After arranging the two guys, Li Yichen turned around and went back into the house.

At this time, Jia Xu was able to speak, but he was still very weak and his voice was hoarse.

He still listened to Li Chunfeng talking about Li Yichen taking blood to save himself.

"What virtue and ability do I have to let the lord hurt himself to take blood to save him? If the lord has something, how can I deal with it?"

Li Yichen said with concern: "Wenhe is talking nonsense. You can sacrifice your life to save me. I will always remember this friendship in my heart. As long as I can save your life, I am willing to pay any price."

Jia Xu's eyes flashed with a touch of emotion. The lord was willing to pay so much for him, and it was not in vain for his loyalty.

In Li Yichen's eyes, every outstanding person summoned by the system, even the soldiers, are flesh-and-blood characters, not cold tools. They all have their own personalities and characteristics.

And they are 100% loyal to him, and even willing to sacrifice their lives for him. Of course, he should repay them with kindness.

"Wenhe, Chen Qing is now imprisoned in the county jail. He has caused you such a disaster this time. How about my Qin army kill him directly as a sacrifice?"

Jia Xu shook his head and said, "My lord, Chen Qing is a prince, a confidant of the emperor, and a close minister. He has a very high prestige in the army and is even more valuable in the eyes of the emperor. It is too worthless to kill him. It is better to leave him and negotiate with the court to seek benefits for my Qin army."

Originally, Li Yichen thought so, but Jia Xu almost lost his life this time, and he couldn't swallow this bad breath in his heart. As long as Jia Xu opened his mouth, he was ready to take Chen Qing as a knife.

But I didn't expect that at this time, Jia Xu still didn't consider himself at all, but instead put himself in the shoes of the Qin army.

"Wenhe, don't you feel a little wronged or depressed? I'm not trying to test you. As long as you open your mouth, I will kill Chen Qing immediately to vent your anger." Li Yichen stared at Jia Xu with sincere eyes.

Jia Xu shook his head and said, "If I say that I have no anger in my heart, it's a lie. It's just that compared with the great cause of the lord, a little grievance is nothing. As long as the lord's hegemony is accomplished, even if it takes my life, I have no complaints."

"Killing Chen Qing can relieve the anger for a while, but it will always do more harm than good. As the leader of the Qin army, the lord must not act on impulse. Everything must be long-term and consider the overall situation."

Li Yichen nodded and said, "Then Wenhe, in your opinion, how should we make a fuss about Chen Qing now."

A gleam of brilliance flashed in Jia Xu's eyes: "The lord can ask the two brothers Wu Long and Wu Hu to go to Yuquan City and send a letter to the governor Wu Guan. Any request can be made in the letter. I believe that as long as the request is not too excessive, the court will definitely accept it."

"Wu Long and Wu Hu?" Li Yichen was a little surprised.

Jia Xu nodded and said, "One of these two brothers is calm and composed, and the other is fearless and innocent. They complement each other perfectly. This time, it can be regarded as a training for them."

After leaving the house, Li Yichen asked someone to call the two Wu brothers.

When the two came to the county government, they bowed respectfully when they saw Li Yichen. After these days of understanding and getting along, the two brothers respected Li Yichen as a god and were convinced.

"I have a letter for you two brothers to send to Yuquan City and hand it over to the governor Wu Guan, but this is extremely dangerous and may cost you your heads. Are you two willing to go for my Qin army?"

The two brothers looked at each other, and Wu Long said, "My lord, my two brothers are willing to go!"

Li Yichen looked at the two with appreciation, and then immediately asked Yan Bo to draft a letter and handed it to the two brothers.

The two brothers took a detour and rushed to Yuquan City day and night.

At this time, in the Yuquan Prefecture, the governor Wu Guan was furious, and his subordinates were silent.

"Who can tell me, are the 80,000 troops in my prefecture all good-for-nothings? A full 80,000 troops can't even defeat the small Qin army that occupies an entire prefecture! They are all trash!"

While cursing, Wu Guan smashed the inkstone on the desk next to him to the ground, breaking it into pieces.

God knows how panicked and angry he was.

He was angry about the incompetence of the Mozhou army, and panicked about the fact that King Qing had fallen into the hands of the Qin army. If King Qing had a mishap, not only would his position as governor be over, but he might even lose his life.

Last night, the Divine Eagle Guards and others who were let go by the Qin army rushed to Yuquan City. After informing them that the 80,000 troops were completely annihilated and King Qing had fallen into the hands of the enemy, Wu

Wu Guan immediately felt like a bolt from the blue, falling on his head.

In Wu Guan's eyes, Prince Qing was one of the gods of war in Beiting, proficient in military tactics, rich in experience, and led so many troops. In addition, he also understood Chen Qing's plan at the time.

He felt that Chen Qing had a plan in mind and would win this battle. He was eagerly waiting for the news of the victory of the Mozhou army, and he would make great contributions.

Who knew that instead of waiting for a good result, he waited for the news that the army was defeated and Prince Qing fell.

"Now that His Royal Highness Prince Qing has fallen into the hands of the enemy, do you know that if Prince Qing is lost, no one in our entire prefecture will have a good end!"

"Who dares to lead troops to Daqu County to rescue Prince Qing? If successful, this governor will definitely guarantee you wealth and prosperity, and a worry-free life!"

At this time, Wu Guan had lost his mind.

The military officers of Mozhou standing below lowered their heads and remained silent. It was better to live than to die. Even the army led by Chen Qing himself was no match for the Qin army. Now the number of Mozhou troops was only 10,000. Going to Daqu County to rob people was no different from sending them to death.

Rather than sending them to death, it was better to be scolded by the governor here. If the court held them accountable in the future, there would naturally be someone to blame.

Seeing that the military officers below were silent, Wu Guan was furious and cursed: "A group of cowardly and incompetent cowards, without any courage, they are really useless!"

Despite this, the military officers still refused to say anything. Wu Guan had no choice but to lose his temper and let them retreat. He was anxiously thinking about how to deal with the problem of King Qing.

For several days, Wu Guan seemed to have aged by a dozen years. His hair was white and his face was haggard. Moreover, he did not dare to report to the court. To put it bluntly, he was afraid of death.

At first, he could scold his subordinates every day, but now he is too lazy to even open his mouth. He looks ashen and sits in the state government with a dull look.

The two brothers Wu Long and Wu Hu did not dare to delay at all along the way. Finally, they arrived at Yuquan City six days later. They went straight into the city and came to the gate of the state government.

Wu Hu looked at the grievance drum in front of the state government with disdain, walked up with a step that did not recognize his relatives, picked up the drumstick, and beat it hard, and the deafening drum sounded.

Several soldiers came out of the state government, cursing: "Who dares to beat the grievance drum? You have nothing to do, right? You disturbed my rest, I must peel your skin!"

Wu Hu looked at the soldiers who came out, put down the drumstick carelessly, clapped his hands and said: "Go tell Wu Guan that I am the messenger of the Qin army, and I am here to send him a letter. King Qing is now in the hands of our Qin army!"

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