Under the control of Wei Dongsheng, Gu Yunxiao had no room to struggle.

Wei Dongsheng's cold eyes were filled with despair: "I want to kill you, it's as easy as killing a chicken. If you are so stubborn, don't blame me for using some special means."

"I heard that you have had a close relationship with your sister Gu Yunxi since childhood. Very good, I will even regard it as a treasure. I will not kill you today. Ten days later, our army will send a team of elite soldiers to bypass Yihe Prefecture and directly attack Linshan County. At that time, you only need to cooperate with the outside to capture Linshan County. The door is wide open, let our army take it down smoothly, and I will release your sister. "

"Today I will take Gu Yunxi away, but I will not harm her life. As long as you cooperate well, I guarantee that she will be unharmed and returned intact after the mission is completed. !"

Wei Dongsheng said, letting go of Gu Yunxiao, and nodded to signal his soldiers to take Gu Yunxi away.

Although Gu Yunxi was panicking at this time, she remained calm on the surface. She looked at Gu Yunxiao and said, "Brother, don't let me influence your thoughts. You are the legitimate heir of our Gu family. No matter what you do, If you make a decision, I will support you. "

Gu Yunxiao roared and rushed forward regardless of anything.

"You really don't want to drink the wine!" Wei Dongsheng slapped Gu Yunxiao in the air, and a powerful force hit Gu Yunxiao's chest. Gu Yunxiao suddenly collapsed to the ground and spit out blood.

It was not until Wei Dongsheng and his group took Gu Yunxi away for a while that Gu Yunxiao struggled to get up. At this time, a feeling of powerlessness spread in his heart. On one hand, there was his only relative, and on the other hand, there was Qin Jun, who trusted him very much and allowed him to realize his ambitions.

Gu Yunxiao was caught in a dilemma. It was too late to dispatch troops to intercept Wei Dongsheng. He knew Wei Dongsheng's character and would never do anything wrong. There is no certainty. After kidnapping Gu Yunxi, they must have already arranged a way out.

Besides, even if thousands of soldiers and horses blocked his way, Wei Dongsheng, a peerless master, could still fight his way out.

In Anshan City, Li Yichen assembled his troops, with the Xiandeng Army and Modao Army led by Li Siye and Ju Yi as the vanguard. Wei and Gongsun Zan guarded the central army. Han Qinhu and Gaoang led the left and right wings, Xin Qiji and Hua Xiong led 5,000 Xiliang cavalry as the rear army.

Wu Song personally led 5,000 volunteer infantry as the logistics army, escorting food and supplies .

The Qin army had nearly 50,000 soldiers, and they marched towards Yuquan City in a mighty force.

A few days later, the Qin army arrived at Feihu Valley, 30 miles north of Yuquan City, and saw that there were 300,000 bandit-suppressing troops stationed there. , the camp stretched for more than ten miles, boundless.

Moreover, the layout of the bandit-suppressing army camp was excellent. Every five camps formed a military territory, with four guard camps in the front and the central army camp behind them. The camp had erected a ten-foot-high tower using countless iron and wood. There were countless pits and chevaux de frise outside the wooden walls and tents.

Seeing the Qin army coming, Yang Wei's general Zou Peng of the Dingbei Army stationed in the front camp led 30,000 soldiers out of the camp and lined up in front of the battle formation to confront the Qin army. .

At this time, Wei Dongsheng was still on his way back to Yuquan City. He probably didn't expect that the Qin army would dare to take the initiative to attack with 50,000 soldiers and go straight to the base camp of the bandit army.

In front of the army, the two armies formed their battle formations, but they did not There was no large-scale fighting. The Dingbei Army had extremely strict military discipline. Zou Peng did not dare to take the initiative to order an attack without Wei Dongsheng's order.

Soon, the other major troops in the other camps of the Bandit Suppression Army responded one after another, and more than 100,000 people gathered in front of the battle array, staring at the Qin army with eager eyes.

