion and half-forced invitation of Li Yichen's army, more than 10,000 people in the city gathered outside the county government office.

Liu Changqing also came to Datong County Court with Xing Daorong.

Li Yichen walked out of the county court and said to the people outside the door: "I am the leader of the Qin army in Daqu County. There has been a severe drought in Mozhou for two years. The people are living in dire straits. The court not only ignores it, but also condones corrupt officials to bully the people and harm their neighbors. I have no choice but to rise up and resist the court to find a way out for the people of Daqu."

"Today, we capture Datong County, not to cause chaos to the people, and not to rob money and food, but only to make decisions for the people of Datong, kill corrupt officials, landlords and gentry, so that the people of Datong will no longer be bullied!"

"Today, I, Li Yichen, will hold a public trial in this Datong County Court. Anyone who persecutes the people and is rich and unkind will be beheaded."

"What injustice and persecution have you suffered? Please tell me directly, and I will make decisions for you!"

The people felt a little relieved when they heard Li Yichen's words, but they still did not dare to stand up and complain.

Li Yichen winked at Jia Xu, who understood and ordered the soldiers to bring out the county magistrate Zhu Yun.

"I have heard that the county magistrate Zhu Yun is a corrupt official who takes human lives lightly. He is a shameless person who preys on the people. Today, kill this dog official at the gate of the county government office to set an example!"

With Li Yichen's order, the first batch of death soldiers raised their swords and cut Zhu Yun's body on the spot.

The people could not help but cheer in unison. A 15- or 16-year-old boy came out from the crowd and knelt on the ground with a plop: "I am a commoner in this city. Although my life is hard, my parents love me very much and we are happy. A few days ago, Wang Yuanwai from this county, in order to rob my ancestral home, colluded with this dog county magistrate and forced my parents to death. Please help me, leader!"

Li Yichen nodded and ordered Ju Yi to bring people to capture Wang Yuanwai. Wang Yuanwai was so scared when he saw this scene that his legs became weak. He kowtowed and said, "If you want silver and food, I am willing to give all my wealth. Please let me live."

The boy stared at Wang Yuanwai fiercely, wishing to drink his blood and eat his flesh.

Li Yichen said coldly: "Kill him!"

Wang Yuanwai also followed the footsteps of the county magistrate Zhu Yun.

Seeing Wang Yuanwai and the county magistrate being beheaded one after another, the people came out to complain.

In less than an hour, Li Yichen had beheaded more than 20 wealthy merchants at the gate of the county government.

As long as they were caught, no one was left alive.

The people cheered and applauded. These wealthy merchants usually did a lot of immoral things to oppress the people.

Liu Changqing felt cold in his heart. His lord was really decisive and ruthless. He didn't give these people a chance to argue. He killed them directly, which was very satisfying.

Li Yichen didn't need to worry about the subsequent ending. Liu Changqing relied on his eloquence and tried his best to gain the initial trust of the people for the Qin army.

Then it was to open the warehouse to release grain, appease the people, win the hearts of the people, and a series of operations. Naturally, Liu Changqing and Jia Xu were responsible for it. He only needed to be a hands-off manager.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully incorporating Tongshan County into the territory, activating the merit system, and rewarding 1,100 merit points. ]

[The host will be rewarded with 1,000 merit points for each county-level city he captures, 10,000 merit points for each prefecture city he captures, and 50,000 merit points for each state city he captures. ]

[Every time the host launches a war,

Winning a battle with less than 5,000 people will reward 100 merit points, winning a battle with 5,000 to 10,000 people will reward 500 merit points, winning a battle with 10,000 to 50,000 people will reward 3,000 merit points, winning a battle with 50,000 to 100,000 people will reward 10,000 merit points, and winning a battle with more than 100,000 people will reward 50,000 merit points. 】

"System, what is the use of merit points."

[Merit Points Utility 1: The host can exchange merit points for system points, 1 merit point can be exchanged for 10 system points. 】

[Merit Points Utility 2: The host can use merit points to improve the strength of the generals under his command. 1,000 merit points in the martial arts master realm can improve a small realm, and so on. For each higher realm, the merit point consumption increases fivefold. 】

So that's how it is. Li Yichen's mind turned quickly. This merit value can not only be exchanged for system points to summon heroes, but also to improve the strength of his subordinates. In this way, he can completely fight to support the war and expand the number of heroes under his army.

Li Yichen's soldiers confiscated the county magistrate and the property of the gentry and wealthy businessmen who were beheaded, and reaped a lot of rewards.

There were 5 million taels of silver in cash, piled up like a mountain, and there were millions of kilograms of grain, countless fields and mansions.

Li Yichen recharged 3 million taels of silver into the system. Now the merit value can also be exchanged for system points. With so many troops under his command, he may have to recruit a large number of local soldiers to expand the army in the future. He still has to keep some silver in reserve.

However, in four or five days, the overall situation of Datong County has been determined. After a set of procedures, the people under the jurisdiction of Datong County have also turned their hearts to the Qin Army. The grassroots people are actually very easy to satisfy. As long as they are given a little living space, they will live tenaciously.

All the uprisings in Chinese history were forced to rebel because there was no hope of survival.

The population of Datong County is similar to that of Daqu County. The public sentiment value in Li Yichen's system has soared to 140,000 points in the past few days.

At present, Li Yichen does not have a magical weapon such as the Rain Prayer Order, and cannot solve the drought problem in Datong County. Fortunately, there is a lot of confiscated grain. It can be used to help the people first, and when Daqu County has a good harvest, the food pressure will be much smaller.

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