After the battle was over, the army was in chaos.

After dealing with the army led by Liang Chao, Li Yichen received the news from the Jinyiwei. After summoning his soldiers to full strength, Li Yichen did not favor one over the other.

He spent 300,000 points to summon 3,000 Jinyiwei. At the same time, the system actually prompted that after the Jinyiwei reached full strength, two Jinyiwei pacification envoys equivalent to second-rate talents could be summoned, each consuming 10,000 summoning points.

Li Yichen immediately summoned two pacification envoys in the early stage of the martial arts master realm, Chen Dong and Liu Huaiyuan.

And immediately arranged for Ji Gang to infiltrate the three northwestern states with the two pacification envoys and three thousand Jinyiwei to inquire about intelligence.

According to the news sent back by Chen Dong who was in Yuquan City, the one who led the 60,000-man army of Mozhou this time was not Leng Yuntao, but the King of Qing, Chen Qing, who was known as the God of War of Beiting.

Li Yichen immediately called up his army, leaving Hua Xiong and Lin Chong to guard the city, and raised 10,000 soldiers to head towards Daqu County.

When Chen Qing decided to break out, Li Yichen's army had already arrived at Li Siye's camp.

After a brief greeting and introducing the newly summoned generals to Li Siye and others, Li Yichen sat in the commander's seat.

Jia Xu pondered and said, "My lord, Chen Qing is a smart man. He must have sensed something was wrong. If I were Chen Qing, it would be best to break out as soon as possible."

Li Yichen smiled and said, "Now our army has more than 20,000 soldiers and horses, all of whom are elite. Even if Chen Qing has three heads and six arms, it will not be easy for him to break out."

Li Siye interrupted and said, "I am afraid that if there is no hope of breaking out, the Mozhou army will be desperate and attack Daqu County directly. By then, the people in the city will suffer, and the prestige of our Qin army will probably be greatly reduced."

Li Yichen nodded. This is a problem. If there is no hope of breaking out, Chen Qing will definitely take Daqu County, occupy the city, and hold on for help.

Han Qinhu looked at the map and said, "My lord, I see that most of the enemy troops are gathered at the east gate. Now Chen Qing doesn't know that our army is coming to help. I can lead the elite cavalry with General Gao to attack the enemy camp at the west gate, break into the city and join General Xing. We can retreat to protect Daqu and break out of the city to cooperate with the main force of our Qin army to encircle and suppress Chen Qing's troops."

Li Yichen and Jia Xu looked at each other and thought that this plan was feasible. They immediately decided to act according to Han Qinhu's words.

That night, Leng Yuntao inspected the Mozhou military camp outside the west gate of Daqu County. He had already discussed with Chen Qing that he would lead the army to retreat at dawn, bypass Lizhou, and return to Yuquan City.

There were about 8,000 Mozhou troops outside the west gate. After all, the main battlefield was at the east gate, and there was no need to place too many troops at the west gate. The leader was Chen Da, the confidant of Leng Yuntao.

Leng Yuntao was discussing the withdrawal of troops with Chen Da in the tent when they heard a noisy sound in the camp. The two hurriedly got out of the tent and took a closer look. They saw two cavalry units, about six or seven thousand in number, attacking the camp under the cover of night.

The two were horrified and hurriedly put on their armor and mounted their horses to command the battle.

The arrival was none other than the three thousand elite cavalry of the Northern Wei Dynasty and the three thousand elite cavalry of the Great Sui Dynasty led by Han Qinhu and Gaoang.

Taking advantage of the high moon and dark wind, the two led six thousand cavalry units to the west gate of Daqu County and launched an attack on the Mozhou Army camp that was besieging the city.

The two cavalry units came suddenly, as if they had fallen from the sky, and killed the eight thousand Mozhou Army by surprise, and they retreated step by step.

Gaoang was impatient and rushed to the front. As his horse lance flew, countless Mozhou Army soldiers were killed and blood flowed like a river.

