The old man was very happy.

"Uncle Xue, please go to the coffin shop and buy a good coffin, and buy all the items for the mourning hall."

The body of the original father, Li Dafu, is still in the front yard. He has to bury him, build a mourning hall, and mourn for the original body. Li Yichen still respects Li Dafu, a kind man.

Butler Xue's eyes were red. Li Dafu treated him well in the years he was in the Li family.

"Master, I'll go get ready!"

The three of them, plus Wu Song, worked for a long time and finally buried Li Dafu. The mourning hall was also built. Li Yichen changed into linen mourning clothes and kowtowed to his father respectfully. He secretly swore in his heart that he would avenge his father and would not let the county magistrate or the Wang family off.

[Ding! The system detected that Wu Song had successfully joined the host and activated Wu Song's second-rate Liangshan infantry elite summoning right.

The current number of summons is 0/5000. Ten points of system currency can summon one Liangshan infantry elite. ]

The familiar voice of the system sounded in Li Yichen's mind. Li Yichen complained again, how long has Wu Song been here, and you just reacted, this system is still delayed!

System, check the host information! "Li Yichen muttered in his heart.

Host information is as follows: [Name]: Li Yichen

[Age]: 17

[Force]: None

[Intelligence]: 87

[Summoned heroes]: Wu Song

[Weapon]: Xuanyuan Sword

[Kung Fu]: None

[Summoned troops]: None

[Luck]: 51

[Commander]: 5

[Martial arts]: None

[Identity]: Son of a merchant in Daqu County

Li Yichen was so angry that he wanted to pull the system out and beat it up. It's okay that the commander value is so low, but how come the force value is also zero. Didn't you see how intimidating his own kick is?

"Check Wu Song's information! "

Wu Song's information is as follows: [Name]: Wu Song

[Age]: 21

[Martial Power]: Late martial artist

[Intelligence]: 81

[Weapon]: Double iron swords

[Martial arts]: Drunken boxing

[Army]: Liangshan elite infantry 0/5000 people

[Special talent]: After Wu Song gets drunk, his strength temporarily increases by two small realms.

According to the memory of the original body, the world where the Beiting Dynasty is located is a high martial arts world. Beiting values ​​martial arts, and all those who practice body are warriors.

The realm of martial arts is divided into ten realms: martial student, martial apprentice, martial master, martial ancestor, martial marquis, martial king, martial honor, martial emperor, martial saint, and martial emperor.

(To prevent discouragement, don't say why Wu Song is a martial master, the strongest in this dynasty is the martial king. At the early stage of the Martial Emperor, he can start from the Martial King and directly sweep across the realm. What plot can be developed? )

As far as Li Yichen knows, Leng Yuntao, the first master of Mozhou and the commander of the Mozhou Iron Cavalry, is only in the late stage of the Martial Sect, but Leng Yuntao is also over 30 years old. Wu Song, 21 years old, is in the late stage of the Martial Master Realm, which is a rare genius in the Beiting Dynasty.

Wu Song is only a first-class talent, so how powerful the talent of the top talents or even the peerless talents should be, which makes Li Yichen have a little more expectation for the system.

Five or six ordinary people in the Martial Life Realm are not opponents, and the Martial Apprentice Realm can defeat 20 to 30 people, while the Martial Master Realm can truly defeat a hundred people. In the Beiting Dynasty, he can also be a regular sixth-rank military commander in the prefectural city.

Li Yichen thought for a moment, turned to Xue Ting and said, "Uncle Xue, how much cash is in the Li family account now?"

Although he was puzzled as to why Li Yichen asked this, Xue Ting still said, "The total cash that can be taken out from the mansion now is about 500,000 taels. "

Li Yichen nodded. Five hundred thousand taels of silver was not a lot. In ancient China, one tael of silver could be exchanged for one thousand copper coins, and two copper coins could buy a big bun. In the Beiting Dynasty, one tael of silver could only be exchanged for one hundred copper coins, a meat bun was about three wen, a catty of rice was about five wen, and a catty of pork could be sold for thirty wen. The purchasing power was at least ten times lower than that of ancient China.

You should know that Mozhou is the poorest state in the Beiting Dynasty. As one of the most remote counties in Mozhou, Daqu County, the income of civilian families in the county town is also 350 taels of silver a year, and farmers probably have less than one-fifth of the income of civilians in the county town. For ordinary farmers, food and clothing are not a problem, but it is a bit extravagant to have meat every meal.

"Uncle Xue, go and take out all the cash in the mansion. I need it!"

"The silver is in the silver vault. I'll go get it now."

"Forget it. It's troublesome to move it here and there. I'll go to the silver vault with you. ”

Li Yichen

As Butler Xue came to the room where Li Dafu lived before his death, Xue Ting turned the candlestick on the table, and the two rows of bookshelves on the left side of the room slowly opened to both sides, revealing a hidden secret room. It seems that this is the silver vault in the mansion.

Entering the silver vault, I saw that in the silver vault of 30 square meters, there were 20 to 30 large wooden boxes of one meter long and half a meter wide neatly placed. Opening the lid of the box, there were about 30 to 40 centimeters deep and shallow. Ingots of 10 taels of snow-white silver were arranged up and down, neatly stacked in the box. Li Yichen roughly counted them and found that there were 250 silver ingots in one box. There were 25 boxes here, which was exactly 500,000 taels.

"Uncle Xue, please go out first. I will stay in the silver vault alone for a while."

"Master, then I will leave first!"

Xue Ting thought that Li Yichen was going to check the amount of silver, so he lowered his head and left.

After Xue Ting left, Li Yichen put his hand on the silver ingot, and the system prompt sounded immediately.

[Ding! Found 2,500 taels of silver, which can be recharged into system currency. May I ask if the host is sure to recharge. 】

(Again, to prevent dissuasion, the gold and silver production in the other world is dozens of times that of China, and gold and silver are not as valuable as in ancient China.)

Li Yichen silently said yes, and saw that the box of silver in front of him suddenly disappeared, and the system point balance became 250 points instead. Ten taels of silver can be exchanged for one tael of gold, and one tael of gold can be exchanged for one system point.

Next, Li Yichen followed the same method and charged the silver in other boxes into the system, leaving 100,000 taels of silver uncharged.

It is impossible for the centaurs summoned by oneself to live on the northwest wind. The food eaten by people and horses is a considerable consumption, and it cannot be fully recharged into the system.

Li Yichen looked at the system display showing that his balance was 40,000 points. He pondered for a while and said silently: "Summon Liangshan's elite infantry, 3,000 people."

[Congratulations to the host, you have successfully summoned 3,000 Liangshan elite infantry. The number of summoned soldiers has reached 3,000/5,000. Please select the gathering place for the soldiers. The soldiers summoned by the host will gather at the designated place within half an hour! ]

"Gathering place, Li Mansion!"

A total of 40,000 points of balance were recharged. After Li Yichen summoned 3,000 Liangshan elite infantry, there was still 10,000 points of balance left for emergency use.

[Ding! System releases branch task: Punish the traitors and eliminate evil]

[The content of the system task is as follows: Please eradicate the county magistrate of Daqu County who is a disaster and oppressing the people within two days. 】

[Task Reward: Randomly summon a second-rate hero x1]

Li Yichen sneered. It just so happened that he was just about to settle accounts with this bastard county magistrate. As the saying goes, it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Li Yichen is not a gentleman. This time, he must let this county magistrate understand what it means that the world is not worth it.

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