Li Yichen and Jia Xu came to the front of the Qin army and watched the Bandit Suppression Army set up their battle array. , the soldiers under his command were all standing upright, well-equipped, and fierce, which was completely different from the enemies that the Qin army had fought before.

Jia Xu slowly said: "In the first battle, we must show the momentum of our Qin army. My lord, you can send our Qin army's generals to challenge and kill the enemy generals to boost our army's morale."

Li Yichen nodded and said: "Which general Dare to be the first to fight! "

The impatient Gao Gao could no longer hold back, and rushed to the front of the battle formation, shouting at the bandit-slaying army with full momentum: "Qin army general Gao Aocao is here! Who dares to fight me! "

In the bandit-suppressing army camp, a bearded man holding a mountain-splitting axe galloped out on horseback: "You are just a rebel, I, Ke Yuan, will kill you on horseback!"

This man's name is Ke Yuan, he is only 26 years old , is a general who leads 5,000 men in the Dingbei Army, and has the realm of the early Wuzong period. The strength of the Dingbei Army can be seen from this.

The two men rode their horses to meet each other. Ke Yuan swung the double-edged mountain axe in his hand and chopped it down at Gaoang's head. Gaoang sneered and easily blocked the attack with his spear. Then he stabbed Gaoang with his spear.

It swept towards Ke Yuan's head at an extremely amazing speed.

Ke Yuan hurriedly lowered his head and leaned forward, narrowly avoiding the attack, but the tasseled helmet on his head was picked up and flew away, frightening Ke Yuan to a cold sweat. Before he could react, Gao Ang quickly retracted his horse spear and pierced Ke Yuan through with one spear.

Gao Ang picked up the corpse and stood proudly on the spot with the spear in his hand, his eyes sparkling, and shouted: "The generals of the Bandit Suppression Army are only like this, who else can they be?"

Seeing Ke Yuan being killed by Gao Ang, two young generals of the Bandit Suppression Army rushed out, one holding a broadsword and the other holding a copper hammer, with a sturdy body. The two were brothers, both at the early stage of the Wuzong realm, and they were in tune with each other. When they joined forces, they could defeat the generals in the late stage of the Wuzong realm.

The three of them fought back and forth in front of the battle formation, and Gao Ang seemed to be at ease in the face of the two men's joint efforts. Within three rounds, Gao Ang, who found the right opportunity, first knocked the general who used the hammer off his horse with a spear, then leaped into the air on the horse's back, dodged the attack of the big knife, kicked the opponent off the horse, and then cleanly harvested the opponent's life with a horse spear.

In less than a moment, Gao Ang killed three generals of the bandit army, and the Qin army was in high spirits for a while.

Seeing that no one dared to fight on the other side, Li Yichen personally beat the war drum, and Gao Ang led his 6,000 elite cavalry to charge directly, and Li Siye followed closely with the Mo Dao army.

Seeing the Qin army charging, Zou Peng was not in a hurry, and asked his 3,000 archers to shoot arrows, and dense arrows rained towards the Qin army's charging troops.

Gao Gao and Li Siye led their troops into the enemy camp under a rain of arrows. At this time, they could not distinguish between friend and foe, and the enemy's archers could not shoot arrows. The two sides exchanged swords and spears, and started a real fight.

The battlefield was full of swords and shadows, blood and flesh flying, and shouts of killing.

After half an hour of fighting, the Qin army called off the troops. In this battle, the Qin army lost less than 600 people, but killed more than 3,000 bandit soldiers, and the casualty ratio reached 5 to 1.

The two sides tacitly stopped at the right time. Li Yichen also set up a Qin army camp not far from Feihu Valley. It was obviously unlikely to eat up 300,000 bandit soldiers in one battle.

Of course, if Li Yichen directly exploded a large number of troops, it would be no problem to take down the bandit army, but Li Yichen also wanted to see if the other party had any trump cards. He also had a big surprise waiting to give to the bandit army.

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