The enemy was in chaos, and the enemy was in chaos.

Wei Dongsheng didn't even blink, and his eyes swept over more than 20 generals in the tent, as sharp as a knife.

Everyone was terrified, and they saw what it meant to kill without blinking an eye.

"In the military camp under my command, those who commit crimes and disobey military discipline will be killed immediately! I don't care what your background is or what power your family has. As long as you are here, you have only one identity, that is, a general under my command! If such a thing happens again, I will kill you without mercy!"

The generals hurriedly said in unison: "Yes! I will obey the general's order."

Everyone was stunned by Wei Dongsheng's momentum. Wei Dongsheng looked at Bao Ting, who had been stunned for a long time, and said: "Go and receive the thirty military sticks yourself. Do you feel dissatisfied?"

Bao Ting hurriedly shook his head. Just kidding, if he dared to say one more word at this time, he had no doubt that Wei Dongsheng would kill him directly. He didn't want to follow Xu Dong's footsteps.

A fourth-rank military governor, who kills when he says to kill, this is the military soul of the Beiting Dingbei Army, Wei Dongsheng, known as the cold-faced Rakshasa.

The generals of Dingbei Army were not surprised by this. Not to mention the governor of a state, even His Royal Highness Prince Qing was beaten by Wei Dongsheng when he was in Dingbei Army.

At this point, Wei Dongsheng was no longer in the mood to discuss countermeasures. He also realized that except for the elite troops who guarded the border all year round, the generals of the state garrison had long lost their blood and only knew how to enjoy themselves. They were arrogant and conceited.

A few days later, the Dingbei Army spy sent by Wei Dongsheng finally came back to report.

In the tent, Wei Dongsheng looked at Qu Jiangluan with a serious face and said, "What important information can be found out in just seven days? I hate those who treat military intelligence as a joke. If the military intelligence is wrong, even if you have followed me for a long time, I will kill you without mercy."

Qu Jiangluan shook his head and said, "Commander, you misunderstood. The reason why we got the accurate information about the Qin army so quickly this time is because someone helped us."

As Qu Jiangluan spoke, he walked forward and leaned over to whisper something in Wei Dongsheng's ear.

A gleam flashed in Wei Dongsheng's eyes, and he was quite surprised and said, "How can they be involved in the dispute between the court and the Qin army?"

The information Wei Dongsheng obtained detailed the current distribution of the Qin army's military strength from the inside out, as well as which troops there are, what the characteristics of each unit are, who the generals of the troops are, what their personalities are, and everything in detail.

It even makes people wonder if there is something wrong inside the Qin army. Wei Dongsheng pondered for a long time. The power involved in the dispute of the Qin army is unfathomable.

On Wei Dongsheng's side, the 300,000 troops remained motionless.

In Anshan City, Li Yichen and his subordinates were also confused. In this battle, Anshan City, as the closest to Yuquan City, must be the front-line battlefield. So two days ago, Li Yichen, who received the news that 300,000 troops were gathering outside Yuquan City, led his troops to Anshan City.

The garrison deployment of the three counties under his jurisdiction was handed over to Lin Chong and Gu Yunxiao. Xin Qiji also went with the army this time.

In his previous life, Xin Qiji's obsession was to recover the north, but he was suspected by the court and was not reused, wasting his life.

So this time Xin Qiji volunteered to fight on the battlefield and kill the enemy. This is Xin Qiji's lifelong dream.

Li Yichen looked at the intelligence sent back by the Jinyiwei and said in confusion: "Wei Dongsheng has led the army to Mozhou for ten days, but he has not moved at all. Wenhe, what do you think?"

Jia Xu shook his head and said: "I don't know what Wei Dongsheng's plan is for the time being, but there is no false reputation. The cold-faced Rakshasa who can travel the battlefield without a single defeat must be difficult to deal with. This time, our Qin army has met an opponent."