Leng Yuntao rode up to meet him with a broadsword in hand, shouting: "Don't be so arrogant, evil villain! Look at me, Leng Yuntao, I will kill you!"

Gao Gao grinned and laughed: "Come on!"

The horse lance in his hand was pointed straight at Leng Yuntao. As the governor of a state, Leng Yuntao was not a drunkard. He was in the late stage of Wuzong and could be regarded as a general in the Beiting Dynasty army.

Unfortunately, he met Gao Gao, who was compared to Xiang Yu, Gao Aocao.

Leng Yuntao side-stepped his horse and fell, avoiding Gao Gao's horse lance, and at the same time slashed at Gao Gao's waist with a knife.

Gao Gao drew back his weapon at a very fast speed, and the horse lance came first and blocked Leng Yuntao's knife. There was only a loud noise, Gao Gao did not move at all, but Leng Yuntao and the horse under him were shaken back a step by the recoil force.

After the fight, the difference between the two was immediately apparent.

Leng Yuntao was shocked. Where did the Qin army come from? There were so many powerful people.

Before he could react, Gao Ang raised his lance with a startling look.

The sound of breaking through the air was heard by everyone, and it hit Leng Yuntao's horse's head hard. Leng Yuntao's mount wailed and fell to the ground. Leng Yuntao fell heavily to the ground in a mess.

Gaoang rode up, raised his horse spear and directly cut off Leng Yuntao's head. The governor of the army of Mozhou was beheaded by Gaoang.

On the other side, Chen Da was beheaded by Han Qinhu in less than two rounds. The 8,000 Mozhou soldiers saw their generals being killed, and their morale was gone. They just fled in all directions and were killed by countless cavalrymen.

The two did not chase, but quickly led their troops to the west gate. The two brothers Wu Long and Wu Hu were guarding the west gate. When they heard the report from their men, the siege army camp was in chaos. The two hurriedly climbed the tower to check the situation with the bright torches.

They saw two powerful cavalrymen kill through the Mozhou army camp.

Han Qinhu shouted loudly: "I am the cavalry commander of the Qin army, Han Qinhu, and I am ordered by the lord to enter the city to garrison. Open the door quickly and let us in."

Wu Hu was delighted and was about to order his soldiers to open the door, but Wu Long was very calm. He grabbed Wu Hu and said, "I have never heard of Han Qinhu under the lord's command. Be careful that the enemy is trying to trick us into opening the city gate!"

Wu Hu was very concerned and said, "Brother, you are too cautious. We can see with our own eyes that they killed many Mozhou soldiers and beheaded the enemy's generals just now. How can this be wrong?"

Wu Long shook his head and said, "In short, it's better to be cautious."

Seeing that the two generals on the tower were reluctant to open the door, Gao Gao, who was impatient, was about to curse, but was stopped by Han Qinhu.

Wu Long said, "Since you said you are a member of my Qin army, then I ask you, do you know that there is a strange man under the lord who can change the celestial phenomena, what is his name?"

As a general in the Qin army, I am afraid that the enemy is very familiar with him, but if it comes to Li Chunfeng, only Li Yichen's confidants know him.

The Mozhou army besieged the city, and Li Yichen had no special means to report the news like the falcon of the Divine Eagle Guard, so the Qin army in the city did not know the news at this time.

Han Qinhu's heart moved, he had heard the military advisor say this, and he praised Mr. Li in his words.

Thinking of this, Han Qinhu said without hesitation: "Are you talking about Mr. Li Chunfeng? And you two must be the two brothers Wu Long and Wu Hu."

After hearing Han Qinhu's correct answer, Wu Long ordered his soldiers to open the city gate. After the two rode into the city, Wu Long hurriedly apologized: "During this special period, it is my duty to be more careful. Please don't blame me, generals."

Han Qinhu didn't think much about it. Instead, he looked at Wu Long with admiration. This boy is meticulous and calm in the face of things. He is a talent that can be cultivated.

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