The enemy was in a hurry to get to the city wall.

When Wang Yi's army arrived less than 200 meters away from the city wall of Daqu County, they looked closely and saw a thousand tall soldiers wearing heavy black armor, lined up under the city. The leader was seven feet tall.

They all held swords nearly three meters long in their hands.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yi couldn't help but laugh and said, "Our army of 10,000 soldiers came to attack, but the rebels not only did not defend the city, but thousands of them went out of the city to fight, and they were infantry. In such an open place, only a cavalry charge can wipe out the rebels. They are indeed brainless and unruly people."

On the contrary, Deputy Commander Ling Xu looked at the 1,000 heavily armored soldiers with a serious face and said, "I see that although there are only a thousand rebels, they are all wearing heavy armor. Ordinary swords and guns cannot penetrate the armor. Everyone is tall and has heavy weapons. I'm afraid they are an elite army."

Wang Yi said with a little displeasure: "No matter how elite this rebel army is, there are only a thousand of them. Besides, there is no ambush here. Why should Commander Ling boost others' morale and destroy his own prestige!"

"This commander orders you to lead 3,000 cavalry to charge and take down this rebel army!"

"I obey your order!"

Looking at the ancient history of China, infantry is never the opponent of cavalry in plains. The cavalry is charging at thousands of horses, and people are riding horses. I don't know how many infantry will be trampled to death by this terrible impact alone.

Unfortunately, they don't know that they are facing the Tang Dynasty's trump card army, the Modao Army, which appeared to restrain the cavalry.

Seeing a cavalry unit of thousands of people rushing out of the enemy's army and killing them, Li Siye sneered: "Modao Army! Form a battle array!"

Three thousand cavalry charged together with a thunderous momentum, raising dust and a terrifying momentum.

The 1,000 Mo Dao soldiers were not panicked at all. When the cavalry entered the battle formation, the Mo Dao soldiers in front squatted down to chop the horses' legs, and the Mo Dao soldiers in the back chopped the people on the horses horizontally. They advanced and retreated in an orderly manner and coordinated well.

Originally, in Wang Yi's imagination, let alone 3,000 cavalry, even if 300 cavalry met 1,000 infantry in an open field, it would be a massacre.

Unfortunately, ideals are beautiful, but reality is very skinny.

The cavalry who rushed into the Mo Dao army formation first had their horses' legs chopped off, and then the horses fell down, and the people riding on the horses were also cut in half with a knife.

The Mo Dao flashing with cold light was extremely sharp and heavy. In addition, the 1,000 Mo Dao soldiers were all elite warriors. The cavalry rushed into the battle formation like sheep entering a tiger's mouth.

They fell down in rows like cutting wheat.

Even if some cavalry desperately chopped the Mo Dao soldiers with long swords, they could not break the armor, and even the Mo Dao soldiers wearing heavy armor did not move at all.

In less than half an hour, the 3,000 cavalry troops were reduced by 30%.

Li Siye shouted loudly, holding a knife in both hands, and rushed towards Ling Xu. He slashed with a knife, and a knife light more than one foot long appeared on the blade. You should know that Li Siye, with the blessing of special talents, has reached the mid-stage martial arts level. He used all his strength.

Ling Xu, who was only in the mid-stage martial arts level, was directly cut in two by the knife light along with the horse under him, and his internal organs and blood were sprayed all over the ground.

Killed in one move!

Ling Xu died, and the Anshan Army cavalry unit was close to collapse at this time. After all, the enemy was invulnerable to swords and guns, and he was chopped into pieces when he rushed into the formation. Who could bear this!

The ground was full of corpses and broken arms, and blood flowed like a river.

The remaining cavalry finally collapsed completely, and countless cavalry turned their horses around and fled. At this moment, they were thinking about escaping.

The three thousand cavalry not only failed to break through the formation of the Modao army, but turned back and ran back because of panic, disrupting their own infantry formation.

Seeing this, Wang Yi hurriedly killed several defeated soldiers, and then stabilized the situation.

At this moment, he was also shocked. These heavily armored infantrymen seemed like gods descending from heaven, especially the leader, Ling Xu, who was only one level lower than himself. He was cut in half without taking a single move. If it were him, he would not be much better.

"Archers, shoot!"

Wang Yi hurriedly ordered the archers to shoot arrows, and arrows flew in the direction of the Modao army. Li Siye was not panicked at all. He led the Modao army to wave the Modao in his hand to resist the arrows.

The Mo Dao was nearly ten feet long and had a large attack range. Most of the arrows were blocked, and only less than half of the stray arrows hit the heavy armor, which could not break the heavy armor on the Mo Dao soldiers. Of course, the impact of the arrows was not good, but the Mo Dao soldiers were all at the martial arts level, and the stray arrows could not cause any major damage, at most minor injuries.

At Li Siye's command, the Mo Dao soldiers held their long swords and advanced like a wall, rushing towards the Anshan army.

At the same time, many people holding continuous weapons suddenly appeared on both sides of the road.

The crossbow soldiers, as if they had emerged from the earth, fired crossbow arrows at the Anshan army one after another.

This was also arranged in advance by Li Siye. Although there was an open area nearby and no one could hide, Li Siye took a different approach and dug some half-person-deep pits on both sides of the official road. He ordered people to cover them with a layer of grass and sprinkle them with loose soil. If you don't observe carefully, you can't see anything unusual.

Two thousand crossbow soldiers hid in the earth pits and appeared at the critical moment, as if they had emerged from the earth. The crossbows in their hands kept firing. At such a close distance, the power of the crossbows was much greater than that of bows and arrows. The armor on the Anshan soldiers was like nothing and was easily pierced by crossbow arrows.

In addition, the crossbows in the hands of these crossbow soldiers could fire three arrows in a row and then reload. In an instant, six thousand powerful crossbow arrows were shot into the Anshan army camp, and some crossbow arrows even penetrated two people in a row.

In just a few moments, more than half of the Anshan army was killed or wounded. Wang Yi risked his life to lead his men to kill some crossbowmen.

But as if it rained, there were shouts of killing behind the Anshan army. More than a thousand cavalrymen and two thousand infantrymen of the Volunteer Army rushed out from behind the Anshan army.

Especially the cavalry, which instantly killed the Anshan army camp. The leaders were the two brothers Wu Long and Wu Hu who had already joined the Qin army. Under the leadership of the two brothers who were familiar with the terrain.

The Zhongyi army bypassed Yangshan and rushed out from behind the Anshan army. This time, it was the death of the Anshan army.

The Modao army in front also surrounded them and started a killing spree. The battlefield was in chaos. Countless Anshan soldiers completely collapsed and only wanted to escape. Some soldiers dropped their weapons and knelt down to surrender. Wang Yi could no longer control the situation at this time.

Seeing Li Siye running towards him, Wang Yi was so frightened that he lost his soul and didn't care about commanding the battle. He led a dozen of his personal soldiers to fight desperately to make a gap and ran away without looking back.

Seeing the situation, the two brothers Wu Long and Wu Hu were about to lead their troops to chase him, but Li Siye stopped them and said, "No need to chase him, he can't run away."

In less than half an hour, the battle was coming to an end. The 10,000 Anshan troops were almost wiped out, and at least 6,000 were beheaded. The rest were some surrendered soldiers, kneeling on the ground and trembling.

Li Siye commanded, "Clean up the battlefield and bring the prisoners back to the barracks."

Wang Yi was only concerned about escaping, and the food and supplies he brought, as well as some siege equipment, were not used, and all of them were taken advantage of by the Qin army.

Under the command of Li Siye, the Qin army only paid less than 300 casualties and won a great victory in this battle.

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