Li Siye said: "My lord, now our Qin army is strong and powerful, not without the ability to fight, but this time the enemy has 300,000 people. In Siye's opinion, it is not as good as our army's solid Defending Anshan City is not an easy task even if there are hundreds of thousands of enemy troops. "

Han Qinhu, a famous general of the Sui Dynasty, expressed a different opinion: "Although Anshan City is strong and easy to defend, if the enemy sieges it but does not attack it, and divides its troops to attack the other three counties, our soldiers, although elite, may not be able to defend it."

Li Jilong also nodded and said: "Now that the sorghum rice has not been harvested yet, Anshan City still needs the three counties under its jurisdiction to supply food for the army. If the enemy sends a large army to besiege the city and sends a small group of cavalry to cut off our food supply and cut off the connection between Anshan and the three counties under its jurisdiction, I am afraid this battle will be difficult to fight.


Li Jilong then said: "There is a narrow pass between Anshan Prefecture and Yuquan City, located between two mountains and is the only way to go. I suggest that our army should work day and night to build a fortress pass here to keep the enemy out of Anshan Prefecture. This is the best strategy."

Xin Qiji also agreed: "General Li is worthy of being a famous general. This method is feasible, but it may be difficult to rely on the fortress to stop the enemy's hundreds of thousands of troops. In addition, if I were the enemy's main general, I could divide my troops to bypass Yihe Prefecture, go all the way west, take Linshan County directly, and then plan for Datong and Daqu counties, and gradually erode our territory. "

Jia Xu turned his head and looked at Li Yichen who was silent and said: "My lord has not spoken, could it be that you have a countermeasure in mind? "

Li Yichen nodded and looked at Jia Xu. When their eyes met, Li Yichen knew that Jia Xu and he were thinking the same thing.

"What I mean is that our army will take the initiative to attack and push the battlefield to the vicinity of Yuquan City. We will decide the outcome in one battle and directly eat up these 300,000 troops."

Li Siye frowned and said, "Although our army is elite, the enemy's military strength is several times that of ours. If we fight hard, I'm afraid we will hurt the enemy 1,000 and our own 800."

At this time, Jia Xu interrupted and said, "If our army defends Anshan Prefecture, then the initiative will be in the hands of the enemy. Whether the enemy surrounds the city or divides its troops to harass, it will eventually fight on the territory under the jurisdiction of our Qin army. Anshan Prefecture is safe, but it may be difficult to preserve the three counties under its jurisdiction. If the people in the three counties are harmed, the reputation of our Qin army will plummet. "

"In addition, the land in the three counties has just been planted with sorghum rice. If the enemy destroys the fields, all the efforts of our Qin army to solve the food problem will be in vain."

Seeing that the generals were silent, Li Yichen said at the right time: "Why, are you afraid? It's just an enemy several times larger than our Qin army. Why should we be afraid? Wherever the Qin army has been, it has never been defeated?"

Under Li Yichen's provocation, Li Siye stood up first and said: "There is no one under the command of the Qin army who is afraid of fighting. Siye is willing to be the vanguard of this battle and cut through the thorns for the lord!"

Other generals also asked for battle one after another, with high spirits.

Li Yichen's voice was like a bell: "If you only know how to die on the battlefield, why do you need to return with your body wrapped in horsehide! In this battle, I will personally supervise the battle, with the power of my Qin army, I will face the challenge and let the court army know the bravery of my Qin army! I want to conquer Mozhou in one battle! After this battle, the entire territory of Mozhou will be under the rule of our Qin army! "

"I am willing to fight to the death for my lord!"

PS: I have been writing for more than 20 days, and I have a lot of feelings. Many opinions raised by readers and unreasonable settings have been revised overnight. The author really wants to write this book well and tell readers the stories of Chinese heroes fighting passionately in the alien world.

Readers who see this, the author has a small request. Please spend a little time to write a five-star book review on the homepage of the book. In addition, don't forget to give free love and give the author a point.

The last thing, there are a lot of supporting characters in the book. The author has a splitting headache. Can you readers use your wisdom and help the author think of a few names that are in line with the ancients and write them in the comment area? Thank you.

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